The Pioneer Methodist Church Score Board Appreciated Jury List Drawn FOB RENT Cor. 3rd and Elliott Streets ,. Many «port fans are highly appre­ The Rev. George R. Turney, Vicar ciative of the score board Marlin Oct. 16—18th Sunday after Trinity Brandon, proprietor of Brandon’s, has 8 a. m.—Holy Communion. C. C. — ■■ i ' for Young People. Following is the jury list drawn placed in the back of this progressive 9:45 a. m —Church School. last Friday by County Clerk Oddy, fountain lunch parlor. 11 a. m.—Morning Prayer, Litany. The board carries all of the scores for the October term of Circuit court Sermon. of the local high school grid confer­ which opens Monday, Oct. 17« During alterations of the church J. L. Smith, W. E. Iva Farr, ence as well as the scores of the col­ building services will be held in the Wilma G. Donaldson, Geo. W. Sher­ legiate games played each week-end. Parish House. wood, Florence Sanford, of Coquille; If you are in doubt about your team, drop in at Brandon ’ s and get the dope. Monday, Oct. 17, 7:30 p. m. at Par­ John Thorwald, Herman Larson, ish House Classes of Instruction begin. Reidar Bugge, C. O. Gorney, Chas. Wednesday 1:30 p. m.—Bible Class. Powers, Laird Thelring, Myrtle Lang­ 2:00—Guild meeting. worthy, Allan H. Stunz, Marshfield; Thursday, Oct. 20—Vestry meeting, Methodist Episcopal Church C. F. Waterman, Ed W. Gallier, J. E. 8:00 p. m. Walstrom, J. C. Bullard, Bessie C. Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. Young, Bandon; E. C. Barker, Myrtle Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. At a recent meeting of the Coquille m. Point; F. E. Southmayd, Norway; Les­ Church of God ter T. Dement, F. A. Young, Broad­ Valley Country Club, held In the Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev­ Corner Seventh and Henry Sts. bent; Lillie L. Lyster, Wm. W. Elliott, club house, Theodore “Dutch” Clin­ eryone welcome. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Elmer F. Russell, North Bend; Alpha ton, was elected as president of the I '— G. A. Gray, Pastor Young People’s meeting Sunday Club for a period of one year; Lafe Johanneaen, Hees Faulkner, Empire; evening 7:30 p. m. Mike G. Summerlin, Lee; R. T. Whit- Compton, from Coquille, was elected First Church of Christ, Scientist Prayer meeting and Bible study vice-president; and Elton A. Schroe ­ ty, Eastside. Thursday at 7:45 p. m. Coquille, Oregon der, of Myrtle Point, was elected sec­ We will welcome you at all of these Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. retary-treasurer. services. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. President Clinton, with the assist­ Subject for next Sunday, “Doctrine ance of the directors then selected the of Atonement.” The Holy Nam« Catholic Church following committees for the year: Wednesday evening meeting at 8 1 Coquille: 1st Sunday, 10:30 a. m.; Handicap Committee — George o’clock.* Linn, Don Gillespie, Jahn Arnold. iiiiriiifBfiriirfiirinins PFiiTSB w j Church Building every Tuesday and 1 m; 4th Sunday, 8:30 a. m. . L. L. Sumerlin. Bandon: 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; 3rd Finance Committee—Dr. Rietman, Friday afternoons except holidays ' from two to five o’clock. J. H. McCloskey, E. L. Clausen. Sunday, 10:30 a. m. The public is cordially invited to Entertainment — Lafe Compton, Powers, 4th Sunday, 10:30 a. m. attend our services and to visit the Lloyd Claver, George Johnson. Rev. J. M. Sheridan, Paator Reading Room. | Routine business was then taken up and the Ladder Tournament was dis­ Coquille Tabernacle Emanuel Baptist Church cussed st some length. This tourna­ Second and Heath Streets ment has been a great success and Fourth and Elliott Sts. Rev. R. D. E. Smith, minister IM resulted in a great deal of chei- Ker. H. A. Minter, Paster Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. lg back and forth between the Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. C. L. Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m. members. As all scores are to be. Brockmann, Supt. Young People’s service at 8:45 p. m. turned in, this will result in the Morning service at 11 a. m., Rev. Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. handicap committee securing the ac­ H, A. Minter conducting the service. Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night at tual handicaps of the various mem­ Evening preaching service at 7:30 7:30 p. m. bers after they are compiled. Social p. m. Bible Study Friday night at 7:30. affairs were then discussed and a dance is being planned for Hallow­ Mott Has 1938 Agriultural on livestock, wheat, hops, fruits and e’en, which is expected to be one of Year Books To Distribute vegetables, and other farm commodi­ the outstanding social affairs of the Congressman James W. Mott has ties. Agriculture, as an Industry, is season. just received his limited allotment of thoroughly discussed.. President Clinton appointed Mrs. Copies of this important publication Lafe Compton and Mrs. Elton A. the 1938 Agricultural Year Book. This Schroeder ss committee chairman book contains an abundance of infor­ may be obtained free of charge by from their respective towns to pro- mation especially valuable to fanners writing to Congressman James W. mot. a ladies’ luncheon st the club and students of agriculture. Interest­ Mott, 328 Oregon Building, Salem, house within a short time where those ing and authentic reports are given Oregon. For October Term FOR RENT—3 Furnished Rooms, du­ plex apartment; electric range and garage. Adults only. 387 West Fifth, corner of highway. 39tl VO* SALK FOR RENT—New modem houae, 5 rooms and bath, just outside city limits. »25 per month. Seeorap- B ply to J. P. Beyers at Court House or 261 North Willard street. 37tf C ïûü , PLANT LAWNS NOW: Lawn seed FOB RENT—3-room furnished apart­ 48c lb. FARR A ELWOOD. a ment at 142 South Heath. Mrs. A. 2nd CUTTING Alfalfa Hay at »H.00 N. Gould. tan off can. Cooa Feed A Seed FOR RENT — 2-room unfurnished Stores.___________ 35t3 Houae at MS North Coulter. Lights GRASS SEEDER FOR RENT: 50c and water paid. See Maxie W. par day. FARR A ELWOOD, s Foote, at above address. It* Freah supplies of Morton’s Smoke FOR RENT—¿room house. See Mrs. Salt and Sausage Seasoning at Eaton’s Dockery at Dockery Super Ice its Cream. it Feed Stores. FOR RENT—Furnished Apartments. Inquire Mrs. Geo. Chaney. it ... .. W WttWXHW St James’ Episcopal Church Howard L. Graybeal, Pastor Morning Church Service at 11a. m. Sermon, “The Unasked Question.” Evening Church Service at 7:30. p. m. Sermon, “Deep Sea Fishing.” Sunday School at 10 a. m. October is Rally Month for our Sunday School. Epworth League at 8:30 p. m. Mary Jane Dunn, president. Friday Morning Prayer Group meets this week with Mrs. Frank Les­ lie. Mid-week*service each Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Coq. Valley Country Club Officers Chosen Shindler Robber Gets FOR RENT—Furnished House at 208 North Henry, Reaaonable. Call at | Prison Term Friday above address morning qr, evening. It W mk 'T t : TOW WANTED TO BUT ZENITH Washing Machine, with Briggs A Stratton Du-AIT Gasoline who wish can play golf and the others can play bridge. »Calling cards, 60 foe 8100. Will be received at WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that war­ rants up to and including No. 12071, issued by Coquille School District, No. 8« , will ______ be paid upon presentation pre to on and I the district clerk, _____ I after Fri- * »October 14, 1938. . Interest on _____ on warrants ceases or. that date. Keith Leslie. Clerk. School District No. 8, Coquille. Coos County Oregon. 39t3 PHILCO MYSTERY CONTROL 1 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT proposals will be received for the completion of structural work; for the furnishing and installing of stage equipm the fumishin, folding bleach and Installing score board; for the furnishing and deliv ry of steel folding chairs; for the elivery of lockers 4 and aym ana gym for furnishing and delivery of miscellaneous gym equip­ ment; and for the furnishing and de­ livery of office equipment. An pro­ posals will be publicly opened and read aloud at the present high school building on the date above set forth. Plans, specifications and other Con­ tract Documents are on file for ex­ amination with the Clerk of the Board and at the office of C. N, Free­ man, Architect, Portland, Oregon. Copies of these documents may be obtained upon application to and the «deposit of Fifteen and No/100 >15.00) Dollars per set with said C. . Freeman. The full amount of de­ posit for one set of documents will be returned to each actual bidder within a reasonable time after receipt of bids. Other deposits will be refunded upon the return in good condition of all such plans, specifications, and 'other Contract Documents within 30 tract herein advertised is »9500 00. No proposal will be considered un­ less it is submitted upon a fccm of proposal furnished by said C. N. Freeman. Attention is called to the prequalification requirements of Chapter 225, Laws of Oregon, 1931. Bidder’s proposal must be accom­ panied by a bidder’s bond in an its drawn against the -General amount equal to 5% of total amount if the City of Coquille, Oregon, of the base bid as a guarantee for the ndoraed prior to April 1, execution of the contract and the ire hereby called for payment furnishing of the required bonds presentation at my office. In-j in case the contract is awarded to the m such warrants will cease as, bidder. NOTICE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY hereby gives notice that on the 20th day of September, 1938, it filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission at Washington, D. C, an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity permitting abandon­ ment of operation under trackage rights over a line of railroad owned by Coos Bay Lumber Company ex­ tending from Milepost 794.916, at or near Myrtle Point, to Milepost 813.696, at or near Powers, a distance of approximately 18.78 miles, together with the operation of all sidings, spur tracks and appurtenances thereto, all in Coos County, Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY 37t3 tunes this radio from any room — without a single wire! Be among the first to know the thrill—the convenience— the complete radio meat that Phileo Mj and your family. Tm anywhere in your radio Itself New / Come In Now Try It Yowell $14.95 TO $213.00 sots ft Marah field, Oregon COQUILLE BRANCH Phone 209R I Ore- STtS U. E. McCLARY, Mrr. 315 Buy A PHILCO -The World's Most Popula fhd.o!