Mrs. Florence Doran, of Portland, has been a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Homecker for a week. The T. S. Stevens family left last home of Mrs. Ruth Beyers Sunday on a vacation trip to Victoria, evening. B. C., expecting to return next week. Emma Kenyon, of Bandon, Jerry Williams has been confined in the Coquille Hospital for the past week with a severe hand infection. Mrs. Kenneth Lane drove to Wald­ port Friday for a two-day business and pleasure trip, returning Sunday night, Buy local bread industry C. L. Willey is leaving this week for Portland to spend a few weeks visiting his daughter, Mrs. Elva Rob­ ertson. and family. JUNE 30 JULY 1 THUR. - FBI. SAT. Mrs. Viola Newton went up to Portland Monday to spend a few days with Mrs. Harald Jeffries. She ex­ pected to return Saturday, former Coquille boy, sold his business in in last Saturday to Mrs. Fred Nosier and Lorenz, and other He returned home ind Mrs. D. E. Rackleff, who ip to Florence Sunday to their daughter, Marianne, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicking Keys made for all locks. Stevem Cash Hardware Coquille. Ore Bert Ocheltree was arrested on the street last evening by Officer Kolk- , horst, for being intoxicated and re- I fusing to go home when requested. fane Wirigs, W. fas. Rich­ mond, Mrs. Geo. Chapman, Mrs. Blanche Davis, Mrs. H. A. Minter, Mrs. Ena McCue, Mrs. Fred Schaer and Mrs. John Widmark drove to Arago Tuesday to attend the all-day meeting of the W. C. T. U." z/iDVENTURES OT I òm S awyer Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barton re­ turned Sunday from a business trip to Portland, on which they left last Thursday. They stopped at Salem for a short time and called on three of the Coquille people in the state tuberculosis hospital, Randolph Lor­ enz, Vera Gaslin and Ruth Gisholt. Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Inc DRUGGISTS STATIONERS Mrs. Ernest Lusk and daughter, La Vonne, of Montebello, Calif., are I _____ ___ _____ ___ ____ _ spending a week visiting at the W. H. knowing might (and often'does), by Fortier home. Mrs. Lusk is a friend force of circumstances, ______ , lack so of long standing of the Fortiers. much in knowledge of the com­ They motored up from California and mon places of civilized life as to be plan to drive to Canada and also called ignorant—though ignorance through some of the western states is very much a relative term. All persons are born ignorant, but may before returning in about a month. expect that experience will dissipate Mrs. O. B. Harriman, of this city, this condition to some extent. There her daughter, Mrs. Leslie D. Lewis is not so much hope for one born and children, of Wenatchee, Wash., unintelligent. expect to spend the next month in a cabin at Charleston on Coos Bay. Mr. Lewis brought his family down from Wenatchee last week and on Sunday left for* an extended business trip to the east and south. Another of Mr. and Mrs. Hariman’s daughters, Mrs. Edward D. Bittner, who had been at the Harriman home for several days, left for*her home in Portland Sunday, Mr. Bittner having come down for the week-end in Coquille. JULY 3*4 ROBERT MARGARET I Aln0 RS11 l LAVAN plicated, wait. E FIREWORKS For the Fourth A complete line, including Firecrackers, Roman Candles, Skyrockets, Torpedoes, Cap Pistols, Sparklers, Salutes, Pin Wheels, and lots of Nov­ elties. JULY 2-3 PICNIC SUPPLIES Take your insurance problems to Spike Leslie, 414 Front St. Your protection our chief consideration, tf Phone 601X puct from. America's Oldest, Largest and Most Widely Read News Magazine I WEDNESDAY PATHFINDER overlooks no important event , .. misses n interesting personality. Crisply . . . dramatically . . . right t tlie point ... It boils down for yon everything that goes on . . *’ ,h* plain facta and entertaining sidelights, al JULY d| JULY 4 I MATINEE SARTOHIVUtANf HARRY CARtY RO$