THE COOVU4JE VALLEY EKNYWVL. COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE t. 1939. F AGE F QUE The Sentinel i Money,7 Said Tommy ------- - r • The Sentinel reprints below a por­ tion of an open letter, written by Amos Pinchot to the president of the United States analayzing the New Deal's latest pump-priming efforts. The whole letter is a severe indict­ ment of the New Deal policies of the party in power, and is written by a man who says he was a supporter of Mr. Roosevelt at the last election. The Sentinel will probably use more of the letter next week, but this* week confines its extract to the part which tells of “Tommy-tbe-Cork” Corcoran’s idea that free money should be scattered from an airplane, in the same manner that logged-off land was seeded to grass in Coos county a few years ago. Mr. Pinchot, a brother of ex-Gov. Pinchot of Pennsylvania, wrote: the “Trojan horse,” a reference which I Communists Seek A World United Front the Communist International’s lead­ er has never revoked. Such was the The following article was written background of the refusal of the Oalo H. A. VOl'NG and 34. D. GRIMES by the Moscow correspondent of the session of the I. F. T. U. to admit the PkMMwrs Christian Science Monitor and was Soviets. H. A. YOUNG. Editor published by that paper three weeks ago. It goes to show the “boring from Subscription Rates within” policy which has been quite One Year —1--------- -- — 93-00 noticeable in the United States the Six Months_______ _..■ ™ 1.00 Three Months ..... —_. .,._™. 64’ past ,few years. “If you can’t lick No subscription taken unless paid 'em, jine em,” is the policy which the for in advance This rule is impera­ communists are following with the tive labor element in the United States as Advertising Rates typified by the Jno. L. Lewis organ­ Display advertising 30 cents per ization. inch No advertisement inserted for . Governor Martin will not be a can­ less than 50 cents. Reading notices International Communism, under didate for public office in the forth­ 10 cents per line. No reading notice. ■ ir advertisement of any kind, insert- the direction of Soviet Russia, is mak­ coming campaign, predictions to the ■d for less than 25 cents. ing vigorous attempts to widen its contrary notwithstanding. “united front” with all other “anti­ Not that the governor has yet elim­ Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as Fascist” organizations by joining into inated himself from consideration but Second Class Mail Matter. one great organization the trade that is the only logical conclusion that Office Corner W. First and Willard St unions of Russia and all other non­ can be reached in any honest analysis Fascist countries. of the political situation in Oregon to­ Thus far, every Communist move day. My first cloee-up of the big spend­ ing, or pump-priming theory of re­ in this direction has been blocked by Political prognosticators who have covery, came at an early date in your the British Trade Union Congress and been indulging in speculations as to BY FERNANDO FABRICATUS first term of office, when I was a in particular by the British trade the governor’s entry into the fall cam­ “We think our fathers fools so wise warm admirer of your administration, union leader, Sir Walter Citrine, who paign for office have been merely in­ we grow, and of the aspirations and policies of has twice visited Russia and fully un­ dulging in some wishful thinking. As Our wiser sons will doubtless think what was then the New Deal. It was derstands the position of Soviet trade a defeated candidate for the demo­ us sor” at that time that Mr. Thomas Cor­ unions. cratic nomination the governor is Though Alexander Pope lived a [Soviet affiliation with the Inter­ barred by law from becoming an in­ coran, who had not reached his pres­ couple of hundred years ago, he cer­ ent State of eminence, and was a national Federation of Trade Union» dependent candidate for that office. tainly knew his onions when taking comparatively obscure member of was rejected by the Federation, Even without this legal barrier, po­ a poke at human nature. To para­ your official family, asked me to meet meeting at Oslo, Norway, earlier in litical advisers of the governor would phrase a better saying, human nature him at the Roosevelt Hotel in New May.) not permit him to take a step which is the changeless thing in this chang­ The writer possesses a whole 11- eould only end in anothe* York City. ing world. «MF Mt» the ftttanaforlft! M M liihed in several languages, at Mos­ race could only result in a division of cow before 1935, in which such men the vote now claimed by Sprague, th< tured a sow with a litter of 24 pigs, struction Finance Corporation. And as Sir Walter are held up to ridicule, republican nominee, and the election all of which were said to have lived. he added that It had been proposed scorn and contempt as “traitors to the of Henry Hess, democrat, an end cer­ « It may be true but nevertheless we that I should be tendered this post. working class," All moderate social- tainly not desired by the governor. are reminded of the four-year old, He did not offer it to me, but he in­ ist organizations are thoroughly de- While there might be no legal bar who was watching the new batch of quired whether, if offered, I would nounced. to Martin's entry into the senatorial puppies at her home. All eight were be inclined to accept such an appoint­ But one finds no such comments race, or even the congressional race­ appeasing their hunger in the normal ment. since 1935. For three years all or- state laws being ineffective in their way when she exclaimed, “It’s a good Business conditions were almost as thodox Communists have been under effort to set up qualifications for fed­ thing there aren’t any , for there bad then as they are now, and I told orders to make friends with moder­ eral officials—it is doubtful if the are only eight faucets.' Mr. Corcoran it would be difficult, if ate Socialists or with any other group, governor wotlld consent to try for not impossible, for me to leave New Including even Roman Catholics and either of these posts As a candidate It seems so foolish to continue ork. Ala», I pointed out that it did other religious groups, which are not for United States senator, Martin • Colorful ceilings, harmoniously uphold a federal administration to me that I was fitted for downright Fascist. could be expected to attract largely contrasted with sidewalls, are the which, through hidden taxes and bility either hyjtrain- Have the Communists changed from the same bloc of voters who last word in home decoration today. otherwise, finances projects which, if such a . The conversation their views? There is no evidence would most naturally gravitate to­ You will like our varied (election of ing or put to popular vote by means of a which I shall not that they have. In fact, the general ward Rufus C. Holman, the republi­ which ensued is exquisite new patterns and colors, - proposed bond issue, would receive a ft well as the very moderate prices \ J soon forget. secretary of the Comumnist Interna ­ can nominee. Inasmuch as Holman thunderous “no” from everyone. Mr. Corcoran replied t, so far tional, G. Dimitroff, told a Commun­ refused to enter the gubernatorial at which they sell. , —....... con- ist congress at Moscow in 1935 that race largely out of consideration for as training and experience The claim of Clearwater, Wash., to cerned, I need not worry. All the strategy of the “united front” was Martin, it is unthinkable that Martin having the greatest rainfall in U. S. was required was an obstinate man i Comparable to that of the “Trojan would now permit himself to be used A„ with more than 156 inches a year, who would stand up in the meetings horse,"and assured Communists that in an effort to defeat Holman. has been disputed by the residents of of the Reconstruction Finance Board they would find it easier to conquer Probably the most forceful argu­ Vslaetz in this state, whose records and oppose the policies of the Chair­ other groups once they had been ad­ ment against Martin’s entry into the sho.v 168 inches—14 feet! If that man, Mr. Jesse Jones, who, he ex­ mitted to their organizations. The political arena this fall is to be found happened in Coquille, we'd never plained, was disposing of government writer reed this statement, published in the fact that the governor does not brag about it; probably would be too funds in a stingy fashion. And, in in the Soviet press. crave further political honors. It is busy trading off our webfeet for a few 321 Front St. particular, he was refusing to pgrt The Communists have since pretty generally understood that he seta of fins. with public money unless he believed very well with the “united front. d himself to be persuaded to " a second term as governor out there was a fair chance of getting it They have helped set up governments try far President Roosevelt demanded that back. in France and Spain, and to aid such of a sense of duty to the people of the huge new relief appropriations ' Such a policy, Mr. Corcoran main­ labor movements as the C. I. Q. in the state who have supported his law duce this coat. The state will finance abused, according to officials here. “bo flexible in administration.” Thia its share of the cost of this project Many ballots have been found to tained, dictated as it was by business the United States. One of the most and order program and out of o a fur­ was granted and thus the purse­ considerations, was precisely what interesting illustrations of Commun­ ther sense of responsibility for the out of the appropriation for the new contain a dozen or more names writ- strings were turned over to him when library building. teri-in, *many of them the names of the situation did not demand. He ist strategy is the International Peace welfare of his appointees. Now that the $3,000,000,000 bill was passed. fictitious characters. The practice is said that the right way to restore Campaign, which is at present con­ the voters have turned him down for That’s just fine and dandy for Oregon. An appropriation of at least $100,- said to slow up seriously the work of buying power and bring recovery, ducting an anti-Japanese boycott the nomination, it can be pretty safe­ We are among the doubtful states and 000 will be asked of the next legis­ counting ballota and to clutter up the was to pour money into circulation from its headquarters in Geneva. ly assumed that he will be content to in the light of past experiences, funds lature for needed improvements at tally sheets. in the greatest possible quantities The International Peace Campaign quit the public service, resting con­ for relief and recovery will be lav­ the state prison, according to Warden and at the highest possible speed, is a highly respectable organization, tent with the laurels that he has gar­ ished on us. We have already re­ James Lewis. Included in the im­ Thirty-five persons out of every And to illustrate his point, he re- under the titular leadership of Vis­ nered in his past service and devot­ ceived $323.22 per person in the state provements under consideration are 1000 In Oregon were on direct relief marked that the ideal thing would count Cecil of Chelwood and Pierre ing the remaining years of his life to from March 4, 1933, to Dec. 31, 1937, the replacement of the cells in the be for fleets of airplanes to fly over Cot. Hundreds of thousands of per­ a well earned vacation.-------------- - during April, according to a report of for pump-priming. Only ten states old wing with more modem equip­ the country discharging money as sons in the United States and Great the State Relief Committee to Gov­ have received more per capita. The ment and the construction of a new ernor Martin jlaker county, with 49 they went, so that anyone needing Britain are affiliated with it How Peter Zimmerman, Yamhill county more fight shown by the republicans, cell block. It is also planned to en­ persons per lWo on relief, topped the cash could pick it up from the many of these are aware that the farmer, has eliminated himaelf as a the greater our reward in dollars and large the space within the walled en- «round. list. Sherman county had the lowest Communist International is one of possible independent candidate for cents; in other words the wheel that i closure, Lewis said. I do not know whether Mr. Cor- the moat active member organizations governor. In Salem this week Zim­ relief ration, nine out of every 1000. squeaks gets the grease. coran desired his words to be taken of the International Peace Campaign? merman told newspapermen that he necUon gt literally, or merely as an, illustration I to reitric. Through the “united front,” Com­ had no intention of running. In May the Japanese yen was More than 100 law school gradu­ of his attitude toward recovery fi­ munists have penetrated dozens of ' tions for the privilege of writing in ates have signed up for the state bar pegged, largely by assistance from nance. Nor is it of consequence. Bute such international organizations, and First of the numerous proposed in­ British banks. And all the time we the names of candidates on election examination to be held in Salem what is of consequence is that, since it is doubtful if many large interna­ itiative measures to reach a place on had thought England an undeclared ballots. The privilege, designed to July 19 and 20, according to Arthur 1934, when the spending program tional so-called peace groups, which the November ballot was the so-called ally of China. Are the British buying serve a useful purpose, is being badly 8. Benson, clerk of the supreme court. really got under way, we have tried have a complicated variety of affilia­ Townsend Plan bill which, if passed protection for their large property in­ to squander ourselves out of depres­ tions, are not in one way or another next November, will make it manda­ terests in China or is it just one more sion instead of work and produce our­ co-operating with Communists. tory upon the legislature to memori­ blunder on the part of their states­ selves out, with the results which we In all such movements, Communist alize congress to call a national con­ men? have already noted.. influence is out of all proportion to vention for the purpose of amending . When Mr. Corcoran saw that I their numbers, because Communists the federal constitution to provide for How we love our country and its was unable to swallow his money are rigorously disciplined, and obey an old age pension embodying the founders! The morning firecrackers dumping theory at one sitting, he de­ the orders of a compact general staff principles of the Townsend plan. at five o'clock these days make us parted in haste to keep another en­ with headquarters in Moscow. No More than 25,000 certified signatures feel like—singing paeans of praise to gagement. And the words he spoke Communist group in any country will were contained tn the completed peti­ their patriotic descendants. on that evening at the Roosevelt Ho­ make an important move without first tions filed with Secretary of State tel, were the last I ever heard from consulting their leaders in Moscow. SneU. So far all democrats don’t sneeze that cheerful gentleman, Mr. Tommy . Unquestionably, all orthodox Com­ when Hopkins takes snuff even Corcoran, who has since become bill munists have a greater sense of al­ Sewage disposal needs of a num­ though they may when Son James drafter extraordkiary and adviser legiance to Russia, the "socialist fath­ ber of state institutions are to be takes Pepper. plenipotentiary as well. I under­ erland,” than to their own countries. studied by a committee consisting of stand, as official guitar player—for They are a potential source of im­ Dr. Frederick D. Stricker, secretary NEW JERSEY LEADS OFF The New Jersey State Senate has that curious mixture of error, energy, mense strength to Russia, for that of the state board of health; C. E. unanimously passed a bill forbidding and ambition known as the Third reason. In case of War. Green, staff member of the board, and But the Communists, despite their C. E. Stricklin, state engineer. Their sit-doWn and stay-in strikes in the New Deal. “Lucky,” said a French historian, “is the ruler who has a ■successes in the political field in findings will form the basis for ap­ State. some European countries, and their propriation requests to be presented Designed to curb the unchecked vi­ minister with imagination." admission to many naive middle-class to the next legislature, according to olence sponsored by labor rocketeers, the bill provides a 15-year prison Co-operation of Counties Asked “anti-Fascist and anti-war” organiza­ Wallace S. Wharton, state budget di­ The co-operation of all counties tions, have not been able to break rector. term for persons instigating such strikes or violence. A three-man will be sought by the state board of down the opposition of British and board, composed of a respensative of agriculture in a state-wide campaign American trade-union leaders to a The Oregon Ouard this year is at labor, one of management and one to eliminate contagious abortion from “united front” of Soviet and other the greatest strength in its entire his- ' neutral member, would enforce the beef and dairy herds, it was announc­ trade unions, or even of Communist tory, according to Major General ed following a meeting of the board trade unions in other countries. law. George A. White who expects 3802 Labor unions would also be required at Salem this week. Federal indem­ The Soviet trade unions were spon­ officers and men to attend the IS days to furnish the board with a list of of­ nities of $25 for each animal con­ sored by the French trade unions for ficers and to register the locations of demned to death as a reactor will be membership in the International Fed­ of field training at Camp Clatsop, discontinued after June 30, 1939, the eration of Trade Unions, whose tone which starts next Tuesday.. union headquarters. board pointed out in urging An inten­ is definitely moderate socialist. The The outstanding primary of the sive drive to eradicate the disease Soviet unions had agreed to jbin the * The Board of Control has approved week was in Iowa where Senator Guy within the next year if possible. application to Public Works international federation which they an i Gillette, democrat, won over his New fo federal grant have been criticizing so bitterly for Administration . Deal-blessed opponent, two to one for Dr. C. G. Stem, chiropractic physi­ years, if certain conditions are ac- 1 to help finance construction of a heat­ renomination. Although Roosevelt cian, foot correctionist, electric ther­ cep ted. | ing plant for the capital group of carried the state in 1936. $620.000 to apist. 292 Moulton St., phone MJ. tf Cost of the building and These were rejected by the execu- buildings. I 488,000 for Landon, the republican tive committee of the I. F. T. U., < equipment is estimated at $125,000 vote at the primary was considerably some of the equipment in the which is headed by Sir Walter. Hfe but I Industry. in excess of the democratic. plant will be salvaged to ra­ remembers Dimitroff’s reference to present j a seso” wta ia a good tows Fatuous Fragments ° Colored Ceilings are in See Our Wide Selection of Beautifully Contrasted Combina- - tidns for all Rooms IAGARA XTrßfhk Gregg Hardware