The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 08, 1938, Image 1

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    Land Classification
Bandon Robbers • • ;
Also Entered P. 0.
Two Are Arrested
County Forest Land Classification
committee including E. L. DetlefSen,
1 af Coquille, Carl Davis, of Marshfield,
and J. F. Van Leuven, of Bandon,
with R. H. Lawhorn, county commis­
sioner, will comprise a local commit­
tee which will meet with similar
groups from other Oregon coast coun­
ties in the near future to consider
ways and means of making better use
of the large areas of cut-over land in
the coast section, according to action
taken at a meeting called by Mr.
Lawhorn and held in the county court
room last Thursday evening, Septem­
ber 1.
This meeting, which included rep­
resentatives of the state legislature,
Coos county court, County Livestock
association, ^ounty
Forest Land
Classification committee, County Ag-
satiation, County Dairyman’s Asso­
ciation, Pomona Grange, and lumber
companies, was called as a result of
action taken at a previous meeting
when members of county courts and
others interested In a better land use
(Continued on Page Seven)
Rotarians Accept
Golf Challenge
School Enrollment
Tuesday Was 790
Powers 3-C Boy Hit
Woman With Rock
Caucus, Sept. 26, to Nominate
Mayor, Recorder, Four Councilmen
Bert Peterson Killed
City Asked To Pay
"Headache" Cel­
ebration Expenses