Social Notes “Three Comrades" Coming To Roxy COODYÉMI “R-1” Theatre Sunday, Monday, Tuesday to Arms” love story laid against a background of the af­ termath of the World War come to the screen as “Three Comrades,” filmization of the Erich Maria Re­ marque novel, which conies Sunday to the Roxy Theatre for a three-day showing. Rarely has so completely satisfac­ tory a combination of story, players and director been given a film drama as in thia story of four people, dazed hy their experiences in a war-torn generation and attempting to find re­ habilitation in a new world full of mocking illusions. With Robert Taylor, Margaret Sul­ lavan, Franchot Tone and Robert Young filled the stellar assignments. Oss look at she Goodyear R-I will eoevinee you that it ■ iltt|« — st economy prices. *•«” *6“ and with a suportlng cast compris­ ing such fine performers as Guy Kibbee, Lionel Atwill, Henry Hull, Charley Grape win and Monty Wool lay, the picture's characters come vividly to life. Taylor, fresh from his recent suc­ cess in “A Yank at Oxford,” offers the most distinguished and, heart- psifesm—as ad Ma career as the young Wartd War veteran faced with the necessity of beginning Ms Mte anew in an alien world Mwgarat SuitaMan is superb as the girl who brings fresh hope to his Ude, and Tana and Young in simple, expsosabta portrayals finish off a quartet of brilliant acting jobs. The Remarque story describes the experiences of tt» three comrades as COME IN-GET READY FOR YOUR 4 th ... JULY TRIP >*! ■<< GET NEW 1938 J- > enjoyed followed by refreshments, served by the h os i e rs . Others pres­ ent were: Mesdames Wm. Wiggins, G. N. Goodrich, Geo. Thompson, Howard Hyde, Ernest Embree, Miss Maxine Wiggins and ths guest of honor. G-3 ALL-WEATHER TIRES ON YOUR WHEELS—BUILT FOR 1938 DRIVING NEEDS r » » 1 f r / r » e GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY Declare your independence from tire trouble now — before you start on your 4th of July trip — and you 11 have something to celebrate The greatest lew ess t quality tire yen eon ¿uy —with i .Anive Goodyear features — sad gnarentoetf AS WW >5» for a long time! Ride ou the great 1938 G-3 ALL-WEATHER and enjoy the thrill of rolling on the safest tires money can buy! Never before have even Goodyears offered so much safety and long mileage as this latest G-3. So, get yourself a set — and 6e all set. C oquille S ervice S tation Phone 133 Former Teacher Here Married Townsend Club Coqui He Eagles Early Saturday morning the Turner Coquille F.'D. E., No. 21M, met in MacDonald family were surprised by Coquille Townsend Club No. 1 met visitors at their Port Orford home Tuesday evening at headquarters in regular session last Thursday eve­ ning Although it was a buatnssa ses­ who requested a marriage ceremony. the Community Building, with a very sion, it was later turned into a splen­ The lady, Thelma Wilkinson, taught .good attendance present. It devel­ did social evening. Several vocal school in Coquille and Norway for oped into one of the most lively bust- I selections were rendered by the several years, as also did her sister, ness sessions held in a lang time. Aecte’s favorite singers — Messrs. “Bunny.” The C. C. Farr and Mas- Much of the evening was taken up Ball sad Bailey. President Ed Vinton Donald homes were homes of the by the delegates’ report concerning made his debut as a ringer and was Wilkinson sisters when they were the big convention held at Los An­ accorded a royal welcome. The here. geles and was very interesting to all Gregorys furnished splenctod music As the MacDonalds had not seen Townsendites. for the dance. Thelma for seven years and had no A pot-luck supper was held after During the meeting plans wem dis­ notice of her intentions, her request the meeting which was greatly en­ cussed and made for attending the was a great surprise. However, Mr. joyed. The occasion was the termin­ big Eagles convention at Ktaxseih and Mrs. MacDonald accompanied ation of the drive for members In i Falls, starting Thursday, June 30th, the couple to Gold Beach, where Mr. which the ladies, headed by Mrs. and ending July 2nd. Several etale- MacDonald performed the rites in the Tilghman, and the men by Lans Len- gates from the local Aerie will attend. home of Mr. and Mrs. Sands, which eve, stage the contest. Many new The names of these attending, togeth­ made Marvin L. Schepman and Thel­ members were added to the club’s er with a report on the convention, ma Wilkinson husband and wife. roster but it will take a final check­ will be forthcoming after the conven­ Mr. Schepman has just received his up to ascertain as to which side won. tion. Master of Arts degree st the Oregon Both sides are claiming victory and: University and they drove immedi­ it is expected that the count will be1 The spirits of all the members ately to Berkeley, California, to visit I present were dampened by the state- close. his mother. He has been selected as Next Tuesday evening is social ment m“de by E. L. Vinton that he r in special language work night again and a fine program to be- tendering his resignation as Bluff, Calif., this year. ing planned, with dancing to follow. Pp*ldent of tbe Aerie. He has served ■ . but a very short term, having only F<»r sound Fire Insurance, go recently been elected. A fine posi­ Gallina rani*. Ml tor *1 on Ned C Kelley tion has been offered him in a su­ pervisory capacity with the govern­ ment, one such as he held in the middle west not long ago, and he is leaving shortly for Seattle to take up his new duties. During his short term as president, he has won the admiration and respect of th« entire Aerie by his capable handling of the chair and of the problems of the or­ der. It to with the deepest regret that the members bid- him adieu, while at the same time they are hap­ py over his good fortune i* roceiving such a splendid appointment. And 4 so. Brother Vinton, Coquille Aerie. No. 21M, Fraternal Order of Eagles, wishes you the best of luck and suc­ cess in your new enterprise. We are all hoping that some time in the fu­ ture we may once again enjoy the opportunity of addressing you as “Worthy President” of Coquille Aerie. —Press Cor. Special Permanent Wave Until July 31 Complete Oil Permanent S2.50 Or a $5 Permanent for 83.50 Absolutely Guaranteed CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOP Room M8 Laird Bldg. Phone I Robert Taylor in Franchot Tone, Robert Young- R “Three Comrades they return from thé front to face an uncertain future together in a coun­ try gripped by poet-war disturbances. Taylor, the youngest, falls in love with Miss Sullavan, and the love affair gives all three comrades a new interest in life. Taylor and Miss Sullavan are mar­ ried and she suffers a serious illness while on their honeymoon. Later, Young is slain in a poltical riot. When Miss Sullavan faces an opera- 1 1 ... . A large gathering attended the meeting of Job’s Daughters Monday Hultin- Wiggins evening. This was the last meeting The marriage of Miss Dorothy Wig­ of the term and was also installation gins, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wil­ of the new officers. The hall was liam Wiggins of Coquille, and Mr. attractively decorated with baskets of small daisies. At the meeting, Donald Hullin, son of Mr. and Mrs. there was a"* visiting bethel daugh­ T. Hultin, of Bandon, was solemnized Saturday at two o’clock p. m. at the ter, LaVonae Lusk, from Montebello, home of the bride’s sister and brotb- Calif. She belongs to a bethel of 150 er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank De­ members, with an attendance of be­ Casta; the kev. H. V. Graybeal offi­ tween 50 and 40 members every ciating. The bride wore a blue suit meeting. She told how pleased she trimmed with white fur. Her ac­ was to visit the Coquille bethel. The cessories were also blue. She car­ members of the bethel and council are planning to hold a picnic at the ried a bouquet of sweet pees. Mrs. DeCosta acted as matron of honor ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. and Mr. DeCosta as best man. Norton Thursday, July 7th. A short reception followed the cer­ After the regular meeting the instal­ emony, after which the happy couple lation of the new officers was con­ left for Bandon, where they will ducted, with Past Honored Queen Ei­ make their home. Those present at leen Percy as installing officer, as­ the reception were: Mr. and Mrs. sisted by Dorris Campton as install­ Wm. Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hul­ ing guide, Margaret Belloni as in­ tin, Mrs. Kenneth Hultin, Mrs. G. N. stalling marshal, Marianne Axtell as Goodrich, Mr. and Mrs. Frank De­ installing recorder, Marilyn Compton, Costa, Misses hfaxine Wiggins end installing chaplain, Jean McNelly, in­ Dolores DeCosta. stalling senior custodian, Betty Ax­ tell, installing junior custodian, and B. P. W. Met Monday Margaret Smith, installing musician. The Business and Professional The following officers were in­ stalled: Honored Queen, Beverly Nor­ Women’s club met in the Pioneer ton; Senior Princess, Ann Hawkins; church parlors Monday evening with Guide, Donna Dean Bosserman; the second vice president, Mrs Har­ Marshal, Jean Laird; Senior Custod­ riet Osika. in charge, due to the ab­ ian, Clarabel Watson; Junior Cus­ sence of the others from the city. todian, Geraldine Cole; outer guard, Yearly reports were read from the Patsy Holverstott; recorder, Joy Nor­ president of the club, the emblem ton; treasurer, Gretchen Clinton; committee and the public relations chaplain, Peggy Wernich; pianist, committee. Reports of the delegates Muriel Davts; messengers, Donna to the state convention were also Dunn, Mary Jane Dunn, Jeanne Cla- given. Mrs. Marjorie Rowland was terbos, Colleen Ireland and Maxine elected to membership in the club. Committees were appointed as fol­ Knight; librarian, Videlle Kelley. Mrs. Camilla Rtetman, past guardian, lows: Budget, Mrs. Gladys Gano, and W. E. Boeserman, past associate Mrs. Bertha Smith and Miss Myrtle guardian, were presented with gifts DeLong; Auditing. Mrs. Clara Stauff, from the bethel. Eileen Percy, past Mrs. Saima Caughell and Mrs. Mar­ honored queen, was presented with tha Mulkey. The transportation committee con­ a past queen's pin. A social time fol­ sisting of Mrs. Naomi Robison and lowed the meeting. Miss La Verne Knife served canta­ loupe and ice cream to the following BuHa Family Betmian members: Mesdames Saima Caughell, One hundred and fourteen rela­ Inez Chase, Gladys Gano, Ida Owen, tives attended the annual reunion of Harriet Osika, Georgia Richmond, the Ruble families last Sunday at Annie Robinson, Bertha Smith, Clara Corvallis. They gathered at the Ray Stauff, Misses Jda Oerding, Lotus T illie home, where a large grove Eaton and Lois Senn. was the center of activities. Ray Lillie is a cousin of Julius and Josh Pioneer Missionary Society Ruble, of Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. The executive council of the Pi­ J. W. Ruble and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ruble and Laura Emily loft Satur­ oneer Missionary society met with day and stayed at the home of Mr. Mrs. Jas. Richmond last Thursday I and Mrs. John Ruble in Corvallis. afternoon. This was the last meeting John Ruble is a brother of Julius H. of the official year before conference.' and Josh. Next year the relatives Reports were given showing one will celebrate the one hundredth an­ hundred per eent on the sixteen niversary of the patenting of the points which are necessary to be on turbine water wheel by Walter Ruble the honor roll. A social Ume was enjoyed, follow­ Buy Ideal Bakery bread oecause it ed by refreshments. A birthday cake to bettor. “ was served in honor of Mrs. Esta Ellis • Y - Tone a rec- A T5* It Would Arouse En- . thusiasm in the East Reports fi-om the Pacific Petroleum Corporation's operation east of Ban­ don during the past week’fcre more optimistic for the prospect of striking oil in commercial quantities than at any time since drilling commenced, according to those in touch with the work. While less than 1,000 feet in depth the drill has encountered oil sands that, reports say, definitely contain production possibilities. An Oklahoma resident with oil production experience, while at the local operations during the past week, stated that if stfch a showing were made with a new hole in his state the whole countryside would go wild about it.—Western World. Get Your Specials for the 4th at Dockery's NEW Super-Creamed Ice Cream Store to take out on picnics and parties Gallon - . ti oo Brick Qts. Brick Pts. - . . . Uc ^trawl»«’Ty Sundae 10c Giant Cones - - - ■ Be Double, rich Jumbo Milk Shakes 10c Ljnw Vitaly .f „Ilk u,.k„ 20 of Super Cream Ice Cream to choose from Br trays to fill for over the 4th or at any time Our slogan. “Quantity and Quality” • 44« Fnmt St. Coquille. Ore.