Tiwiiri'.miii jiriMagH "M Methodist Church Revd. Sept. 4—3 a. 3:30 a. m. Holy R. Turney. Vicar Howard L. Graybeal, Pastor Sunday School st 10 a. m. Ernest Purvance, superintendent. Morning Church Service at 11. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. Grant Hartwell, president. Evening Church Services at 7:30 p. m. First Church of Christ, Sciential CoqeUle, Oregon ' Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Subject fur next Sunday, “Man.” Wednesday evening meeting at 8 /clock Free public Reading Boom open in Church Building every Tuesday and Friday afternoons except holidays from two to five o’clock. The public is cordially Invited to attend our services and to visit th. Reading Room. "*ny branch Church of Christ Bast Fourth and Coalter C. Adrian Sias, Minister Sermons Sunday: 11:00 a. m., “The Story of the Hills;” B:00 p. m.. Prop­ er Pisces.” Claude Terry will be a guest singer at these services. Mrs. Woodyard has returned and will di­ rect the choir. Bible School, 9:4S a. m., Ralph Harry, superintendent will observe Promotion Day exercises. Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. m. Church of God Coquille Tabernacle , Corner Seventh and Henry Sts. Second and Heath Streets Sunday school, 10 a. m. Rev. R. D. E. Smith, minister Young People’s meeting Sunday Sunday School at »:4» a. m. 7:30 p. m. Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m. • meeting and Bible study Young People’s service at 6:45 p. m. at 7:46 p. m. Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. ax We will welcome you at all of these Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night at services. 7:30 R. m. Bible Study Friday night at 7:30. The Holy Name Catholic Church Jj . ;*»lend °uAo»noi»;/< buying r FA ®# m 1*Kt and 3rd Sunday, 6:30 a. m. Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. Myrtle Point: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. ?; 4th Sunday, 3:30 a. m. Bandon: 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; 3rd Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev- inday, 10:30 a. m. ryone welcome. * G A. Gray, Pastor Powers, 4th Sunday. 10:30 a. m. 'j j. «i . — i ______ Rev. J. M. Sheridan. Pastor Birth of a Baby" JLc,e#,r Film Opens At Lib­ COQUILLE BRANCH T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FORTLAND Okla., in March. Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. Ixxai and lAMg Distance HAULING C~Ô» > O » A T I o a . * A large delegation from the dif­ ferent districts in the conference were present. Two short playlets exem­ plifying the “World Outlook,” a mis­ sionary magazine were given by Mes- dames W. A. Ireland, Walter Oerd- ing, B. W. Dunn, Frank Schram, Le­ land Petersen, R. E. Boober, Frank Leslie and Estelle Gray. Mrs. M. O. Hawkins played a most pleasing or­ gan number. —j--------------------- ' New Cases in Circuit Court Conference Missionary Society The Ladies Missionary society of the Methodist Church South Confer­ ence, met in the Pioneer Church last Thursday with the president, Mrs. James Richmond, presiding. Reports and other matters of the work were undertaken at this time. Mrs. T. B. Reagan, of Butte, Montana, secretary, gave some excellent highlights of the national convention held at Tulsa, mention in Atlantic City, where the fbm had its preview before an au­ dience of 4,000 persona—physicians, their families and nurses. < The dramatic high spot of the pic­ ture is, of course, its epic climax, the Essence of Life Drama In The actual birth of a child. But no cli­ max is worthy of the term if proper Picture — It Avoids Lecture motivation and dramatic suspense Platform Story Technique have nut been sustained. The prac­ tical.motion picture men saw to that, an0 the most compelling of their ef- The significant and natural phe­ is the recording on the sound nomenon of birth is the subject chos­ en by the American Committee on of the heart beat of the unborn Maternal Welfare, Inc., for tender and child. This was achieved by shielding reverential picturization in the full- length feature film. “The Birth of a a microphone with a wood mask into Baby,” which will open Monday for which had been set the earpieces of a stethoscope. The other end of the four days, at the Liberty Theatre. In offering this widely discussed intrument picked up the beats, a picture to the- public, the American succession ot palpitations, regular in Committee is primarily concerned Meir irregularity, that hold the lis­ Births at Coquille Hospital with putting an end to the tip-toe at­ tener breathless, wondering whether To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sum­ titude on child birth that has been this tiny organ will succeed in beat­ mers, of Coquille, Aug. 26, a 10 pound partly responsible for the American ing its next measure. That it does continue beating its baby boy who has been named mortality rat»—one of the highest in the civilized world. I way Into the world is absorbingly Clarence Givens, Jr. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wm. Cor­ At the outset of production thep portrayed in the delivery scene, Committee decided against a dry-as- scene, filmed by a camera crew of nelius, of the Marshfield highway,-a dust technical presentation tnat eighteen, clothed in gowns, masks baby girl named Ellen Ida. To Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Gamblin, they were sepa the actual delivery room ­ would interest only medical groups. and cape, although Coquille, Tuesday night, a baby girl. If the film was to gain currency and rated from wall. To Mr. and Mrs. Belos Hermann, achieve its objective. It must pre­ by a glass doctor working so as not Myrtle Point, on Aug. 26, a 6H pound With the the camera’s field of vi- serve, above all, the essential drama daughter. of the phenomenon; and It must state to obstruct To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett, Co­ its story in entertaining terms com­ sion, the lens follows the process and records the first instinctiive effort quille, a baby boy, Tuesday night prehensible to everyone. To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore, Co­ It was decided, further, that the of the infant in this strange, new finished film must be above re­ world—a reaching heavenward of its quille, Aug. »0, a 4% pound baby girl. proach from the physician's view­ tiny arm as the travail of its mother ' To Mr. and Mrs. Frank James point, in order that it might have the sends it forth, at last, to a life of its Howard, of Riverton, Tuesday, a 7% pound son. fullest support from the profession. own. erty Sunday - 4 Days ••fere you hay investigate oar Cash Bayer Plea. I H Hl I* H C I ______ Aug. 25—Jno. E. Talley vs. Cecil T. Holland. Aug. 26—Carl Ronning vs. State Industrial Accident Commission. Aug. 26—Creary & Williams vs. A. E. Seaman and Thoe. Coke, Marsh­ field constable. Aug. 26—Marion Baldwin Bennett vs. Mary Jane Bennett, suit for di- vorce. Aug. 27—Marvel D. Wilder vs. Henrietta Louise Wilder. Suit for divorce Aug. 27—L. H. Pearce vs. W. K. Nixon. Aug. 30—Jno. W. Butler vs. E. W. Sprague and wife. To this end, a committee of gyne­ Matten in Probate Court cologists and obstetricians worked Della Lucia was on Tuesday ap­ with the producer, Jack H. Sklrball, pointed executrix of the will of Sam and the director, A. E. Christie, for Dixon, who died Aug. 20, leaving an three months. estate of »2000. Appraisers of the As a result, physicians are convert­ estate are Theo L. Clinton, E E. and ed to the cinema as a medium of pub­ Keith Leslie. lic education. They voted almost unanimously in this direction at the Calltng card*, SO for »1.00. American Medical Association con- - .......... — . ni i a Lois Kathan, of Cornelius, Ore., underwent a tonsilectomy last Friday. A 10H pound baby boy was bom to Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kaino, of Riv­ erton, on Tuesday. Carmel Sanders entered the hos­ pital Tuesday for treatment. He was suffering with two broken ribs. Bobby Clinton, six years, who had caught his hand in a wringer, was brought to the hospital yesterday for treatment. Denny, eight-year old son of Del­ bert Watson, of Marshfield, under­ went a minor operation on his eye this morning. Fined for Drunken Driving William Jennings Cornwall, a truck driver from North Bend, was arrested Saturday night near Delmar by the stat* police. He pleaded guilty to Belle Knife Hospital driving while drunk, in Justice Bar­ Dismissals from the Belle Knife ton’s court here on Tuesday and Hospital the past week were Bill was given time in which to pay his Oden, of Coquille, and Mack Fogel, »100 fine. % of Bandon, last Friday, Lucreda Woodruff and Rheo Walker on Sat­ urday; Geo. Cupliski on Sunday; Joe. Thune and Mrs. Grace Wright on GRIPPING SCENES FROM, THE PICTURE THAT HAS ALL AMERICA TALKING