Professional Cards COQUILLE STORES SHOPPERS Shop for Doable Holiday. Stores Closed Monday, Memorial Day ROASTING HARRY A. SLACK AtUrney-»t-L»w First- National Bank Building J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN aad 8URGKON Richmond-JBarksr Building Coquille, Ora. Phones: Office 6tM, Res. MR William Henry Hervey and Mary Hervey, his wife. Ovid Hervey and Anita Hervey, his wife, and Byron Hervey, an unmarried man, Plaintiffs. Marshmallows FLUFFIEST Cellophane Package POUNDS POUND 35c Picnic Suggestions HIGHWAY OLIVES No. 1 Can................. POTATO CHIPS £ ' Fresh Spring Fruits & FANCY SOLID NEW POTATOES SHAFTERS FANCY FRUIT PAPER NAPKINS 80 count Pkg___ _______ CANADA DRY GINGER ALE 28-oz. Bottle. Vegetables Beverly Peanut Butter 2 pound jar 33c Comfort Tissue