DOCKERY ’S’XX!" QUANTITY AND QUALITY PHONE 220 -446 FRONT ST HUDSON'S DRUG STOKE Said Clor CÔQUILLË SCORES 1 STORE NO. 4M, PHONE 112 THE BLEACHING AND WASHING FLUID GAL ja JUG.............. *** BOTH FOR DANCING Every Night RIVERIA DINEaad DANCE 3 VII Airlight Hour 49 ¡ LB. SACK 6 DODGE COUPE, 1918 model, good agft tires, motor in good condition----- DODGE COUPE, senior, 1928 and £ just the thing for a run-about------ JELLWELL, Asst. Flavors, 6 Pkgs. SCOTT TISSUE, 3 Rolls.................. SUPER SUDS, Red Package........... SUPER SUDS, Blue Concentrated . IVORY SOAP, Medium Bar, 3 Bars GUEST IVORY, 6 Bars......... CAMAY SOAP, 3 Bars__ _______ ... SNOWDRIFT, 3 Lb. PaiU........ __ POP CORN, 2 Lbs............................. PEPPER, Claremont, 2 oz. Can___ POUNDS.... BOX CARTON FANCY HALLOW II SMALL WHITES ALASKA PINK NO. 1 CAN------ LOCAL GROWN LETTUCE CELERY SWEET POTATOES CRANBERRIES FANCY WHITE CHEVROLET COUPE, 1929 model, and a buy for a man wanting cheap transportation---- ------- --- -------- «75 00 w DAT AT ACC rVlAIVLJ Also 3 or 4 late models of Ford or Chevrolet at greatly reduced prices. YOUR FORD DE ALERT FOR SEASONING 1 1 KLAMATH FALLS u. S. No. 2—60 Lbs. U. S. No. 1,25 LBS................... —........ LB BEEF ROAST CÜT“ "Z BEEF CUBES 39c