The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 15, 1938, Image 1

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Friday Afternoon
A Holiday
pear Al Fair
For $1700 Less
Taxes Next Year
WediWm.G. Walker
Here Tuesday—
Football Schedule
•» 1
JT. D. Rankin, Mayor.
Ben Lawrence
Woman's Club Holds
Buys The Mill
First Fall Session
Sans Pants, He
Used A Blanket
(Continu«! on Page Three)
(Continued <»n Page Six)
Farm Tour Next Tuesday
Thirty To Hunt Mule Deer
It it «aid that thirty Coquille hunt­
er», and that does not include the
wives who will also go, are planning
to leave this coming week-end for
eastern Oregon to hunt mule tail deer.
The seasaon opens next Tuesday,
Sept. 20th.
It might pay those hunters to read
“big buck contest" advertisements in
this week’s Sentinel and then register
before starting on their trip.
Wrestlers Come In A 1907
Y ■
Mitchell Auto Which Still Runs
Ernie Piluso, in the main event,
was having things pretty much his
own way, with a fall for himself in
nine minutes snd one for Haddock
in three, when a diving tackle missed
its target, and he went through the
ropes himself in a fall to th« floor.
The hillbilly promptly fastened a
crab hold and It was all over.
Walt Achiu met a tartar in York,
whose agility got him out of many a
tight spot, but the Chinaman took the
A farm tour has been arranged in
co-operation with the Pomona Grange
agricultural committee and the Po­
mona Master for all masters, mem­
bers and grange agricultural commit­
tees, and others interested, to provide
an opportunity to visit recent agri­
cultural developments at this time.
The tour will be held next Tuesday,
Sept 20, and the following farms will
be visited:
Abe Groasen farm, Larson Inlet,
0:00 a. m.
Fred Messerle farm. Catching In­
let, 10:00 a. m.
Coos County Sheep Co., Fairview,
11:00 a. m.
At noon, a lunch meeting with Co­
quille Chamber of Commerce.
W. E. Cross farm, Fishtrap road,
1:30 p. m.
J. D. Carl farm, Arago, 2:30 p. m.
.......... a a , — —
Inspects Portland Water System
D. E. Cruckshank, of the city water
department, accompanied by Mrs.
Cruckshank, returned Sunday from
a week’s vacation trip to Salem and
Portland. They visited the state fair
and in Portland he spent some time
with that city’s water officials, ob­
serving how that municipal function
is handled there.
first and third falls.
He also visited the city’s water
- The hated Sailor Moran took the meter testing plant which is consid­
Measure of Billie Spedlove in two ered to be one of the best on the Pa­
straight falls, 17 and 28 minutes.
cific coast
In the semi-final and final, the
crowd was divided between hillbilly
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Farr and Edythe
and opponent, but the prelim found
left this morning for the Pendleton
Moran without a friend. His wins
Round-Up and will then drive on to
were both booed.
Albion, Wash., where they will spend
Mr Elliott announced another good several days visiting Mr. Farr’s par­
card in the Community Building“TBr ents and his throe brothers. They
Friday, Sept. 23
plan to be gone ten days.
Junior High Has
22 More This Year