The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 30, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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    Amos Pinchofs Open Letter
dinary military formation. Yet, while rooted revival of 1936, which was put
our new depression tragically keeps to flight by the deflationary action of
them from either making a living for the Treasury and Federal Reserve in
themselves, or helping their families, the Spring of 1937, your recovery
Mr. Hopkins serenely announces that policy, based on big spending and
from Amos
The Pioneer Methodist Church
St Jum' Epigcapal Church
have done so well under pump­ pump-priming, has been a complete
Pinchot’s open letter to the president
Second. Japan ceased her aggressions priming and big spending, that we and tragic flop during which we have
Howard L. GraybeaL Faster
Cer. 3rd usd EMiott Strctea
in which he analyzes the pump-prim­
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Ernest
•nd apologized. And, in the third should go on with it on a larger scale at all times had at least half the re­
Revd. George R. Tumey, Vicar
ing bill “that will neither bring recov­
place, Ching, getting her second wind, than ever,
Summer Schedule in effect
ported unemployment in the entire Purvance, superintendent. *
ery nor reduce unemployment,** is plus an increased supply of muni­
Morning service at 11:00 a. m.
8:00 a. m.—Holy Communion.
And how about agriculture? At world.
herewith presented. The bill which
Evening services at 8:00 p. m.
tions from other nations, has turned the same hearings, Secretary Wallace
9:30 a. m —Morning,Service and
The government, in the fiscal year
appropriated three billion dollars for the tables on Japan.
Epworth League 7:00 p. m.
predicted that our total farm income ending
pump-priming has already passed
To restore the prestige and power for the year 1938 would drop to ten April 1, 1933, spent S3.777.00t 000.10
both houses of congress but what he of the New Deal Administration,
per cent belojv that of 1937, i, e., to April 1, 1934, spent 84.848,004,417.51
Church of Christ
Chiuch W CM
said prior to its passage is just as there remains the second alternative,
East Fourth and Coulter
87,700,000,000. And this sum includes April 1, 1935, spent >5,062,459,20141
Seventh and Henry 8ta.
true now as M was then.
And It is that of enormous and rapid spending.
C. Adrian Rtaa, Minister
benefits from the government. Our April 1, 1936, spent >5,337,110,459.44
E. Neal, Pastor
just as much an indictment of the And this is embodied in the pump­
average pre-depression farm income April 1, 1937, spent SS.S20.9S2,140.33 4 9:45 a. m. Bible School.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
New Deal’s inefficient program as priming bill now before Congress.
10:00 a. m. Sermon, “The Unfruitful
was approximately 812,000,000,000. April 1. 1038, spent SS,070,043,774.10
Morning service at 11 a. m.
was Dr. F. E. Townsend’s address in
As to that part of your program And, in bolstering Mr. Wallace’s ap­
Mr. President, I realize it is often Fig Tree.”
Rev. and Mrs. L. E. Neal have gone
Coquille recently:
7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
which deals with relief for the un­ peal for more money to spend, Mr. unfair to compare a man's past opin­
to Santa Crux, Calif., to attend the
8:00 p. m. Sermon, “The Artesian
employed, it will meet with little Milo Perkins, assistant head of the ions with his present course. And yet
state camp meeting held in that city.
opposition. I think the country is Farm Security Administration, said the economic, and perhaps political,
They will also visit relatives at that
united in demanding that they shall that three hundred and sixty thou­ situation is today so similar to that
be looked after until they can find sand farm families are today bank­ in 1932, that your former opinion of The Holy Name Catholic Church
Bev. Mamie Bigponer, pastor of the
jobs in private industry. And surely rupt and in need at immediate aid.
big spending may have relevancy.
Coquille: 1st Sunday, 10:30 a. m., Church of God at North Bend, will
it shpuld be united in demanding
Since 1029, our farmers have been In a campaign speech at Sioux City, 2nd and 3rd Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
have charge of the services Sunday
that, in the administration of relief, short thirty-two billion dollars in in September, 1932, you said:
Myrtle Point: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a. morning. There will be no service
the government shall maintain a high their normal income. Producers of
“I accuse* the present administra­ m; 4th Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
Sunday evening.
sense of responsibility.
other basic commodities, lead, zinc, tion (Hoover's) of being the greatest
Bandon: 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; 3rd
Relief, Mr. President, is too serious copper, et cetera,* whose prices are spending administration in peace Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
Methodist Episcopal Church
and, I may
a matter to
---- » say, sacred —
w largely
« * *
--------- — by
—«r the same
—- mone-
- »assido
times »11
in all VUi
our IÌX9IAJ*
— “UHC
one WIUU1
Powers, 4th Sunday, 10:30 £ m.
preaching 7:30 p. m.
be exploited by politicians, or used . tary forces, have had an additional has piled bureau on bureau, commis­
Rev. J. M. Sheridan, Pastor
Wednesday 7:30 p
to violate a citizens
rltiwn.’ right
rtoh« to vote
„«a- as
.. shortage
of fifteen billions, a total
he pleases. And, if I am not mis-1deficit of income and purchasing!
____________ _______
anticipate the dire needs or the re-
taken, the country’s attitude toward power of forty-seven billion dollars, duced spending power of the people
Emanuel Baptist Church
relief spending is a simple and hu- I Among the producers, representing
* I ... . On mv Dart. I auk vmi tn a»-
Fourth and Elliott Sts.
a_Andi bv^s hi
wMA mtetoto»
To The President On Spending
Morning Worship, 11:00 i.
lor, after a conference with you at the be, billions tor relief, but not one cent caused unemployment.
Coquille, Oregon
• National Government.’’
Evening Worship 7:30 p. m.
Sunday School at 9:30 a. m.
White House, the spending of this for patronage and politics.
Meanwhile, Secretary of the Inter­
And yet, despite the now demon­
Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 P
Sunday Service at 11 a. tn.
supendous sum was made “subject to
As to the question, raised in your ior Ickes asks for a billion dollars strated failure of the big-spending
Subject for next Sunday, ’’God."
the approval of the President.”
message, whether we should continue, to spend on seven thousand public policy, your administration cleaves to
Wednesday evening meeting at 8
The passage of the bill in the House, and, more than that, expand the works projects, for the moat part non­ it and to managed currency as a
Coquille Tabernacle
on May 12, raises a very great and pump-priming program, which for productive, to say nothing of the dr&wning man to a straw.
and Heath Streets
Free public Reading Room open in
, snwiwuwsr iwur. “ or, ir u VFV r be-Hour year» we have tried as a re-’ projects which wttt be started byMr. * Tn fib CBM, is your continuing de­
Church Building every Tuesday and
Rev. R. D. E. Smith, minister
comes a law, in its present form, , covery measure, with little success, Hopkins through the WPA.
This, sire to seize'power and more power
Friday afternoons except holidays
Sunday School at 9:4S a. m.
without proper limitation upon your f a wide and honest difference of opin- Mr. President, is putting government better evidenced than in your
from two to five o’clock.
Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m.
authority to allot and spend, it will, , ion mgy exist. But on one point there into competition with private indus­ for stupendous lump-sum
The public is cordially invited to
Young People’s service at 8:45 p. m.
in all likelihood, clothe you with i is fto doubt whatever.
The money try for fair.
ations, which you may allocate for
Evangelistic service at 7:48 p. m. attend our services and to visit the
much of the power over the coun­ appropriated by Congress for relief,
It to pet-haps the longest step to­ relief and other purposes, at your
Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night at Reading Room.
try's political and economic life, , or, for that matter, for any other pur- ward collectivism, and a totalitarian personal discretion, and without in­
which you would have gained had l pose, comes from the people. It be­ know-all and do-all state, that has terference by Congress or the States. 7:30 p. m.
Celling cards, SO for 11.00.
Bible Study Friday night at 7:30.
the Court Packing Bin, the Black- longs to the people—not to the gov- been made by any modern nation Mr. President, people are human. And
Connery so-called Wages and Hours | ernment. The greater part of it is with the exception of Soviet Russia. the motive of self-interest works most
Marriage Licenses
Bill, and the Executive Reorganiza­ raised by indirect taxes on consumers. Yet this grandiose andjcpgtly excur­ actively in the lean years of a de­ Raising Dam Ten Feet
tion Bill all been placed on the statute And every cent of it should be al­ sion into socialism will concededly pression. It is therefore only rea­
To Be WPA Project June 23—Stanley M. Betz and El­
located by the people’s elected repre­ give work to but a small fraction of sonable to expect that the groups,
dora P. West, both of Coquille. They
Your bUl, Mr. President, embodying sentatives, and spent with care for the unemployed, who would soon be the communities, the millions upon
(Continued from Page One)
were married here at the Earl West
your big spending and pump-priming the purposes designated by them.
put to work in private industry if millions of individuals, who will re­
home on Sunday, by Rev. R. B. Wil­
And, what is more, the actual ex­ confidence and a fair chance to make ceive their share of the enormous quire a filtering plant on top of the burn.
program, is an extremely bad bill­
even than the other power- penditure of relief money should be a profit were present.
sums—to be taken from the people In hill to purify it, in addition to the
June 23—Oliver Rudolph Dunberg
I measures you have urged on in the hands of local, non-partisan
In the same hearings Mr. Daniel W. taxes by yoyr bill and distributed by chlorination the local supply now re­ and Hallie Harriet Jensen, both of
It will neither bring commissions, watched over by Con­ Bell, Acting Director of the Budget, yourself and your friends—will sup­ ceives.
McKinley. They were married at
recovery, nor reduce unemployment. gress and composed of citizens, of said that, while the government had port, at the .polls, the candidate fa­
He advised that the city should add the Baptist parsonage here last
It to clearly a scheme to restore White high character, who know the local previously estimated that the deficit vored by you.
to its water facilities gradually and Thursday by Rev. W. A. Stephana.
House power by buying support in needs and are chosen from all walks for the coming fiscal year would
Not until later on will they realize not incur a large debt to secure a
June 23 — Henry Shirteliff and
the coming elections. And, if passed, of life. This, Mr. President, la the reach nine hundred and fifty millions, what they will pay for thia—pay far greater’ supply than to now needed. Sheila Delzell, both of Myrtle Creek,
it will go far toward liquidating our custom in England, where politics in your present program will raise it to more than they will be getting. They He stated that Coquille has grown Ore.
two-party system of government by relief is almost unknown.
at least 83,720,000,000.
In other will pay in bad business, in low pro- more rapidly than the state and than
June 24—Clarence Nelson McNair
But giving the President and his words, under your big spending and
putting a faction of one party, dom-
— «
id **
’ton and an impaired standard of moet of the communities in the state r
Norma Anne Buell, both of Co-
natod by one man, in control of the appointees huge sums of tax money pump-priming policy, the govern-
»- ' Jving.
ltvini They will pay in heavy hid­ in the past ten yean, but that there jguille.
United States. The bill should be to dispose of as they please, and place ment's calculations have as usual den taxes on almost every necessity was no need now of providing a water
June 25—Donald Earl West, of Co­
fought by every American who loves here or there according to party or gone wrong, this time to the tune of of life. They will pay in unemploy­ supply sufficient for a town of 10,000. quille, and Ellen Glenda, of Coaledo.
his country and honestly believes in personal advantage, is so wrong and two billions and three quarters. And ment and low wages and incomes.
The master meter at the reservoir They were married at a double wed­
so unfair to those who need help, that informed people have expressed the For from no other source than high on the hill east of town shows that ding at the Earl West home Sunday
democratic institutions.
Mr. President, when a nation gets no public servant, who is mere than opinion that, before the year’s close, production can employment, wages the average consumption of water by Rev. B. B. Wilburn.
into deep water, and the people grow a politician in the less desirable sense your program will bring the deficit and incomes flow. They will pay in here is about 300,000 gallons a day,
June 27—Joe Sinko, of Arago, and
cold to its political leadership, there of that word, should defend or toler­ to the incredible sum of eight billions. the lack ef opportunity and discour­ and the 24 million additional gallons Helen Anna Robinson, of Coquille.
are two standard methods which, all ate it for a moment.
Meanwhile, Mf. Hopkins predicts agement of the younger generation. made possible by raising the dam They were marled by Rev. W. A.
So much, Mr. President, for rejief that WPA alone must take care of And they will pay in the political would last two months and a half or Stephens at the Baptist parsonage on
through history, leaders have used to
restore their prestige and make the and for getting it out of politics Now three million people this winter, an corruption which the massing of longer, and supply a city of 8,000. Monday. a
people forget their trouble. One to let us copslder pump-priming as a increase over present figures of al­ money in political hands always
Another objection to pumping over
June 27—Jack Frederick Hagquist
to produce a war, or a war scare—as general recovery measure. And let most half a million. He calls atten­ brings And, finally, they will pay in the 827 feet elevation was referred to and Nadine Lydia Cartoon, both of
was done by Caesar, Mussolini, and me say right here that opposition to tion to the fact that our national in­ the loss of the finest heritage we pos­ by Mr. Koon as “dynamite.** If any­ Marshfield.
many other resourceful rulers. The your continuing your effort to pull come has dropped “from a rate of sess, our democratic tradition and thing should happen to stop the en­
June 27—Everett C. Kidd, of Co­
other is to spend huge sums and make the country out of depression by vast sixty-eight billions' (last year) to democratic form of government.
gine, the back pressure from the quille, and Clara Allen, of Myrtle
tiie electorate dependent on and be­ borrowing and spending, and stag­ fifty-six billions (this year),” our
If the lump sums contemplated in water in the two mile line up the hill Point.
holden to the government.
Some­ gering tex burdens, does not come average national income from 1923 the Appropriations BUI are to be would be very apt to tear to pieces
June 27—Virgil E. Kenyon and Vi­
time» both methods are ussd at onoe. from partisan or reactionary sources. to 1929 being about eighty and three- voted, unearmarked and not properly the line and pumping plant.
ola Lucille Ice, both of Bandon.
It comes rather from liberal and fourths billions.
After, it must be conceded, griev­
He said it was too late to secure a
controlled, into the hands of the Ex­
ous provocations and aggressions on fair-minded men and women of all
Leaving the testimony of adminis­ ecutive by Congress, they will Tam- permanent increased supply for this
Calling card». 50 for »1.00.
the part of Japan, you made at Chi­ classes, who have watched the course tration leaders, let us turn to organ­ manyize America, if, indeed, this has summer, unless some emergency
cago, on the fifth of October, a re­ of events, and who see that, after ized la ba or .
not already been done. And I appeal made haste imperative, and charac­
markable speech—indeed a speech spending fantastic sums in a four
On May 2, Mr. William Green, to you and to every citizen who loves terized the dam-raising as an ideal
unparalleled by that of any other years’ trial of pump-priming—billions President of the American Federation his country and has respect for the WPA job,” which would probably re­
President—in which you asked that upon billions taken mainly from the of Labor, stated before the same Con­ integrity of government, to reject quire two years to complete.
a nation not at war with us should be public’s pocket in taxes on the neces­ gressional committee, that three mil­ this plan to buy America on the hoof.
Acting on Mr. Koon’s suggestions,
for every occasion
••quarantined" as a carrier of disease. sities and simple luxuries of life— lion seven hundred thousand indus­
the council instructed the city en­
And since that time administration production is still stagnant, unem­ trial workers have lost their jobs in
gineer to make application to the of­
Certificates Awarded Friday
bureaucrats and diplomats, respon­ ployment is rapidly increasing, and the last seven months. And John L.
fice in Portland for doing the work
The Vacation Bible School, spon­
See them at
as a WPA project. Also to clean the
sive to you, have been rattling the the country is in many respects worse Lewis, Chairman of the Committee
sored by the Coquille Ministerial As­
sabre at short intervals and courage­ off than when pump-priming began. for Industrial Organization, said, in
banks of the storage reservoir of
sociation and with which all the
On Sunday, May 8, in a radio a broadcast to British labor, on March
brush and debris as high as the
ously offering to save the country by
churches in the city co-operated,
water will be when the dam is raised.
throwing the American people into broadcast, Mr. Harry L. Hopkins. 15, that, in five years of pump-prim­
2S7 So. Taylor
Phone M
closed last Friday night. The clos­
Works Progress .Administrator, de­ ing, your administration has spent
When that is done Mr. Koon will
the breach.
In January, as has been noted too fended pump-priming, and said that twenty-two billions in subsidies to
come down and make investigation
by the Coquille band, a ten-minute
of the dam’s foundations, although
briefly in the press, a secret meeting we should continue it in the future industry, agriculture and finance, and
program by each department of the
he stated he was convinced from his
of about fifty persons took place in because It has proved successful in seven billions for work and direct re­
school and an exhibit of the work
observation there last Friday that it
New York City. At this meeting were the past. Mr. President, let us see
“Thirteen million Americans are done. The Pioneer Methqdist church was sound and offered no danger to
represented the General Staff, the just what kind of a success it has been
unemployed. Their numbers are was filled to capacity for the meet­ those in the valley below nor of a
War Department, the State and Navy
ing and much favorable comment on
possible loss of the city’s supply.
Departments, the press, business, and this question, let us consult the tes­ steadily increasing, as the nation
the work of the school was heard.
Another thing Mr. Koon told the
public relations.
And a discussion
The school enrollment for this year
sureness to the never, never realm
council was that instead of possibly
took place covering the disposition of tion and of Mr. Hopkins, himself.
was 260 and an average attendance of
the American and British navies in a
Let us first see what your pump­ of financial bankruptcy, economic 198 was maintained. Certificates to reducing the water rates in Coquille
to pump from the North Fork, it
war with Japan, the methods to be priming policy has done for the youth collapse and human tragedy. . . , .
the number of 186 were given, the
would actually make it necessary to
used and the time it would take to of America. During the hearings held America to moving in economic re­
requirement being that at least eight
increase them.
The sprinkling rate I
inflame war spirit in this country, early in May, before the House Ap­ verse.”
of the twelve sessions be attended.
cents per thousand, after
and the way to ¿Hence the opponents propriations Committee, Mx. Aubrey, Mr. President, the foregoing facts Many of the certificate, were honor here is M five
Williams, head nif
of thta
the Mnfirtnal
National Vnuth
Youth ' do not seem to establish the claim
of war and to take critics of war, like ksriiiltotoMw
X h.^ .’£25* X XX but the
w* up
Mr. Boake Carter, off the air.
Administration, estimated that seven that your big spending policy has
They Twenty-five faculty member, were w°uld be 10 or 15 cents per thousand
On Feb. 24, the May war-power million people between sixteen and been good for the country.
bill was Introduced in Congress, a twenty-five years of age are today form, on* the contrary, a grave indict- presented with a service pin by the
bill which would create a complete' unemployed and in neither colleges ment of your policy. And this indict- ministerial association.
is inevitably Inspired at the recol­
lection of a service that helps to
presidentlal dictatorship the moment nor schools. How shall we visualize ment to not brought by the allegedly
New Cases in Circuit Court '
soften the sorrow of parting. The
war ta declared. The May BUI has this immense and unfortunate army hostile press, which your spokesman,
Late cabbage and broccoli plants
June 22 Clarence S. Hatcher vs.
- 1 of ■ young people, who are denied
— ­ senator Minton, of Indiana, complains
considerate attention which we
been referred to by Mr. Carter as the
may be purchased at Myrtle Gardens Paul and Vida Prince.
Wfer to the bereaved is for this
bill to abolish American democracy, portunity in a country that is held
June 22—M. R. Lee vs. Albert N. *q»on cherished and appreciated.
__ j '
sa/hilm tlmnst everv own appointees, and from the heads for approximately a cent apiece. (
But despite continued threats and in depression, while almost every
and Mary V. Godwin et al.
Whenever the need arises for our
growling» from Washington, includ­ other democracy in the world has
June 24—Alexander Turner vs.
Keys made for all locks. Stevens
in the country, one of whom gave half
service, you will find our organi­
ing recent remarks of our Ambassa­ made a real recovery and is now.
Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore
a million to help elect you.
zation always ready.
dor to Great Britain and Secretary of economically speaking, in a normal
June 24—State Industrial Accident
War Woodring, the effort to whip the
Commission vs. E. M. Wilkins.
Mr. President, if, from a grand- lapse that has attended the applica­
country into a hate lather has, up to
June 25—Pacific Coast Joint Stock
erected on Pennsylvania tion of the big spending theory is due
now, had little success for three rea- rtand
Land Bank vs. Dollie R. Smith et al.
Avenue in front of the White House, to any let-up in spending. For Treas­
June 27—Rae Maxine Stark Pier­
Piano, Accordion and Organ
ury reports show that, from the time
son vs. John Luke Pierson. Sult for
First, our newspapers, realizing that, you were to review a parade of these
young Americans, it would
after all, it is a serious business ta
IM W. 2nd
more and more money each year.
to the , horrors
of take them over three months to pass,
June 27—C. Mae Wolske vs. Geo.
Mve behaved with, marching from dawn to dark in or- And, but for the brief and shallow-
W. and Emily D. Kruse.
Plants or Blossoms