The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 26, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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played, followed by
This was th* last meeting of the group
for the year. Six of the youngster*
will attend school in the fall. Those
present were: Gerard Jeub, Gregory
Hornecker, Beverly Ann Zumwalt,
Dolores Graham, Donny Holbrook,
Dickie Harry, Molly Patterson, Jim­
mie McCurdy, Lois Duncan, Edward
Lee Petersen, Jane Newdall, Lindley
Simpson, Joe Berg, Diane Jackson,
Babette Parke,
Carolyn Brown,
Sandra McCurdy and Frances Ann
The ‘Omit Club” was entertained
at th* home of Mis* Audrey Taylor
Thursday evening.
Bridge was
played with Mrs. Lloyd Wood win­
ning high score and Miss Helen Lund,
Delicious refreshments
were served at a late hour. Those
present were: Misses Maxine Johnson,
Jean McNelly, Helen Lund, Norene
McKeown, Lurene St. Clair, Mar­
garet Belloni, Mrs. Lloyd Wood, Mr*.
Monroe Swindall and the hostess.-
Mrs. C. P. Zumwalt was hostess to
her bridge club for one o’clock lunch­
eon Thursday. The room and tables
looked lovely with bouquets of mixed
flower*. Contract bridge was played:
Mrs. Julius Ruble winning high
score, Mrs. C. T. Selbig, the travelling
prize and Mr*. Dick Arnold, of Myr­
tle Point, received consolation. Those
present were: Mesdamesi Geo. John­
son, Joe Knight, C. T. Selbig, E. J.
Ruble, Wm. Wood, P. W. Culver and
Mrs. Dick Arnold and Mrs. John Ar­
nold, from Myrtle Point.
[Miss Georgia Sherwood was sur­
prised with another lovely shower
Thursday evening, at her home on
Third street. The bride to be was the
recipient of many lovely gift*. A
social time was enjoyed followed by
dainty refreshments. Those present
were: Misses Eileen Kendall, Eileen
Percy, Mary Lou Nosier, Audrey Tay­
lor, Frances Sullivan, Beatrice and
Lorraine Sanders, Bonnie Gage, Lu­
cille Sherwood, Mr*. Lloyd Wood apd
the guest of honor.
The J. G. W. club ladle* motored
Mrs. Maud Woodyard entertained to the ranch home of Mr. and Mr*.
her Rythm band with a party Thurs­ J. E. Norton Thursday for an all-day
day morning. All sort* of game* were picnic. A grand lunch was enjoyed
at noon at which time the new fire­
place jvas initiated.
The day was
Get your
made to order and everyone had a
perfect day.
Those present were:
_ ___ __ lee
Cream Parlor at 445 Front St
Order now for picnics, parties,
luncheons, etc. Any amount at
any time.
We have 15 varieties to choose
from. If you wish some other
flavor in quantity wo will
gladlly make it up for you on
short notice. We specialize in
quantity and quality
Ice Cream
Try Our
the drink you eat with a spoon.
It is super-creamed from the
freezer daily.
Get your Giant Cones and
Dishes Here
Make our Super-creamed Ice
Cream your delicious bed-time
30c qt. $1.00 gal.
A. Lamb, J. L. Smith, H. A. Young,
Henry Lorenz, Lloyd Rosa, M, O.
Hawkins, O. C. Sanford, and Mes-
dames J. S. Lyons, Marvin Lyons and
C. W. Endicott, of Marshfield, and
of course, the hostess, Mr*. Norton.
Mr*. Walter Litzenberger was host­
ess to her bridge club at the home of
Mrs. Ed Walker Tuesday evening.
Contract was played with Mrs. Walk­
er winning high score, Mrs. O. T.
Gant, second, and Mrs. D. B. Estes,
the travelling prize. Delicious re­
freshment* were served at a late hour.
Those present were: Mesdame* Ju­
lius Ruble, O. T. Gant, D. B. Estes,
E. A. Walker, Paul Trojel, J. E. Ax­
tell, Kenneth Kistner, W. H. Mansell
and the hostess.
Miss Georgia Sherwood, daughter of
Mr. and Mr* G. W. Sherwood, became
the bride of Mr. Charles James Han­
son, sea of Mr. end Mr*. Jaimes Han­
son of Grafton, N. D., at a pretty cer-
emiony solemnized at the rectory of
S. Jame
The bride looked lovely In a white
lace dirndl dree* over white satin and
carried a colonial bouquet for the
occasion and also carried her mother’s
wedding handkerchief. Her only at­
tendant was her sister, Miss Lucille
Sherwood, who wore a pink shark­
skin afternoon dress with navy blue
Mr. Leland Vojta acted as best man.
The bride’s parent* and her sister,
Jessie, the groom’s sister, Mrs. O. E.
Larson and her husband were the
only guests at the ceremony.
Folioowing the ceremony, a lunch­
eon was served at the home of the
bride’s parents. Besides the wedding
guests, the following were present: L.
C. Sherwood, Mrs. B. B. Sanders,
Mrs. Harold Huddle and Virginia,
Misses Mary Lou Nosier, Beatrice and
Lorraine Sanders, Messrs. Lawrence
Gulseth, Vem Oderkirk, Bill Walker
and little Jay Larson.
The bride’s going-away costume
ummer Days
Strawberries are nice now
Fresh Tomatoes
Fine Hams and Bacon
Lunch Meats
Fine Cheese
ding trip, the couple will make their
home in Marshfield. ™~' ------- 4'~'
The bride ha* attended the Coquille
schools since the third grade and
graduated from Coquille High last
year a* an honor student
Mis* Pageler Honored
Last Thursday evening the choir of
the Pioneer Methodist church enter­
tained to honor Mia* Anita Pageler,
the director, and Mia* Rose Naef, who
ha* served a* organist for the past
winter, a* well as those member* who
have served so gladly even though not
members of Pioneer church.
At the close of the regular practice.
Mis* Pageler was called to the par­
lors, to find that refreshments had
been provided under the direction of
Mrs. Elmer Davis entertained the
Mr*. Jame* Richmond and Mr*. Wil­
“Charta Club” for one-thirty o’clock
liam Peart. Tables had been set, each
dessert luncheon Thursday. Bridge
place marked by a light green tray,
was played with Mr*. John Smith
decorated with a large spray of red
winning high «core. Those present
hawthorn* blossoms, and carrying
were: Meadame* Paul Brinkley, Edna
dainty refreshment* in the form of
Stewart, Ernest Whereat, Wm. Nelson,
angel-food cake with strawberries
Ted Snyder, John Smith, of Marsh­
and whipped cream, and coffee. The
field, Mr*. Ray, of Arago, and the
rooms were also decorated with the
hawthorns blossoms.
At the close, Mr*. J. P. Beyers, safe.' u,
ing as spokesman for the group, pre­
gathered at her home for a pot luck Jack Earley, Theodore Ellingsen, USE Crown Silver Sheen Fox Feed*
sented Miss Pageler with a beauti­
luncheon, in honor of her birthday. George Folsom, Wilfred Gaffey, Hel­
for better result*. Coos Feed &
ful large myrtlewood vase and Miss
Mr*. Ma toon was also the recipient of ene Gage, Evelyn Gano, Virginia
Seed Stores.
Naef with a pair of myrtlewood can­
many lovely gifts. Sewing and chat­ Harmon,
Delbert Haye*,
dlesticks, a* tokens of appreciation
ting occupied the pleasant afternoon Hannon, Elizabeth Hooton, George
for their work. She also thanked all
hour*. Those present were: Mes­ Holbrook, Howard Kyle, Jerry Lewis,
who have given so much of their time
dame* H. G. Prey, Fred Kunz, Fred Mildred Marks, Lester Marks, Ruby
and effort in making the music of the
Hickok, Roy Wheeler, Wm. Gaffey, Mamey, Betty Miller, Lois Morgan,
church reach the high level it has
Frank Schram, Lee Hand, Rudolph Jackson Newton, Howard Robb, Faye
WANTED—Waahinf and Ironing to
during the past winter, referring to
Johnson, Cha*. Lewis, of Coquille; Sinclair, Lillian Scolari, Clarence
do at my home.
Mr*. Mildred
those friend* of the church who have
Mr*. Theodore Perry and child, of Smith, Mildred Stewart, Duane Terry,
given their musical talent so gen­
Scott, 710 North Coulter, Coquille,
Lee; Mrs. Lawhome, of McKinley; Wayne Terry, Betty Jo Tharp, Loyal
Mrs. Luther Daniels, of Myrtle Point; Thomas, Margaret Wersh, Donald
group. Much favorable comment ha*
Mr*. Raymond Schroeder and daugh­ Whereat, Wallace Willis, Elizabeth WE CARRY a complete line of Dr.
come from the congregation and
ter*, of Coquille, and Mr*. Matoon.
Williams, Dorothea Yarbrough, Leon­
Hess & Clark Poultry A Stock rem­
friends of the church alike for the
ard Zwicker, Wanda Wilson.
For canning, pre­
edies and tonic*.
Coo* Feed 4t
serving, jelly mak­
Mis* Marjorie Knight entertained
Seed Store*.
each Sunday morning, a really suc­
ing, cooking pot
the Junior Contract club Tuesday
cessful season high-lighted by the
evening at her home.
The rooms
PLOWING, Discing and Harrowing
heat so evenly, they
cantata, “The Seven Last Word* of looked lovely with bouquet* of Cedi
are practically
done with tractor reasonably. No
Christ” by DuBois, which was pre­
Brunner rose* and spray* of haw-
job too big or too small. Carl­
sented on Good Friday evening, at
thome. Contract bridge was played Fire Insurance.
ton Smith, Coquille. Phone 801R.
the church, and again on Easter Sun­
with Mr*. Marlin Brandon winning
day afternoon by special request over
high score and Miss Delore* Belloni
station KOOS.
Service so freely
receiving consolation. Delicious re­
USE Crown Dairy Feeds and Poultry
given with such outstanding results
freshments were served at a late hour.
Feeda for better result*. Coo* Fred
■EL32.29 Mt. 32.73
certainly deserve* all the appreciation
Those present were: Mesdame* Eve­
& Seed Store*.
which has been proffered.
lyn Elliott, Hazel Foss, Margarita One Cent a Werd
Coquille is going to miss Miss Pag-
Brodie, Maxine Stevens, Lorraine
Ne Adv. leas tt
eler and the other teachers who have Perrott, Fay Waggoner, Alberta
helped with this choir work, the
Brandon, Misses Geneva Agostino,
coming summer, and it is with pleas­
Delore* Belloni, Eunice Carmichael,
ure we announce that Miss Pageler
Carol Young, Irene Sandon and the
has agreed to give her service* as tlOgteiS.
choir director to Pioneer church again
next year.
> 51 Graduate from Junior Hi FOR SALE—Fishing Supplies, Du-
Brie Marine Motors, Used Marine
Graduation exercise* for Coquille
Motor*. Ore.-Pac. Co., City Dock,
Additional Social Notes
Junior High school were held this
North Bend.
The N. O. M. A. club waa enter­ morning at 10 o’clock with SI pupils
The Busy Corner Grocery
Free Delivery Service
I8.5 ’21.9 $24.°
Want Ads
receiving the diploma* which indi­
LOST—Last Friday in Coquille, a
cated they had finished their com­
wire hair Terrier, white, female, 3
mon school course.
year* old.
Reward for return.
Following the processional by Ve-
Finder please notify the Sentinel.l*
rene Bailey, the invocation by Rev.
R. D. E. Smith, and a march number
FOR RENT—After June 1, house at
by the Junior Band, Mrs. Rock Robi­
441 So. Coulter. See A. H. Grimes
son presented the American Legion
at 490 So. Coulter, or phone 14-J
Auxiliary citizenship cup to Phyllis
after six p. m. Do not go to post­
Bunch and D. E. Rackleff the Legion
citizenship cup to Robert Martin, the
most outstanding student* in , the
After two other selection* by the
Over one hundred people attended
the Business and Professional Wom­ S. A. B. chorus, with Duane Terry
en’s club cafeteria dinner held in the
FOR RENT—Small house, bath, gar­
basement of th* Pioneer Methodist
age, with or without furniture. Tel­
church Tuesday evening. Th* wait­
ephone 13«. Coquille.
resses looked very attractive with
fancy head bands of green and
SENIOR High School Boy want* Job
Gift* were given to Mary
for the summer; willing to work.
Jane Dunn, O. B. Hariman, J. P. Bey­
Can furnish references. Elwood
ers, Mis* Goldie Childs, Mrs. Miranda
Wylie, phone 903J..
Way, Donna Dean Bosserman and
Dorothy Bell* Newton.
tained at the home of Mrs. Elynor
Miller Tuesday evening. Prize* were
won by Mr*. Bernice Ireland and
Mr*. Lucille Ellison. The member*
«pent the evening knitting and chat­
Dainty refreshment* were
served by the hostess to the following
ladies: Mesdame* Ruth Dey, LaVern
Ellingsen, Ruth Clayton, Frances Det-
lefsen, Alice Morris, Lucille Ellison,
Bernice Ireland, Yvonne Carl, Milton
Greenfield and the hostess.
G. E. Range
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