Social Notes Money Talks at ELECTRIC RANGES Nosler’s Cash Coquille, Oregon WANT Bacon Backs Salad Dressing lb qts. I. G. A. Mayonnaise Cottage Rolls Festival Catsup lb pts. 14 oz. bottle Gum, all kinds L G. A. Sliced or Crushed Pineapple No. 2.... 2 for 35c Preferred Stock Dill Pickles, No. 2 ft tins Oxydol Washing Powder, pkg. Buffet cans, Tomato Juice, 6 cans for Campbell’s Tomato Juice, No .1 tall, 4 for Jello (Six Delicious Flavors), pkg. 19c California Small White Beans, “* 4 lb Kalico Kate Hard wheat Flour, 49-lb sack Whole Wheat or Graham Flour, 9-lb sack TKeHufr COQUILLE BRANCH V. B-.MeCLAXY. M«r. Phone 209 R >15 Wert First EXCEL DRESS SHOPPE 27c Deviled Meat, quarters, 3 tins for 10c Paper Napkin s, 100 to pkg. for 5c Designed in Hollywood COATS # ’ SUITS DRESSES Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs, for 10c Puffed Wheat, pkg. AU Kinds of Gust, 3 Wheaties, 2 pkgs, for Tuna Flakes, ft lb tins, 2 for Calumet Baking Powder, 1 lb tins for - Bartlett Pears, 2ft tins Mrs. Stewart’s Bluing, lg. bottle Apricots, 2ft tins - - Pancake Flour, 10-lb bag Festival Noodles, 11b pkg Classic White Laundry Soap, 10 bars Fancy Dill Pickles, qt. jars Blue Rose Rice • 5 lb . - - - 23c Macaroni 41b................................ e Ginger Snaps ¿ID • • • Red A 'Coffee, reg. 20c Now lb 19c - 15c 1 I Flowers' for every ee ewi eu Plants or Blossoms BERGEN'S h > m I