O'Dowdy Punched To Sleep In Four '-------- Coffee Sales Start In Annual Campaign Minutes By Owens Townsend Club Enjoys Masquerade ELECT _______________________________ _______ «Atenerte* HOLMAN STANDS FOB— Preservation of Constitutional Government. Balancing of the National Budget. Low Freight Rates and Wide Markets for Agriculture. Protection of Payrolls for Ore­ gon Labor. Maintenance of livable work­ ing conditions and Social Security for all citizens— aged, workers and youth. Continuance of useful public works program during com­ mercial depression. Development of Cheap Elec­ tric Power. Flood Control and Irrigation Projects. Promotion of cause and wel­ fare of public education. Equal Rights For All And Special Privileges For None. EXCELLENT STOCK OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Replenished Regularly SPECIAL! As UnMed States Senator, Hoünaa will not be a rubber stamp, but will truly repreedht and faithfully serve the pespie as he has always done durins his many years of public Wesix Monel Water Heater Prices Slaughtered! 20 YEAR GUARANTEE BIGGEST RADIO VALUE! MW Gf NfkAi ELECTRIC WITH READ If you don't want a washer or ironer at a DOUBLE Trade-in Allowance! ISJDDQDSnDE 40 GALLON MONEL $109-50 TOUCH TUNING WASHERS IRONERS Great Features EXTRA Allowance 'RADIO for your old washer! ! ! S. MONEY-SAVING HEAT TRAP SAVING BIEGGER 8 GUNDERSON Opportunity for New and Used FURNITURE Coquille 'S ■ BIEGGER & GUNDERSON FURNITURE*- NEW FURNITURE USED