The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 23, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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L. M. McPherson, who formerly
managed the Jno. A. Blogger garage
ytd auto agency here, has resumed
business at the old stand, in the
Strang building on Front street,
where a well equipped repair shop
1« ready for service on automobiles.
Mr. SfcPherson also has storage
by the nijht, the week or the month,
and will also deal in used cars.
The Thornton Tire Service of
Marshfield will next week open a
shop at the front of the east side
of the building where every service
needed on tires can be secured.
Council Plans More
Street Widening
Members of Job's Daughters and
their council are busily engaged in
selling tickets for the picture, “The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” which
features Tommy Kelley in the famili­
ar role of the mischievous Tom. This
picture, filmed entirely in technicolor,
has a supporting cast which includes
such a famous artist as May Rob­
son, as well as other child and grown­
up stars. This makes it a picture for
the older members of the family as
well as the younger ones nM all are
urged to support this organization
in the ticket sale. *
The picture will be shown Thurs­
day, Friday and Saturday, June 30,
July 1 and 2, and promises to be one
of the best of the yeaf.
Through Mr. Clever it was made
possible for the group to sponsor this
show. The Job’s Daughters will be
allowed a percentage on each ticket
The girls are working hard on this
sale, for it is the last project of the
team and it is hoped that it will be
a fitting climax to a successful year.
The group will adjourn after the in­
stallation of officers Monday, June 27,
until September when the new of­
ficers take charge.
' Four divorces were granted oy
' Judge Carl Hendrick in circuit court
I here this week. On Monday it was
! to Edna A. Clark, separating her
from Perry K. Clark. Yesterday di­
vorces were granted to the plaintiffs
in the following cases:
Rotha M. Shaw vs. Carmi K. Shaw.
Roeetta White vs. Wm. J. White.
Virginia Clark vs. Clyde Clark.
(Continued from Page One)
street from the Bob Train comer, in­
stead of maintaining the Front street
route with the turn at Fitzgerald’s'
Service Station.
These improvements, which would
so greatly benefit traffic In Coquille,
can be made as a WPA project at a
much lower cost to the property
owners now than if they wait until
the WPA funds are all expended
and the coat of both material and
labor be borne by the property.
The council voted to make the
tennis court, for which the Junior
Chamber of Commerce has $500
funds on hand for material, a WPA
project and application will be made
by Engineer Gould to the Portland
office. The estimate of providing a
48x120 feet, 4-in. slab for a double
court, with a high fence around it,
is estimated to cost $1,000, and being
built on city property—the ‘ball
park—the city can expect favorable
action from the WPA office.
P. L. Johnson submitted plans for
the remodeling of his plumbing shop
front on Front street and asked per­
mission to make the improvement
It was granted, on condition that he
secure the approval 'of the fire chief
and buildine inspect™- 1
tot t
plications had been made for 73
advertising signs in acordance With
the provisions of the new sign or­
uri iwirr
Miss Margaret Stauff, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stauff, has been
For Refrigeration, Repairing and appointed music director of the na-
Installation^ phone 600M, _Ç. C. Smith, donai. convention -eV -Kappa
tot ' '
■ '
- Lake, N.
to be held at -
J, from June 25th to July 1st' Con­
vention headquarters will be the
Essex and Sussex Hotel, one of the
most exclusive and historic resorts
on the Atlantic coast. Following the
convention, Miss Stauflj will go to
Camp Allegro
the .JJWto MfiUD-.
talns'of New Hampshire for eight
weeks, to be in charge of music and
Miss Stauff has been in Washing­
ton, D. C., since March, 1934, and
has just completed her second year
as teacher of public school music in
Langley Junior High School. After
her graduation from Marshfield High
school, she received her B. A. degree
from the U. of O., where she was also
elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She has
jqst completed her work at George
Washington University for her Mas­
ter of Arts degree. She will regis­
ter thesis 'in the fall and will re­
ceive her degree In February.
Her last letter tells of a delightful
dinner and evening of enjoyment
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben S.
Fisher. Among those present were:
Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar, Miss Vella
Winner, Mrs. Nan Wood Honeyman,
Congressman Jas. W.- Mott, Judge
John C. Kendal], John Kendall, Jr.,
and Mrs. Kendall.
- Uirtih Juiy BL
Complete Oil Permanent
of the year, fruits and vegetables are at their best and necessarily
play an important part in the preparation of your daily menu.
Fresh Red Raspberries
Large, field-ripened Tomatoes, extra fine
Royal Anne and Bing Cherries
Baby Carrots
gtterf Feas
The Busy Corner Grocery
Absolutely Guaranteed
208 Laird Bldg.
Quaker Lace Dinner Cloths
Council To Have Water
Survey By Engineer
(Continued from Page One)
Free Delivery Service
. i
Or a $5 Permanent for
Miss Margaret Stauff To
Direct Convention Music
Special Permanent Wave
I.)1 'Wr
At this Season
rented so far at the Rotary Inter­ FOR SALE
Large size Roll-top
national convention and noted the
Desk with .chair. $25.00 cash. Ella
arrival of George Tumey.
Black, Sanford Heights.
Guests present were Wm. Osika,
of Park City, Utah, father of Clar­ FOR RENT—2-room Cabin, partly
ence Osika; John Hassler, Rotarian
furnished. Apply Hi-way Grocery,
of Portland, accompanied by a friend,
phone 80IX.
Mr. McAllister.
FOR SALE—Red Cedar Posts, 8c
each. Shakes $1.50 per thousand.
Bob Head Bond Furnished
Mrs. C. A. Winship, Rt. 1, Box 148,
Ifcnry Shields was brought over
from Marshfield on Monday to serve ---------------------------- !--------------------- -----
a 30-day sentence imposed by Justice IF YOU are looking for Bargains,
Bolt for drunkenness.
don't overlook these cash buys—
Lloyd R. Johnson, ordered com­
We have two repossessed Daven­
mitted to jail by Justice Barton for
ports and Chairs in perfect condi­
contempt of court, not having paid
tion for only $49.56 a set.
an old fine, was released on Tuesday
A repossessed Dixie deluxe bal­
when the fine was paid.
anced Range, Al shape, regularly
Warren Murphy was brought over
$109.50,now $79.56 fully guaranteed
from North Bend, Monday, to serve
Also a number of used Ranges
a $10 fine given him in J. P. court for
from $16.66 up.
petit larceny.
A few used washers from 16.66 up.
Mrs. Geo. Fitzhenry, who had been
2 Row Boats, 14 feet long, new
sentenced to 15 days in jail by Jus­ « and ready to go $35.66 and $35.66.
tice Haynes at Bandon, on a drunk
Several used Sewing Machine at
and disorderly charge, was released
very reasonable prices.
yesterday. She claimed she had suf­
Always shop at
fered a broken rib when the officers
arrested her.
New A Used Furniture
Robert Head was released from
466 Front
jail last Friday, his father-in-law,
who lives in southern Douglas coun­ RELIABLE
ty, having posted the $3000 bond re­
oall on farmers in N. Coos County.
No experience or capital required.
Steady work. Make up to $13 a day.
Write L. T. OVERLAND, 4613 S.
Buy Ideal Bakery bread oecause 11
Jay Street, Tacoma, Washington. 1*
is better.
of the river the water in them is
probably seepage from the stream
and it would be considable of a
gamble in drilling for a sufficient
supply at higher levels, farther back
from the river.
Several of the councilmen feel that
pumping from the North Fork over
the hill into the storage reservoir
would not produce any better sup­
ply than would come from the main
river here.
According to Mr. Koon’s report,
ten or more years ago, raising the
dam another ten feet would only in­
sure a sufficient supply for a city
of 3500 people and Coquille has
passed that population figure already.
There is ‘also some doubt as to the
wisdom of adding ten feet to that
FOR SALE—80-acre ranch adjoining
earth embankment.
Coquille Valley Golf Club would
Consequently the council voted
make ideal country home or good
' unanimously on Dr. Milne’s motion
proposition to subdivide.
W. A.
that the firm of Stevens & K<x>n be
James, Coquille, Ore., McKinley
engaged to make a report based on One Cent a Word Each Insertion
Star Rt. Also good mule team for
No, Adv. leas than 26 cento
engineering data. That firm is rec­
ognized as an authority on matters of
FOR RENT—3 Rm. furnished apt. A TWO ROOM Furnished Apartment
this kind In the Northwest.
Adults only. Inquire first house
for Rent at 350 South Henry. In­
All bids for pipe, submitted a
west of bridge on Bandon high­
quire at 479 North Coulter. Mrs.
few weeks ago, were rejected by the
Flora Dunne.
Want Ads
used, medium­
sized Safe. White Box M, care of
The featured guest artist at the
Rotary club luncheon at the hotel
WANTED—Housework by middle-
on Wednesday was Billie Cardwell.
aged woman. Good cook. Take
In an appropriate costume of cow­
full charge. Write or see Mrs. Eliz­
hand apparel, he gave several ex­
abeth Horning. Bullards, Ore., care
cellent renditions of the current
W. E. Silvester.
cowboy ballads, accompanying him­
self with his guitar.
George Chaney, acting secretary,
read a communication from Secre­
tary Elbert Schroeder in San Fran­
Piano, Accordion and Organ
cisco that was intended to serve as
High Scheel Credit Given
this week’s bulletin but which ar­
195 W. Sad
Phene 86-L
rived too late to be printed. He gave
a brief outline of the program pre-
FOR SALE—House and lot with 3
fumshed Apts.
Business section of
Myrtle Point. Consider trade for
Coquille property. Terms. Priced
low. Write or see Fred Bull, 438
Front St, Coquille, or Phone 62M.
FOR RENT—Furnished Modern 3-
room Bungalow.
Call 367 West
Fifth, corner of the Highway.
WE CARRY a complete line of Dr.
Hess A Clark Poultry A Stock rem-
. edies and tonics.
Cooa Feed A
Seed Stores
FOR SALE—Good ranch land, im­
proved, with implements and stock.
Also good pack pony. A. J. Mayse,
Phone 8R21, Myrtle Point.
PIANO BARGAINS — Latest type
Spinet Console Flat Top Piano, also
Studio upright almost new to be
sold here in Coquille at BIG SAV­
INGS. Most any terms can be ar­
ranged for a quick sale. For loca­
tion and inspection privileges write
at once to Credit Deps., Cline Piano
Co.„ 831 Jay St, Sacramento, Cali­
FOR RENT—House at 441 So. Coul­
ter. See A. H. Grimes at 490 S.
Coulter or phone 14-J.
WE CARRY a fresh and complete
line of Field Seeds, Orchard Grass,
Rye Grass, Clovers, etc. Get our
prices. Coos Feed A Seed Stores.
FOR SALE — Choice selection of
Dogs. Small or Large, Reasonable.
Coos County Humane Society Shel­
ter on Sanford Heights.
FOR RENT—Small house, bam, gar­
age and some pasture on Coquille-
Bandon highway. Charles Upton.
Rotary Hears Convention Report
Setting the table with Quaker is setting the pace in quality,
because these renowned cloths belong so rightly in the well-
appointed homes.
These cloths come in the natural Bisso, also the deep cream
We are now agents for the beautiful
Kleinart's “made to order” shower cur­
tains. May we show you our samples?
Hooton Electric Shop
Just Received!
A large order of NEW Electrical Fixtures. Modern in
design and line — all moderately priced. If YOU want
new fixtures for your home, come to the Hooton Electric
Shop and choose from our large assortment.