pre- ít lsTk» Little Things We Do For Our That Makes So It Is Our 1 tariMtaT4 A W. Harrison. LADY Df ATTENDANCE Gano Funeral Home Mesdames Ralph Cake, d. L. A. Liljeqvbt and Ingrid, at Marshfield, My, E. E. Leslie att J. A. Mansell Drayage A Delivery Co. al and Long Disi Oct Ï. HAUUNG 7:00-10:00, Schiller B. Hermann was a Coquille visitor Monday and Tuesday, attend­ ing to-------------------- at the He Chadwick Lodge No.é8 nd Grant Bring A.J.RA.M. to The Roxy Oct 11, 8 p. Meaf Specials Price* Effective Friday and Saturday Columbia’s “Holiday,’ with Katharine Hepburn as Linda Seton and Cary Grant as Johnny Case, comes to the Roxy Theatre I for a three-day engagement on Sunday. The film, directed by George Cukor, is based on the highly successful Broadway stage by Philip Barry. September SO—Oct. 1 SERVICE to OREGON POINTS / BOILING KEF LB CORNED KEF Boneless, LB. SHOULDERS RÁfñll DAlUn M. Hess Club Meets LtWEIT FARES GREYHOUND Miracle Series of Modern Music ■oo will be poid to ony person furnishing înfôrmoHon thàt îéâdi to the arrest and conviction of any person who has been stealing gasoline and equipment from our boots on the river. Inc at this A Nationally Ik Ik îr Swifts, Sugar Cured, Lb...... IX Bond's Market Gifts IRiaOUst ftr-mi peo ÍT IS SO SIMPLE ON OUR WE ARE OFFERING OUR PATRONS THE OPPORTUNITY OF GIVING ONLY THE BEET KIND OP A GIFT THIS YEAR. THE IDEA IS TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW AND PAY A SMALL AMOUNT EACH WEEK, Come In And Select Now! 800 Our Stock of FINE WATCHES - SIL VERWARE ORNAMENTAL TRAYS — SETS Miss Inez Rover k SCHROEDER JEWELRY SOUTH TAYLOR ..