We are now serving Hot Lunches Ice Cream Bing and Royal Anne Cherries Red Raspberries Black Caps Baby Carrots iiGW r GGS Watermelon Cantaloupes SATISFACTION IS ECONOMY THE MAKE - IT * RIGHT STORE Striped Auto Tents 7x7 $7.95 Want Ads GOULD FURNITURE CO A surprise stork shower was ten­ dered Mrs. Aletha Summers, nee Leatherwood, at her hotjje Monday evening by a group of high school friends. The evening was spent in chatting and quilting a quilt for Aletha. She received many other 119.75 to $25.00 Vacation Coati 0, Riverton 5. Stevens' Hard- fighting Myrtle TANKS for sale, two 285-gallons ca pacity. Cheap. Inquire South, tie with Walt western Motors. FOR RENT—3 Rooms Furnished. Gas, electricity and wafer included. 407 S. Willard St. Mrs Fred L. Houston. Bishop Dagwell Conducts Ser­ vices at Sutton Lake Camp North Bend Man Held On A Serious Charge Hooton Electric Shop Dr. C. Moulton