W>» ««4^0 W. MATURA Compliments i West Golden CROWN First St. GRAIN DS for Coquille Machine Shop Í ‘’S’. SALT FLOUR and GARDEN ...... .. IHHHHHHH Herman's t It's A Pie LORENZ Department Store to spend Golden V Miss SERVED RIGHT Coquille, Ore. i CLEAN-UP on Curlee Suits add Other Brands $3250 suits for j SCHROEDER'S $27.50 suios for - Jewelry Store $24.75 suits for - Since IMS May's Our Every Dey Prices Are As You Can Always Dep QUELLE CAFE CLEAN FOOD Mer , C. W. Gardner, Prop, your service. No job too large for our equipment. Phone 46 Day! FEEDS $19.75 suits for - Finest Quality a SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS % Chevrolet t $24.75 $22.50 $19.75 $17.00 Buick You will look ) The ■ .. Opposite Coquille Hotel IDEAL BAKERY Specials TOMATO JUICE BREAD SOY NUT BREAD CARAWAY RYE BREAD Sports Headquarters * COQUI LLE BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND PLACE Billiards, Cards, .. 4 Pool, Rodeo Week in Coquille Drinks where the business houses welcome th< W. H. Fortier, Prop. ss rotti Compliments of BILL'S Coquille, Ore. Golden Wesi Days Celebration THE TITLE CO Coquille, Ore. SIVERS Variety Store Cow Bell Dairy 390 W. Pint, Coquille We will be pleased to meet you during the celebration The Sentinel Bring this ad and get during the One pound Cocoanut Goden West Days Celebration AND Delicatessen We are making special arrange­ ments for quick service of sand­ wiches and luncheons, ice cream, soft drinks, etc. Fudge Candy for 15c Every Day is RODEO DAY Eat, Drink and Be Merry Slater's ■t the Cow Variety Store ; Make the Tip Top your head quarters during the celebration TIPTOP Coquille Community Center