• tea The ■— "Volume Job** C. T? C. P. a birthday War- 50 for 01.00. Chester A. B. Col- fields, Luckies Whirlind Chronicle of Daredevil Fliers DEVILED Mn. Gart io«| peas PülPffll^W 15« as* SAUD DRESSINGS'" * * '.V Pure Cider PKG._____________ Gem Nut Fresh fig CAM.. at Myrtle JELLO Cc IM E GAM 10« ®J- eo 25* AES FOOD Seaport Wood Mn. J. C Axtell ▼ANIMA SHORTENING IQ« 10* Mr*. D. G. six o'clock. «10«OKIJLK» 1 & YAKIMA "Sky Giant" Teams Three Stars in a 50 LB of Mn.