The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 16, 1938, Image 1

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    The Coquille Valley Sentinel
■ ■ ■
b,. 4 t
NO. 22.
Two School Meet
ings Scheduled
Friday, Monday
---------- '—■-tu------ jj . -y_ . ■ • v..........
Ready To Start
No. 3 Well
A derrick for the No. 3 well at the
Coast Oil Co. location beyond Fat Elk
will be completed this week and W.
E. Marrion intends to begin drilling
that well next week. The new der­
Budget Will Be Voted Upon To­ rick is the most substantial and solid
morrow Evening And Two Di­ yet built out there, having concrete
foundations and heavy timbers.
rectors Next Monday Evening
The No. 2 well has been connected
up with the pipe line across the val­
wo school meetings of district No.
ley in to the gas plant near the Smith
e to be held in the next few days.
mill and the crew has been busy this
The one to elect two, directors is to be
week testing out the line and repair­
held next Monday, June 20, at eight
ing the leaks which possibly resulted
The notice calling the
from last winter’s floods.
meeting also calls for the election of
Mr. Marrion is uncertain when the
a district clerk, but inasmuch as the
natural gas from the No. 2 well will
district will become one of the first
be turned into the mains for con­
class just as soon as the directors are
sumption by the Coquille Gas &
elected and clerks of first class dis­
Power Co. patrons, although he Is
tricts'are appointed by the board, that
positive the well produces more than
part of the election will be* cancelled. enough to SUDD,V Contdn» «O’
So for as the
b»» Njht*
Dr. F. E. Townsend Mrs. Leona Bryant
Wins Adherents
B.P.W. Head
To Plan Here
His Program Appeals To Those Mrs. Harriet Osika Also Elected
As Recording Secretary For
Who Seek Relief From Exces­
The State Organization Friday
sive Taxation-UM Heard Him
Could Dr. F. E. Townsend give an
address every evening of the week to
an audience the size of the one which
heard him in the Community Building
here last Thursday night and arouse
the same interest in the Townsend
Plan which he did here, and to a large
extent among people who have here­
tofore scoffed at the plan, it would
not be many years before there would
be an uprising of the people wlio
would demand in no uncertain terms
Mrs. Leona Bryant, of Coquille,
was unanimously chosen as state
president of the Federated Business
and Professional Women’s Clubs at
the state convention held in Mc­
Minnville last week-end, starting
Friday and ending Sunday morning.
Another Coquille member, Mrs.
Harriet Osika, was also elected to a
state office, that of corresponding
ggcretary, while Mrs. Elda Koontz, of
Marshfield, was chosen as state
Sit'S tfXt. f*
Contract Let For
Raising The Dike
Work on the raising of the Coquille
dike section of the Coast Highway,
by six feet or more, will start in
the very near future, the State High­
way Commission having let a con­
tract yesterday for the' raising and
surfacing of the two-mile and over
Burke Bros., Portland contractors,
were awarded the job, their bid being
tor $138,314, considerably less than
the estimated cost as published some
weeks ago.
The earth for the fill will come off
the high points just this side of the
Hathaway place and beyond the Jos.
Collier place, permitting new con­
struction at those points to reduce the
angle of two curves, the lower one
almost a right-angled turn.
A Trusted Employee
ol Southwestern
Motors in Toils
Bob Head, Liked By AU Who
Knew Him, Held Under $3,000
Bonds for Grand Larceny
Bob Head, whose name appears on
the blotter in the sheriff’s office as
Robert Cary Head, a previously
trusted employee of the Southwestern
Motors, was bound over to the grand
jury yesterday by Justice Dodge at*
Myrtle Point on a.’ grand larceny
charge and his bonds set at $3,000.
Head admits taking an electric
drill which belonged to the South­
western and an electric sanding ma-
ft* fhynM Nfmdf
W wHA”
A. Barton is receiver..
A lot of stuff which has mysteri­
Buried Wednesday ously
disappeared over a period of
His sane, rational and logical pre­ attended, there being 100
sentation of facts and opinions gave
years from the Southwestern Motors
his large audience much to think
Funeral services were conducted garages was being sought yesterday
about and many a Coquille business
at Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries at 1:30 by Paul McElwain and Cliff Gulseth
man who had previously given the I
p. m. yesterday by Rev. H. L. Gray- in southern Douglas county, but they
Five persons lost their lives by
beal, for Mrs. Lydia Margaret Hul­ could locate nothing.
drowning in Winchester Bay Thurs­ the past week pointing out its merits.
tin, who passed away at her home in
Head's arrest was the result of his
day noon at 12:30.
The dead are:
Dr. Townsend talked before the
the north part of Coquille at one p. taking a barrel of asphalt from the
Joyce Pentico, aged 3, of Cottage Lions club at its noon luncheon
m. Monday. Interment was in the State highway gravel yard, beyond
Grove; Mrs. J. A. Huntsman, 27, and Thursday, with many invited guests
■WMnr plòt rt Randolph. “
the J. N. Jacobsen place on the Myr­
three children, Coda, aj^d 2.j. Virginia., tilling the dining room,
Mrs. Hultin was born Lydia Mar­ tle Point highway, a week ago.
aged 7; and Alvin, 9, of Bumtwood, ■ or 1200 people in the evening.
garet Thrush at Lorraihe, Ore., Aug.
evening in the high school at eight
He had had the help of a young
The doctor who looks younger
20, 1858. She came to Coos county boy here in Coquille and the father
o’clock. At that time the budget for Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N a Pentico and 1 more vigorous than some of his pic­
when a girl of eight, and on May 16, of the lad reported it to the state po- *
1938-39 is to be considered and voted
two daughters, Evelyn, aged 12, and tures make himlook, was almost fiery
1877, was united in marriage to A/ lice.
upon. The "budget calls for a totgl of
He also gave information,
Joyce,“and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hunts­
H. Hultin at Randolph. He passed whether it can be proved or not, as
$70,950, of which $16,100 is estim­
man and three children were in a policies of thq, national administra­
away in July, 1911.
ated to be received from other
to the great amount of Head’s thefts
skiff coming into Winchester Bay af­ tion. Especially was he severe in
She is survived by a daughter and which included radios, batteries, tires,
sources, while $54,850 must be raised
ter a camping trip up the river. Just his denunciation of its agricultural
three sons, Mrs. W. G. Mehl, Roy and garage equipment, and other stuff
by taxation.
opposite the point the "heavily loaded policy which causes farmers to be
Jack Hultin, all of Coquille, and A. from the Southwestern.
Comparison with other year's bud­
boat began to ship water, and an ef­ paid for not raising products for
R. Hultin, of Randolph.
gets may be of interest. The 1937-
Head was arrested about 11:30
fort was made to reach shore. About which their land is adapted, and then
38 was for $74.216, of which $59,216
night and confessed to taking
thirty feet offshore the boat swamped, it is found necessary to ship in from
was to be raised by taxation.
the electric drill and sander.
foreign countries the very stuff which
throwing them all into the water.
1930-31 the budget was $71,475.59;
The boy who assisted him with the
Mr. Pentico rescued his wile and the farmer is paid not to raise in the
raised by taxes $42,740.59; in 1929-
asphalt theft was paroled by Justice
older daughter, and returned to the United States.
30, budget $87,616.44, taxes $42,740.59.
Clarence Barton yesterday.
He told of visiting a breakfast food
overturned boat and managed to
Budgeted for bond payment for
It was a stunning blow to all those
reach his younger daughter, Joyce,
(Continued Page Eight)
present at the Friday luncheon, 375
Figures compiled by Deputy Coun- , connected With the Southwestern, as
1938-39 is $9,000, but nothing for
and Coda, the two-ybar-old Hunts­
at the Saturday evening banquet and ty Clerk Jno. W. Leneve show that well as to his .many friends here, to
warrant retirement. In 1937-38 it
man boy. But both children were
27J at the Sunday breakfast at Dor- the primary election last month and learn that he was guilty of erven the
was $8,500 for bond and $10,000 for
dead by the time he reached shore.
chtorter House. ■
for a fl expenses since Jan 1, for reg­ thefts he has confessed.
warrant retirement.
The 1930-31
Mr. Huntsman was the only mem­
Klamath Falls won the mileage' istration, totalled $4,394.55, a larger
budget was $2000 for bonds and $$,-
ber of his family to reach shore alive,
trophy, the aggregate of miles trav- i figure than an election has ever cost
034 68 for warrants; in 19)9-30 it was
Coquille Grange New*
the body of Virginia being picked up
by each member attending. Coos county in the past.
$2,000 bonds and $4,000 warranto.
, a short distance down the beach.—
The regular bi-monthly meeting Their total stood at 9423 miles—one
The Coquille Grange met for its
As seggregated, the itemized dis­
Interest budget for 1938-39 is,
.TPort Umpqua Courier.
date of the Coos County Chamber of way. Medford was second with 2192 bursements showed $2,044 for judges regular business meeting Friday eve­
$2,172 on the bond debt and $1,000
Commerce was next Monday, June 20, miles, and Coquille a close third with and clerks, $245.50 for rentals, $1,- ning. Mrs. Halter received the fourth
on warrants. In 1937-38 the bond
but for the reason that this is school 2189 miles.
578.69 for ballots and envelopes, degifee obligation. A resume of leg­
Interest budget was $2375 and the
election night in most districts, Pres­
Altogether it was a full two days $108.30 for clerical work, $253.70 for islative measures was read and dis­
warrant interest, $1,500.
ident Ralph Moore, of Bandon, has of business, excellent addresses, ban­ registering voters, $07.20 for tele­ cussed. The third and fourth de­
One reason why the 1929-30 tax
postponed the meeting for one week, quets, luncheons, etc., and the Co­ phone and poetage, $77.18 for other grees will be put on Friday evening,
was so much smaller than It will be
qr until Monday. June 27.
June 24.
----- ---------
quille members felt it to be a very suppliés.
far the 1938-39 school year is that in
Without kny advance in prices, and
The session will be held at Empire fine session.
The lecture hour consisted of mu­
"1929 and 1930 the per capita tax it has been shown at a considerably
with the Coos Gateway Chamber of
sical selections and games.
Eleven were present from Coquille
levied by the county was for $20 higher price elsewhere, "In Old Chi­
Commerce as the hoot organization.
The June 24 meeting promises to
— Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Osika, Mrs. Ber­
while in more recent years it has cago” is coming to the Roxy Theatre
A fine program has been arranged tha Smith, Mrs. Viola Newton, Mrs.
be very entertaining. All members
been only $10. That makes a differ­ this evening for a three-day run.
for the evening, with Dean Packard Georgia Richmond, Mrs. Edith Wal-
are urged to attend.
ence of $10,100 in the estimated re­ The big fire of half a century ago
of the Marine Biological Institute at ton, Mrs Marian Endicott and Misses
ceipts of the district and increases by when the Widow O’Leary’s cow
Coos Bay as the principal speaker. It Inez Rover, Myrtle DeLong, Cath-
that sun^ the amount that must be stgrt^l the blaze which wiped out so
It is reported that a petition is to To Attend T. B. Meeting at L. A.
Is hoped that each chamber in the erine Barker and Ida Oerding. They
raided by taxation.
be presented at the next council meet­
Mrs. Elbert Schroeder, president of
large a section of that midwest me­ county will be well represented at
all returned home Sunday.
The total indebtednes for 1938-39 is tropolis, is the high light of the film
ing for widening the paving on Taylor the Coos County Health Association,
listed by the clerk at $72.769.05. In as was the fire which followed the
street—the highway — between Sec­ and Mrs. Eugene E. Laird, of Myr­
1937-38 it was $83.420.04; in 1930-31, earthquake 32 years ago in the picture
ond and Third streets. If it is done it tle Point, its treasurer, will accom­
$106.060.40 and in 1929-30, $108,-
will be as a WPA project with the pany Mr. Schroeder when he leaves
“San Francisco.”
abutting property paying for the ma­ for the Rotary convention in San
Coquille has had some disastrous
The budget for supervision and fires itself, especially in-its early days,
terial. Such an improvement would Francisco tomorrow. The ladies will
teachers, a superintendent and three and those who have seen large city
be of great benefit in reducing the go on south to Los Angeles to attend
principals for each of the four periods fires will enjoy this mammoth pic-
Rev. Harold H. Robertson, widely! angle of the highway jog at Second the National Tuberculosis Association
The sheriff and district attorney of 1and
but with a varying number of teach­
"* .
1 __________
street. Practically all of the property meeting there next Monday, Tuesday
ers is: 1938-39, 26 teachers, $38.350;
COW y,
pp ,.
former newspaper man of extensive owners are in favor of the improve- and Wednesday.
Included in the cast of one thousand
1937-38, 26 teachers. $36,970; 1930-31, are such motion picture stars as Ty­ here yesterday morning and when, experience, is speaking at the Assem- ment.
Stanley Phillips, of Myrtle Point,
departed were accompanied by ??*'“’¿’T ”5^'" Wednesday
27 teachers, $39,744; 1929-30, 24 rone Power, Alice Brady, Alice Faye, they
James Walter Greenlee, the man who Thursd
^d yri£
will be in charge of Schroeder Bros.
teachers, $40,711.
It Was Only A Sprinkle
Mortuaries here during Elbert’s ab­
Andy Devine, Don Ameche and many got into trouble here a couple of Hi> ^ect tonlgM (StXy) 1.
Although this year’s budget is
A slight sprinkle last night and tfiis" sence.
$4466 less than last year’s there is an i
upon being arrested confewed to hia vlew of the motlon plcture lndu,_ morning would be still more welcome
item in it of $4,800 for completing and
“Voice of Experience" Com­
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Claterbos
last year in Misstosippi. He
f|Uned and if it would develop into a 24-hour
equipping the new gymnasium, some­
ing to Marshfield July 14 has never denied shooting the man | opinions formed while public rela­ downpour and benefit gardens and and daughter, Jeanne, returned Tues­
thing that is absolutely necessary if
who broke up his home, but insists tions counsel for some of the larger lawns. Farmers, tbo, would greatly day evening from their vacation trip
the gym is to be used for basket ball
appreciate a good rain at this time.
M. S. Taylor, whose “Voice of Ex­ that he be tried for the killing and
to northeastern Oregon, southern
next winter, or to be seated for any
companies. Friday night his subject
Washington, Portland, and Corvallis,
affair which it may be desired to hold perience” weekly radio program is not kept in an insane asylum as he will be “Rattlesnakes for Supper,” a
one of the leading features on the was before he escaped and came to
sermon illustrated by experiences Ray Gill, Re-elected Master where he attended the states bankers'
The 1929-30 school census showed air, is to lecture in the armory at Oregon.
from fifteen trips around the world.
By a vote of 444 to 22 at Klamath
864 children in the district with an Marshfield on July 14. Arrangements
The Sunday night service at the As­ Falls yesterday, Ray W. Gill, of Port­
attendance of 568 in the schools here. are being made for the sale of tickets
Dr. and Mrs. M. Earl Wilson left
Masons Confer Third Degree sembly of God Church is to be em­ land, was re-elected master of the
Last fall's census showed 1010, with at 55 cents in all the towns in the
phasized by a “Song Festival.” New state Grange. Corvallis was selected last Friday on a ten-day trip to San
an average daily attendance of 733. county.
song books have been purchased and as the city in which the 1939 conven­ Francisco, expecting to return the
the Masonic hall Tuesday evening the newer songs will be sung and ac­
• fore part of next week.
tion will be held.
Return From Medical School when Kenneth Graham, of South­ quaintance with some of the older
Attend Daughter’s Graduation
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton arrived western Motors, received the Master ones renewed. Orchestra and cifoir
Mr. and Mrs. J. E Axtell and son. home last evening from Milwaukee. Mason degree. Folioowing the busi­ will be assisting in the program. Rev.
John, left Wednesday morning for Wis., where Earl has just completed ness session and the conferring of the R. D. E. Smith, pastor of the church,
Portland, where they will attend the his first year in the Marquette Med­ degree, those present enjoyed a feed will be speaking on the subject, “God
commencement exercises today of ical School. He has the distinction of in the banquet room. Several Ma­
Keeps Books.”
__________ *
Reed college, from which their being the only student in that school sons from Myrtle Point were down
daughter, Miss Marianne, is one of the from Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Verrlll for the occasion.
Geo. H. Chaney, who has just re­ probably be sufficient money from
Tennis Court Site to
graduates. From there they will go
turned from a thirteen-thousand mile the appropriation for such a building
McCurdy, who went back there on a
to Enterprise in eastern Oregon to trip three weeks ago, are now in San
Be Discussed Friday trip practically encircliing the United but could get no definite assurance
Daughters Sponsoring Show
attend the Oregon district Lions con­
States was the featured speaker Wed­ that it would come to Coquille.
Francisco and are expected home to­
The girls of Coquille Bethel, Job’s r - -
. - — - - —
vention which opens there Sunday.
Geo. R. Turney, who, accompanied
The Coquille Park Commission will nesday noon at the Rotary Club
Daughters, are selling tickets for rfflt
Mr. Axtell will represent the Coquille
luncheon. George told of his varied by Elbert Schroeder, leaves Sunday
Mark Twain story, “The Adventures
Lions club and he is also deputy dis­
experiences in visiting Rotary clube as a delegate from the Coquille Club
Dales Moving to Marshfield
of Tom Sawyer,” which is to be shown ' o’clock Friday evening to consider the on his trip and described the differ­ to the international convention next
trict governor for southwest Oregon.
The D. D. Dale family this week is at the Roxy Theatre, June 30, July 1
i Commerce for permisison to lay out ent types of programs put on by the week in San Francisco, gave a brief
to Marshfield where he will and 2. It is one of the feature at­ ' a tennis court in Myrtle Park and clubs. He also told of his stay of sev­ resume of the program and purposes
Miss Bess Maury, worthy matron,
tractions coming to the Roxy this
eral days in Washington, D. C,, and of the convention and urged everyone
and Wm. C. Ulett,, worthy patron, be associated with the Tower Ford
month, and those contemplating see­ make a permanent court there. Any­ his visits to both houses of Congress. that possibly could do so, to go.
Mrs. H. W. Pierce, secretary, and Mrs. Agency. The hosts of friends that
ing it, are requested to secure their
One lone visitor, Dick Lyle, of
In his efforts to get a line on the pros­
Ulett, all of Beulah chapter, O. E. S., Mr. and Mrs. Dale and LaVelle have
ticket from one of the girls.. The application is invited to attend and pects for a federal building for Co­ Marshfield, was the only guest pres­
left Sunday for Portland to attend the made in Coquille most sincerely re­
Bethel will receive a percentage on
quille, he found that there would ent.
sessions of the grand chapter to be gret their leaving here, “but unite in
each ticket the girls sell.
held there this week.
for directors than C. W. Kline and
W. E. Bosserman. Both have had ex­
perience with the district’s budget
preparation and each has one or more
children in school, although that is
not a qualification requirement. The
voters could go farther and not
find two men as well qualified to act
as are Messrs. Bosserman or Kline.
The first meeting, for taxpayers
Five Drowned At
Winchester Bay
Primary Election
Cost $4,394.55
County C. of C. At
Empire, June 27
"In Old Chicago
Here Tonight
More Street Wid­
ening To Be Asked
Greenlee Starts
For Mississippi
Returned Missionary
At Assembly of God
Geo. H. Chaney Tells Rotary Club
Of His Trip Around The U. S.