Pomona Grange Met At Fairview Tuesday Fairview News LADY Df ATTKNDANCB Gano Funeral Home ON EASY TERMS T on account They were shooting at better aerodynamics, not new styling —but they touched off some­ thing that will re-pattern cars everywhere before it’s done. Not that looks alone ever come first with Buick. What’s really Buick is underneath all that, down deep in the good true metals, the split-hair preci­ sions, the tough alloys. Under that comely bonnet is the engine with more abundant life—that quick quiet Dyao- flash valve-in-head straight* eight! Under that roomy Body by Pisber are the great slow spirals of BuiGoil springing, to give you the true “full float” ride. And m that body, is new wide-paned visibility — up to Coquille Oregon THORNTON TIRE SERVICE