The Valley * « P THE PAPER THA'TS LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME VOL. XXXIV. NO. U. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON. THUR8DAY, JUNE IS, IKS. Back Pay Plea Clearing For Turned Down Is Started 4P •»< - More Waler Engineer Kline and Bos­ To Investigate H serman Are Chosen Directors Local Conditions Streets To Be Widenec Three Coquille Residents Pass Past Week None of the previously published At the Tuesday evening session of reports as to the National Labor Re­ the city council this week, postponed lations Board decision which was re­ from Monday evening because of lack ceived here last Saturday are cor­ of a quorum, the councilmen in­ rect, says Geo. A. Ulett, manager of 163 Out For Monday Evening Council Seeking Expert Advice structed the city engineer to prepare Mrs, Geo. Lorenz and T. F. Ten­ Smith Wood-Products, Inc. Before Pumping Over The plans and specifications for more Election; Only Thirty Attend­ I Last Saturday’s decision only made nison Buried Here; Mrs. C. K. Hill From The South Fork street widening, and to make appli­ permanent the tentative decision cation' to the Portland office for a ed Budget Meeting Friday Norcott Dies At Nysaa, Oregon rendered several weeks ago, and it Before buying any pipe, pumping WPA project. applies to the Plywood plant only. The streets which it is proposed to Coquille's school election. District equipment or anything needed to in­ Mrs. Violet Lorenz, wife of George At the time the tentative proposal No. 8, at the two meetings held the crease the city's water supply, a sur­ widen by taking out the parkings, and F. Lorenz of this city, passed away was made an opportunity for appeal past week voted 24 yes to 5 no to vey of all possibilities of an increased for which the council expects to de­ Tuesday evening at seven o’clock at was given the three interested par­ increase the levy more than six per supply will be made by Ray Koon clare its intention to improve at the the Coquille Hospital, where she had ties—the Smith plant, the A. F. of L. cent, 27 to 3 to adopt the proposed ot the engineering firms of Stevens next council session are for the block been for the preceding week. and the C. I. O. unions. The plant budget, with one change, and elected north of Second street on the high­ A Koon, of Portland. She had been in ill health for the and the A. F. of L. accepted the de­ C. W. Kline and W. E. Bosserman as This was the decision of the city way—the old Sentinel corner to Fol­ P«st six months and a month or cision. The C. I. O., although its directors to serve for three years. council this weekafter canvassing som's Grocery—the three blocks more ago had been thoroughly ex­ members applied for their old jobs­ With the election of those two the all posible sources by which more east from Folsom's to the Pioneer amined in a cllnc in Portland. She and were put back to work, ap-- district becomes one of the first church parsonage; the block in which water can be secured. had seemed to rally somewhat after pealed from the decision, asking class, and when the directors meet Mr. Koon is the engineer who the Coquille Hospital is located, north returning from Portland but a wack for pay for the months they were next week, they will select one of to Third» and the south aid- of made a survey prior te the out on strike. u $ i — » i mm I tfSlr WaRqtejlrMiMi trn mortge dafn orr — done to save her life.. M «■»[name ime clerk. where the Pioneer church has al­ creek, and he is quite familiar She was born Violet Nelson, April Th, change in the budget last Fri­ application for pay for their period 1 The ready put in concrete paving. conditions here. 4, 1880, at Langlois, Curry county, of idleness, and made permanent the day evening was to increase the One reason for these proposed The councilmen viewed the sub­ and on July 17, 1899, was united to tentative decision. amount for bus hire from $180 to ject from all angles. They are un­ street widening projects is that the Mr. Lorenz in marriage, at Bandon. $450. Jack Broshear, Mrs. John willing, and in their opinions the state highway department expects One daughter was bom to this Martin and others spoke in favor of people of Coquille are unwilling to before long to route the Coos Bay- union, Mrs. Pauline PetUt, of this the increase because there are many pump water from the river where Roseburg highway north on Hall city. youngsters in the lower grades who the daily ebb and flow of the tide (Continued on Page Three) Other survivors beside her husband have to walk the Marshfield highway .keeps the water contaminated with and daughter are her mother, Mrs. in all kinds of weather, some from sewage. Ella Nelson, of Coquille; two sisters, After calling the meeting of Coot as far out as China camp bridge. Wells are apparently out for all Mrs. Chas. Martin, of Oakland, Calif., county Republican central commit­ The only business at the Monday reports on wells dug are that the teemen to order and presiding over ev?nin.« ™etin«’ •». which 1« «** PhHpott, of Bandon, -water Is C grade aha\in’nt' 7o7 con-‘ the election of his successor, -Harry A. were present, was the election of two sumption. If within a short distance Ophir, Ore. Slack retired as chairman of the directors." —' Jas. A. Brady, of the logging firm (Continued on Page Three) Funeral services, in charge of county committee at an organization When Chaironan J. R. Bunch called of Brady A Neal, was seriously in­ Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries, are be­ meeting held in the city hall here for nominations Art Pulford present­ jured at their camp above Allegany, ing held at St James Episcopal Tuesday evening. ed the name of Lonnie Clark; R. A. Tuesday, when a piece of wood church at two o’clock this afternoon. Mayor L. A. Cutlip, of North Bend, Jeub that of C. Weldon Kline; Fred struck him. He was taken to the Rev. F. G. Jennings, of Marshfield, was chosen as chairman for this BuH named E. L. Vinton and H. A. Mercy hospital at North Bend. is conducting the service. ____ _ _ year’s campaign; Mrs. C. C. Farr, Slack nominated W. E. Bosserman. -A-tog being snaked down the hill­ Interment is to be in the Masonic vice chairman; Mrs. Mary Randle­ Tellers appointed were Mrs. Ruth Lafe Compton was elected presi­ side at tremendous speed dislodged cemetery, with Beulah Chapter, O. man, of Leneve, secretary-treasurer; Beyers, L. W. Oddy and C. A. Bar­ the chunk which struck him. His E. S., of which she was a life-long Allan A Hall, of Coquille, state cen­ ton, while O. C. Sanford assisted dent of the Coquille Lions Club at right leg was broken in two places, member, conducting the graveside tral committeeman; Chas. Woolrich, ( Clerk Keith Leslie in recording the their weekly session last Thursday his ankle broken and he received noon to serve for the coming year. service. Myrtle Point, congressional commit­ names of those who voted. Les Greene was .chosen as first vice other bruises. Mrs. Lorenz was a splendid woman, teeman. The district nominating When the tally had been checked, president, Cliff Guise th as second, Until the firm received the large a true Christian and one whose un­ committee to fill precinct vacancies it. ( was announced that Kline had re­ logging contract on which they have expected passing stunned her hun­ consists of Ray McNair, Fred C. | ceived 105 votes, Bosserman 86, Vin­ and Dr. J. W. Harrison as third. Brewer Mills was selected as secre­ been working the past two or three dreds of friends in this vicinity. True, Reidar Bugge, Mrs. Ellen Kruse ton , 77 and Clark 57. tary-treasurer, L. W. Claver as tail- years, Mr. Brady was a Coquille res­ Their sympathy goes out in unstinted and Mrs. Beth Culver. There was same muttering al ister, Dr. C. G. Stem as lion-tamer ident, living with hie family at their measure,tq the bereaved husband, Another meeting of the committee the { fact that a dozen or fifteen I Don Gillespie, D. E. Rackleff, F. home on East Meat street. - will be held next month and a re-1 ( daughter, mother, and other loved comers were allowed to vote, but the W. Martin and M. O. Hawkins as ones, in this hour of grief. publican picnic was considered. law provides that the polls shall re­ Salmon-Bake Draws 5,000 directors. ' ' main open for one hour and Mr. The new officers were to be in- There were approximately 5,000 in Mrs. C. K. Norcott, who had been Leslie's watch showed that the meet­ stalled at today's luncheon. attendance at the salmon-bake given in poor health for the past year, ing was called to order at 8:02 and by the Roseburg Rod & Gun club out passed away at the home of a son the polls closed at 9:02. there last Sunday, and the entertain­ in Nyssa, Oregon, yesterday. Mr./ The clerk’s report for the year was ment features allowed most of them Norcott, who had left there last Fri­ read by Mr. Leslie. It gave the as­ to participate. Archery, trap-shoot­ day and returned to Coquille, left The democratic county central sessed valuation of the district as committee met and organized at an ing, fly casting, horseshoe pitching, at once for Nyssa, Drue Cunningham $1,923,954, and the district tax levy afternoon session Tuesday in the soft ball games, band concerts and taking him out to Eugene. as 30.8 mills. The estimated value The Coos county court this week several addresses made up a most Elks Temple at Marshfield. Willis What funeral arrangements had of the school buildings is $110,000, of adopted resolutions providing for the E. Kennedy, personal property tax enjoyable program for the day. been made he did not know when he the school grounds $15,000, furniture refunding of. $47,000 of county road collector, was elected chairman, suc­ Those going over from Coquille left. and - equipment $20,000. The bends which will mature, $20,000 ceeding J. W Flanagan, of Marsh­ were Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hudson, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Norcott came to Co­ amount of insurance carried is $81,- Aug. 1, and $27,000 Sept. 1. The ma­ field, in that office. Mrs. Fred Hol­ and Mrs. C. V. Carmichael, Mr. and quille eight years ago from Bend 400. " turities are for $30,000 and $38,000 Mrs. Alton H. Grimes, Cal and Mor­ where they had resided for 12 years. lister was made vice presMnt; Geo. The total receipts during the past respectively, but the treasurer will Kronenberg, treasurer; Henry. Beard, ris Ray, Hank Burr and Grover She was about 85 years of age, and year was shown to have been $125,- have $20,000 to apply on them when secretary. Gouthier. until illness prevented had assisted 608.47, and expenditures $109,025.95, they become due. The extra thou­ Judge Hugh McLain, who has Mr. Norcott at his photograph studio leaving a balance on hand of $16, sand is for interest which will ba served nearly half a century as an on Front street. Glaisyers Here On Visit 582.52. Outstanding warrants total due. official of the democratic organiza­ She was a member of the Eastern Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Glaisyer, Al- $18,875.40, and outstanding bonds of Bids for the sale of the bonds will tion, was succeeded as state com­ the district $53,500. The bonded be opened by the court at 10:00 a. m. lington and Dorothy, who had been Star and had made a wide circle of mitteeman by W. J. Conrad. The debt was decreased $8,000 during the on July 8, and will be let on the basis visiting their daughter and sister, friends here who sincerely mourn congressional committeeman is Verne past year. The warrant debt de­ of the lowest rate of interest offered. and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. her passing. Zeller, of Eastaide. creased $4,837.51 during the year Refunding bonds last September Forest Kerby, at Bandon, came up A nominating committee consisting Another Coquille pioneer, who had | to Coquille Monday and spent a just passed. were sold at an interest rate of 3H : of Sen. Geo. Chaney, Jas. Jenkins, lived here for the past 55 years, has There are twenty women employed per cent. couple of days visiting old friends H. A. Schroeder, Mrs. Dorothy Pike Thomas Franklin J here. They still reside in Redmond, crossed over. in the schools and eleven men, three and Berne Andrews was selected, Tennison, who had been ill for the bf whom are janitors. and the executive committee con­ Humane Society Filed Charges to which city they moved last year. past two months, passed away at a L — • ----------------- sists of Hardie Mast, Geo. F. fluir Two young men were arrested on local hospital last Saturday evening Catches Ling Cod From Rocks Coos River the past week on charges Ralph Smith Here This Week at eight o’clock. and Dave McNair. Ralph L. Smith, president of Smith An interesting catch of fish was preferred by the Coos County Hu­ Funeral services were conducted made by Oscar Hendricks last week­ mane Society. One of them was for Wood-Products, Inc., whose home is at the Gano Funeral Home at two end from the rocks at Port Orford. cruelty to animals and he was let in Kansas City, arrived in Coquille p. m. on Monday, Rev. H. L. Gray- He was fishing there with Les Greene off with a $10 fine. The other was Monday evening intending to remain beal officiating. Interment was in when he hooked a 40 lb ling cod. He for refusal to secure a license for his here the rest of the week conferring the Masonic cemetery. with Mr. Ulett and the plant manage­ was using a red-headed white plug dog. Mr. Tennison was born in Greene The cedar mill at the Smith Wood- ment. county, Arkansas, August IQ, 1854, Products plant was started up Tues­ and was ten months and eight days day and a large crew was put to work past 83 years of age. Suffers Burned Arm in the battery separator and Venetian He was united in marriage to Mary blind departments, due to new orders Lyndon Lower was brought to the A. Castleberry, in Arkansas, in 1874, received. Just how long this opera­ Coquille Hospital yesterday with a and they came to Coquille th 1883. tion can be continued has not been badly burned left forearm and hand. Mrs. Tennison passed away nearly a Coquille's largest and most suc­ and Donna Dunn. announced.. He is one of the state highway crew score of years ago. Primary: Mrs. Este Ellis, supt., Mrs. and when he attempted to light one The fir mill has been operating, as cessful Vacation Bible School ever Of the eight children born to them _________ ,____ , plant, ____ ___________ has the Plywood but the latter held, will close with a band concert H. A. Minter, Mrs. Lester Borgard, of the highway warning pots, the only three survive, Mrs. Ealie Oddy. Dorothy accumulated gas exploded. is expected to be shut down this and the awarding of certificates Dorothy Belle Newton, of Coquille; Mack and Thos. Tenni­ Fourth. Friday evening in Pioneer Metho­ Landaker, and Helen Kyle. week, at least until after the Fourth, son, of San Diego, Calif. There are Juniors: Mrs. Leland Peart, supt., dist Church. There will also be dem ­ if not longer. . also five grandchildren and six City Police Ci onstrations of the types of work cov­ Mrs. Elwyn Nosier, Mrs. Carrol Hel- great grandchildren. Mrs. Nina Nosier, Emma Fran- vie, ered and a display of the hand-work 1^® Ray Dye was given a $10 fine, sus- Capt'and Mrs. Maynard His son, Mack, who came up from Leave For Washington made by the pupils in the various de­ ces Mulkey, Mrs. Ernest Brown, Pa- pended for a year, In Recorder Les- San Diego when his father became tricia Nosier and Elizabeth Hooton.1 lie’s court last Friday on a drunk partments. seriously ill, has remained in Co­ Intermediates: Miss Aileen Wil­ and disorderly charge. Capt. and Mrs. Geo. L. Maynard, The Coquille Band is giving a quille but expects soon to return to who had been visiting at the R. A. concert which will begin at 7:80 son, supt., Mrs. Tone Billings, Sam Chester Summers was fined $5.00 San Diego. Wemich home since Sunday, left o'clock. Certificates will be given Bayless and Violet Howard, school by the recorder Monday for being yesterday in the new Buick which to those pupils who have met the re­ secretary. intoxicated. In addition, all of the ministers he had just purchased of South­ quirements for attendance and for Tennis Courts at Ball Park Leon Roysdon, who has resided in western Moton. Capt. Maynard and work accomplished. Nearly 200 cer­ of the city have been serving in the Coos county for some time, was ar­ When the Junior Chamber of Com­ his bride, the former Catherine Wer- tificates will be issued. Approxi­ school, either as instructors or a di­ rested by local police Monday for merce met with the Park commission nich, were married in Portland. May mately 100 of these will be special rectors of some part of the work having no operator's license and for last Friday evening, it took but a few 24, Mayor Carson performing the awards for having been present at and they are unanimous in pronounc­ driving a car with a Califdmia li­ minutes for Chairman Carl Mack to every session of the school. ing the school an outstanding suc­ cense. He did not appear for a convince the committee that a double ceremony.. The faculty of the Vacation School cess in every way. The captain has been on detail hearing as ordered last evening but tennis court could not be provided in Parents and friends of the children his father informed the recorder that Myrtle park without taking out a with the CCC camps in Oregon, but included the following: Beginners: Mrs. Walter Oerding, are invited to attend this closing he had just purchased the car and number of trees. Their decision was now goes east to rejoin the Marine Corps, with retirement from service supt., Mrs. Wm. Peart, Muriel Davis, rally, and also all who are interested the title had not been transferred then to locate the courts in the ball Margaret Stewart, Mary Jane Dunn in this worth while undertaking. expected in a few years. yet park, along the east side. » Republicans Organ­ ize For Campaign Jas. Brady In "4tired furcu - AtCnmn Mr vamp Lions Elected Last Thursday Kennedy Is Demo Chairman $25,006 Damage Case Settled The case of Eda Breuer vs. Pacific Qreyhound Lines, which was started in circuit court Monday morning, with Judge Carl Hendrick, of Fossil, sitting on the bench, came to an abrupt end on Tuesday when a settlement of the case was reached privately. She was suing for $25,000 for in­ juries sustained when the stage in which she was riding went into the ditch last fall. It is reported that the settlement was for $2300. Judge Hendrick adjourned court yesterday afternoon until B:30 next Monday morning and then went to Gold Beach to hold a session of the Curry circuit court. , Belle Knife Hospital Miss Mary Bain, who is employed by the Coquille Credit Bureau, un­ derwent an operation for appendi­ citis last Thursday. Cecil Nelson, of Bandon, submitted to a mastoid operation on Sunday and Edgar Gillespie, also of Bandon, to a major operation on Tuesday Ernest Drew, a young man who came here from Eugene and went to work at the Smith plant suffered a broken ankle at the plant this morning and was brought to the hospital. Mrs. Jos. Esser was dismissed and returned to her home yesterday. Births at Coquille Hospital To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delos Ocheltree, at Myrtle Point, June 18, a seven-pound' girl, who has been named Sharon Lee. To Mr. and Mrs. Harty Lee War­ ren, of Bullards, a 9V4 pound baby girl, on Sunday. Her name is Bev­ erly Ann. To Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Rivers, of Coquille, last Saturday, an eight­ pound boy, named Henry Carl Rivers. The Ninety and Nine men's group of the Church of Christ went to North Bend Tuesday night to attend their regular monthly rally. County To Refund $47,000 Road Bonds Veneer Plant Up Vacation Bible School Closes Tomorrow, With Final. Exercises Friday Evening brother Harold NelsoOi