ÜHg VOL. Smith .Pin Hutt The Payroll Serious Fires No E. H. Kern Buried Last Monday Dis- I IllijJBIwllvil wlllAvil . noon at four p. m., after 1« Gao. W. Taylor, Sr., Passed Away ’ Freedom Plus Equality May a week’s illness. Heart trou Take Yean Ta Achieve cou* ** d*th *nd 1 At Eugene Tuesday Night— > J 1MM n Jr? - Achieve’ he had been troubled for t Was Past M Yean Of Age t 4'. »rand Tells Rotary Club year or mare it was not unti CwSCi” 'if , ♦ _ , „ ~, That It may take a thousand yean to work out the problem of freedom tinder our democratic form of gov- trnment—economic freedom and so- dal equality, as well as the political freedom we now enjoy—was the con- elusion of Judge J. T. Brand’s ad- dress before the Rotary dub yester- day noon, but his opinion was that American citizens would be infinitely better off to struggle toward that feme of perfection than to exchange •ir birthright of freedom for the feess of pottage, or a full stomach to 1 ISP c --rt- ■ day of last week that his c< became Mr. Kern had been a met the Masonic order for 91 ye. the graveside ceremonies we: ducted by Chadwick Lodge, Pearce, of Myrtle Point, ac worshipful master. The sen the Gano Funeral Home a charge of T. B. MacDonald, Orford. Edwin Henry Kern was t Hometown, Penn., May M, 1» was one month and 19 «lay* > years of age. He w Three More _ _ Streets One Block on East Taylor, Hallf And Third Streets Listed For Improvements as WPA Project The city council Monday evening declared its intention to improve the streets on three sides of the block in which the Coquille Hospital and the Farr A Elwood building are located by paving from sidewalk to present peved roadway on both aides of the street. The entire cost at the pro­ ject is estimated by City Engineer Gould at $11,791, but It is to bo a WPA project, the labor being paid for with WPA funds. The abutting property will be ameased fbr the cost Of materials, engineering Mgrl wtan. s» 2 «OP-1 Lamb Wool Show K*»ê w* A o A smwv I L Skips And Bilks An 88-Year Old His Creditors Resident Passes W. A. Stephens, who tried to en­ gage in the milk business in Coquille, by buying equipment on credit, blew up with a bang the first of the week and on Monday left tor parts un­ known. Besides bilking numerous creditors around town, I m wrote cheeks for aAund $100 that bounced right back. Not long since he gave his note in payment for a Dodge car and just be­ fore leaving turned the Dodge in on a car at the Southwestern, and used that in making his getaway. . i., * ----------------------------------- Coos Logging Camps Not Closed Will Seek Raising Of Fishtrap Road H. A. Minter, President Of The Plywood Union, Addresses Open Letter To Coquile The Coquille Chamber of Commerce directors at the Tuesday noon session In the hotel, declared that they wished to co-operate with the dairymen and ranchers of the Roy and Fishtrap dis­ tricts when they appear before the county court to ask for the raising of the lower points in the county road which are sometimes covered by the waters of lesser floods. When that hap­ pens they are compelled to haul their milk to the Swift plant here around through Arago and Myrtle Point when a little filling in would permit them to use the road along the foothills, past the oil wefl, to the highway at the south end of the dike. Treasurer R. L. Stewart made a semi-annual financial report of the chamber’s condition which showed that there was $200.25 on hand Jan­ uary 1, that collections had been $809.92 for the first six months and disbursement $59131. Young Girls Gone For Three Days HL •' ■ • '