¡fí THE COQUUXE VAIlCf &NT1NEL. MQUttlX OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE S3, 1838. PAGE nN ____________ ■■ ." Mrs. Emily Hersey, mother at Mrs. days to stay with her mother, Who Julius Ruble, has been visiting at has been in poor health. th* Ruble home for a few days. Mrs. Reba Walder Cortez, pf the 'Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bond left Tues­ Coquille Beauty Salon, returned day for British Columbia for a va­ Tuesday from a trip to Salem, on which she left last Friday. cation trip, via the McKenzie Pass. Mr. and Mrs? Aaron Wilson re­ turned Sunday evening from Klamath Falls where Mr. Wilson was a dele­ gate to the State Grange convention. Mrs. Wilson visited their son, Lester, and wife at Prospect. Miss Dorothy Coffey, of Salem, left Mrs. J. A. Lamb and Mrs. Marvin for home last Tuesday after a two Lyons, of Marshfield, left last Wed­ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon T. Brockmann weeks visit with Miss Kathleen Col­ nesday to spend a few days at the left this morning for a week’s out­ lier. Lamb cottage at Bandon. ing at Agness. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Hawkins and Robert J. Jarger accompanied Rev. The Past Noble Grands will meet Ann left last Thursday to spend a Geo. R. Turney When the latter left with Mrs. J. P. Beyers Friday eve­ week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dim- Sunday for San Francisco to attend ning, July 1st. mlck at Ophir. the Rotary International convention. Cloverleaf Dairy, pure milk and Mr. and Mrs. William Osika, of We still have a few specials in cream. Phone 7R42. tf Park City, Utah, parents of Clarence radios, both electric and battery; this Roy Smith, Marshfield man, well known here for many years in church and civic activities, is being trans­ ferred to the Orkland, Calif., post- office, from the Marshfield office, where he has served 19 years. Telling About People Events in the City an County Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harry enter­ Oaika, are visiting at the Oaika home tained Miss Frances McKachnie, of for a few weeks. Albany, over the week-end. Miss Audrey Aasen and Miss Sara Carpenter’s local union, No. 1086, Margaret Nye left Sunday morning will attend the meeting of the Ban­ to attend summer school at the Uni­ versity of Oregon. don local Thursday evening. V. R. WILSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST OPTOMET] Glasses Eye« Examined. Fitted. Broken lenses du- plicated, Optical repairs while you wait Expert service. ■- . ...111!—'.—— Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Caughell re­ turned Sunday from a business trip to Salem and Portland, on which they left last Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Watson went out to Junction City last week for a few THE DRUG i STORE .. 1 l H town 1 /tri Äfcvi/ p Ws Postmaster and Mrs. M. O. Haw­ kins and Ann returned Tuesday eve­ ning from Ophir, where ttjpy-* had spent five days with Mrs. iom Dim- mick. The P. M. had a lot of fun, is your chance to buy a fine instru­ spending much of the time on Euchre ment at a very good price. H. S. creek fishing. Norton Music and Stationery. Miss Irene Sandon spent her va- Mrs. Flora Dunne entertained with f cation motoring to Bend and then a dinner Sunday for her brother, John on to Yakima, Tacoma and other Quick, who celebrated his 75th birth­ points in Washington. She plans to day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheeler were bring a Portland friend, Miss Sidney invited guests. ’ Renn, home with her via Astoria Miss Florence Folsom, who came and the coast route. down from Eugene last Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Rutledge and a visit, underwent an operation for a few friends drove to Illahe Sun­ appendicitis at the Belle Knife Hos­ day for a brief visit En route they pital this morning. were caught in a cloudburst, which Miss Myrtle Minter left Saturday for a two-weeks vacation trip to Las Angeles, expecting to stop over at Bakersfield, Oakland and Klamath Falls on her return home. Jack Carl Kater pleaded guilty to embezzlement in circut court Mon- d»v. His rwfW «vWat «Mttb-Mkftrshop ‘“Tl* plover. J. S. Chambers, at Marshfield. made the road impassable for a short distance, while both sides of the deluged area were clouded with dust. Margaret Purvance and Elois Wil­ son drove to Portland Friday, taking Bob Waggoner back to resume his studies at the Portland Bible School. They returned Mondav hrinrinr ’Mth UMsOB, who Tiad been taking one of the summer school sessions at Monmouth. •JI.’ ’TTlaXTlMl Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Inc STATIONERS DRUGGISTS Rev. G. A. Gray, pastor of the Co­ quille M. E. church here, left Mon­ day afternoon to attend the church conference at The Dalles. He ex­ pects to be home to conduct services Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. M. Earl Wilson re­ turned Tueaday afternoon from their ten-day trip to San Francisco. Com­ ing through the hot belt around Wil­ letts and Ukiah Monday, they longed for the coolness of Coos county and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Martin drove were glad they had not extended Kelso, Wash., last week-end for a their trip south to Los Angeles. visit with friends and relatives. Their Mr. and Mrs.'Paul Trojel left Sat­ little son, Ronald, remained in that city for a month’s visit with his urday for Monterey, Calif., where they will spend his two weeks’ va- grandmother. EXTRA SPECIAL ! Ridings Oil Permanent $2.50 w Nosler's Beauty Shop JUNE 25 I Lydia Herd, Operator DOUBLE FEATURE Phone 167L ’ < Coquille ass cation from duty in the Plywood of­ fice. He also attended the Rotary convention in San Francisco this week. They were accompanied by Mrs. Margaret Anderson, of Baker. ..1 »°* «tt !••• Summer Bargains By Marshfield Retailers CHARLES STARRETT “CATTLE RAIDERS’« ai 4Q with The Singing Sensation Donald Grayson Iris Meredith Sons of the Pioneers FAMOUS RADIO STARS _______________ MATINEE | SUN. • MON. 1:30 SAT. JUNE 26 • 27 I “Man Hunters of the Carribbean” will make your blood tingle with its daring revelations of pagan love and life in the uncivilized, impenetrable jungles of Central America. FEATURE No. 2 Richard Arlen Mary Astor “NO TIME TO MARRY” I j ’ WEDNESDAY - - JUNE 29 ~ , BE IN EITHER THEATRE "This Marriage Victor Moore Vicki Lester Business Allan Lane Marshfield retailers have an­ nounced a community-wide bargain sales event for all of the south­ western Oregon trade territory, in 4hich all participating stores have pledged themselves to offer "red hot" values to the shopping public. The sales event will last three days, today, Friday and Saturday, June 23, 24 and 25. Planned by the retail trades di­ vision of the Marshfield Chamber of Commerce, the special sales event is scheduled to be the biggest .co­ operative community bargain period of the year. Merchants announced they are pre­ paring unusually attractive bargain specials, which are being advertised in The Sentinel and in other adver­ tising media of southwestern Ore­ gon. Every retail outlet in Marshfield has been invited to share in the event, and response has been unusually widespread, according to Leo H. Beckley, general .chairman, who re­ ported merchants are enthusiastic about the bargain period, and plan special offers of merchandise calcu­ lated to appeal to the buying public between Florence and Gold Beach. Fred Roes is chairman of the fi­ nance committee and Mrs A. S. Kohler is chairman of publicity. B?th head active committees intent upon making the sales pdriod the greatest success of its kind in the history of Coos Bay merchandising. L O. O. F. To Confer Degree I. O. O. F„ No. 53, will confer the second degree Friday night. All members are urged to be present. A. M. Roes, Secy. ' Spencer Foundation Garments and Bandeaus individually designed. For appointment call 191J or write Edna Taylor, 540 North Coulter, Co­ quille.. • Nov. 1«, 38 Calling cerda. SO tm SltMi Carole.Lombard and Fernand Gravet At Roxy Tonight, Friday and Saturday