The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 16, 1938, Page 6, Image 6

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    Ritz Brothers In Latest Comedy Offer
Kentucky Moonshine/ at Roxy
Theatre Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
1200 Heard Dr. Francis E.
Townsend Last Thursday
(Continued freni Page One)
Social Notes
Mrs. F. C. McNelly was hostess to
the Monday Night dub for seven
o'clock dessert Monday evening. The
rooms were filled with bouquets of
beautiful flowers. Contract bridge
was played, with Mrs. J. L. Aasen
winning high score, Mrs. A. B. Col­
lier recond anders. Collier won the
travelling prize. Those present were:'
Mesdames Frank Thrift, J. L. Aasen,
U. E, McClary, A. B. CoUier, H. S.
Norton, Geo. Johnson T. B. Currie
and the hostess
plant which uses com for its prod­
uct, 20,000 bushels a day, and that the
concern now had to go to the Argen­
tine for corn because of Secretary
Wallace’s agricultural policy.
Speaking of the New Deal yen
for three letter titles, Dr. Townstad
The three Ritz Brothers, taking a
Weaver foregoes her audition to rush said there was one that should be
hilarious, tongue-ln-the-cheek poke
back to the theatrical boarding house
adopted, “M. D. D.—more damned
at the radio broadcasting studio’s
and apprise the Ritz brothers of the
depression,” and he was not at all
penchant for talent quests, are sched­
radio company’s plan.
backward in characterizing present
uled to open Sunday at the Roxy
How the brothers and Marjorie conditions as a depression; he seemed
Theatre in their latest starring com­
Mrs. Julius Ruble was hostess to
meet the situation does justice to the to have Uttle use for the mild term—
edy, “Kentucky Moonshine.”
her Tuesday Night Bridge club this
In this 20th Century-Fox film, with
week. The rooms were beautifully
He declared that the U. S. must de­
Darryl F. Zanuck in charge of pro­ clusive madhouses. They all hie to
decorated with sweet peas and blue
vise a new system whereby the gov­
duction, the new established madmen
bachelor buttons.' Mrs. E. A. Walker
of the movies have added many ex­ don whiskers, become Involved in a ernment can operate without going
was the winner of the high score
into debt; interest is as ruinous to gov­
tra film frenzies to provide merri­
steer the talent scouts in their direc­ ernment as to individuals. The pub­ prize. Thot>e members present were:
Mesdames J. E. Axtell, Paul Trojel,
lic debt in the U. S. is now 250 billion
Interpolated through the plot of tion.
O. T. Gant, E. A. Walker, Don Estes,
Extricating themselves from the ob­ dollars. The federal government does
“Kentucky Moonshine” is a romance
Walter Litzenberger, T. S. Stevens
between Tony Martin, the popular vious results of this fraud is what not pay off bond issues; it adds the and the hostess.
radio (and more recently) screen provides most of the uproarious fun interest and issues a new series of
bonds to take up maturing issues and
crooner, and the delightful Marjorie of the plot.
The Eagles Auxiliary met with Mrs.
Weaver, who has come a long way
In addition to the three Ritz Broth­ some of the debt incurred for the Sherman Morris for a potluck dinner
toward stardom since her “break” in ers, Tony Martin and Marjorie Weav- ( Civil war, 70 or more years ago, has
Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon
’’Second Honeymoon.”
er, the cast includes Slim Summer­ not yet been paid.
was pleasantly spent doing club sew­
Even before any action has been
The romance in turn is accompan­ ville, John Carradine, Wally Vernon,
ing-. The members present were
taken toward putting the Townsend
ied by three hit-parade-destined Berton Churchill and Eddie Collins.
Mesdames L. M. McPherson, Earl
songs by the prolific song-writing
David Butler directed and Kenneth plan into effect the agitation for it Schroeder, E. A. Wimer, John Wersh,
team of Lew Pollack and Sidney D. Macgowan was associate producer. has been most beneficial. It is chang­
Seick, Terry, Ed Tuel, Ray Detlef-
Mitchell, who provided three of the Art Arthur and M. M. Musselman ing the attitude of the American peo­
sen. Geo. Gilman, Ed Yarbrough,
tunes for “In Old Chicago,” among prepared the screen play from an ori-
terests have been conducting it in
Guests present 'were: Mrs.
their own interest. But the people
The story of “Kentucky Moonshine”
Sid Kuller and Ray Golden wrote
Felix Miller, Mrs. Fred Witt from
is that of a group of unemployed en- special comedy routine songs for the are beginning to take a more active
Washington and Mrs. Clara Orr from
tertainiers. Marjorie Weaver, wait­
concern in it and he visualized the
Kahsas City. The next meeting will
Ritz Brothen.
time when the U. S. federal govern­
ing her turn for an audition at a ra­
and Mitchell tunes are: ment would be really a government be with Mrs. Tuel.
dio station, overhears a conference at
“Reuben, of, by and for the people.
which it is decided to send Tony Mar­ “Ken
Mrs. Robert McClarrin was very
’ " and
tin to the mountains of Kentucky to
He did not say that the United
pleasantly surprised Monday after­
get “real” hillbilly talent.
States was headed toward dictator­
noon with a lovely birthday party at
ship but he did say that a poverty-
the home of Mrs. Jack McClain. Mrs.
Storm-Tossed Vessel in 1881
stricken people are most susceptible
What the School Amend­
Ernest Battey was a joint hostess with
Still ■ Sturdy Boat
ment Is All About
Mrs. McClain. The afternoon was
creasing burden of taxation is the
spent with sewing and guessing
“Hode” Caughell yesterday showed
Initiative petitions are now being
games, after which the guest of honor
circulated in Oregon for submission the Sentinel man a copy of the Port U. S. He referred to taxation as a was the recipient of many lovely gifts.
of an amendment to the state con­ Orford Post, published Nov. 3, 1881,
Later tasty refreshments were served
There are no new fields open for
stitution which if adopted by the in which is told the story of the
to the following: Mesdames James
voters will require the state tq pay in weathering of a severe storm by the
Crockman, William Jones' Tex Dav­
each county an amount which will “Mary D. Hume,” of which his father, We must now develop the govern­ idson, Mina Jackson, Wm. Gaffey,
bring the state payment up to 810 for James Caughell, was captain. After ment, and this the Townsend plan John Wersh, Ernest Whereat, L. M.
each boy and girl in the county be- 87 years the Mary Hume is stUl one would do. With the gradual closing McPherson, Harold Varney, O. A.
tween the ages of four and twenty, of the staunchest vessels owned and down of industry all over the country Hughes, Joe Sayre, W. D. McClarrin,
At the present time Coos county is operated by a streamship company on the change is inevitable. Fifty mil­ W. D. McClain, C. E. Martindale, Les­
lion out of the 125,000,0000 popula­
receiving $1.30 per child from the Puget sound.
ter Abbott, Ernest Battey, Elmer
The story of the storm-buffeted tion now have no buying power. They Hail, Harold Horning, A. O. Culbert­
This amendment has been endorsed vessel was told in the Post as follows: can’t buy because they have no in­ son, Edna Stewart, Summers, Misses
come, no money, no credit.
by the American Legion and the Aux-
Bessie Summers and Ernestine Bat­
The Townsend Plan, as has been
iliary of the state and by the state ‘ The new and admirably adapted
tey, the guest of honor, Mrs. Pat Mc­
Parent and Teachers’ association, and and equipped steamship, “Mary D.
Clarrin, and the hostess.
if adopted Will do more than has ever Hume,” has just had an “experience” newspaper and magazine articles, and
before been done in Oregon to equal­ which demonstrated her integrity, by public speeches, would bring or­
Tuesday evening a lovely surprise
ize the cost of educating children in and made the hearts of her command­ der out of the chaos.
party was given Mrs. Howard Taylor
A two per cent sales and transac­
the public schools.
er and the remnant of the crew left
and Mrs. W. L. Sullivan at Mrs.
The following explanation of the on board, glad. On Tuesday, October tion tax, levied on every purchase or Taylor’s home. Mrs. D. Ireland was
school amendment was prepared in 18, the “Hume” arrived off the mouth sale, whether of commodities, real es­ the hostess. The two ladies were the
the office of the Oregon Congress of of Rogue river at a time when that tate, service or labor, would not only recipients of many lovely handker­
provide the funds for paying the 3200
RS. GRACE NOLL CROWELL, •nee," to miUlona of radio listeners.
Parents and Teachers:
bar was so rough as to make it un­
chiefs. The evening was enjoy ably
of Dallas, Texas, the "American “I’m an old-fashioned mother," Mrs.
This constitutional amendment is safe for the vessel to attempt to en­ a month which the plan proposes spent with conversation and knitting,
Crowell told her hearers. “I believe
Mother” of 193« and poet laureate
sponsored jointly by the American ter the harbor. She laid off and on shall be paid every person over 60 with-tasty refreshments being served
of her state, broadcast over a coast- that spanking, wisely administered,
Legion, the American Legion Auxili­ for a week, when the storm which
later in the evening to the following
to-coast network as guest of Dr. M. (never in a fit of anger) is a useful
ary and the Oregon Congress of Par­ had prevailed increased to a gale governmental functions and leave a guests:
Savia Taylor—the “Voice of Experi- form of discipline.
Mesdames Clyde Minard,
ents and Teachers.
when she became the sport of the ele­ residue to apply on debt retirement. Adolph Molthu, Tom Hamblin, John
The doctor decried the increasing
This constitutional amendment sim­ ments. A very hurricane from the
Gamblin, W. L. Sullivan, Harold
ply requires the state to pay to each south raged, and the vessel flew regulation and hampering of business Simmons, Leland McGilvery, Paul
school district the difference between Northward before it, with only the by the administration as destructive Boynton, EU Branet, Shirley Hatcher,
the income from the Common School Captain, (Caughell), Purser, En­ of employment, industry and happi­ Ernest Whereat, O. E. Mulkey, Loren
Fund ($1.30) per child) and 810.00 gineer, Fireman and Cook on board, ness, and declared that the capitalistic Willard, Misses EUen Bloomquist,1
for each such child out of the gen­ the first Mate and four sailors hav­ system was the mainspring of prog­ Frances Sullivan and Anna Lee Man-
eral revenues of the state. It does ing at great personal risk, gone ress, which would press on to great­ nelin; the two guests of honor, Mrs.
not specify how this money is to be ashore at Hunter’s Point, and were er heights if allowed to develop.
Taylor and Mrs. Sulivan and the host­
Dr. Townsend was introduced by
provided, this'matter being left en­ unable afterwards to return to duty,
ess, Mrs. Ireland.
tirely for the legislature to decide. On. on toward the frozen North the Dr. Gordon Ware, Oregon regional
The state is the only authority that noble craft flew, now low down in
Mrs. Fred Hudson entertained her
can levy and collect taxes from a deep dark and forbidding trough of introduced by Tom Drake, president neighborhood club Wednesday eve­
sources other than a property tax. the angry sea, and anon on the crest
ning at her home for a lovely 7:30
This amendment will insure better of a wave which towered aloft to a Mayor J. D. Rankin had spoken a few o’clock dessert. Mrs. Johnson, from
management of the Common School giddy height.
Finally, the storm
Eugene, was a guest. Mrs. Clabaugh
Fund in the future.
abating, and the sea gradually resum­ quille is yours, the latchstring is out.” won high score prize and Mrs. Car­
At the present time the State of ing its wonted state of repose the ves­
michael low. Members present were:
Belle Knife Hospital
Oregon collects $28,000,000.00 (twen­ sel was put upon her course for Port
Mesdames G. H. Hoxie, L. A. Greene,
ty-eight million dollars) annually Orford Harbor where she arrived
Dismissals the past week were Mrs C. V. Carmichael, E. W. Tichenor,
from sources other than the real safe and sound Tuesday late in the af­ Virgil Todd and baby, of Arago, Geo. Johnson, John Clabaugh and the
property takes.
There have been ternoon %of Nov. 1st, where the of­ yesterday; Kelley Clinton, of McKin­ hostess.
many new sources of revenue devel­ ficers upon coming ashore, were the
ley, yesterday anti Clark Bundy'
oped In the past twenty years, but the objects of congratulations showered
The new Guardian Council of Job’s
on Tuesday. Clark suffered a sprain­
legislature has not seen fit to divert upon them for their escape from
ed ankle on Monday when he fell Daughters met at the home of the new
any of this revenue to the support of what was here thought to be a great
from a ladder while washing win­ guardian, Mrs. E. J. Ruble, Friday
the public schools.
Captain Caughell commends dows.
evening. Plans were discussed and
Your school district at the present the behavior of the “Mary D. Hume”
Two births are reported at the a social time enjoyed. Delicious re­
time receives about $1.30 from the in her trying crises in the highest
hospital yesterday, a 7K pound son, freshments were served at a late
Common School Fund, which is the terms, and is more than ever before
Thomas Howard, to Mr. and Mrs. hour. Those present were: Mrs. Har­
income from lands set aside by the of course, proud of the noble ship he
Merlin Clinton, of Coquille; and an old McCue, Mrs. Jas. Watson, Mrs.
federal government when Oregon be­ has the honor to command.
The 8ft pound daughter, Dixie Lee, to Mr June Walker,. Mrs. Stanley Ayers,
came a state. If these lands and the supply of coal on board was well
and Mrs. Harry Storm, of Croft’s Mrs. J. E. Axtell, W. E. Bosserman,
income from them, had been properly nigh exhausted, else the “Hume” Lake.
Rev. G. R. Turney and the hostess.
managed by our state officials of the had not been so completely at the
past, the public schools of Oregon mercy of the storm.
The Past Matrons and Patrons club
Cloverleaf Dairy, pure milk and
would not be forced to rely entirely
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.
upon the direct property tax for sup­
A. Ulett Friday evening. The rooms
County Jail Arrival«
port. Since the state is responsible
looked lovely with bouquets of beau­
for the acts of its officials, it should
T. E. Cornwell was brought over
tiful flowers. The men played pool,
help make up for what has been a from Marshfield last Thursday and
while the ladies played cards, sewed
serious financial loss to the public lodged in jail, charged with writing
and chatted. Delicious refreshments
schools of this state.
checks which he had no funds to
were served at a late hour by Mr.
Oregon as a state contributes noth­ cover. He was bound over and bail
and Mrs. Ulett and Miss Edna Robi­
ing from taxation or appropriation for set at $1,000.
son to the following: Mr. and Mrs.
the support of public school educa­
Harold E. Ellis served five days in
Ray Hall, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gould,
tion. California contributes 48.2 per the county jail, starting June 10, for
Two in Recorder’s Court
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bosserman, Mes-
cent of the cost of public school edu­ switching automobile license plates.
, dames E. J. Ruble, Lafe Compton,
John Burrell paid a »5 fine in Re­
cation; Washington contributes 48
Fred G. Brown was brought over
Hal Pierce, Ed Lorenz, Henry Lor­ corder Leslie's court last Saturday.
per cent; Arizona contributes 74.4; from Marshfield on Tuesday. He is'
enz, Messrs. Ed Walker, F. G. Leslie He was intoxicated the night before
Minnesota 29.2; Michigan 44.5; Ala­ charged with driving while intoxi­
Plans and Specifications
and O. B. Harriman.
and refused to get off the streets
bama 49.5; New York 372; Nevada cated.
furnished. -
when ordered to do so by the police.
18.5; Massachusetts 10.7; etc.
Cement Mixer for Rent.
Walt Smith was again given five
average for the forty-eight states is
If you have a child who will start
days in the cooler on Monday by
29.4 per cent
in the Band this fall, see us now about
Eyes Examined.
Glasses the recorder for his usual offense.
We have some good
Fitted. Broken lenses du­
Third and Coulter'»«.
Take your insurance problems to 1 used stock now but it Is always scarce
General Contractor
plicated. Optica) repairs while you
A. l . rtooton, electnci, contractor
Spike Leslie, 414 Front St. Your '' when school starts. H. S. Norton, 500 Knowlton Ave. Ph. 105M
wait. Expert service.
•nd dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille
Phone 100
Coquille. Ore.
protection our chief consideration, tf ! Musi, and stationery.
Calling cards, 50 foi SI 00
Complete stock of wiring supplies
Producer Darryl F. Zanuck Turns Mad Trio Loose On Coast-
, to-Coast Hiccup on Laugh Nutwork While Tony
Martin Romances with Pretty Marjorie Weaver
The Voice of Experience and
An Experienced Voice Broadcast
- V- i
i_ 1
Brick Work
Cement Work
Cabinet Work
Funeral Home
Marc Shelley
Ambulance Service