The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 30, 1938, Page 5, Image 5

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Mrs. Carrie Benham went to Myrtle
The regular monthly meeting of the
Mrs. Rose Garrett and daughter, Point about the middle of last week
W. C. T. U. was held last Tuesday at Margaret, of McMinnville, spent sev­ to care for her sister, Mrs. Hattie
th* home of Mr*. S. C. McAllister eral days this week with Mrs. Gar­ Hatcher, who after three days in the
with the following in attendance: rett’s father, William Chandler, on hospital, was able to be taken to her
home. When she gets stronger she
Meadames J. W. Barnett, Ralph Cam­ Dement Creek.
eron, Glenn Griffith, Robin and Bud­
E.JU. Smith, of- Riverside, Califor­ will be brought to the home of hsr
dy, J. D. Root, Arthur Doyle, Earl nia, was a business visitor here Wed­ mother, Mrs. Melissa Brownson.
Orlln Lett, who is employed at the
Edgmon and Kenneth, O. H. Aasen, nesday.
I J. L. Burtis, Rex Bunnage, H. E.
Chester Adams, of Chicago, ar­ Bryant logging camp on Eden Ridge,
II Watkins, Ward Evans, Shelby McAl- rived Thursday to attend the funeral was home for the week-end.
Kliater, 8. C. McAllister and Mis* Lil­ of his father, Charles Adame.
Mrs. Elmer Magill was the guest of
li la verte Myer*. The meeting opened
at a picnic and shower held
Mr*. Lily Dement and Gild* Delta
with a song, followed by a scripture arrived home Thursday from Ontario, Wednesday of last week in the grove
There were
aaadlng and a prayer by Mr*. J. W. Oregon, where they visited friends at Hooton's Haven.
about 25 ladies present, besides a
Officg a
Co- II Bk*®ett. Mr*. Glenn Griffith was and relatives.
quille - 1
appointed secretary pro-tem to fill
Mrs. Effie Adams, of Medford, is number of children.
| the vacancy left when Mr*. Sam Root a visitor here thia week.
The Grange invites the people of
moved away. A short program fol-
Wallace Dement left Sunday for a the community to a picnic to be held
I lowed after which the ladies surpris- business trip to Portland. He will Sunday, July 3rd, at the Grange hall.
I eg Mrs. O. H. Aasen with a handker­ return the middle of the week.
chief shower in honor of her birthday.
Mrs. Bert King and Mrs. Ella Mill­
Refreshments of strawberry short­ er were hostesses at a dinner hon­
The ladies of the Fairview Home
cake and tea and punch were served. oring the birthday of Mrs. W. A. King Extension Unit met at La Verne Park
i| Mrs. Ward Evans and Mr*. J. L. Bur- and Dwain Miller.
on Tuesday of this week and enjoyed
tis assisted Mrs. McAllister as host­
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Donald are a picnic.
At noon an enormous
esses. Th* next meeting of the W. C. business visitor* in Portland this luncheon was enjoyed, followed by
T. U. will be held July 19, at the home week.
delicious home-made ice cream,
| Of Mrs. L. M. Aasen, with Mr*. Ralph
Word has been received that W. business meeting was held in the af­
Cameron acting a* hostess.
C. Cronk, who has bean pastor of the ternoon at which
I Jim Leep, of Portland, was a Tues- Methodist Church here for several were made for
[dsy visitor at the home of Mr. and years, will be in charge at the larger at the local
[Mrs. H. E. Watkins on Hall’s Croak. Bonneville field, which include* Cas­ July 14.
The regular weekly meeting of the cade Locks. Mr. and Mrs Cronk onstrate
Bible study was held Wednesday eve­ will move soon to Bonneville to make will start immediately at ten o'clock
ning at th* church with J. D. Boot' their home The pulpit here will be and a pot-luck luncheon wil
s third chapter of Second Timothy.
Mr. and Mr> Frazer Hoffman picnic
picnic were
were Mesd
Mesdames T.
i The following members attended: Mr. drove to Illahe and Agnes* Sunday. ham, Charles Holverstott, Ray Norris
Jim Leep, son of th* late Dr. Row« and Harold Stock, Ivyl Frye and two
and Mr*. J. D. Root and John Paul,
land Leep, of Portland, visited at th* children, Joe Berkheimer, Ray Simp­
Mr. and Ms*. H. E. Watkins,
H. Aasen, Mr*. Ward Evans,
Arthur Bennett home Thursday.
son, Fred JoAnson, G. B. Dow, Walter
I Naomi Robison, Mr. and Mr*.
A family picnic was held at Wald­ Norris, J. A. Deadmond, Robert Hol-
port Sunday, honoring the 85th blrth- verstott, J. C. Hedden and two chil­
I McAllister and Mary Jean,
WHliam Chandler, a pioneer of dren, Dale Thurman and two chil­
will meet again next week i
this section. Those attending were dren, Misses Nelda and Lorraine Nor-
ehurch on Wednesday evening.
Ladies Aid will meet Thursday af­ Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Gilgeaon, Kath­ Hs and Viola and Helen Johnson.
ternoon at the home of Mr*. Albert leen and Clemmett, Mr*. Rose Garrett
Miss Wills Anderson, of Bangor,
and Margaret, Willis Chandler and was a guest of Nelda Norris last
Oregon’s Export Trade
western white cedar on the North
Mr. and Mrs. John Felsher and Mr. Chandler.
Attorney at Law
continent. It is one of the
T. G. Summerlin, who ha* been
Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Root,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivyl Frye and chil­
R m UM Ul
of Myrtle Point, Mr. and Mr*. Walter suffering with a broken leg, is able to dren visited her brother, Elmer Stan­ cles on Oregon’s export trade pre­ highest priced softwoods in the world
Farmer* ♦ MersMjjsBankBldg
Felsher and small son. of Powers, and be out on crutches.
ford, and the Ralph McCall family in sented by the Portland Chamber of and much of the Oregon output is
taken by Japan.
Mis* Ethel Roop, of Wallowa, and Curry county last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mast and Ardyce
Coquille, Oregon
More than 25 per cent of Ore­
and Jerene, of Allegany, were Sun­ Miss Helen Blodgett, of Albany, will
Every county, almost every com­
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wickeren, of
day guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Ward fill vacancies caused by the resigna­ Santa Ana, California, spent last munity in Oregon, must be interested gon’* gainfully employed are en­
tion of two grade school teachers.
week-end at the home of Mr. and in the volume of Oregon products that gaged in manufacturing and me­
Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Bennett, Mrs. Joe Berkheimer, while en route enters export trade, and practically chanical lines, while 20 per cent of
Mr. and Mr*. O. H. Aasen, Mr. and
Richmood-Barker BaUdiag
Mr*. Shelby McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. Julia Leep and Mr*. M. E. Boyle* home from a honeymoon trip in every section of the state contributes its people are dependent upon agri­
Their success in large
Mr*. S. C. McAllister and Mary Jean met Mr. and Mr*. Harold Leep and northern parts.
something to it. So varied are the culture
Coquille, Oro.
all enjoyed a lovely birthday dinner son, at Olalla on Sunday for a picnic
Harriet Jensen, of Fairview and resoures of Oregon— ranging from measure is dependent upon the unin­
Phone*: OOco MR, Re*. 98R
Kven at th* home of Mr. and Mrs. T. dinner honoring the 78th birthday of Oliver Dunbar, of Eugene, were lumber and staple food crops to terrupted flow of Oregon products
Haberly in Myrtle Point, Sunday, Mr*. Julia Leep.
united In marriage at the Emanuel medicinal herbs and barks — that through Oregon porta to the markets
Miss Mary Ann Belshaw is visiting Baptist church in Coquille last Thurs­ markets are found In every channel of the world; and with their success
honoring the birthday* of Mr*. Aasen.
greater prosperity is assured all the
S. C. McAllister and David Haberly. Marjorie Huff at South Cms River day by Rev. W. A. Stephens. Mr. of domestic and foreign commerce.
Mr*. C. A. Keltner and Mr. and this week,
While wheat was the first general varied businesses, professions and
and Mrs. Phillip Jensen. Mrs. Carl
Mr. ang Ms* X- H. Hansen an< Alley and Carlena were the only crop grown in the Willamette Valley, wage-earner* in the state.
Mr*. Clair Keltner returned from
Mr. and Mr*. H. G. Rosslow drove to friends arid relatives present.
their trip to Idaho, Thursday.
Mr. this fertile country has turned In re­
Matters in Probate Court
Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Doyle and Drain on Sunday.
and Mrs. Dunbar left for Eugene on cent years more to diversified farm­
A. N Mullan, of Honolulu, and hi* ,a short wedding trip and returned ing, dairying, fruits and nuts. Uma­
moving to the T. Cook
The will of Robert McCann, who
aunt, Mr*. lang, of La* Angele*, have Sunday.
tilla, Wasco, Sherman, Morrow and died at Salem, June 19, was admitted
of Goldendale, Wash., been visiting this weak at the home
Mrs. Lillie Berkheimer is much Gilliam have become the leading to probate last Thursday. The es­
Mr. and of Mr*. Mary Culbertson on ths improved from her recent illness of wheat counties, their production in tate is estimated to consist of $3,500
Gravelforg road.
1930 totaling 13,203,487 bushels, a in real property and 315,000 in per­
the past three weeks.
Mr. and-Mss. Ryce Wilson and Mr.
considerable part of which entered sonal.
their home and Mrs Clifford Wilson and Clifford
export trade in the form of flour. In
evening. Mr*, went to Glandate on Saturday, where
1935, government figures 5 gave a
Card of Thanks
accompanied them as far they visited at the home of Mr. and
Buick’s forward stride* in sale* value of $22,998,368 to the flour and
Our sincere
appreciation and
Mrs. Acylette. They returned to their
as Marshfield.
during the past year have resulted grain mill products of the state.
thanks are extended fa our friends
Clarence Mullins returned from home Sunday.
From the Hood River district and , and neighbors *vm
Kiivit ajiupawij
for their
sympathy ausva
in the award to this manufacturer of
Mr. and Mrs. Broadwater and A. C.
Troutdale, Friday, bringing hi* wife
choice third position in the allotment other contributing orchards there was kindness during our recent bereave-
published first time and daughter home with him. They
of space at the 1939 National Auto­ gathered in 1937 3,763,000 bushels of ment and for the floral offerings at
had been visiting there for some time. itor* with* Rev. F. H. Barr.
mobile Show in Grand Central Pal­ applies with a value of $4,075,000. the service* held for our father,
Houston Robison came in from Wiland was formerly an instructor
ace, New York, according to word Rogue River valley is the next heavy Tho*. F. Tennison.
Klamath Fall* last Sunday. He plans of Mr. Barr’s at the Brethren Bible
received today by Cliff Gulseth, man­ apple producing area. Much of this
Mr*. Ealie Oddy, Mack and Tho*.
Institute in Chicago.
to remain here for tbs summer.
ager of the local Buick agency, from fruit is shipped abroad and the pros­ Tennison.
Word has been received here by
Frank Miller had a slight stroke
W. F. Hufstader, general sales man­ perity of apple growers fluctuates
last Friday but is some better again. friend* that Mrs. T. V. Johnson and
with the changing foreign demand
Dr. C. G. Stem, chiropractic physi­
Mr*. Roy Purser, of Alsea, Oregon, Faye, who have been visiting in
cian, foot correctionist, electric ther­
“When the annual automobile show and price.
and her daughter and husband, Mr. Baggs, Wyoming, will return thia
Yamhill county leads in the pro­ apist, 292 Moulton St„ phone 88J. tf
oppns this fall, the spotlight will be
and Mr*. Melton Fox, of Salem, vis­ weak-jH-
of prunes and plums, of
on Buick because of this distinction,”
ited at the home* of Mr. and Mrs.]
W. B Smith, who was sixty-four
Mr. Gulseth said. “According to the which there are 4,362,862 trees in the
A. l *. nooion, electrics» contractor
Nile Miller and Mr. and Mr*. Jack year* old, passed away suddenly st
information from Mr. Hufstader, state with a 1937 marketed crop of and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille
his home hero Monday night. Mr.
Jones several day* last week.
choice of space is granted by the Au­ 56,000 tons valued at $1,429,000. Re- , Complete stock of wiring supplies
Mr*. Jim Mitchell, of Madras, Ore­ Smith ha* been a resident here for
tomobile Manufacturer*’ Association, moval of foreign trade barriers set
He leave* several
gon, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and several years.
which sponsor* the New York show, up since the World War might easily
children, Ann, Eda, Willy, William,
Ask Ned C. Kelley for rates on
Mr*. Nile Miller
on the basis of the dollar volume of double this market.
Fire Insurance.
Rev. W. A. Stephens, of Coquille, Harold, and Harley, to mourn their
Pears from Medford, Hood River,
j sale* by member* of the association
conducted the regular Sunday morn­ loss.
during the twelve months ended May and White Salmon areas and peaches
ing church services. A lovely pro­
1. By virtue of having achieved the from various parts of the region, be- i
gram. directed by Mr*. Ward Evans, lian Moore, of Myrtle Point, were
third greatest dollar volume during cause of their excellent quality, are
took the place of the regular Sun­ united in marriage Saturday at 3:00
the period, Buick wins the right to finding constantly widening markets
a . f . a A. M.
day school hour, which was to cele­ o'clock at the home of the bride.
one of the Choicest display space* in at home and abroad. In 1937 the
Plans and Specifications
brate Flag day. Children's day, Fath­ Ellen Rustvoid and Norman Branche
the great exposition hall,"
er’s day and Promotion day all in were the attendants.
The couple
Mr. Gulseth said the Buick shift to 241,000 bushels with a wholesale
July 12, 8 p. m.
J. D. Carl was leader of the left Immediately for a short honey­
third position will constitute the ma­ value of $250,000.
II Ml | |
. - - —— d
Christian Endeavor hour and Elwyn moon In Portland.
jor change in arangement of display*
In the production of filberts Ore-
Nosier, of Coquille, preached the eve­
at the National Automobile Show this gon and southern Washington are
ning message. This will be Mr. Noa-
'year. Buick climbed to its present supplanting the Mediterranean coun­
ler’s last Sunday here as he is going
There was a good attendance at the place from sixth position test year, tries, "hitherto the chief source of sup­
to Eugene to attend the Bible School
Bible school picnic held Sunday at t he said.
ply in the world. Local production
there. There will be services next
Camp Myrtlewood. Another picnic
in 1937 was 2,230 tons, with Washing­
Sunday a* usual.
will be held on the last Sunday in
ton county leading and Yamhill a
Perm Patrick and Miss Nona Cox,
close second. The crop was valued
of Bandon, were married Saturday
Recent relief appropriations by
Mrs. Rose Yarbrough, of Bandon
at $472,000.
Yamhill leads, with
congress at the urgent request of
at the home of th* groom’s parents,
spent a few days last week with Mrs.
Washington county second, in the
President Roosevelt recall this state­
Mr. and Mr*. Andrew Patrick, on
Melissa Brownson and picked and
production of walnuts, the distinctive
Fishtrap Rev. W. S. Smith, of Co­
ment made in the president's first
canned some wild blackberries.
flavor of which gives them secure
quille, officiated.
inaugural address which makes in­
Mr*. Orlln Lett invited a number
place in the market. Marion, Lane,
Bert Pauli has gone to Salem to
teresting reading now. Said the pres­
of neighbor* in for a “pea-shelling
Clackamas and Polk counties also are
receive medical treatment
bee" Wednesday evening.
Those ident on March 4, 1923: “The un­ heavy walnut producers and alto­
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward
scrupulous money changers, faced by
For Sale at
who enjoyed the pleasant evening of
gether there are 480,299 trees in
and Gerald returned from Eastern
the failure of credit, have proposed
work, fun and singing were Mr. and
the state.
only the lending of more money?”
Oregon Sunday.
Mr*. O. W. Heath, Mr. and Mr*. Ray
From Curry and Coos counties
Mr*. Bert Pauli, of Gardiner, vis­
L. Beckett, Myrtle, Virginia, Wild*
come the only commercial supply of
ited at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Nile
and Alden; Mr. and Mr* Frank Cul­ Spencer Foundation Garments
Miller Monday.
ver, Lynn, Tommy, Edson and Eleby
Mr*. Theo Shields arrived at the Ann; Mr. and Mr*. Dwight Culver and Bandeaus individually designed.
home of Mr. and Mr*. Walter Farrier and Mary Lou, Misses Helen Bassett For appointment call 191J or write
last Thursday, where she is visiting. and Lou Hooton, Messrs. A. E. Hois­ Edna Taylor, >40 North Coulter, Ce-
• Nov. 18, 38
Leonard Garoutte came in from ington and Noah Corner, and the
Cottage Grove to spend the week-end hostess, Mrs. Lett, and her little
daughter, Joan. Delicious refresh­
at hi* home bar*
ments of cake and cocoa were served
State Land Board terms and at the clo*e of the evening.
ranches for sale, low prices and easy
terms. Apply at the office of James tian Endeavor will present a short
Farr A Elwood Bldg.
Watson, Attorney for the State Land patriotic program, consisting of play­
let and musical numbers. Everyone
8. Taylor
tf is cordially invited to attend.
Building, Coquille. Oregon.
Buick Third in Sales
Brick Work
Cement Work
Cabinet Work
Chadwick Lodge No. 68
... Gano
Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Benham’s Transfer
Anywhere For Hire