■■ ..........—1 .............. (Society Continued) ^rs. Leona Bryant 1 =g==™w — I-. — Grudge Match Made A Cave Man ? Friday Night Corona Coffee Mannings Coffee When you buy satisfaction, you practice economy The “Co-Workers Club” met at the home of Mrs. Karl Schroeder last Thursday for a twelve o'clock pot­ luck luncheon. The afternoon was spent in sewing, knitting and chatting. Club prize* was won by Mrs. Wylie Telephones Société Candy 1939 Buick b On Display Here Marriage Licenses • 69 Grand Numerous This Week; New Merchandise New Styles «¿.aw i OFF at at SPRING FRIDAY and SATURDAY only October 7th & 8th Coquille River Chinook Salmon Fine quality and reasonable in price. Fresh Picked Crab Meat on band nearly all the time. COATS SUITS DRESSES Phone 20 YOUNG’S I w