un ni ng Music Club 73 Ladies Hallowe'en Party Country Free Travel INFORMATION If you’re planning on going anywhere or shipping any­ thing, your Southern Pacific Has your heater got whiskers? REDUCED A FEATURE SCHOOL BAGS Fall SKIRTS weal A 11 flannels! 25 4 QQ I l /0 Wear these socks for work and drees! Ideal weight, popular Underwear Fins quality Adonna knit solid colors! Get your supply! SA _ 4"( NEW ARRIVALS HOUSE COATS WASH FROCKS 49c Missionary Program At Assembly of God W HOSIERY TIL 19c k of cuffs! S-»h. Sweat Shirt* COQUILLE BRANCH U. B. McCLARY, Mgr. Phew 2MR U* Wool Fl PENNEY'S •*’' ' I n c o i p u i t ,• J