1 1." V-- y- I z'."' I 1 - Motor Co, auto stmpUes 14.15 50.00 Charles Meutaer. labor_____ 112.75 Capps Southern Pacific Co., freight .. 3542 John T. Sullivan, labor 56.00 44.30 John T. Sullivan, labor .......... — 5440 W. P. Fuller & Co, paints .... 126.10 14.40 C. B. Young, labor ...».................113.20 Tom Lillebo, payment on Lan- drith Bridi L. H. Howe, labor____ _______ 116.80 178.48 Arthur Derbyshire, labor___ 116.80 Oregon State _........ 35.50 testing mal 118.00 43.85 John Abbott, labor . ........... Hugh McLain. County Judge 8 16647 J- A- Jrav- . Bunker Hill; Agnes Dunkel, Sumner; Al J. Wilkins, labor ............... 61 00 Chas. Richert ____ 103 40 elfcrd 138.00 - - Bri< 1240 Levi Wilson, labor .............. i Lavonne Sumerlin, M. P.; Joyce Eby, ».« Inc., Roy Wheeler, labor.......... .. ...... 111.75 Smith Wood Sprayer Co., gallon Wm. F. Howell. Sheriff ......... 200.00 Cascade ! Bunker Hall; Julia Noggle, Kentuck 68.00 . lumber solution ..._........................... 1.25 Ed Patterson, labor ______ ____ „ „ , .... ........................ ....... 534.57 P. W. Culver, Deputy Sheriff 166.00 ----------- : Inlet; Elaine Edwards, Bunker Hill; J. W. Dye, labor ....................... 113.00 A. B. Daly A 8 C«x, material .... 230.13 IBtff,SrffiSd!?r’..Z!i?L-------- 06.00 Standard Oil Co. at Calf, gas 55 56 J. L. Lea, labor.............. _ ------------------------- _ Oil for Roods .... 109.08 113.00 Swittjc Co.. A oil .......... —............ .. ........ I June Stinson, M. P,; Mary E. Diehl, llliot) STATE OF OREGON M. C. Miller, labor ...... - C. G. Cauthen. 1st Deputy. —, r Coquille Service Station, auto ) Bunker Hill. 2.W J. K. Baker, labor ______ suppliaa----------------------------- II3.OO1 County of Coos: as.. Tax Dept _______________ 160.00 Clothing lib—Martha Evans, Myr- Gunder Gunderson, labor Cannary Ï. **• w Odd*’ Co«“1? Cler'5, Margiui'a riro<. j, 2nd Deputy, i tie Point, first. w-ao Coos County, Oregon, and ex-officio Tax Dept................ 110,00 Jean 1 McNelly, labor........ ...... 23.40 Henry Franson, labor Ernest Franson, labor -------- - 115.50 clark the’ county Court oi said i Clothing III—Grace Nelson, Haynes Dolores Belloni, Clerk. Tax 38.40 ard Moy, labor .... ..... ...... Howsi .... 63-80 — .*_-Jl state .4«»« dy kanakv HfV Dept . ............ lOO-OO- öKrt Sturgeon, labor_______ 34.80 Vic Demerest, labor “ XV— ™ —A County and hereby nrn ceitlfy Inlet; Edna Mae Parks, Imogene Rosa, ___ 1 Sturgeon, labor ...‘------- 33.40 Coll McLean, labor _. VW •' that the foregoing is a statement of > Bunker Hill; Dorothy Graham, Cun- Myrtle Minter, Clerk, Tft- Elwood Wylee, labor------------ 35.40 Jack Muggy, labor — “ the amount of bill* allowed by the . ningham; Marilyn Daigle, Luelle W. H. Kennedy, Personal Tax Clell Carter, labor .... .............. 31.80 O. P. Smith, labor .... “ County Court at the reguli lar ScDtem- 4.80 Sye Davis, labor uc., >»•», i Root, Ellen Jane Jaehnig, Phyllis ber, 1038, term thereof, as ai the same Collector ________________ 140.00 Preston Moy, labor —..... . ...... 186.87: Mary Cole, labor ..„...... . .......... 18.80 A. Z. Stokes, labor ... ■ Btr**. Dae Kleinert, all of Bunker L. W. Oddy, County Clerk ..._____ nd an appears on the exhibits of claims in Arlyn Barklow, labor .... ........... J. W. Leneve, Deputy Clerk .. 140 00 Gladys Clinton, labor............... 14.40 ins an offic® a»d custody. i Hill; Wanda Nichols. Myrtle Point. mv hand and seal of 740 Everett Richards, labor ____ 105.801 WITNESS my Georgianna Vaughan, Depu­ Lilly Burkhetmer, labor....... ».. Lawrence Barkdoll, labor ....... . 92.00 ty XS*.... ■—■■EMMM Eunice Finley, labor ...... ......... Homemaking — Maxine Rackleff, the County Court affixed this 440 John B. O ’ Sullivan, labor ....... 81.40 Can Lindquist, labor.......... ..... 440 Deputy 15th day of of Septamber, 1038. Julia Leatherman, Leathei i Arago, first 82.30 Raymond Barklow, labor ..... Bea Campbell, labor ------------ L. W. Oddy, County Clark 3.40 Clerk -------------------------------- Clothing IV — Doria McCulloch, Earl Pickett, labor —...... ........ ass FC McNelly, exp. to Medford By J. W. Leneve. Deputy J. P. Beyers, County Assessor [ Haynea Inlet; Betty Sieatreem, Haua- Anna Rooney, Deputy Asses­ C. C. Collins, labor...... ....... _... Harry Mast, labor____ ______ 440 Fred Harlocker, A Can­ I er; Phyllis Sanford, Claire. Bird, sor Bill Monson, labor_________ 2.00 » Haynes Inlet; Dorothea Stinson, M. Chas. Stauff. Co. Treasurer.. 150.00 M. Nary, 5-ton* pears . .............. C. F. Bessee, labor...... . ........... 117.50 didate In The Islands N. Gearhart, Co. Surveyor 45 00 American Can Co., cans A topi - P.; Jean Wilmot Evelyn Horton, Ade- J. C. P. Morgan, labor ....... ....... 18.75 Martha E. Mulkey, School 1 Southern Pacific Co» freight . ______ J. C. Bessee, labor . ........ ........ 8.50 • line Parks, Bunker Hill. Supt ...»...................... —..... 166.07 General AwJstanee Fund i»« The Hilo, Hawaii, Tribune-Herald, D. J. Conlogue, labor ___ ____ 128.00 11st Natl Ba a of Ptd - Mfld 1 Clothing V—Maxine Rackleff, Ara- Marian Endicott, Stenog.-Supt. Chas. Randall, labor _______ 103.80 in its issue of Aug. 38, contains the Off. ...................... 883Xi Branch .. ............................... 767.49 i go; Lorna Summers, M. P.; Muriel Mike Boone, labor ___ ______ 38.00 announcement that Fred L. Harlock- 7‘ R. H. Mast Probation Officer 120.00 Semperts Dn w Store, medicine [ Herman, Riverton. Lodb J. Langenberg. Court I for Indigent —---- - -------- ... 1.00 Elmer Cluck, labor ............. nn ®r, who visited old friends here the J. If. Gearhart, labor_______ Cookery la—Dorothy Ann Weekly, Reporter --------- ------------------ 175.00 Thrift Grocery, groceries for past summer, will be a candidate on John B. Gearhart, labor ........... Dr. C/L. Coyle, Health Officer 135.00 indigent .............. . .... . ........ . 13.00 Dean Weekly, Gravelford; Ruth 2.00 the republican ticket for nomination J. A. Deadmond, labor .... ...... Stenographer, I Dr. H. Garnjobst exam, of 3 , Marie Culbertson, M. P ; Helen Swan, Marie Dye, 6.00 Fred Hickok, labor ...»..... ....... 18.00 and election as a member of the house Health Dept ---------- --------- 3740 children for Home .............. Pleasant Hill; Barbara Dey, M. P.; Earl Schroeder, danitor-Old M. McCarthy, labor ...»..... .. ..... 130.50 , ■ Standard Oil Co., gas for lndi- of representatives, of the Islands’ leg­ Robey Plott, Gravelford. Bldg. .................... .......... 54.40 Wayne Goodman, labor ____ 113.00 Tom Evans, labor__________ 148.00 islative body, from the Hilo district. Cookery lb—Marjorie Rogers, Riv­ Bert Mead, Janitor-Jailer.— 3.10 Powell Yarbrough, labor___ 100401 Fred was president of the Hilo Cham­ erton; Buddy Bright Grevelford; Lottie MUler, Matron A Cook Lawrence Dorland, operating —Jail ........ 1—-------- - --------- ber of Commerce last year, and ha* Bullards Ferry ___ _______ 14840 Geraldine Guerin, Riverton. F. C. McNeny, Supt Co. Fann 120.00 for Jail 32.06 been prominent in civic affairs there Cookery III—Marie Johnson, Ger- Edith McNelly, Matron, Co. *1 tttto san*» TBIU JBP1 political venture. Riverton Ferry___________ 78.00 .. 50.00 4 i*“ 40.08 His friends here wish him as much LiUenthal, all of Coos River. National Hospital Assn, Dues Ideal Bakery, bread ............... 1040 National Hospital Association, success as is expressed in the Tribune Dues of Co. Employees .... . 108.00 54.00 Co. Employees ......... «... P. L. Johnson Plumbing Shop, Camp Cookery A—Eugene Ede, Joe Deveyer, labor ____ ____ 4.00 Herald, which states that news of his labor with sink .... „........... . Lorraine Clausen, both of Allegany. State Ind. Acc. Com, Insur­ Chas. Hofer, labor ...... ............ 4.00 candidacy “is being received with ance, Co. Employees ........... .Carter Rice 8c Co, Janitor’s Camp Cookery B—Maxine Lunch, Dr. C. L. Coyle, mileage, 30.15 J. N. Gearhart, mileage sur­ supplies much enthusiasm.” veying ------------------------------- Sam Stiennon, both oi Allegany 4.80 Health Offr. ......... 35.43 John A. Roebling* Son* Co. of CewttwsMe Cookery, Special—Joyce Ott Je- Ethel C. Littler, MUeage, Calif» matariaT...... . .............. 32.48 Former Coquille People Health Nurse ----------------- - City of Coquille, water--------- 840 rene Mast Allegany, both first. 1.00 R. H. Lawhorn, Salary A Mile­ Coquille Wood Co., wood 3 50 E. W. Collins, labor or car .«», Cookery Ila Maxine Rackleff, Ara­ Columbia Equipment Co., ma­ See High Halifax Tides age, Co. Commr. ........... ;----- Harry Ross, labor on door dos­ terial ..Z.... ____ Thos. H, Thompson, Salary go, second. ers ...... —------------------ 2.5Û Ballou A Wrijght material Z 31.15 42.11 A Mileage, Co. Commr. .— 14746 J. A. Lamb Co., hose connec- Cookery lib — Muriel Herman, The Sentinel is in receipt of the J. A J. Tire Co., tire*............... 10144 Sherirrs Office , tions 40 August 31 issue of The Halifax Riverton, first. ■ A. J. Eberhart, material for Edwin Peterson, salary A 1. N. Allen Supply Co, jani- Canning — Maxine Rackleff, Arago; roller ................................................ 45 Chronicle, published in that Nova" 77.00 mileage ............. . ...... Ewe Lamb—Opal McBurney, Ger­ t tors’ supplies .................... «... 1.08 Howard Cooper Corporation, Hooton Electric Co, electrical Scotia province seaport city, in which ald Fraser, George DeOs, Ruth DeOs, James Larson, Julia Noggle, Christine Billie Browne, clerical work— materiel ------------ 336.43 Tax Dept. ---------- —............ 73.00 wiring ______ —........ . ..... . 6.10 aU at Bandon; Clifford Foster Lang­ Lou Teale, Angeline Rempelos, all of Farmers Auto Inter-Ins. Exc, Shell OU Co., fuel oil...... ........ 0.14 Mr; and Mrs. W. C. Laird, former Co­ West Coast Tel. Co, phone ser­ ■■ quille residents, are quoted as say­ Kentuck Inlet. lois additional premil lum vice ...... ...... .............. ..... ........ 88.57 C. F. Bessee, mileage survey- 4.83 - - — Gardening—Ralph Morgan, North Western 6.76 ing that the tremendous rise and fail Mountain States Power Co, World, Printing Ewe over one year—Glen Daniels, Bi®Mr-j_i.:_;___ ~_________ 0545 First National Bank, Portland, i Usdits of the tide in Avon river there “is Gaylord, first; Keith Faster. Lang­ Bend,'first. -- -------- ** payment on bull dozer....... 300.00 Pakiisiitae Room Improvement, Study Unit— Bay Motors, car repair........... the most thrilling sight we have seen lois, second. State Ind. Acc. Comm., insur ­ Coquille Service Station, auto iCoos Bay Times, publishing ance ...................:................... 38042 since we left Honolulu in June.” Mrs. Fleece—Jack Wilson, Bridge, first. Louise Crumley, Richard Jensen, supplies ------------ ----------------- 44.57 Crt Droceedinfis 11240 Mountain States Power Co., Dorothy Moore, Riverton; LaVelle Clerk's Off. Coquille Valley Sentinel, pub­ Laird is also quoted as being extreme­ Jersey Cattle lights A power ________ i_.„ 17.08 H 4 M C Co., Coupon Book.. lishing Crt proceeding 57.50 25.00 Roth, Coquille; Ormond Moore, Riv ­ ly fond of their scallops and fresh Producing Cow—Ernest Davenport, Mountain States Power Co., Treamrer'a Off. erton; Thurston Crumley, Coquille. Myrtle Point, first. lights—North Bend garage 1.00 fish. They left Sept. 1 for their lei­ Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees, cash Room Improvement, Dress Unit— surely trip to Florida, where they ex­ Yearling Heifer—Frank Trigg, Nor­ adv................ . ......—________ 140 34.00 Peoples Water A Gas Co» water —North Bend garage ____ 2.88 pect to spend some time. A. Stauff, clerical ser- way; Donald Trigg, Norway; Ernest Emma Joan Beck, Anna Starr, Fat Clara ViCNM . ............................... ........................ ....... F. A. Robb, mileage, etc.____ 1645 78.00 Davenport, Myrtle Point; Junior Gul- Elk; Eloise Standley, Bernice Palmer, John C. Merchant, clerical 040 1145 Maddock A Ford, lumber___ Marie Standley, Coaledo. Calling cards, 50 for >1.00. strom, Arago. J. C. Steckel, filing saw ......... 1.00 services ...... ---------------------- Room Improvement, Room Fum.— Senior Heifer Calf—Robert Rooke, 1.60 The Irwin Hodson Co., signs 36.70 ■■■M --------- ------------—------------- à. 0.27 3.44 K. E. Erickson Co. Inc., signs Muriel Herman, Riverton, first. ■« Coos River, first. R. R. Davis, lumber ........ ........ 211.35 Junior Heifer Calf—Frank Trigg, D. H. Benson, use of tractor .. 63.75 1147 Style Revue—Connie Ellefsen. Chas. ,—- Newton, ---------- , royalty ---- --------------- on rock 7.08 Norway; Donald Davenport, Myrtle office ---------------------- --------- 63.00 Dr. De La Rhue Dollar Dinner Contest—Marie Swan Surveyor’s Off. n 134.51 Chas. Enegren, royalty on rock 42.10 Point, second and third; Kenneth Eyesight A. Barrows, royalty on gravel 35.70 IH. S. Norton, supplies _____ 4.40 Demonstration Contest— Kathleen Rackleff Pharmacy, H gal. Houghton, Myrtle Point; Phillip Oh­ H. H. Hansen, royalty on Specialist ammonia _______ _________ 148 Stevens Cash Hardware, ma­ men, Coquille; Frank Trigg, Norway; Carey, Doris Sasse. gravel ...... ........ ...... .............. 5 00 •upk Office terial ................. _... 23.36 Eyee Examined - Olaaees Ftttod A. Garfield, old concrete blocks 2.00 Clark Rooke, Coos River; Ben Breuer, Martha E. Mulkey, mileage ’< P. J. Rooney Auto Co., repair 2.75 to car. County Car........ ....... 1344 Geo. W. Hartwig, use of truck Myrtle Point; Ernest Davenport, Three-Quarters Of A Cen­ Reception room jointly with Perkins Drug Store, light LaVerne Knife, work in office N. E. Glass, Sec. Treasy, As­ Myrtle Point; Car! Ohmen, Coquille; globes, etc. . 1 11 Dr. J. R. Bunch tury For Mrs. Mary Dey D. C. Wax. Office Equip. sessment for O A C Land .. 228.00 Pure Iron Culvert A Mfg. Co., Dome Sullivan, Myrtle Point; Bob House, 40 Sub Kraft Eps. _ 6.30 Huggins Insurance Agency, culvert pipe ...... — 111.70 Blondell, Arago. Addtl premium. Insurance ... 6.82 On Sunday, September 11, many Natl. Geographic Society, In­ Chas. Stauff, Co. Trcas, cash dex ----------------------------- ----- 140 Oregon Grange Bulletin, re­ OuerMoy Cattle / friends and relatives drove to Lo­ Pacific Typewriter Co» ad-. prints Coos County page _ . 740 ---------------------------- J® Yearling Heifer — Donald * Trigg, rane, in Lane county, to celebrate the Jultas Yutz}er,.fnffi< saws',... *■ justing typoarritee140 Guy Cordon, exp. to wash. Oscar Erickson, lumber *..... . DC for OA C7„...„ ..... _Z... Norway, first. -■ ----------- *-------- ------ 573.00 seventy-fifth birthday of Mrs. Mary American School A University, . John Roberta, fili Roberts, filing saws ....... 345 ' copy of book ___________ 2.50 Teal, Winfree McCulloch, etc., Senior Heifer Calf—Phillip Bart­ Dey, mother of Stephen Dey of this 1.50 W. E. Finzer A Co., paper ... 1740 approving Refunding Bonds 85.00 R. L. Kivett, filing saws____ lett, Myrtle Point. Alex Carlson, u*e7>f team use of ........ city. 16.00 Gaylord Bros. Inc., binders 63.73 Junior Heifer Calf—Ernest Daven­ Coos Bay Lumber Co., lumber 25.11 Koke-Chapman Co., Dog Li­ Mary Thomas (Dey) was born in Consolidated Freight Lines, * ” E. Hasel tine __ L A “ Co., ' ___ material i 105.13 port, Myrtle Point; Billy Sumerlin, Caledonia, Illinois, on September 14, freight ________ ___ __ ___ cense book ______________ 85.45 J. 1.13 West Coast Telephone Co., Dtat Atty. Coos County Humane Society, Coquille; Donald Trigg, Norway; 1863. On Feb. 26, 1878, she was phone service ___________ 18.50 share of fees for Aug. ___ 17.00 Phillip Bartlett, fourth and fifth; Eu­ married to Samuel Birchfield Dey- Ben C. Flaxel, telephone ser- City of Coquille, water_____ 1.00 vice ............................. .. GENERAL ROADS 15.81 gene Bartlett, Myrtle Point. Consolidated Freight Lines, D. H. Benson, labor ________ one of Tom Mayhan's helpers who Ben C. Flaxel, pL stenog. sal. 36 MI fr «ight Ayrshire (MB* 648 A expense ______________ 59.70 Harold Benson, labor............... Kf«-4U n-v North*Bend Iron Works, labor drove cattle from California to Chi­ Willard Johnson, labor ........... Yearling Heifer — Roger Barnes, cago in the early days and also hunted Harold A. Olson, expenses, A material ........ ......... . .... 3.05 Deputy -------- —............... 7.44 Jack Raymond, labor _____ _ MOS Coo* River, first. Western Union, telegraph ser­ H-aHS, Dept. buffaloes on the plains of Kansas with George Gray, labor_________ vice _____________________ rMUtry .76 Kenneth Johnson, labor ___ Buffalo Bill. She and her husband Cha*. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash 8^00 Denn-Gerretsen Co. Inc., ton adv........................ .................. . One Cockerel, Two Pullets, Heavy and family moved from North Da­ 5.00 Walter Stull, labor .......... ....... B S. cool ........... ....... ........... Plans and Specif ifications 3740 A. E. Fry, labor........ ........ 44.00 Breed—Junior Gulstrom, Arago, first. kota to Oregon in 1010. In 1026, Mr. Shaw Supply Co., medical Fred Schaer A Son, labor A supplies .................. ............... Frank McKean, labor ............... 9.90 2 00 furnished. One Cockerel, Two Pullet*, Light Dey passed away in Ashland. Mrs. Lederle Laboratories, Inc., material ____ _____________ 18.07 Carl Meer, labor___________ 2.00 Cement Mixer for Bent. Steven* Cash Hardware, ma ­ Breed—Ellis Rackleff, Arago, first Dey has visited in Coos county many medical supplies _________ 7.00 Harry Thomas, labor___ 2 00 terial ...... ......... ......... .......... .. Three Hens, Light Breed — Ellis Barrow Drug Co., drugs Verner J. Magill, labor 3.00 545 times during the past eighteen years State Board of Health, medical I George Van Dorn, labor 3.00 Schroeder A Hildcnbrand. Rackleff, first. check valve_____ _________ and has a large number of acquain­ supplies __ __ ___________ 331 Harold Daubenspeck, Daul ‘ labor ' ... 2 00 Three Hens, Large Breed—Junior tances here. '5~ 4451 Wirt D. Duffield, labor_____ Coquille Laundry Co., laundry 2.00 Koontz Machine Shop, labor A material ........................... General Contractor Gulstrom. first » I Ernest R. Lobart, labor_____ 3.00 Eads^ Six of her ten children are living Smith Wood Products Co., Service Station, tire ire^ lumber _____ ____________ 500 Knowlton Ave. Ph. 105M 14.06 M. G. Buel, labor---------------- 38 00 and four of them were able to be Dean P. Crowell, M. D., au­ E. G. Hansohn, labor_______ 54.00 Thornton fire Service, auto Home Woodworking — Orville present at the celebration on Sunday: topsy—H. E. Henderson .... 38.60 Edward C. Hansohn, labor ... 34 00 supplies . .... . ......... ................ 123.23 Young, Riverton; Verlin Moore, Riv­ Louis, of Lorane; Stephen, of Co­ — Tilirhmisa I Geo. W. Hartwig, labor_____ 2.75 erton; Kenneth Ragers, Coquille; quille; Harry, of Corvallis, and Mrs. J. H. Bennett, DVM, testing IF. Smith, labor ____________ 8.00 Southwestern Motor Co., auto suppliaa _________________ 1.50 cattle ............ 1 36.06 R K. Conrad, labor________ 63.00 George McDowell, Coaledo; Donald Edna Warner, of Dayton. Leslie, of Dr. J. W. Harrison, testing cat­ I IE. Kelley, labor ......... ........... . 30.00 Berlyn Billings, 2nd hand tire Beam, Bunker Hill. A tube _ 3.00 Myrtle Point, and Ross, of Twin tle —------ ------------------ ------- 305.10 D. McClure, labor----- «___ _ 34.00 L. H. Pearce, auto supplies .... Machine Woodworking — Orton Rocks, were not able to be there. 2.85 John Barth, labor ____ .....__ 28.00 Coquille Service Station, auto Hugh McLain, Co. Judge, Standley, Donald Duey, Clinton F. A. Robb, labor Salary, Nine of her twenty-six grandchil­ supplies ..... ...... ........ ....... ..... 12.60 mileage A *xp to Portland 40.06 Roadmaster ......................... 233.00 Yoakam, all of Coaledo. dren attended the birthday anniver­ Josephine Culver, clerical work 27.00 Ralph Harry, Salary, Clerk .. 123.00 Geo. F. Burr Motor Co., auto supplies ................................ 31.73 sary; Raymond Palmer and Marion Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees, cash Junior Monson, labor...... .. ...... 48.00 92 00 Ta2lor’’ Battery A Service Forestry 1—Dean Heistand, Ann Warner, of Dayton; Ross and Louis adv............. ........ ................ .... 35.00 Tom Monson, labor _______ Station, auto supplies ....... 11.21 Jastiee Courts Cliff Monson, labor .......... ..... Anderson, Ila Jean Sumerlin, Kermit Dey, Jr» of Lorane, and Harold Dey, The Title Company, Constable Harry Epperson, labor -------- 107 20 Orchard Auto Parts Co , auto Johnson, Wally Mast all of Lee. »upplie* ............ ..... ................ 66.67 Mrs. Maybell Robinson, Mrs. Edith Bond, JP No. 3 ______ _ . 10 00 Herbert Lane, labor ----------- 118 00 Forestry II—Joyce Otto, Alfred Drake, Gladys Pribble and Harold 20 I“*c “• Tower auto supplies .. 2.08 Probation Offr. Gus McCulloch, labor------ .... 101 “ Golders Auto Parts Co» auto Nichols, Lorraine Clauson, Billy Sul­ Pribble, all of Coquille. Ed White, labor ------------------ Six at her R. H. Mast, expense ........ . ..... Josephine Culver, Salary & A. F. Parsons, labor —..... .. 113 001 Southwestern Motor Co» Ford 34.02 livan, Bob Kelley, all of Allegany. seventeen great grandchildren were Expense—Acting ______ 6744 Hobart Schaer, labor —....... too1 Coupe Motor......... Z».......... 25.00 present also: Darlyne Dey Robinson, Cir’cnit Court Loren G. Willard, labor----- ... B 00 Bosworth Motor Co., suto sup- E. A. Wimer, labor ..... . ..... . Wilma and Edith Drake, of Coquille, J. T. Brand, cash adv,, for 5oo!„.?i± 170.47 books, etc. and Lola May Palmer, LeRoy Palmer ¡City of’Marshfield,“ Rihtcif 51.25 Fred Nosier, labor ...... ....... . M80 Huling Lundy A Sons, Sam Franson, labor------------- and Patricia Palmer, of Dayton. trrial —...... ..................... 23.60 | Court rooms ___ _________ 2040 C. J. Martell, labor--------------- 110 26' I terial ®- Piover Company, fuse A In addition to the above-mentioned Ceunty -------- . Faros W. L. Trueman, labor .—.... 101 20 J; cape V~.Lv«, Cvuk 58.00 E. D. Dickey, labor---------- ---- 115 00 persons, many close friends and “in- I iC. L. Collier, Farmhand ..... 10.44 J. A. Lamb Co» material .... 50*18 40.00 C. R.. Kennon, labor ...... ....... laws” of Mrs. Dey helped her cele- Elizabeth ~~ 1 th Lambert, waiter '.. 31.00 A. L. McCulloch, labor 120 00 Pioneer Hardware Co. water bag ............ ............. . - 1.05 brate her birthday of three-quarters Elwood wn*-*—* Wylee, ™’-’— Orderly_____ 6.00 Norman Carlson, labor .......... 20.00 Hardware Co., material 1.63 H. H. Bradley, Orderly ____ of a century. 23.00 Fred McCulloch, labor .......... 108 00 Hazer I Farr A Elwood, material ..... 840 An outdoor potluck dinner was Sam Carter, nightwatchman 31.00 Leonard Carlson, labor ....------ 80 00 Gregg Hardware, material ..... 346 ?.eU !ioy!on’ nurM______ — 73.00 Alex Carlson, labor ........u-.w.«.« 02 00 served at noon with everything to eat Jimmie Gage, use Hardware Co., pitch­ i____ of ; truck ____ .... 80.50 - 1 Walt ------ Newton, - — “ - ...... 1*149 Davi* labor forks _ _______ _______ ____ 2.00 from chicken to fresh strawberry Coos County Farm, produce 108.40 James L. Child, labor used on farm.... — ...... m no Ralph 102 00 Mqore Mill A Lumber Co» ------ -- ------- Jfl.oo Kaipn Hurlbutt, nuriouu, tat shortcake! Mrs. Dey received very labor lumber __________________ 344 Pioneer Grocery Co, “ 108.40 Co., groceries 150.01 James Miller, labor lovely birthday present from her 11540 Old Town Retail Lumber D? V. Yoeman, labor ... ¡ir 15.12 Yard, lumber ....................... many “well-wishers.” 745 113 20 Frank _________ McAdams, labor 43.02 _____ McGeorge Gravel Co., culvert Coos Feed A Seed Stores, sup­ 11443 Berlyn Billings, labor pipo....................... .................. 64.43 108.40 24.80 Floyd Dalton, labor .- DM Toe Ceawult? J. R. Hillstrom, roller-rental .. 27.00 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, drugs 118.00 11.15 Ernest Dalton, labor ... Hooton Electric Shop for material 106.10 Clyde Equipment Co, rental 1843: A. G. TrendeU. labor on Air compressor _____ ... 150.00 to wise your house. Also lamp 146 00 I Lawrence Mullen, labor------- 113.00 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas 35.00 Hail'd■■¿¿ierZlaby globes and lighting fixtures. Hooton A oil .................... J 4176.06 Gould A Gould, dishes _ZZ 1145 W. M. Williams, labor .. 103 60 Electric Shop. J. G Penney Co, clothing .... 10640 Rose Garage, auto supplies ... .45 444 Lyle Smith, labor------ '■ — ;■ '• - ■. • ? >• W ,.4.< .. f ■ ■7?. ''5^7 ■ ■ CO W ■ Z7 4 A r • *7 ( T y m g . * Jí I i I Brick Work Fireplaces Flues Cement Work Cabinet Work Marc Shelley 1 ■ ' ■ Z'/'Z ...... fa-7 ‘/’i”: » Jf ;■.<( W, Z : .. ■. / ■ Il i l|«l>l M iia W l lI MI lii eg , ■ 4 Ä-'-z ..