IrregardleM' as erroneous or humorous l _____ roue usage in the United States Regardless to the correct word. in the children that the march of time to most visibly displayed for us Oyster Caa Be Father, Mother An oyster to a father one year and the it to . _ possible for • mcRher - - -ar next; _ - ■ it to be both simultaneously. Rexall ONE CENT SALE Mr. and Mrs. Roger Woodyard, of Eugene, Oregon, visited Sunday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henninger. NOVEMBER Ï-3-4-5 Christian Science Lecture At Marshfield November 10 First Church of Christ, Scienist, of Marshfield, Oregon, announces a Free Lecture on Christian Science, entitled “Christian Science: God’s Law of Freedom and Dominion,” by William Duncan Kilpatrick, C. S. B., of De­ troit, Michigan, member of the board of lectureship of the Mother Church, the First Church at Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. The lecture will be given in the church edifice, 730 Cen­ Mrs. Lucy Woodruff, from Little tral avenue, Marshfield, Thursday, Rocjc, Ark., to visiting her son, Frank Nov. 10, at eight o’clock. The public Miller and daughter, Mrs. Edith Er­ to cordially invited to attend. There win, also relatives on the Bay. will be a radiocast through station KOOS Oct SS—The First Securities Co. vs. Coach Timber Co. Oct. 20— Fannie Merle Watzling vs. tf Harold J. Watzling. Suit far divorce. Oct. 31—George Francis Green vs. Verna Mae Greene. Annulment of marriage. Nov. 1—H. G. Kern, as North Bend Iron Works, vs. MUI “B”, Inc. Nov. 2—M. F. Patterson Dental Supply Co. vs. W. R. Bilyeu. 7R43. Fuhrmans Pharmacy, Inc »SBUfiRSZflb We Let Our Customers PATHFINDER \ t BLOW OPR HORN America's Oldest, Largest and Most Widely Read News Magazine AJ PATHFINDER overlooks no important event .. .misses no interesting personality. Crisply ... dramatically . .. right to the point ... it boils down for you everything that goes on . giving you both the plain facts and entertaining sidelights, all verified and interpreted. PATHFINDER, fresh from today's center of world interest, is the choice of more than a million fully informed subscribers every week. PATH­ FINDER’S nineteen illustrated departments are sure to inform and entertain you too. Other weekly n"ws magazines sell at 44 to 15 a year. PATHFINDER sells for 31 a year, but for a limited time we offer you a greatly re­ duced combination bargain price for • This Newspaper and PATHFINDER Both rent, Shoe Only $ 2 50 And They Are Doing It We have nothing to say—only that we Are Still Giving PERMANENT WAVES FOR $2.50 AND UP Nothing But Good Standard Solution Used NOSLER'S BEAUTY SHOP Oldest Shop in Coquille Lydia Hard, Operator 11 Years “ II num. UTL Coquille, Ore. Calling cards, SO for 31.00. H II I;;: I: f::î II I SUN. MON. TUE THU RS. FRI. SAT FRI. SAT. SUN. 2 BIG NOV. 4.5- FEATURES! SONGS! DRAMA! 72ie hoy with the voice of liquid HOURS BRIMMING gold and the tot with the magic WITH EXCITEMENT! escapades, daring adventures of a beautiful woman and her one flaming love ... in days of beauty . . . days of terror . . . The mighty picture into which M-G-M poured millions to bring you new sights to see, unbelievable thrills to ex'- Reckless This isn't • W show but you'll wish these two imaging young­ war* your Action! Thrills! action wes tearing up the trail NOV. H NOTICE! ONE SHOW EACH EVENING Due to the extreme length of feature, there will be I STARTING 7:45 time of eomplei THREE HOUR8 perience! BOBBY N*aMA SHÍAREB POffiR BREEN MARK B anol A a** fasci», draoatf* JACK PRICE BOBBY JORDAN WEDNESDAY "THE AFFAIRS OF ANNABEL JACK OAKIE -X- MATINEE SUNDAY 1:30