Council Considering Winners Named Increasing Supply What to do about increasing the city water supply is a matter that is causing the city council a great deal of thought. The plan had been to install a pipe line for a mile and a half, and an engine, and pump water from the North Fork to the top of the hill above the big storage reservoir, in hopes that it would purify itself in that run down the hill and not disappear into the earth before reaching the reser­ voir. At an adjourned session of the council held Tuesday evening, Everett Seeley as chairman of the water com­ mittee, stated that he was not alto­ gether satisfied with such a plan, it savored too much of pumping out aa on th* rxf ♦l iitf UtauaMHI ‘ r»*«c u AH. - and '«•*** WV««tflftW£ _ ,___ purification tanks to make it safe and potable. He said he would like a thorough investigation by competent engineer? as to whether drilling wells, raising (Continued on Page Eight) a few months ago. Neither Could Give Mississippi Murderer Arrested Here Monday Evening 89 Degrees Here Monday Afternoon Material Contracts For Improvement Smith Fir Mill , Started Yesterday Medford Suffered A Mashed IP* w, **V**.; 1 Buys Out Broder Spinal Cord Golden Anniversary For The Uptons Mrs. Geo. W. Leneve Buried Tuesday Bunch Car Wrecked Coast Highway Association Meeting • Tuesday At Newport Settled Nothing Two Logging Truck Wrecks This Week— Eastern Writer Injured, Trucks Total Loss While playing with the Junior C. of C. team last Friday evening, B. W. Dunn spraned his ankle but by yes­ terday had discarded both crutches and cane. Following is the schedule for the coming week’s play: June 9—Riverton vs. Myrtle Point. June 10—Stevens vs. Riverton, a postponed game. June 13—Riverton vs. Fuhrman’s June 14—Pastime vs. Junior C.'bt Stepping on the wrong pedal by the driver caused the Levi L. Bunch car to go in the ditch about 5.30 Tuesday evening and to turn over two or three times at the low spot on the Myrtle Point highway beyond the Union Oil tanks. Miss Neta Rose Bunch was driving and her foot hit the accelerator instead of the brake as she was making the turn. She was not injured but Ellsworth De­ ment who was riding with her, suf­ fered an injured wrist. The car was considerably damaged. The paved streets in the business section have been greatly improved the past week. Street Commisssion- er Dungey and a crew filled all the holes where the pavement had sunk or broken up with an asphalt and sand top surfacing. Coquille’s delegates to the B. P. W. state convention at McMinnville, June 10-11-12, expect to leave eafly to­ morrow morning with four and pos­ sibly five going. Mrs. Leona Bryant, Mrs. Harriet Osika, Mrs. Viola New­ ton and Mrs. Georgia Richmond will attend. , The meetings open at a breakfast Friday morning and conclude with a breakfast Sunday morning at Dor­ chester House on the coast. Mrs. Bryant, who is in line for ad­ vancement to the office of president of the state federation, has been asked to act as toastmistress at the Saturday evening banquet. Election of oficers takes place Saturday morn­ ing. Trespass Notices, printed on cloth, for sale at this office. Me Knight And Wheeler Cars Collide On Fairview Road With Damaging Results