The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 16, 1938, Page 2, Image 2

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    Social Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ruble were
hosts to their bridge club Saturday
evening. The rooms looked beautiful
with large bouquets of mixed flowers.
Contract bridge was played. Roy E.
Boober was the lucky winner of high
score prize. Delicious refreshments
were served at a late hour. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bos-
serman, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Boober,
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McCune and the
Beautiful Lasting Curls
This i* our
a lovely Helen Curtis Machineless wave
for all types of hair—children love them.
Special price until the ldstoLJune
Berenice Campbell was initiated in­
to the order of Job’s Daughters Mon­
$4.00 ordinarily. $6.50
day evening. Ernest Purvance, past
associate grand guardian, installed
Geo. R. Tumey as associate guardian
and Xn, June Walker as guardian of
music, with the assistance of Marilyn
Compton, installing marshal, and
* Roxy Bldg.
Phone *0
Donna Dean Bosserman, installing
Coquille, Oregon
guide. The Daughters are sponsoring
the picture, “Adventures of Tom
Sawyer,” Which will be released June
30th. After the meeting, a social time
meeting was held, after which the Irene and Blanche Sandon, Marjorie
was enjoyed with refreshments.
ladies spent the afternoon, sewing, Knight, La Verne Knife, Carol Young,
The local W. C. T. U. met at the knitting and chatting. Those present the hostesses and guest of honor, Mrs.
home of Mrs. H. L. Johnson Friday were: Mesdames L. E. Alexander, Perrott.
afternoon with Mrs. Geo. Gray, Mrs. Fred Schaer, A. N. Foley, ’Kenneth
The Zodiac club met at the home
John Widmark and Mrs. Johnson as Stockhoff and children, Henry Card-
hqstesaes. The society has paid in well, Gus McCullough, John Wid­ of Mrs. Gladys Wheeler Wednesday
$59.00 on its planned budget. Betty mark, Belle Hooton, V. L. Bailey, of last week for orfe o’clock luncheon
Thurma'h, thirteen years of age and Mary Bums, Willard Sloan, John with Mrs. Jane Burch as hostess. The
a member of the Farm Home at Sanders, C. C. Farr, Oren Harden- luncheon gras in honor of Mrs. Edna
> *1 Mi A» ***>>»* **«• 4
ty, and the hostess. The next meet­ held, after which the ladies spent the
ing will be July 14 at the home of afternoon sewing, knitting and chat-
contest for the Farm Home group.
ting. Mrs. Kern drew the lucky num­
The devotions were led by Mrs. Mrs. Gus McCullough.
ber. Those present were: Mesdames
Frank Leslie.
The story of Jennie
Cassidy, a cripple girl who founded • Mrs. F. A. Robb was hostess to a Edna Kern. Gladys Wheeler, Ora
the Foreign Mission department of lovely
one-thirty o’clock dessert Tennant, Jane Burch, Ethel Fuller,
the W. C. T. U., while she was in bed luncheon Friday in honor of Mrs. Emma Gasner, Blanche Mast, Helen
for ten yean, was read by Mn. Henry Harold Zeigler, a newcomer to Co­ Detlefsen, Virginia Kolstad, Opal
An article, “Memory’s quille. Contract bridge was played Buckles and a guest, Mrs. A. J. Tharp.
Lane," was read by Mn. Ibne Billings during the afternoon with Mrs. Zeig­ The club will meet July 13 at the
and a “Sermon in Flowen,” by Mn. ler winning high score prize and Mrs. home of Mrs. Virginia Kolstad in
Geo. Gray After the program a so­ Geo. Holbrook receiving consolation. honor of Mrs. Opal Buckles.
cial time was enjoyed with refresh­ Mrs. Zeigler also received a lovely
Well Drilling
guest prize. Those present were:
Those present besides the oommit- Mesdames T. S. Stevens, W. C. Ulett,
For that new well, see or write
tee were: Mesdames Louis Fugelson, Julius Ruble, J. E. Axtell, R. E. Boob­ W. F. Kemin, Roseburg, Ore. 16tl3*
J. L. Stevens, Harold McCue, Flora er, Geo. Holbrook, Harold Zeigler and
Dunne, Henry Cardwell, Ione Billings, the hostess.
C. C. Farr, Frances Holmstrom, Er­
nest Purvance, Frank Leslie, May
The Junior Contract club card party
Bates and Minnie Laws. July 8th, the
held at the home of Mrs. Craig Per­
W. C. T. U. will have a picnic at Ban­
Sunday, June 19th
rott Thursday evening of last week
don. The County Institute will be
turned out to be a real surprise show­
held at Arago June 28th.
er on the hostess. Mrs. Dennis Wag­
goner, assisted by Mrs. Harold Stev­
Mrs. George Gilman was hostess to ens, tendered -the shower to Mrs.
Myrtle Gardens
the “Laf-a-lot” club Thursday after­ Perrott.
The rooms looked lovely
noon. The ladies had a most enjoy­ with large bouquets of roses and
able time knitting, sewing and chat­ snapdragons. After the opening of
Delicious refreshments were the large array of gifts, the guests
served late in the afternoon by the played Bridge, Michigan, Pinochle Myrtle Greenhouses
hostess. Those present were: Mes­ and Sticks. Prizes were won by Mrs.
myrtle point
dames W H Myers, W. E. Cross, £d Marion Clayton, Mrs. Harold Dey,
Delefesen, John Martin, E. A. Wimer, Mrs. Arlen Elliott and Mrs. Belmont
Souvenir to each visitor.
J. W. Ruble and a guest, Mrs. Alex Ireland. Delicious refreshments were
Mackey. The club will meet With served at a late hour. Those pres­
Mrs. Martin June 23rd.
ent were: Mesdames Belmont Ire­ Pansies 35c dos.; 2 dos. 50c
land, Harold Dey, Ray Detlefsen, Annuals 20c dos.; 2-35c; *--Mc
The Loyal Women’s Class of the Melden Carl, Arlen Elliott, Ralph De- Petunias, potted, « • 5c each
Church of Christ met at the home of Jamett, Tom Stevens, Leroy Swin­
Mrs. Lola Esty for an all-day ses­ ney, Marion Clayton, Denton Elling­
sion with a potluck luncheon at noon. son, Kenneth Miller, Wm. Pook, Sher­
Call 602R for details
The hou“ looked love,y wlthr vases man Morris, Ed Yarbrough, Ray
of mixed flowers. A short business Simpson,
Misses Delores Belloni,
C oquille S ervice S tation
Phone 133
Eagles Have Busy Session
A rousing meeting was held last
Thursday evening by the local F. O. E.
Aerie 2196.
----- The newly elected officers of the
Aerie took off to a flying start with
a good attendance present The new
officers are: E. L. Vinton, worthy
president; Ernie Johnson, worthy
vice-president; J. N. Jacobsen, past
worthy president; Frank Ball, chap­
lain; Fred Bull, secretary; Lans Len-
eve, conductor; Clyde Barrow, inside
guard; Bill Nelson, outside guard; E.
A. Wimer, director.
New committees were appointed
and all old committees discharged.
The state convention will be held
Quantity & Quality
Ice Cream
Oar lee Cream Is different; it is
blended from highest quality true
fruits and extracts br an experi-
Rich. Freshly Froaen Dally from
our now Mills Fresssr, year physi­
cian will reossnanen
Cream to have all the
energy and health
milk, so
your rt
ailments by Incl
Super Creamed
Ice Cream
in your daily menu.
(The drink you eat with a spoon)
5c and 10c
Large Delicious Rich Fresh
Strawberry Sundae
Giant Cones
Brick, qts. •
Brick, pts. •
1 Gallon -
To take
We have 18 varieties of flavors,
fruits and nuts
Our new store at 44* Front St
at Klamath Falls the latter part of this
month. Eighteen delegates are plan­
ning on attending from the local
Thursday, June 18, a pot luck sup­
per will be held at the Aerie rooms—
the feed being furnished by the La­
dies Auxiliary, who have extended an
invitation to all the brothers to attend.
Interest is being shown in the or­
ganization of a drill team in the near
future and Brothers Wheeler and
Lewis have been appointed to get the
movement under headway as soon as
The membership drive has been
been completed with a good showing.
This does not mean that qualified
persons cannot still join. Such per­
sons are welcome in the ranks'*of the
F. O. E.
I. O. O. F. Party Friday
A large group attended the Odd
Fellow and Rebekah old-fashioned
party held in the I. O. O. F. hall Fri­
day evening. Practically everyone
came garbed in old-fashioned cos­
tumes or hard times regalia.
men and women entered into the
spirit of the affair and a grand time
was enjoyed by all.
All sorts of
games, serious and otherwise were
played under the leadership of Mrs.
I J. P. Beyers and Mrs. R. E. Boober.
Delos Richardson won the prize in the
spelling contest and Mrs. Harry Roes
^the guessing contest. Mrs. Geo.
brook and T. S. Stevens won the
rewards for the prize costumes. At a
late hour, refreshments were served
in the banquet hall. Community
singing at the tables wound up a per­
fect evening.
The Board of Directors of School
District, No. 8, will receive bids for
100 cords of 4-foot old growth fir,
50 cords to be delivered to the Wash­
ington building and 50 cords to the
Lincoln building. Bids to be in the
hands of the clerk by June 25. The
board reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
Keith Leslie,,
Clerk School Diet. No. 8
Coquille, Ore.
Spencer Foundation Garments
and Bandeaus individually designed.
For appointment call 191J or write
Edna Taylor, S40 North Coulter, Co-
• Nov. 18, 38
didn't someone
think of this
T hat ’ s what people say when they try
Safety Shift*. And they say it again
and again as they discover what a
Pontiac is and does! A big, eye-hopping
beauty, priced near the lowest, yet
crammed with everything people hold
close to their hearts: An engine that
whuptrt the miles away—that's a glutton
for hills yet delivers up to 24 miles per
gallon.. A body that lets you s-t-r-e-t-c-h,
and surrounds you with jewel-box beauty.
A reputation for dependability spread
world-wide by thousands of owners. A
ride that—well, just try it! We chal­
lenge you to find its equal in any
any price!
A mericas rumar m > w - priced cam
Calling carda, 50 for *1 00
Coquille, Ore.