■■ Michigan formed the evening’s en­ tertainment Mr*. Bergmann was presented with a lovely gift. Deli­ cious refreshments were served by the hostesses at a late hour, assisted by Mrs. Oderkirk Those present were: Miss Carol Young, Mias La Verne Knife, Mesdames Donald Brown, Ralph DeJamett, Melden Carl, Harold Dey and the honored guest. Mrs. Earl Nosier entertained the "Ecadriens” for one o’clock luncheon Tuesday at her home on Sanford Heights. After a most delicious luncheon, the ladies sewed, knitted and chatted. Those present were: Mesdames J. L. Aasen, W. E. Bos- serman, F. A. Robb, J. E. Axtell, Geo. Batty, Geo. Johnson, E. M. Kay and the hostess. the prize drawing. Those were: Mesdames Ernest Embree, Jack Clouse, Bert Ferry, Enno Domath. Elmo Sanders, Marjorie Robinson, Virgil Todd and Miss Mamie Jone*. The club will meet next with Mr*. Domath. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. AN EVERYDAY BUSINESS FOR EVERYDAY NEEDS Mr*. Roy Wheeler tendered her son, ErWJp Murray, a real surprise party Monday evening after her re­ A lovely one o’clock luncheon was turn from a week-end trip td Eureka, held at the home of Mrs. M. O. Haw­ Calif. The occasion was Erwin's kJ Mrs. U: E. McClary was hostess to kins Friday with Mrs. Lloyd Rosa a* twentyiirst birthday. All sort* of the Monday Night club for seven joint hostess. The room* looked love­ games were played by the young o’clock dessert bridge Tuesday eve­ ly with bouquets of ro*es. The after­ folks, after which delicious refresh­ ning. Contract bridge was played noon was spent in sewing, knitting ments were served by the hostess. with Mrs. J. L. Aasen winning high '■ and chatting. Invited guest* were: Those enjoying the party were: Mr*. r ; score and Mr*. U. E. McClary, second. '■ Mesdames C. J. Fuhrman, J. A. Lamb, Dora Culbertson, Mr and Mrs. Arden Mrs. H. S. Norton received the trav­ E. E. Johnson, Geo. Bryant, L. H. Maiden, Mr*. L. A. Abbott, Mr. and ■0.', •«.»• ■* eling prise. Those present were: Hazard, F. S. Emery, G. A. Ulett, J. Mr*. Cha*. Lewis, Misses Clara Wade, Mesdames Frank Thrift, A. B. Collier, D. Rankin, A. J. Sherwood, Victor1 Laura Pullen, Ruby Pierce, Marjorie t E. M. Kay, J. L. Aasen, H. S. Norton, Dimmlck and Mesdames J.*S. Lyons,1 Ferris, Joy Pettengill, Gloria Swain, R. E. Boober, Hal Pierce and the Marvin Lyons, C. W. Endicott, C. ■ Clarabel Chard, Janet Lewis, Leone hostess. McC. Johnson and C. Huling, of' Abbott, Mr*. Geneva Olson, Messrs. Marshfield. Jack Lewis, Bob Davidson, Willie The “Tauk-an-So” club was enter­ ’ I and Don Atkina, Gene Wade, Gerald tained at the home of Mr*. Gene Cole Mr*. Frank Pook was hostess to the Westbrook, Mr. and Mr*. Wheeler and Friday evening. Knitting, sewing "Laf-a-lot" club Thursday afternoon, the guest of honor. and chatting occupied the evening, The afternoon was spent in needle-1 after which dainty refreshment* were work and chat. Delicious refresh­ Mrs. Louis. Fugelson’s Sunday served by Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Ernie ments were served by the hostess to school class enjoyed an overnight Johnson. Those present were: Mes­ the following ladies: Mesdames W. H. outing at the Richmond cottage at dames M. D. Sherrard, Guy Barber. Myers, W. E. Cross, Ed Detlefsen, Bandon Tuesday. The group left John Wersh, Guy Torrey, Hany John Martin, E. A. Wftner, O. K. about ten o'clock Tuesday and re- Varney, Wm. Jones, Wm. Peart, Rob- Rakestraw, Geo. Gilman. Miller Wat- •re*4.M.MUL«.MdWM grand time. Those present were: The "Fenescam” club piet at the Misses Beverly Norton, Helen Kyle, Mrs. Harold Steven* and Mr*. Craig home of Mrs. R. L. Stewart for one Jean Laird, Geraldine Cole, Dorothy Perrott tendered Mr*. Robelie Berg­ o’clock luncheon Friday for their last Belle Newton, LaVelle Dale, Donna mann, nee Oderkirk, at Portland, a meeting until fall. Duplicate bridge Dean Bowerman, Mary Jane and party Friday evening at the home. of. ■ wa* ptayedr- The four MghrYbf The Donna "Dunn,"Margaret SmltÈÙ Ann . and Mr*. Vem Oderkirk. The series were: Mesdames D. E. itackleff, Hawkins, Ruth Pettengill, Barbara rooms looked lovely with bouquets J. L. Aasen, R. E. Boober and 3. E. Leslie and Mesdames Louis Fugelson, of Cecile Brunner roses, iris and other Axtell. Others present were: Mes­ B. W. Dunn, Orville Newton and D. spring flowers. Contract bridge and dames C. M. Gray, Geo. Jenkins, Wm. D. Dale. Hicking and R. L. Stewart. John Rankin enjoyed a lovely out­ The Eagles Auxiliary met at the door party Tuesday afternoon to home of Mr*. L. E. McPherson Wed­ celebrate his ninth birthday. The nesday for one o’clock pot luck lunch­ guests went to LaVerne Park, where eon. The afternoon was spent in sew­ fishing and out-door sports were ing, knitting and chatting. Those enjoyed. Bobby Taylor caught the present were: Mesdames Austin Kyle, one and only fish. Delicious refresh­ | Lester Abbott, A. O. Culbertson, ments consisting of sandwiches, ice Earl Schroeder, E. C. Yarbrough, Wm. I cream and cake, etc., were a fitting Chard, Ernest Whereat, John Wersh, climax to a delightful afternoon. Ernest Battey, Ernie Johnson, Wm. Those present were Bobby and Patty Gaffey, Michael McCarthy, W. O. Geaney, Bobby Taylor, Harry Slack, The family hopes it’s our de­ A Terry, E. A. Wimer, L. Hickenbottom, Donna, Richard and John Rankin, licious creamy ice cream. Jack Arnold, Laura Pullen, Cha*. Mrs. Bob Geaney and Mrs. J. D. Ran­ Levine, Sherman Morris, Bob Chard kin. Don’t disappoint them; it’s a and the hostess. <1 Our grocery store maintains its service to the community on . of quality, • consistently I economical , \ prices courteous and service. Oregon Strawberries Green Peppers Finest Quality Lunch Meats L Fine Cheese Pepper Mix Vegetable Relish Bread and Butter Pickles * - “Mur WRdl’HMnW" Old-fashioned Tomato Preserves Orange Marmalade Whole/ PééîedAprîcots A STORE WHICH IS CONSISTENT IN PRICE AND QUALITY MERCHANDISE Come In and See What Our Special Is. For This Week-end daily treat. Get a package daily Candy • Our Candy stock is the most complete in Coquille—Box or Bulk—we have quality can­ dies to fit every purse. The Tip Top Coquille Communty Center Mrs. Wylie Embree was hostess to the Young Matrons’ club Wednesday afternoon. A shower was also ten­ dered Mr*. Virgil Todd. Hearts was played: Mrs. Louis Detwiler won high score and Mrs. Enno Domath received consolation. Mrs. Detwiler also won ARTHRITIS “Two year* ago I was bedfast with arthritis. I had almost given up hope* of ever walking when someone recommended Casey's Compound. After taking seven bottles I was en- well. I cannot recommend it ighly.” MRS. MONA PIERCE, N.W. Thurman St., Portland, Ore. HUDSON’S DRUG STORE Fishermen Attention! -..rraine Brooks, of Myrtle Point. May 28—Milford Keith Mast and Helen Georgia Glenn, both of Mc­ Kinley. May 28—Jas. D. Barklow, of Wal­ lowa, and Aldine B. Crook, of Myrtle were marrled Baptist Missionary Society New Cases in Circuit Court FOR SALE—House and 21 acre* just outside of city limits, 11250.00. Will May 26 — State Unemployment take late cjr as part payment, bal. Compensation Commission vs. Daniel* terms. Phone C. S. Brigg* at 22B-R, Creek Logging Co. * after six o'clock. It May 27—Wilma B. Angelo v*. Jas. I. Angelo. Sult for divorce. FOR RENT—After June 1 , house at May 28 — State Unemployment 441 So. Coulter. See A. _ H. _______ Grime* e A. Compensation Commission vs. Em­ at 4*0 So. Coulter, or phone 14-J pire Lumber Co. after six p. m. Do not go to post- May 28 — State Unemployment office. Compensation Commission vs. Mill “B.” WE CARRY a fresh and complete June 1—State Unemployment Com­ dne of Field Seeds, Orchard Grass pensation Commission vs. Edgar R. Rye Grass, Clovers, etc. Get our Leekly. prices. Coos Feed & Seed Stores. June 1—Alex C. Peterson vs. Fred and Mabel Beymer. FOR SALE — Choice selection of June I—Faye F. Gibson v*. Robert Dog*. Small or Large, Reasonable. S. L. Gibson. Suit for divorce. Coo* County Huaoane Society Shel- , ter on Sanford Height*. 20t4* City Police Cases USE Crown Silver Sheen Fox Feed* The city police arrested Elmer Ar­ for better result*. Coo* Feed & thur Barrows last Sunday night on a Seed Store*. disorderly conduct charge. He posted $10 bail which was forfeited when he FOR SALE—One 7 h. p. single phase failed to appear for trial. General Electric motor and one 2 Jerry E. Doyle, arrested for being h. p. single phase G. E. motor.. drunk and disturbing the peace last W. T. Alpine, Riverton. 18t3 night, had not yet appeared before WE CARRY a complete line of Dr. Judge Leslie this morning. _______________________________ Hess A Clark Poultry A Stock rem­ edies and tonics. Coo* Feed A Trespass Notice*, printed on cloth, Seed Store*. for sal* at this office. Want Ads O m Cast a Werd Each N* Adv. tern than 25 FOR SALE—Good ranch land, im- ed, with implements and stock, good pack pony. A. J. Mayse, Phone 8R21, Myrtle Point. 20t5* PLOWING, Discing and harrowing done with tractor reasonably. No job too big or too small. Carl­ ton Smith, Coquille. Phone 601R. 17tl USE Crown Dairy Feed* and Poultry Feeds for better result*. Coos Fred & Seed Stores FOR SALE—Fishing Supplies, Du- Brie Marine Motors, Used Marine Motors. Ore.-Pac. Co, City Dock, North Bend. Ii)t2 Matters in Probate Court FOR RENT — 3-Room Furnished Eleanor Sheehan Morrot was last Apartment on East Second Street. Friday appointed administratrix of Mary Gage. It the 11430 estate left by her mother, Mrs. Ellen Roger* Sheehan, who died COQUILLE LOTS FOR SALE—Easy here May 2. Appraisers of the es­ term*. Best residence lot* near tate are Jos. T. Williams, Wallace school, cheap. Will sell half or all Langworthy and Julius A. Matson. —1100 down, your term* for the balance. Write C. A. Pendleton, Orland, Calif. 20t2‘ Flowers for every occasion Plants or Blossoms r MISS INEZ ROVER See them at Piano, Accordi» and Organ BERGEN'S Well Drilling For that new well, see or write W. F. Kernin, Roseburg, Or* l«tl8* Up-to-date Free Delivery Service In the presence of an audience which filled the Church of Christ i building last Friday evening, the vocal and piano pupils of Mrs. Maud Woodyard were presented in recital, with a program that was greatly en­ joyed by those in attendance. Following is the list of those who i-ied: yticipated: 1 Frances Ann Kern. Bonney, Phyllis McCallister^ illy * "J -nr ■—r-u-y—r--- n-- . ends 11 Hall, Jack Carroll, Claudia S^.IUr