PAO> MX .1 ARAGO DR. J. W. HARRISON VETERINARIAN Office and residence on Co­ quille - Marshfield Highway, next place west Sanford Heights road. Phans MS P.O. Box MS Coquille, ure*en O. C. SANFORD Attorney at Law Probate, Real Estate and Office Practice, Notary Public Room 1« itionai Bank Balldin* La RHUE Eyesight Specialist i Bld*.—Reception i HARRY A. SLACK Attoraey-ai-Law First National Bank Building CoquiB« W Oregon J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney at Law Rooms It! Fa . mera A Merchants Bank Bldg Phone 37 Coquille, Oregon J. A.'tilCHMOND PHYSICIAN sod 8URGEON Richn>ond-Bark*r Building Coquille. Oro. . I hones: Office 62M, Roa. 98R Miss Ethel Fish left last Sunday for Monmouth, Oregon, to attend sum­ mer school. • Wyman Renne and daughter, Lois, of Link’s Hollow, have been visiting at the home of Mr. Renne*s daughter, Mrs. Leonard Garoutte. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edgmon drove to Port Orford last Wednesday. The regular weekly Bible study met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Myers Wednesday evening with J. D Root leading the discussion, which was on the first chapter of Second Timothy. Those present were: Mrs. H. E. Watkins, Mrs. O. H. Aasen, Mrs. Ward Evans, Mrs. Naomi Robi­ son, J. D. Root, Mr. and Mrs. S C. McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. Myers and Lillaverle. They will meet again this week at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Gerald left Monday morning for Condon, Oregon, where Mr. Wood­ ward will be employed for the sum­ mer. Mrs. L. A. Myers and Lillaverle spent * the week-end camping at Charleston. Alvin Fredenburg has returned to his home on Hall's Creek. Mayre Lee Lafferty and Maureen Evans are confined fio their homes with the measles. Wallace Carl arrived home Friday from Corvallis where he has been attending school, to spend the sum- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stumbo, of| Wolf Creek, visited at the W. W. De- yoe home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Goodwin and Mrs. Chas. Belshaw will leave Wed­ nesday for Eureka, Calif., where they will visit for a while with Mrs. Nettie Clancy, after which Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin will leave for their home in Honolulu.' ' Mabel Nelson, Carl Morris and Bobby and Ray Benham visited Mrs. Agnes Kenyon at Port Orford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Hansen, Mrs. G. L. McRay, Mrs. N. E. Bond and Mrs. H. G. Rosslow were business vis­ itors in Roseburg Friday. A surprise birthday dinner was giv­ en in honor of Mrs. Floyd Summers at her home Monday night. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Rosslow, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Chase, Clifford and Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McRay, Mrs. Lily Pearson and Vernon, and Mr. and Mrs. Summers and Harry anmni«nl bronch for chocking *• loon. Thoro II no doloy. The UODCMIZATIM FINANCING . untwK ‘ • ;,f~ • J- Notionol con give DIRqfT opprovoL to the bonk. Thii ii mppliod by your controctor or builder when tho .8388 totITJN Is SU a us box®« • a f inf 3. Mall the Certificate ef Completion work Is finished. The First National Bank than pays CASK. No Deloyi! . . , No f«fro Charge! — • YOU be a defositoe to boiwow . FROM THIS bant IW NEtO lYttU* NOT SteVS «»• .... ..................... - — - This "Fairview Ladies Aid held the regular monthly meeting at tbe church last Thursday afternoon. The II I ir - IT-ggBB— ladies started work on their dish tow­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE el project, following the business STATE OF OREGON IN AND meeting. Mrs. Phillip Jensen and FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Case No. 11452 Harriet Jensen served refreshments to the following ladies: Mesdames William Henry Hervey and Mary "Firti National Bank West of th» Rocltlea** Robert Holverstott, Joe Berkheimfr Hervey, his wife, Ovid Hervey and Anita Hervey, his wife, and Byron Cortland Ellis, Verlin Moore, DeVere I M I I I f I 0 I g A I Hervey, an unmarried man, Yeoman, Ernest Hatcher, George Mc­ Plaintiffs Neil, Lloyd Teagarden, Vem Kenison, vs. David Tosten, William Griggs and Misses Nadine Ellis, Myrtle, Virginia IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Edith May McKee: the unknown heirs FORECLOSURE SALE of James Campbell Hervey and of Sharon, Estill Powell and two chil­ and Wilde Beckett Virginia and Vi­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, STATE OF OREGON IN AND John Kroll; The unknown widow That under and by virtue of an Ex­ dren, of Klamath Falls, and Misses vienne Lake, Viola Dunckley, Lou FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS 4 ot John Kroll; Michael Kroll, ecution and Order of Sale issued out Bette Yeoman and Harriet Jensen. Hooton, Lynn Culver, Pauline Firm­ Frank Kroll, Gerald Kroll, Eliza- of the Circuit Court of the State of » both Ksoll, Mariah Kroll, Mary Mrs. William Griggs was given a er, Messrs. Glenn Hutton, Herbert FLORENCE P. BERG, Plaintiff, Oregon for the County of Coos on vs. Kroll, John Eberhartor, and John shower. Hinds and Jerry Walker. PAUL S. JOHNSON, THE UN- the 18th day of May, 1938, in a cer­ Steinlechner; th* unknown wives Mr. and Mrs. William Earle re­ Mr. and Mr*. E. E. Nelson, Roe, KNOWN HEIRS OF EVAN CUN­ tain cause in said court pending and the unknown widow* of Mi­ NINGHAM, DECEASED, THE UN- wherein T. H. Downs and Addie turned home Sunday evening from a Edith, Alma Jane and Arthur, left chael Kroll, Frank Kroll, Gerald NOWN HEIRS OF JESSIE A. Down*; husband and wife, ar* Plain­ Kroll, John Eberharter, and John week's trip throughout Oregon. They Thursday morning,, to make their JOHNSON, SOMETIMES KNOWN tiffs, and J. Wesley Downs and Thel­ Steinlechner: the unknown hus­ traveled 1500 miles.. home near Vale,' where they have AS JESSIE ALICE JOHNSON, DE­ ma Downs are Defendants, Case No. bands and the unknown widowers Mr. and Mrs. Cal Ray were in Med­ bought a place. CEASED, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS 11118, of said Court and commanding of Elizabeth Kroll, Mariah Kroll, OF E. HAZEL JOHNSON, SOME- me to sell the hereinafter described ford last week. and Mary Kroll; and if any of the Miss Dorothy Hooton arrived Fri­ KNOWN AS EMILY real property to satisfy the sum of said defendants are dead, then their Mrs- J. C. Hedden, Betty and Alice, day from Grants Pas* to visit with , TIMES HAZEL JOHNSON, DECEASED, 3754.60 with Interest at 6 per cent unknown heirs; also all other per­ of Marshfield, are at the home of her home folks until next Friday, when THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SHIR­ from April Sth, 1937, for the fur­ sons or parties unknown claiming parents, Mr. and Mr*. J. A. Dead- she will leave for Port Madison. LEY V. JOHNSON, SOMETIMES ther sum of 8349.00; for the further any 1 right, title, estate, lien or in­ KNOWN AS SHIRLEY JOHNSON, sum of 8100.00 Attorney fees, costa mond. terest ti In in the real estate described Wash., to spend some time wit> her DECEASED, ALSO ALL OTHER and disbursements $31-20, interest on ‘ ilnt herein; also Ger- in the complain Donald Phillips is visiting his uncle, Oscar D. Hooton. HEIRS OR PERSONS OR PAR­ said Attorney fees and costs and ______ “, Sophie C. Kroll, trud* . E. Kroll, _ brother, Stanley Arnold, and family Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Culver and TIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING disbursements at 6 per cent from Francis B. Kroll, and Joyce Kroll at Klamath Falls. ANY RIGHT, TITLE, INTEREST, April Sth, 1937, together with accru­ as the only heirs of Michael Kroll, son. Evert, were business visitors in ing costs. I WILL ON SATURDAY, ESTATE, LIEN OR CLAIM IN OR THE deceased; and R. J. Steinlechner, Cal Ray has his son, Bob, of Marsh­ Coquille Saturday. 18th DAY OF JUNE, 1938, ai TO THE REAL ESTATE DE­ James Steinlechner, Jacob Steta- field, visiting with him. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reed and son. SCRIBED IN THE COMPAINT the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon leehner, Elizabeth Stonelake, An­ Mrs. Elizabeth Morris, who has Gerald, of Myrtle Point were Sun­ HEREIN, Defendants, of said day at the front door of the nie Monson and Margaret Nelson, County Court House in the City- of been making her home with Mr1 and day dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Butt in E^£[n£|Qn. There was a good attendance at the FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS plaint, of which the following is a publication, and if you fail so to from the car, which was on the grease Grange meeting Friday evening and a appear or answer on or before said I In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah succinct statement, viz.: That you Saturday. A. Watson, Deceased. each be ordered to produce any claims Mrs. Robert Rcdell spent Friday rack, he fell backward, striking his program, consisting of songs and a date, the plaintiff will apply to the Notice of Final Account which you have or make to or upon and Saturday with her daughter and head on the hard-packed earth. He humorous skit, was enjoyed The Court for the relief prayed for in ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the real property involved in this her complaint, a succinct statement son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Button, was rushed to the hospital but did not Lecturer, Mrs. Elmer Magill, has ar ­ That the undersigned has filed In suit, of any part thereof; namely: in. of which is a* follows: regain consciousness for five or six ranged for a series of programs to Township Twenty Eight South of at South Coos River. That all defendants in this suit be the County Court of Coos County. Range Twelve West, of the Willam­ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Linsey, of The hours. Mrs. Alley, who is working at be presented by different groups of ordered to produce any claim they Oregon, his final Report and Account Administrator of the Estate of ette Meridian, to-wit: Dalles, are visiting at the home of South Slough, was called to Coquille member*. The first one was given may have or claim to have upon the as The Northeast quarter of North­ premises or any part of the following Sarah A. Watson, Deceased, and that by Mir. and Mrs. Elmer Magill, Mr. premises: the said Court has set Friday, the east quarter of Section Eleven Town­ the latter’s sister, Mrs. Cora Mulkey. but returned Sunday evening. 10th day of June, 1938. at the hour Calvin Cardwell, of Roseburg, is ship 28 South Range Twelve West Mrs. E. L. Powell and two ohildren, and Mrs. Vern Magill and John Koch. Lota 1, 11 and 12 of Block 19 of ten o’clock A. M. at the County Willamette Meridian; Lota 10, 11 A visiting at the home of his nephew, of Klamath Falls, spent last Tuesday The next one will be given by the of Elliott’s Addition to the City of Court Room in Coquille, Oregon, as 12 and th* Southwest quarter of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, and Wednesday with Mr. and Mr*. R. King Creek group. Refreshments of the time and place for hearing objec­ Northwest quarter of Section Twelve Glenn Zeller. according to the map and plat The congregation of the Assembly J. Holverstott. hamburger sandwiches and coffee Township 28 South Range 12 West tions to such final account and thj thereof on file and of record in settlement of said estate. Willamette Meridian, in Coos Coun­ of God church enjoyed a picnic at the office of the County Clerk of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ashbaugh, of were served by Mr*. O. B. Finch, • .. Irv,n Watson, ty, State of Oregon. Coos County, Oregon. the fair grounds after services Sun­ Klamath Falls, visited her parents, Mrs Lawrence Knight and Miss Alice and that the same be determined and Administrator of the Estate of That said claims be decla nvalid day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell, last week. Knight. Sarah A. Watson, Deceased. declared invalid, by decree of this and quieted. Harriett McRay and Frendy Med­ The Ashbaughs have moved to River­ C. A. Barton, Attorney for Adminis­ court; and that you all be perpetually .That Defendan There was an attendance of 44 at trator, Coquille, Oregon. ¡715 restrained and enjoined from mak­ lock returned to their home Friday ton. _ ^ny „ claim ___ In r Bible School Sunday. A committee, thereafter making ing any claim to or upon said prem­ from Oregon State. lid property adverse to said to ‘ ' ___ consisting of Mrs. Frank Culver, Mrs. plaintiff. That .plaintiff be adjudged ises or any part thereof, and that all NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ann and Frank Furman left Friday BRIDGE A. B HUlabold and Miss Maude the owner in fee simple of said prem­ such claims be quieted: and that NotlÇ* is hereby given that the plaintiffs William Henry Hervey and for their vacation. On their trip, ises and rightfully In possession Miss Myrtle Beckett, whose birth­ Hooton, was appointed to arrange a undersigned was on the 16th day of Mary Hervey, his wife, Ovid Hervey they will go through Washington and program for Father’s Day, June 19. thereof. That she have such other May, 1Ï38’ duly appointed by the and Anita Hervey, his wife, and By­ British Columbia and on their re­ day anniversay occured on" June 2, and further relief as to the Court County Court for Coo* County, Ore- was given a pleasant surprise after A very pleasing feature of the churofr may seem meet and equitable. ron Hervey, an unmarried man, be g on — -, as Executor of the Last Will and adjudged to be the owner* in fee turn will attend the Rose Festival choir practice on that evening. 'As service was a vocal solo, "Take Up Service of this Summons is made T Mj .eytament and of the Estate of Wain­ and rightfully in possession of all and at Portland. by publication pursuant to an order Thy Cross, ” by Miss Emma Frances the practice period drew to a close wright B. Cummings, deceased, and every part of Said premises, against of the Honorable J. T. Brand, Judge Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman and and she gave the chord for the final Mulkey, of Coquille. . J all person* having claims against said any claims of any of said-defendants of the Circuit Court of Coos County, estate are hereby required to present or any other persons, and that all Juliene and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. song, the group, to her surprise, be­ Oregon, which order was signed May the same to the undersigned at his title of any of you tc said property be Ernest liuthy, George and Raymond, gan to sing, “Happy Birthday to You!” 11th, 1938, directing publication to be Sf/V* Ji Cu2U,,,e' Ore<°n- duly veri­ Calling card*. M for 81.00. '■■■ -------- transferred to plaintiffs. made in the Coquille Valley Sentinel, fied and with proper vouchers, within and Tommy Perkins picnicked at Turning around, she discovered the -................................... ■ ■ — - ■ K - ■ The date of the first publication of Yellow Creek Sunday. once a week for four consecutive WARRANT CALL ùre"10'10” iram d“te of this n°- lovely cake with candles oh, which this Summons is May 19. 1938. All warrant* drawn against School weeks. Date of first publication May Mrs. T. V. Johnson and Faye and had been brought In during the sing­ S. D. Pulford, 12th, 1938. Date of last publication Dist. No. 72, Coaledo, Ore., endorsed 19 D 1936 ,, ld pub , llhe <, flrrt U tne m «F Mrs. Lou Ayers and Donna left Sun­ ing of the preceding song Following Attorney for Plaintiffs prior to No. 437, are called for pay­ June 9th, 1938. Residence, Coquille, Oregon day for Baggs, Wyoming. Mrs. John- J. ARTHUR BERG refreshments of cake and Koolaid. a ment 2r.o • S