TÇB COQUILLE VALLEY AtNTlNEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 1«, 1**4. MinorMention Telling About People and Events la the City and County Mrs. J. A. Staninger left Friday morning for Portland to spend a week with her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Tiede- man. -Keys made for all locks. Steven» Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sanders left Tuesday for Sun Valley, Idaho, for a two weeks* visit with his daughter, whom he had not seen since she was four years old. She now has a daugh­ ter of that age. Mias Alice Oerding arrived home Thursday from Portland, where she enjoyed the Rose festival. Sunday she motored to Mt. Hood to see the summer sports in connection with the Rose Show. En route home she vis­ Now 1» the time to buy your new ited her brother and family, William radio at a liberal discount before Oerding, at Eugene. new models are announced. We have J. L. Smith and J. A. Fitzpatrick some real bargains in both Electric expect to leave this week-end for and Battery Radios. H. S. Norton, Enterprise, Ore., for the Oregon Lions Music and Stationery. convention which will be held for Anne Harbison left last Saturday three days, starting Sunday, at Wal­ for a month's visit with her grand­ lowa Lake, nine miles from Enter­ mother in Hood River. Although prise. Mrs. Smith and Margaret may only seven years old, she made the accompany Mr. Smith. Islands Stretch Long Distances The islands constituting New Zea­ land stretch through the ocean for a distance of more than 1,000 miles, having an area of 103,285 square miles, which to larger than the area of Great Britain by 30,000 square miles Mink a Good Fighter Every time a mink sinters battle, something die»—unices ft he oppo­ nent makes good its escape. Light­ ning quick in its movements, utterly fearless, a mink is a killer through and through. Rev. and Mrs. Delbert Loree, of Bandon, were Coquille visitors Thurs­ trip alone on the bus, stopping over day, visiting friends in and about at Portland to transfer. town. For Refrigeration Repairing and Miss Beneva Volkmar, former Co­ Installation, phone BOOM, C. C. Smith, quille girl who has recently been em­ ployed in Corvallis, arrived in town tttf More Iron in Southern Oyster» Oysters from southern waters Theo L. Clinton, worshipful master have less copper but more iron than of Chadwick Lodge, and Elton those from the North Atlantic states, Schroeder, master of the lodge at says the New Jersey state depart­ Myrtle Point, left early yesterday ment of agriculture. morning for Portland to attend the session of the Masonic grand lodge The Odd Job Man Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith, their which opened for a three-day ses­ last week. If your lawn mower needs sharpen­ * Buy local bread and support norm daughter, Joy, and son, Bernard, are sion there Wednesday morning. ing, or adjusting or repairing, why industry V expected here tomorrow evening from not bring it to 875 North Henry street, Mrs. B. Mahan, sister of Mrs. H. N. Camas, Wash., for a week-end visit Duane Fitzgerald left Monday for at the A. N. Gould home. Mrs. Gould Lorenz, arrived here Monday from Coquille, to the Odd Job Man? If her home in Houston, Texas, expect­ it is not satisfactory after I work it Camp Lewis, near Seattle to attend and Mrs. Smith are sisters. ing to' visit for several weeks, at over, it costs you nothing. You be the Citizens’ Military Training Camp Buy ideal Bakery breaa oecauae it least until her nephew, Fred Lorenz, the judge. for a month. Also general gardening, lawns, etc., to better. tf makes his first>visit at home In the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nosier and Mary all work guaranteed. “ ; past two yetfs. He to manager of Elois Wilson and Bob Waggoner re- Alice and Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Bunch Sam A. Briggs. . the Montgomery-Ward store in Walla 21t2 urned this week from Portland, where and family spent the week-end at they had been attending the Port­ Wall». Lake Tahkenltch. Spencer Foundation Garments land Bible School. With them was Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schroeder and and Bandeaus individually designed. " For sound Fire Insurance, go to Miss Margaret Purvance, who had son, Wayne, left Wednesday morn­ Ned C. Kelley. spent the last two weeks visiting the ing for a six weeks’ motor trip For appointment call 191J or write Edna Taylor, 540 North Coulter, Co­ Edmond Pyritz, of Smith River» school there? through the middle west. They will quille- WBw • Nov. It. M was ■ visitor at the bom. at hit upcla.1 I Mr Orhrne**»r*« rmf’c *" ford, Tiring« prdceedlo Beiftd-* b mt visiting reiauves ana menus Well Drillinc day and Thursday. here for the past ten days, left yes­ jl, Minn., to visit Mrs. Schroeder’s For that new well, see or write Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boober left Tues­ terday for their home in Portland. parents and brother and look after W. F. Kernin, Roseburg, Ore. 16tl3* day morning on a business trip up the They were accompanied as far as their property interest. coast and expected to go in to Port­ Junction City by Mrs. Fred Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Drue Cunningham ac­ SUte Land Board tarma . and who will visit at her old home there. companied by C. K. Norcott left Fri­ ranchea for aale, low price« and easy land for a day or two. Senator and Mrs. Geo. H. Chaney day morning for eastern Oregon and termi. Apply at the office of James Ask Ned C. Kelley for rates on and sons returned Monday evening Idaho. Mr. Norcott will stop oft at Watson, Attorney for the State Land Fire Insurance The First National Bank from their three months’ trip during Nyssa to see his wife who is recu­ Board. A 8H pound baby girl, who has tf which they travelled between 12,000 perating at h,er sons’ homes. Mr. and Building, Coquille. Oregon. been, named Donna Rae, was born to and 13,000 miles, and encircled the Mrs. Cunningham will go to their Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Capps, of this city, Take your insurance problem« to United States. Their last point of ranch in Idaho. They expect to-be at the Coquille Hospital last Friday. visitation- was- al their okf home in gone, ft week, or ten days. Spika. . Leslie, 444 -Front St. Ytmr protection our chief consideration, tf _ J. L. Smith and family drove up Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Muller, of to Portland Sunday, taking Don to Harwood Hall, a student at Prince­ Portland, were visitors Thursday at A. c.. nooton, eiectnca, contractor Vancouver Barracks where he will be ton University, stopped over ip Co­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille engaged with the R. O. T. C. in mili­ quille for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Brockmann. Mr. Muller, whose Complete stock of wiring supplies tary training for a month. Werner Plaep, while en route from pleasing voice to frequently heard Los Angeles to McMinnville to visit singing over Portland stations, to V. R. WILSON, O. D. Dr. C. G. Stem, chiropractic physi- her father, Capt. Hall. The young planning a concert appearance In San cian, foot correctioniat, electric ther­ OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined. Glasses man to a member of the famous West­ Francisco next summer tn connection apist. 2fi Moulton St., phone 88J. tf with the Portland features of the Fitted. Broken lenses du­ minster choir. plicated. Optica) repairs while you Cloverleaf Dairy, pure milk and Dr. C. G. Stem, Chiropractor M2 Golden Gate Exposition. watt Expert service. cream. Phone 7R42. tf Moulton St., phone 88J. tf Calling cards. SO for 81.00 « « <1 nMAMi inmr — twur. —. .I.' I I.J.LL / Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Inc 4M RTta — mwe — M 1 STATIONERS DRUGGISTS . EXIRA SPECIAL ! Killings Oil Permanent 82.50 Noslér's Beauty Shop Lydia Herd, Operator 1..I Phone 187L Coquille --------------------- - —- ---------------- — | THUR. ■ FBI ■ SAT. JUNE 13 - 17 • 13 i SUN. - MON. - TUE. JUNE 13-20-21 t HEWORIJ' Ll'U-LJ Quick as Lightning The muscles of the eyelid are the quickest-acting muscles in the body. That is the reason the eye is so seldom injured. No matter how fast a blow or how sudden, the eyelid closes before the blow lands, and the action is instantaneous. A strange Hibe, Where “Strad” Violins Were Made Violins by Antonius Stradivarius were not made in Germany but in the town of Cremona on the River Po in northern Italy. They werermade more than 200 xears ago, his best ones being turned out between the years 1700 and 1723 O'Leary« - li<’hU“’®?'¿ to«-to-to. on. ®inut ' .ide-by-.id. Daring adventurers U» K^ggg| 1 ---------- I ■■ 'I, Card ef Thanks We wish to express our sincere ap­ preciation to the neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympa­ thy- in our recent bereavement and for the flowers at the services held for our mother, Mrs. Lydia Hultin. Mrs. W. G. Mehl, Jack Hultin, Roy Hultin, A. R. Hultin. Anyone giving credit to Mr. or Mrs. J. A. Inger does so at his or her own risk, unless they have a written order from us. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Inger JUNE 18 -13 J 'J »««¿‘¿¡LÄ ■ «*" C^M| it from its Two Features Knockout FEATURE NO. 1 1 WANT TO BE A BIG SHOT- uk» Mr OM M»»r JACKIE' COOPER America s greatest young star w'll steal vour heart again1 TYRONE ALICE DON Aady Brian ------- SPECIAL ATTTRATCION___ ' POWER * FATE * AMECHE Alice On the Stage BRADY • DEVINE • DONLEVY “THE RENO RACKETEER” Phyllis Brooke * Tom Brown • Sidney Bladuner Berioa Churchill \ hu» Storey • Peul Hunt and« NO Children 10c I WEDNESDAY BE IN EITHER THEATRE cast of thoueenda BOV.-STREETi MAUREEN O'CONNOR A MONOGRAM PICTURE FEATURE NO. , 2 Also Known A» ADVANCE IN ADMISSION The Original Barn Dance Orchestra Adults 35c JUNE 22 Featuring BUTTERMILK BESS The Singing Cowgirl — She’s Different! You've Heard Them on the Radio— Here's Your Chance to See Them in Person Don’t Mina It! Gene receives more fan mail than Robert Taylor — which indicates plenty! MATINEE SATURDAY 1:38 | WEDNESDAY JUNE 22 I MATINEE SUNDAY MATINEE 10c & 25c Box Office Open» 1:30 EVENINGS 10c & 35c .1 I _______B« IN EITHER THEATRE “STOLEN HEAVEN”