TIBES pN ANY OTHER KIND! Kitchen Fresh COODYE j Société Th« **fl!*R rock ISM u.v«l .< r«duc^ fM| W^’640 V^’585 ALL WITH “LIFETIME GUARANTEE” n. Quelle Cafe ur Big Buck Contest The NEW JUICY JUMB HAMBURGE Big Buck Sweepstakes Contest in addition to Local Prizes to be full particulars A Few Merchandise Suggestions for your trip: Cartridges Leading Brands to choose igc_ (3 ,._k ____ i-— from) i , Compasses, Hunters' Hats, Gun Oil Batteries, Gas Lanterns, Pack Sacks, Camp Stoves, Hunting Knives, Hunters' Axes, Flashlights, Dutch Ovens, Waterproof Match Safes, Rope, Deer Rifles, Gun Sights, Fishing Hooks, Kindelstyx, etc. 1 1 A 1 1 A VI * 11 -/ •’ ” * W I Meal V wl k WRr f -J J Round Bun Be sure to get in our .Big Buck Contest before you leave for your favorite Hunting Haunts. Deer Season opens Sept- 20 rolish 4 Copyright 1M7 By E. V. Brown