out the (Society Continued) Winter Days Why not telephone your order and uve yourself incon venience? In our careful attention of The J. G. W. club ladies met at the home at Mrs. A. N. Gould Friday for twelve-thirty o’clock luncheon with Mrs. Birdie Skeela, Mrs. J. L. Smith and Mrs. Henry Lorenz as joint hostesses with Mrs. Gould. The table looked moot attractive with fa­ vors and other decorations carrying 1 Avocados The Episcopal Ladies met in the Parish House Wednesday afternoon. After the business meeting conducted by the preaidant, Mrs. Watson, the afternoon was spent in a social time. Refreshments were served by Mrs. T. B. Currie and Mrs. W. H. Mansell to the following ladies: Mesdames Annie Robinson, Clarence Tuttle, Lloyd Rosa, Ed Lorenz, Geo. Bryant, A. A. Hall, C. V. Smith, L. H. Haz­ ard, Jas. Watson, Chas. Stauff, C. J. Green Onions Celery Fresh Spices JbHaeaJAotA- reenough New Crop Walnuts Candied Fruits Democratic Senatorial Candidate Who Is Progressive Keep America Out of War-Mad Europe Old Age Assistance Continued Support of President Roosevelt Restore Oregon’s Ship-Building Industry Protect Dairy Industry from Reciprocal Trade Agreements r of Cottage Grove. The cafe has been operated for the past two years by Mrs. Ann Rokkan with the assistance of Mr. Carpenter. Mrs. Rokkan plans to return to her home in the state of Washington and Mr. Carpenter will go to Tacoma. ____. . The new owners of the Canary are experienced in this line of business, having operated a similar establish­ ment in California. They have lived in southern Oregon for the past 18 years. They plan to carry on the regular service of the Canary and will announce changes later. UP-TO-DATE DELIVERY SERVICE Busy Corner Grocery A. F. of L Socials Sat Represent Oregon With the Majority Party winter mornings G-3 ALL-WEATHER lity made Goodyear All-Weather the world’s most ___tire — and its popularity increases with the great new 193» edition, built for 193» driving aeeds. Come in and see its new, itapnveJ center traction grip for quickest stopping ... its tougher tread for longer mileage at today's fast speeds ... patented Supertwist cord As for blowout protection. And see how our price makes it the world’s greatest tire buy! row •640 Sis?- m INVESTMENT IN SATISFACTION when you buy (he «5«5 OLYMPIC, MedHi-ia. BATTIRY SKIIVICI E0HAMIN8 TIKE Tht reputation s/ the OLYMPIC mw « your mnmee •/ Mgk guafoy. BIEGGER & GUNDERSON FURNITURE Biegger ft Gratan FURNITURE®-