THE PAPER THAT8 LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME Nearly 550 Em* ployed at Smith Plant Now rial Hatton Re- V» Sidewalk Along Highway Is A . Safely Need signs As Coach Supt. B. W Dunn started looking this week for a successor to Hal Hatton as high school athletic coach, director of physical education and instructor. Mr. Hatton, who has taught chem­ istry in Coquille High, as well as acting as coach of football, basketball and track, has just been elected as assistant coach at Washington High in Portland and will not return for ■ third year in Coquille. There are two or,three academic subjects the physical education di­ rector may handle ln .C. H. S. and Mr. Dunn hopes to secure an experi­ enced coach who can also teach chemistry or one of the other sub­ jects. - If as in the olden days coaching could be a part time job, the board I»*«*- RMfcwX 6MX« I Ray Koon Advances Cogent Be»| sons For Not Pumping Fron North Fork—A WPA ProjM Pedestrians Must Jump Fence Or Climb Hill On One Section Just Beyond Union Substation The city council definitely aban doned any thought of pumping watei from the North Fork as an addition b the Rink creek supply, after confer' ring with Ray Koon of the engineer Ing firm of Stevens & Koon in Port­ land, last Friday evening. ’ The council met with Mr. Koor Friday evening, the water committed with him Saturday, morning, and a( a meeting of the council at 5:30 Sab urdav evenins th* council scceotef Attention is called to the need of a highway safety program for pedes­ trians between Front street in Co­ quille and Rink creek, on the Myrtle Point highway. The city council last week asked the county court and the local state highway department to confer with the county WPA chief, Mr. Mattson, at Marshfield, to see if something could not be worked out to furnish nrotection tteaae who n-iw» Mrs. Bryant, Chrm. Finally Worked ■ to "Tom Sawyer" At Roxy Tonight Tommy Kelly, who was rocketed to overnight screen fame when he 'was picked from among more than 25,000 boys to play the hero of David O. Selznick's technicolor picture, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” starting a three-day run at the Roxy this eve­ ning, still retains his burning ambi­ tion to play big league baseball with the New York Giants “Being a movie actor is all right, I guess,” said Tommy, "but when I grow up I want to be like Carl Hub­ bell, Bill Terry or Mel Ott. This is the picture for which the Coquille Bethel of Job’s Daughters has been selling tickets the past few ■ weeks, and the advanced sale indi­ I cates that Tom Sawyer still has a pulling power. Keith Leslie, Clerk The school board of District No. 8 met and organized Monday evening by the election of Mrs. Geo. W. Bry­ ant as first chairman and Keith Les­ lie as first clerk of the district of the first class. The other directors are Dr. J. W. Bunch and R. T. Slater as holdovers, C. W. Kline and W. E. Bosserman as the new members. , No other business was transacted, the wood blds being' returned to those submitting them for more explicit de­ tails of their offers. Awaiting delayed approval of the district’s PWA application for a grant of funds to furnish the gymnasium, no action was taken toward buying seats or equipment for the gym. Hoxie Goes to McMinnville State Policeman G. H. Hoxie, who has been on duty at the local head- quarters for the past fourteen months, has been transferred to McMinnville, where he will be on patrol duty. Ser­ geant Eric 'tucker stated Tuesday that it had not been decided who would be transferred to succeed Mr. Hoxie, who has Men broadcaster and office man here. Mrs. Hoxie and their daughter accompanied Mr. A Freak From Bandon Hoxie to his new field. They left Mrs. J. E. Perrott last Thursday early this morning. sent to the Sentinel office from Ban­ don a floral freak which our horti­ culturist commented on with the Donations For Chinese Relief Rev. Geo. R. Tumey calls attention words, “I wouldn’t believe it if I handn't seen it, and I don't know that to the fact that receptacles have been placed in various business I believe it now." It is a cross of a foxglove or digi­ houses in Coquille by the Red Cross talis with a Canterbury Bell. The for donations for Chinese relief. So blooms extend the length of the far contributions have been mostly stems as in the ordinary foxglove but pennies but there is real need for with a single large-size Canterbury support of the Red Cross relief pro­ Bell at the tip of each stalk. Two of gram in China and those who are the stalks had purple flowers and the able will contribute to this worthy cause. third was white. Not A Jury Criminal Trial At June Term —Judge Hendick Paroles Several A criminal docket of several caaea was cleaned up by Judge Carl Hen­ drick last Friday without one of them being heard by a jury, all of the de­ fendants pleading guilty. H. B. Sproggins and Nick Randall, who were indicted for attempting to bribe an officer at North Bend, were given a year and six months respec­ tively in the county Jail. They were paroled on condition that they vio­ late no laws in the future and report New Mail Schedule Effet- live Tomorrow The full width paving on Second and Hall streets which is considera­ bly more than half done is going to do more than anything else could do to relieve traffic congestion in the Mail Heretofore Arriving In business district. It also improves Evening Will Be In 11 Hours the appearance of the streets and is one of the beet improvements made Earlier—Better Service to Bay in Coquille for yean. Whether the county will be able to Effective tomorrow a new mail carry out its original program for schedule goes into effect for Coquille an oiled mat Job around the court and Coos county but the new star houif has not been determined. route from Eugene will not be in There is a WPA ruling that men can operation on Sunday nor holidays. not work except on specified projects Heretofore there has been a mail truck and the county's plan was to bring coming In from Roseburg, arriving in rock from its quarry which is not in Coquille about 5:30 in the evening any way connected .with the paving and leaving here for Roseburg about project But those wide strips be­ 10:30 a. m. That route is now to be tween curb and sidewalk around the discontinued. court will be tr, m They have to be now wfth| Eugene about 1:30 a m., an hour and I removed. report, which suggests the raising at The worst point is just above the a half after the train leaves Eugene the present dam by ten feet, half roc* Pettengill home, beyond the Unkm for Coos Bay. This truck will pick and half earth The present dam i$ Oil substation, where the curving up the first class mail and parcels 28 feet high from the bed of the rei roadway prevents lights from cars post which arrives on the last night servoir to the top and impound* in either direction from spotting pe­ train from Portland and bring it via destrians, and for some distance around 38 million gallons. Drain and Reedsport to North Bend, The additional ten feet will enablflf along there the footman either has Marshfield and Myrtle Point, arriving Elton Schroeder, Myrtle Point here about 6:30 in the morning, a the Cjty to Store an increase of 2< to climb the steep bank dr jump over million gallons, according to Mn the fence when two cars are meet­ postmaster, has reason to be proud couple of hours ahead of the mail Koon, and the added depth will tend ing at the paint where he is walking. these days. He has recently received which comes by train. Being outside the city limits, the his appointment for another four- to make it a better supply. This mail truck will turn around In company with City Engineer council can spend no money for a year term as P. M., and has also at Myrtle Point and start back for Gould, Mr. Koon last Friday visit*! walk there, but prompt action by the learned that the office there will be­ Eugene, picking up all mail dropped the dam, the North Fork where it was county and highway department may come one of the second class tomor­ in the postoffice by 8 a. m. and will row, July 1, which, besides an in­ leave here at 8:30. This will make a proposed to pump the water up over avert a tragedy.« In many places there is space for crease in bis salary, means that the morning mail out to Marshfield, Eu­ the 627 feet elevation above t**n reservoir, and also the well which a pedestrian to get off the pavement office will be closed Saturday after­ gene, Portland and east—something Mr. Marrion has drilled for water between Fitzgerald’s service station noon, that clerks in the office can entirely new. at the Coast Oil Company’s oil well and Rink creek but in some places he not work more than 40 hours a week A clerk will be on duty at the stands a poor chance, especially at and that the office cannot be open on postoffice when the 6 30 truck ar­ site. Sunday. In his talk with the council Fri­ night rives in the morning to sort and dis­ It is expected that a petition will tribute the mail which arrives than, day, Mr. Koon emphatically turned soon be presented to the postal de­ but which under the old schedule thumbs down on the North Fork plan, partment asking for village service would not have arrived here until which he said would probably coat mall delivery. This will be for the 5:30 that evening, eleven hours later. $15,000 to install besides a constant business section and means an in-.] expense for pumping. He gave sev­ Mall from California and the south creased payroll in the office. eral reasons for objecting to the is likely to be slower arriving than A Choice of celebrations is being North Fork as a source of supply. it has been. What formerly arrived The water there is not fit for hu­ offered southwestern Oregon for the at 5:30 in the evening will not get in man consumption and would ro- Fourth with Port Orford, Gold Beach now until 6:30 the next morning. But and Empire advertising three days of the Coquille valley for the fint time (Continuea on Page Seven.' tOSti' ivitie«. Empire’s, being on Coos will have a daily round trip mail May, J will probably attract the largest! service to Coos Bay. orAiu Fred J. McKeown, of Astoria, was crowds with its rodeo, yacht races, . Ite’ • ‘ open air dancing, mud wrestling bout, in Coquille Monday and Tuesday of water sports and many other at­ this week. He is travel director for tractions.. It is to be a three-day af­ the north section of the Coast high­ fair, starting Saturday and lasting way, from Otis north to Astoria, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Merrill, his duties are to make contacts from of Anaheim, Calif., came in Saturday through Monday. Crescent City north, endeavoring to The Coquille Chamber of Com­ There will also be the pyrote< hnlc evening to visit for a few days at the persuade tourists to see the whole merce laid on the table the question F. G. Leslie home. They had been display which has been associated Oregon coast from Brookings to As- of signboards at Crescent City, Rose­ on a six weeks’ trip going as far north with Fourth of July celebrations from burg, Drain and McMinnville, re­ soon after the Fourth’s inception as toria. as Yakima, Wash. While in Crescent City last week ferred to county chambers by the . Mr. Merrill spent 50 yean in the a holiday. he was told that travel over either Coos County C. of C. Tuesday eve­ printing business and was foreman the Redwood highway or the Coast ning. These signs would cost $28 a of the shop in Grand Junction, Colo., highway was considerably less than month each for a 42-foot long sign where Mr. Leslie had his fint print­ it was last year and that all travel and nearly half as much for a 20- ing experience, being ’•devil” in the centers, like Crescent City and Grants ( foot sign. same shop. While it is impossible to finance A picnic and celebration will be Pass, were feeling the depression Mr. Merrill told something in the keenly in the shortage of tourist four or five such signs for a year, at Norway Grove on the Fourth held Sentinel office Monday morning that travel. ♦ there Is another reason against so was new to us, that between 50 and of July by the various churches of marking the highways. At the present Coos county. This will be similar to 80 yean ago a bunch of Germans New Grand Jury Named time there is no effort being made from the middle west located at the one enjoyed last year. There will A new grand Jury was drawn last by the cities on the Redwood and Anaheim and started the first orange be sports, contests, concessions, a groves in California. Practically all good speaker and lots of eats, In fact Saturday and both grand and petit Pacific highways to keep travel from the Coast highway and this world's of them aad their descendanta have a jolly good time will be enjoyed by jury were excused subject to call. The members of the grand jury are most scenic route is receiving its been wealthy ever since, but he added everyone. Last year more than 600 John Ferguson, of Marshfield, fore­ share of tourist traffic. Such a con­ that this is a poor year for oranges were In attendance. man; Dora Church, Marshfield; C. A. dition of harmony would not last if Mr. Merrill sold his shop at Ana­ Broke Arm in Five Places Holverstott, McKinley; Roy T. Robi­ the Coast made an aggressive cam­ heim a few months ago and feels paign to keep travel off the other that he is through with the printing Geo. R. Holbrook, manager of the son, Norway; Mrs. Dell Nosier, J. D. highways and only a small percentage Gillespie, R. T. Slater, all of Coquille. game. Western Condensing Co., and Mrs. of the traveling public could be In­ • . . Holbrook took their 13-year old son, fluenced any way.--------- Hand Mashed In Mixer Stephens Resignation Accepted George, Jr, to Portland Tuesday for The coast route will always get its At a special business meeting of examination and treatment by the Melvin Schroeder, who was oper­ share of travel because of its more the Emanuel Baptist Church the physicians at the Shrine hospital, ating the concrete mixer in the street resignation of W. A. Stephens, pas- j While they were on a picnic Sunday widening improvement, had his hand comfortable temperature in summer and Its superior scenery and the tor, was accepted by a unanimous at Floras creek, he fell from a tree, caught yesterday when the mixer coast sections fare better from a fracturing the bones in his right fore- kicked back. He went across the vote. quiescent attitude on the part of those arm in five places and possibly street to the Coquille Hospital where living on other highways than it It was decided not to call another Dr. Rankin found the tendons had would if they were actively fighting pastor immediately. The pulpit will sixth. ' T " L 1 111 ’ K been cut into but not severed. be filled by guest speakers for the us. Macy Anderson Re-enlists present. Rev. Harold A. Minter will conduct the regular midweek prayer Macy Anderson, who had been on Wrestling Card In Two Weeks August Celebration For Coquille service Thursday evening. All are the home place at Fat Elk, near the It is being talked, but source of Harry Elliott says he is planning the rumors cannot be located, that invited to attend. Fishtrap road Junction for the past two years, enlisted in the U. S. army another wrestling card in the Co­ Coquille is to stage a three-day cel­ again recently and expected to be quille Building in two weeks, July ebration during the first half of Au­ Truck, Ambulance Overturn sent to the post at Spokane, where 15, but has not yet got his card lined gust. Doubtless those who are pro­ A truckload of CCC boys from the up so that he can announce it. moting the plan will come out with camp at Sitkum overturned near the he will again be a member of the public announcement after the Fourth post band as he was during his pre ­ Dora school house about seven o’clock Calling carda. SO tor *1.00 of July celebrations are past. last Sunday. Two of the boys were vious three-year enlistment which he injured, one of them suffering a brok­ served at Vancouver Barracks. P.O. at Myrtle Point Now Second Class Empire Celebration Starts Saturday Traffic Director Tumey New Heeds Rotary Old Friends At Retiring President Rietman turned F. G. .Leslie's the gavel over to the new president, Geo. R. Turney, at the meeting of the Coquille Rotary Club Wednesday noon. President Tumey responded by introducing his associate officers and directors and afterward de­ scribed his first day at the Rotary In­ ternational convention in San Fran- clso last week. Secretary Elbert Schroeder has not yet returned from San Francisco and George Chaney substituted for him. Mish Chapman was a visiting ro­ tarían from Eugene. Other visitors were Hale B. Eubanks, of Sutton lake Camp, former rotarían at Klamath Falls, and O. B. Harriman, of Co­ quille. Big Improvemen R ____ ___ but he is unwilling to I give all his time to high school in­ I struction and that let’s him out as a possible candidate for athletics men- Lloyd's Thumb Wider Streets A 1 from North Coast Why Highway Signs Not Desirable Picnic At Norway On The Fourth ■n en arm. The Mast hospital at Myrtle Point was called and while on the Tot Has Toe Injured way out to get the boys, the ambu­ The two and one-half year old son lance from there went Into the ditch of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bennett was and overturned. taken to the Coquille Hospital yes­ terday for treatment. He had Golf Course in Splendid Shape reached for a glass on the drainboard J. Maloney has the greens and in the kitchen at home but did not fairways at the Coquille Valley get a good grip on it. The glass fell County club near Norway in the fin­ and broke and cut through the tendon est kind of condition now and is en­ on the back of his left big toe. monthly to the parole officers ap­ pointed for them—Jos. McKeown for Sproggins and J. B. Bedingfield for Randall. Robert Buritt Owens, who was in­ dicted for passing a forged check, was sentenced Saturday to two years in the big house at Salem. He la the joying quite a good play by the man who was arrested while drunk LufoL u. making improve­ A O. Walker left Monday for at Marshfield and ............................... 1 claimed to be menta on the in many ways, Portland on a business trip for the Greenlee, who was wanted for mur- There sporting course Coquille Service Station, expecting < Continued on Page Six) , in Oregon. to return today. K. P. Lawrence Visits "Buzz" Holm strom Who Will Be Home In August “Tell the folks I'll see them in Au­ gust,” was Buzz Holmstrom's last words as he waved goodbye to “Count" and Mrs. K. P. Lawrence at Boulder City two or three weeks ago. And Buzz is extremely anxious to come home if only for a visit. He was somewhat homestick but the Count’s visit was a help. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and sons spent a day and a half with Buzz, who is employed by the Boulder City Amusement Co. He runs a boat for them on upper Lake Mead. The company owns the hotel, a boat line and other resort features. It looks now as though Buzz would make something out of his daring feat in running the Colorado, solo. The company has helped him fit out his boat and a book recounting his ad­ venture will soon be off the press. The Lawrences visited Marble Can- (Continued on Page Six)