: ä 6 Minor Mention brighten your find them at AUG. 4 Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Inc r I DRUGGISTS STATION ER8 lives in Ferndale. Manville Robison, president of the Redhead Jtoundup association at Taft,' makes an appeal to the Sentinel to assist the committee there in securing a redheaded entry for the bathing beauty contest during the Roundup, Aug. 6 and 7. The winner of the con­ test is to be given an expense-free trig to the Golden Gate Exposition at San Francisco next year. OIL SHAMPOO & FINGER WAVE $1.00 Permanent Waves $2.50 and up HUGHES __ CIRCLES GLOBE Around the world in less .than 4 days ... N. Y. ac­ claims heroic airmen. AUG. August 5*6-7 Judge Zimmerman Visits Coquille Melvyn DOUGLAS JSL Robert YOUNG MATINEE Barbara O'Neil H.B. Warner NEWS SPECIAL TRANSATLANTIC EDITION! CORRIGAN IN DUBLIN SUNDAY Box Office Opens AUG. 10 I FEATURE NO. WOMAN IN A WORLD OF MAD MEN Sacrificing herself on the altar of human service, she risks honor — life itself — before the smouldering emotions of half-crazed criminals in a State prison. , ______ --- 'YOUR MONEY• « «YOUR LIFE coo THE GIRL YOU LOVE ■••NOTHING gfl B CAN COME BETWEEN US!” gJ W TWe was tte ww they tHk-W VICTOR McLAOEN A jumnumm. WILLIAM GAR6AN I PAUL KELLY ¡BEATRICE ROBERTS I FRANK JENKS f A NEV UNIVERSAL PICTURE Also “MARCH OF TIME” THE DEVIL'S PARTY