T. S. Stevens and family have moved from the home they have lived in for the past two years on Maple street and will now reside in the John Oerding house on Coulter street. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barton and Ben drove out to Ashland Sunday to see who went out a couple of weeks ago to start training with the Sone* id. Miss Anne, who had from U. of O. for the sccompanied them and took the bus at Roseburg for Eugene. .. '!! ■■■.! . .JI..—J.-iL.-J-* Lucky nimrods in Curry county from Coquille were Lanis Bosworth, Gene Manning, and Ernest Watkins, who came back Saturday with three bucks. SunT»~ 60«HÌ «_____ il Mrs. J. E. Bohan left for her home in Winlock, Wash., last Saturday after f a two weeks* visit here at the home Buck Alcorn is vacationing in of her daughter, Mrs. Leo Bartsch. Klamath Tails as a guest of his unde, r• Mac Epley, who is editor of .the A wide variety of cut flowers at Klamath daily papers, Herald and low summer prices are being offered nVWl.. at Myrtle Gardens. Men Who Cleave Uncharted Skies Are Heroes aa.a»___ a. J SKIM CRCAM ..■UL'UU "gi .JJ. es1 Fuhrman's Pharmacy, *:r Mrs. Mary Corthell NWSEA-IMOOKLYN At the meeting of Beulah Chapter, O. E. S., Thursday evening, Mrs. Ray Simpson was initiated into the order. After the meeting, a social time was enjoyed with refreshments. Protect your family and home by buying perfect wiring material from Hooton Electric Shop. OCT. Every Day's A Glorious Holiday SALLY EILERS PAUL KELLY WHY HAKE • HI « RUKRTt • »Aviu ottvia lUCIll ellASON MOISAS CONWAt - ------ ------ — " "■"■’W Feature No. Two LWEIF SEME IUITT? Nearly 85,000 square feet of green­ houses devoted to cut flowers and potted plants, at Bergen's Better Blossoms. Coquille phone is M. RUMOR? I REMBLAI MY? IPEIFECT INTESI IITIEI IMTIKTf ALWAYS GOODBYE SPECIAL ATTRACTION Friday's Cord Was A Wild Affair Wellman Bell and daughter, Joanne, of Oakland, Calif., are (pending a few days visiting at the Thrift home. Mr. Ball la a brother of Mrs. Thrift. Mrs. Ball was unable to make the trip on account of business. ---------- \ V. R. WILSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. Broken lenses du­ plicated. Optical repairs while you wait. Expert service. MARCH OF TIME “U. S. COAST GUARDS” THESE MATINEE SUNDAY 1:MZ Wednesday owe Quizco/vresr pictures AM COMINBTOTNK ROXY or LIBERTY Wetch for Them/ BIG PRIZES 5,250,000.00 ' IN CASH FIRST PR'7£ $50.000.00 W IN F ANC fobtune IMOVIE QUIZ­ CONTEST ASK FOB YOUB FBEE Seventeen Royal Neighbors at­ tended the meeting in Marshfield Monday evening, when the state su­ perintendent, Mrs. Lenora Broil, of Ashland, made an official visit. She told of her trip through the east and also told about the Royal Neighbor home in Rock Island, Ill. Plans were talked over in regard to the R. N. convention in the spring. --------- Jeanette Alcorn, Coquille High school 1038, writes that she is en­ joying school at California State Teachers’ College in San Diego. She says that there are 050 Treshmen in her class. Miss Jeanette is staying with her grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. L. L Epley, of United Brethren Church II at San Diego. ■o *