humorous readings by Mrs. Martha Mulkey were much enjoyed. The history of the Coquille Church of Christ was given by T. B. MacDon­ ald, of Port Orford, a former pastor of the local church.. The closing number was a song by the entire- group, "There’s a Place for Every Worker.” The ladies of the church had * charge of the banquet but alt the I members helped to make it a huge success. Waitresses were: Margaret Staninger, Vera Hadsal, Katherine Estey, Emma Frances Mulkey' and Edythe Farr. bers. Evangelistic work is carried on in hundreds of nativ« villages. Mrs. Foley told of Africa as the "Con­ tinent of Music.” Elwyn Nosier sang “Lord, I Want to be a Christian.” Ha was accom­ panied by Mrs. Ralph Harry.. A pageant entitled, “The Value of the Bible to Christian Nations," was given under the direction of Mrs. Levi Wilson. Those taking part were: Katherine Esty, Patricia Nosier, Jerry Holcomb, Ernestine Battey, Veryl De- Geeter, Dorothy Hardenbrook and Vi- delle Kelley. A social hour followed the program, with light refreshments served by Mrs. Harold McCue, Mrs. John Widmark and Kenneth Graham. Those present were: Messrs, and Mesdames Gus McCullough, Arthur Hooton, Henry George, E. H. Souder, Berlyn Billings, Adrian Sias, Elwyn Nosjer, Ralph Harry, Willard Sloan, Levi Wilson, C. C. Farr, Mesdames L. E. Rose, Harold McCue, John Wid­ mark, Arthur Towne, Henry Card- well, Kenneth Graham, Byington, A. N. Foley, A. S. Bean, E. E. Nosier, Goldie Gregory, Maty Wimer, Miss Jennie Lafferty and several young folks. JQémodel YOUR HOME Court House Crew Has Picnic About thirty-five members of the courthouse office force motored to Bandon Thursday night to enjoy a JX W THE MFE WAY/ GET A GENUINE 1938 FRIGIDAIRE C new SILENT METER MISER SAVIS MORÌ ON CURRINI . 1009 ICE . . UPKEEPr^^ffl^x venience». Th« First National Bank offers long-time FHA Modernization financing on existing structures up to $10,000/ "First National Bank Wost of th« Rockte«* Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire SOUTHWESTFRN OREGONS GREATEST~ST( MARSHFIELD, OREGON WOOD COQUILLE BRANCH COAL — FUEL OIL STORAGE Office Phone ML ’ 1