T PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT MS» ... Wks., janitor's — Coos Bay A N. B. Co., PAYROLL renovate mattresses----------- Hugh McLain, County . Judge 8 . 166.67 Gould Furniture Co., dishes .... - ------------- Mae M. Waggoner, aggoner, Stenog Stenog.- ­ I J. a . Lamb Co., hardware .... rapher, Co. — - -- ------------- 110.00 Pearce’s Garage, auto supplies o. Crt. ----------------- Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff...... . ?00» Standard Oil Co. of Calif., P. W. Culver, Deputy Sheriff 160» gasoline .......... ........................ I Coquille Service Station, auto Eva Schroeder, Deputy Sher­ iff TZ....... .......... 95» supplies ------------ .‘........ ..... . C. G. Caughell, 1st Deputy, W. T. Alpine, coal —-------- Tax Dept. ----------------------- 160» Margarita Brodie, 2nd Deputy, Chas. Stauff Co. Trees., cash Tax Dept. ________ __ ____ 110» adv. for fare to Hosp. ...„...... Dolores Belloni, Clerk, Tax Consumers Wholesale Market, Dept. .... —....... -................. — 100» groceries for Chet Finn . ..... Myrtle Minter, Clerk, Tax Busy Corner Grocery, grocer- 95» i ies for C. E. Parks........ ....... W. H. Kennedy, Personal Tax I Pacific Drug Co., medicine for ._. 140»- Jno. Devoe —..... ;____ Collector --- ----------------------- L. W. Oddy, County Clerk .... ;.. 166.671 Sempert’s Drug Store, medi- ’ cine for * Sol - - — J. W. Leneve, Deputy Clerk _ .. 160» Morgan —...... Georgianna Vaugnan, Depu­ R. Harrison Mast, M. DM treat­ ty Clerk . ........ ........... . ........ 110.00 ment of Knells ...... . ..... ...... Julia Leatherman, Deputy Mast A Wilson Hospital, care 100.00 Cloric ......a....... ...... .......... . of Tipton babies —..... ........ J. P. Beyers, County Assessor 166.67 •Barrow Drug Co., medicine Anna Rooney, Deputy Asses­ for Hartwig A Rivers ............ sor .....—........ ................ ...... 110.» Dr. Vernon E. Hockett, exam­ 160.00 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treasurer.. ination of Mae Chan —-------- ■ J. N. Gearhart, Co. Surveyer 45.» Marion County, examination Martha E. Mulkey, School of Mae Chan ----------- —.— Supt. ___ _____________ 100.07 JaU Marian Endicott, Stenog.-Supt. Coos County Farm, groceries Off................... ----- --------- 83.38 furnished Jail---------- -------- R H. Mast, Probation Officer 80» Cash Market, meats Louis J. Langenberg, Court Ideal bread ............... Reporter .......... — 175.00 Carter Rice Co., Victor tow­ Dr. C. CL. L. Coyle, Health H< ---------- Officer 125.00 els ...... —...... Leia Elrod, Firat Ngrte........... 62.50 Overland Coal Co., coal ......... Marie Dye, Stenographer,_____ — P. L. Johnson Plumbing Shop, Health Dept. .............. 37,50 : ‘“’"EÄ-lii.... ' Earl Schroeder, Janitor-Old Bldg.......... ............ 75.00 West Coast Telephone Co., Bert Mead, ..... — ■ *« Janitor-Jailer ' M a — — '— * 75.00 0 Lottie Miller, Matron A Cook 12» 1045 Gus McCulloch, Ed White, tabor FW. Dye, tabor J. L. Lee, tabor...... ■M. C. Miller, labor 40.32 J. K. Baker, tabor __.T.._.. •Manry Franson, tabor U-... 33.17 Ernest Franson, labor 21».Vic Demerest, tabor------- D. J. Conlague, tabor------ I Chas. Randall, tabor ----- 4» Mike Boone, labor--------- I Elmer Cluck, tabor --------- 5.00 John Cotton, tabor fc..... . M. G. Buel, labor---------- 5.00 ..„ Coll McLean, labor ........ (jack Muggy, labor--------- 6» O. F. Smith, tabor...... ...... I Harold Ziegler, tabor 1.87 Rye Davis, tabor------------ | Chas Thomas, tabor —.. 45» A. Z. Stokes, tabor--------- I Arlyn Bark low, tabor ........ 76» Everett Richards, tabor ... 1 Lawrence Barkdoll, labor 6 50 San Franson, tabor —.... B. H. Barkldoll, tabor------ 5», C. J. Martell, tabor--------- ¡Bob Zeiger, labor ----------- 2.». C. T. Howell, tabor--------- Art Olson, labor —.. ........ I Carl Olson, tabor ---------- 81.» Dell Roads, labor ----------- 33» If. L. Truman, labor labor..... - 39.03 E. D. Dickey, tabor...... i W. L. Truman, tabor------ 18.75 John B. O’Sullivan, labor 40» Harry Warren, tabor------ I O. H. Robison, tabor -------- 48» 845 2747 48.10 _ 99» Grant W County Court at the regular May, 1838, term thereof, as the same appears on the exhibits of claims in my office and custody. WITNESS my hand and seal of the County Court affixed thia 9th day of May, 19». L. W. Oddy, County Clerk (Seel) By J. W. Leneve, Deputy the County Court of Coot County. Oregon, hie final Report and Account ai Administrator of the Eztate of Sarah A. Wataon, Deceased, and that the «aid Court haa eet Friday, the 10th day of June, 18» at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. at the County Court Room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time afid place for hearing objec­ tions to such final account and the settlement of said estate. Irvin Watson, Administrator of the Estate of Sarah A. Watson, Deceased. C. A. Barton, Attorney for Adminis­ trator, Coquille, Oregon 17t5 FORMCLO8URE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under and by virtue of an Ex­ ecution and Order of Sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Coos an the 18th day of May, 1938, in a cer­ tain cause in said court pending wherein T. H. Downs and Addie Downs, husband and wife, are Plain­ tiffs, and J. Wesley Downs and Thel­ ma Downs are Defendants, Case No. FLORENCE P. BERG, Plaintiff, vs. 11118, of said Court and commanding me to sell the hereinafter described PAUL S. JOHNSON, THE UN­ KNOWN HEIRS OF EVAN CUN­ real property to satisfy the sum of NINGHAM, DECEASED, THE UN- 3754» with interest at 6 per cent NOWN HEIRS OF JESSIE A. from April 5th, 1937. for the fur­ JOHNSON, SOMETIMES KNOWN ther sum of 8349»; for the further AS JESSIE ALICE JOHNSON, DE­ sum of 8100» Attorney fees, costs CEASED, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS and disbursements »140, interest on OF E. HAZEL JOHNSON, SOME- said Attorney fees and costs and TIMES KNOWN AS EMILY disbursements at 8 per cent from HAZEL JOHNSON, DECEASED, April 5th, 1937, together with accru­ THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SHIR­ ing costs, I WILL ON SATURDAY, LEY V. JOHNSON, SOMETIMES THE 18th DAY OF JUNE, 1938, at KNOWN AS SHIRLEY JOHNSON, the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon DECEASED, ALSO ALL OTHER of said day at the front door of the HEIRS OR PERSONS OR PAR­ County Court House in the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, of­ TIM UNKNOWN CLAIMING fer for sale and sell at public auction, ANY RIGHT, TITLE, INTEREST. to the highest and best bidder for ESTATE, LIEN OR CLAIM IN OR cash in hand, all the right, title and TO THE REAL ESTATE DE­ Interest of the said Défendante in SCRIBED IN THE COMPAINT and to the following described reel HEREIN, Defendants, property, to-wit: - Eytty to Quiet TIUe Lota seven, eight, nine and ten and the East half of lots five and TO Paul S. Johnson; the unknown six in Block 40 of Elliott’s Addi­ heirs efJCvan Cunningham, deceased; tion to Coquille City. Coos Coun- ■” Johnson, deceased; the unknown heirs the office of the County Clerk of E. Hazel Johnson, sometimes City ot Coquille, C. C. Collins, tabor...... of said County. known as Emily Hazel Johnson, de­ Farm -------- ------------------------ 50.00 Coquille Machine Shop, repair | Stanley Stetahoff, tabor Said sale being made subject to ceased; the unknown heirs of Shirley R. H. Lawhorn, Salary A Mile­ to lawn mowers----------- ---- 6.75 Fred Dumam, tabor..... redemption in the manner provided V. Johnson, sometimes known as age, Co. Commr......... .......... 177.50 P. L. Johnson Plumbing Shop, . lrw . .......... Ire nuvs Root, wuu tabor ...... . by lniyT : Shirley Johnson, dsceased; slso all Thos. H. Thompson, Salary A repairs ----------- ----------------- 3», Andy Severson, tabor Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 18th other heirs or persons or parties un­ - Mileage, Co. Commr. .... 155» E. MKay, labor & Material .. 31.00 . BilfLlzer, tabor — day of May» A. D., 1938. known, claiming any right, title, ta- in­ H. M. Ross, repair work...... . 4» F. D. Diedrich, tabor ... Wm. F. Howell, terest, estate, lien or claim in or to Sheriffs Office The J. K. Gill Co., Briltantine R. C. Baylor, tabor 18t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon the real estate described in the com­ 1 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, mile- Polish..... .......... ....... ....... ....... 1.73 C. F. Beseee, labor LU. .......... plaint herein, Defendants. tai ... Ed^eterson, Salary, Deputy 63.» Carter Rice & Co., victor towels 18.76 C. P. Morgan, tabor nr to circuit court or the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Overland Coal Co., coal...... . 13» ________ Lawrence Knight, _ .> labor STATE OF OREGON IN AND OF OREGON: You are hereby no­ Sheriff . ................................... M» Adding Machine Coos Bay Harbor, Sv FOB THE COUNTY OF COOS tified that you are required to ap- Ed Peterson, mileage, Deputy 27»! repairs to nurthine 285.15 viuuiiiRUi Fuhrman’ • s riuuuionij. Pharmacy, Ne. 114» Sheriff ....... . ......................... The Title Co., Bond against you th the above entitled court (Marshfield Br.) 1st Nat. Bank , Olive Warren, work on Poll Chltt.*Stailfi, i6b. ¥reasZcash and cause, on or before the 10th day - Books of June, 1938, the same being the last Jno. C. Merchant, Registering adv. for freight.................. 442 Anita Hervey, his date for answering or appearing per­ dent children ______ _____ Voters .......... . ............ _.a...... 1.50 Huggins Insurance Agency, Hervey, an unmarried man, sonally, prescribed in the order of Billie Browne, Clerical work— Ellen Rudnas, Registering Vot­ - Insurance ............. ! 6M42 Plaintiffs. publication, and if you fail so to City ot Coquttie, water --------- 3.00 ers ------------------------------ Tax Dept.................. ......... .... 78.00 ....... - , 14» vs. Bert Mead, expense trip to Erma. 18» Peoples Water A Gas Co., water 2.» Edith May McKee; the unknown heirs appear or answer on or before said FORECLOSURE SAUfc .▼ - date, the plaintiff will apply to the Salem ...... . ......................... •41 ring Voters 4» Coquille Wood Co., wood......... 3» of James Campbell Hervey and of Court for the relief prayed for in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co., Registering Helen M, ____ ____ Mountain States Power Co., John Kroll: The unknown widow under and by virtue of an Execution her complaint, a succinct statement supplies ............................... .. ».45 Voters --------------------- - ------- 1» lights A power ................. 24.33 of John Kroll; Michael Kroll, of which is as follows: and Order of Sale issued out of the Hansen’s Transfer, hauling J. L. Laird, Registering Voters 18.40 State Ind. Acc. Comm., insur­ Frank Kroll, Gerald Kroll, Elisa ­ Circuit Court of the State of Oregon beauty parlor equip ................ 50 Dave Jones, That all defendants in this suit be ’ — * ring Voters .*.7.70 410.00 ance beth Kroll, Mariah Kroll, Mary ordered to produce any claim they for the County of Coos on the 27th F. C. True, Re Voters 1.70 National Hospital Assn., hos­ Kroll, John Eberharter, and John day of April, 1938, In a certain cause Koke Chapman Company, may have or claim to have upon the Mabel Berklow, 110.00 pital dues .... ........ ............ . Steinlechner; the unknown wives premises or any part of the following in said Court pending wherein Port­ Mortgage record .......... 101» Voters —............. ............. ...... 8.20 J. N. Gearhart, mileage Co. and the unknown widows ot Mi ­ land Mortgage Co., a corporation, is premises: Triswireoff. 1 Louis Dubuque, Registering Surveyor ................................ 3.84 chael Kroll, Frank Kroll, Gerald Plaintiff, and Mair A. Dano and Mary Clara A. Stauff, services...... . 86.00 Lots 1. 11 and 12 of Block 19 «v.vw Voters ................ ............. ..... 2.80 C. F. Bessee, mileage New Kroll. John Eberharter, and John M. Dano, husband and wife; Marion John C. Merchant, services .... 48» J. N. Gearhart, Registering of Elliott’s Addition to the City of Surveys .................. . .............. Steinlechner; the unknown hus ­ Bowman Zener, Administratrix of Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees., Cash Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, | Voters... ...... . ............. . ........ 4.40 Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ bands and the unknown widowers the Estate of John N. Bowman, de­ according to the map and plat Adv. 7*reas. office...... .......... 14.90 Reta E. Smith, Registering plies , ............. ....... .......... 345 of Elizabeth Kroll, Mariah Kroll, ceased; Ann Bitzer; Mark Skinner. thereof on file and ot record in Aaseeeor’s Off. . 29.30 J. W. Duddieson, payment on I Voters..... and Mary Kroll; and if any of the Superintendent of Banks in charge of H. C. Getz, labor A draftsman 161.12 Edward H. Joehnk, Register- the office of the County Clerk of Powers Unit______ ___ 100.00 said defendants are dead, then their liquidation of Bank of Southwestern F. E. Poulton, Labor Field Coos County, Oregon. I tag Voters.............................. 38.40 Anson O. Rogers, hauling rock unknown heirs; also all other per ­ Oregon, are Defendants, Case No. Deputy ............ . .... _...... . ...... 44» Grace Burtts, That said claims be declared invalid Registering out of ftelo_________ —......... 113» sons or parties unknown claiming and quieted. 11372, of said Court and commanding J. F. Jones, Labor Field Deputy 76.00 Voters...... ....... . ..... ...... .... . 2.10 A. B. Daly A Co., material — 17441 _i or in- any right, title, estate, lien me to sell the hereinafter described W. E. Hoagland, Labor Field That Defendants be enjoined from Florence W. Nowlin, Register- — Beal ' 1 Pipe A Tank Corp., cul- __ ____ __ ¿Merijtod terest in the real ___ estate de real property to satisfy the sum of thereafter making any claim in or .......... . ............. __ Voters _________ _______ .. Deputy .... ......... .................... 80» I tag vert 87.73 in the complaint herein; also Ger ­ 815,912.73, an Attorney fee ot 89»» Roy key. Labor Field Deputy 88». Margaret Wallace, Registering ISABC K*. A VWUlj BUW auppiICB .. to said property adverse to said R. Tower, auto supplies .. 33» trude E. Kroll, Sophie C. Kroll, plaintiff. That plaintiff be adjudged and costs and disbursements 834.90, Ray Peart, Labor Field Deputy 20»| Voters..... ............ ............. 45» C. J. OTieil, Resolder grader together with accruing costs, I WILL S. E. Smith, Labor Field Dep- Francis B. Kroll, and Joyce Kroll the owner in fee simple of said prem­ |S/ F. Bock, Registering Voters 3» radiator ___ ______ _______ 34.75 as the only heirs of Michael Kroll, ises and rightfully in possession ON SATURDAY, THE 28th DAY OF 60» —:: H. “. H. ", Hull, Registering Voters 7.10 Coquille Service Station, auto MAY, 1938, St the hour of 10 o’clock T. ^B. deceased; and R. J. Steinlechner, thereof. That she have such other Wilton Gianotti, Registering 43.07 in the forenoon of said day at the James Steinlechner. Jacob Stein­ and further relief as to the Court Deputy ........... ft -MM|. Voters ...... ...... Standar3 Welding Works, bend front door of the County Court House lechner, Elizabeth Stonelake, An­ may seem meet and equitable. " Sept Office J. L. Hopkins, Registering 1 00 iron for grader___ -_______ in the City of Coquille, Coos County, Martha E. Mulkey, mileage .. 13.64 nie Monson and Margaret Nelson, Service of this Summons is made Voters ------------------------------ Capps Motor Co., auto supplies 4.73 Oregon; offer for Mie sale and anf sell at Olive Warren, work in office. as the only heirs of John Stein­ by publication pursuant to an order 9.00 Coos Bay Harbor, Printing Ballou A Wright, matertaf ...... 15.10 I and best public action, to the highest Defendants. of the Honorable J. T. Brand, Judge lechner. deceased, I Election Ballots ........ ....... 1337.50 H. G. Herman, smithing____ Mrs. Nellie Prey, work in of­ 14» right, bidder for cash in hand, all the I _ . Salt in Equity to Quiet Title fice _____ ____ __ a»—_ ____ of the Circuit Court of Coos County, 1.40 West Coast Printing A Binding Consolidated Freight Lines, title and interest of the said Defend­ Coquille Valley Sentinel, sup- To each Defendant above named:— which order was signed May Co., Election envelopes___ 10148 freight __________________ •.4« IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ants in and to the following described 11th, 1 publication to be 1» Columbia Equipment Co, ma- real property, to-wit: . . OREGON J. A. Lamb Co-roli paper_ 340 William H. Wann, C. P. A^ made in Coq Valley Sentinel, terisl ________ ____ ______ 11.18 Lou numbered 9 and 10, in Block You are hereby summoned and re ­ Gfcylord Bros., Inc., supplies. 82.60 work on Reports ........ . ....... 82.50 J. A J. Tire Co, auto supplies 15» quired to appear and answer the once a week for four consecutive numbered 10, Town of Marsh­ Melvin E. Johnson, M. D., Cor­ weeks. Date of first publication May Huggins Insurance Agency, John A. Roeblings Sons Co. of field, Coos County, Oregon, as Complaint of the above named Plain­ oner’s fee—Schroeder .... .... Liability Insurance ______ 54.» Cal, material__ ________ _ 3040 tiffs filed against you in the above 12th, 1938. Date of last publication per plat prepared by William Diet Atty. Off. June 9th, 1938. Mrs. E. O’Connell, rent of Fred Schaer A Son, bolts....... 1» Hall for E. B. Dean A Co. C. Flaxel, on Stenog. Sal. Room for WPA .......... ...... J. ARTHUR BERG 20.00 Clyde Equipment Co, material 42141 entitled Court and cause, in the of­ Said sale being made subject to re­ Ben fice of the County Clerk of Coos A Mileage ______________ 75.» The Title Company, title search 3.» Coos Bay Logging Co, lumber 101.00 « Attorney for Plaintiff demption in the manner provided by Ben County, Oregon, within Four weeks C. Flaxel, phone service . 15» J. B. Delsman, burying dead Residence and P. O. Address Co­ Golders Auto Parts Co, auto law from the date of the first publication L. Pettinger, Special Inves­ animal ..... ......... 17t5 340 supplies _____ .;___________ 51.37 of this Summons, namely, within four quille, Oregon. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 28th L. tigation __________ _______ 35.78 A. H. Berger, labor at Mill A ” 38.50 Earl Littrell Supply Co, auto day of April, 1938. weeks from May 19, 1938, the same NOTICE OF SfflHHFF ’ g SALE Health Dept. Coquille Valley Sentinel. pub- supplies ................................ 31» being June 17, 1938, and the same Wm. F. Howell, On the 4th day of June, 18» at 50.00 lishing notices, etc.................. 86.10 L Davis Hardware \-u., Co, tiuueinti material 10.14 being the lust day of of the time pre­ hivm n«uuwaie 15t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. ’ Dr. C. L. Coyle, mileage____ Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees., cash Various Offieoa 5.00 scribed in the Order dated May 17, the hour ot 10» A. M. at the front 1 Jones Auto Service, material „ door of the Court House in Coquille, adv. for stamps__ _______ H. S. Norton, supplies____ _ 11.70 Bosworth Motor Co., auto sup- 1938. for Publication of Summons Coquille Valley Sentinel, en­ National Hospital Assn , hospi- 188.87 herein, for the Defendants to answer Coos County, Oregon, I will sell at | _plies .............. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC- public auction to the highest bidder velopes ______ __ __ __ _ tai dues ...................... 52.00 Western Union, telegraph ser- ’ Complaint, and if you fail for cash the following described prop­ Q'TIRED BY COOS COUNTY. I "ri“*“ ^'*"*”*' *“*’»*"*’*• — •- H. S. Norton, supplies............... L. W. Oddy, Co. Clerk, postage 2.09 Plaintiffs so to appear and answer said Com ­ OREGON FOR DELIN­ Barrow Drug Co., supplies .... A express_______________ 8.03 F. C. True, shovels ...... ............ 8» plaint, for want thereof Plaintiffs erty located In the County of Coos, QUENT TAXES Stevens Cash Hardware, sup­ Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ A. J. Eberhart, pipe-------------- 5.10 will apply to the Court for the re­ State of Oregon, to-wit: Lots 1 A 2 and South half of plies ............ ................. .......... plies ----------- ----------- --- 22.00 Pioneer Hardware Co., ma­ lief demanded in their said Com­ NEY« of Section 4 tn Township 28 Supply, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Diamond Medical Western Union, telgraph ser­ terial ___ ________________ 8.10 plaint, of which the following is a South. Huge 13 West of the Wil­ tongue blades____________ under and by virtue of an order of vice ________________ ____ 4» F. D. Fish, royalty on gravel.... 27.75 succinct statement, viz.: That you lamette Meridian also a parcel of sale made by the County Court ot the Hooton Electric Shop, electri- Fuhrman's Pharmacy, supplies 6.35 Ira Root, use of team----- 2.00 each be ordered to produce any claims ground being 5 acres off the East cal work State of Oregon, for the County of 3247 Coquille Service Station, gas, Dan Franson, filing saws ___ 345 which you have or make to or upon end of Lot 8 in Section 33 in Coos, on the 25th day of April, Gould A Gould, oil doth " ”1™ 1» 3.28 J. W. A J. R. Hillstrom, haul­ the real property involved in this Township 27 South, Range 13 A. t)., 1938, commanding me to sell A. L. Davey, painting, etc...... 45.00 Ben C. FlaxeL**IMst** Atty., ing rock ___________ ___ ___172» suit, of any part thereof; namely: in West of the Willamette Meridian. the following described lands, and Leia Elrod, mileage—Co Nurse 31» 2.30 A. Barrows, royalty ' on gravel Twenty Eight South of Said sale is made under execution fixing minimum prices thereon, to- Gregg Hardware, material .... 35» D.’XCMW^:’dMce Equip/ 17» C. C. Randall, royalt; Ity on gravel 3.10 Township P. L. Johnsen Plumbing Shop, wtt 1.25 Range Twelve West, of the Willam­ out of the Circuit Court of the State A. Garfield, hauling ! concrete .. ette Meridian, to-wit: labor A material................... 113.43 of Oregon for the County of Coos to SWK NE%, less S. 6 acres, In House, Dog Tags................... 31.08 McGeorge Gravel C< Jo., culvert The Northeast quarter of North­ me directed in the case of John Hart­ P. L. Johnson Plumbing Shop, Section 20, Township 28 S. R. 12 Myrtle Point Herald, Dog li­ 50.40 east quarter of Section Eleven Town ­ labor A material.... ..... ........ 111.03 W. W. M, at a minimum price of cense receipts__ :_________ 31.» Hawkins lumber--------- ».44 ship 28 South Range Twelve West ley, plaintiff, vs. 8591.42; and Pure Iron Culvert g. Co, Willamette Meridian; Lots 10, 11 A J. W. Harrison, DVM, Testing Lydia M. Churchill, defendant, in Land described in Volume 66, Page Dr. Verden E. Hockett, exam. culvert pipe______________ 85141 12 and the Sou th west quarter of Cattle . an action at law instituted in the 144.78 181, Deed Records of Coos Coun­ Velma Fiddler ...................... 5.00 Isler Sheet Metal Works, mak­ J. H. Bennett, DVM, Testing ty, Oregon, lying and being in Marion County, exam. Velma 5.10 Northwest quarter of Section Twelve Justice’s Court 'for Justice of the ing funnels.......... ....... .......... Township 28 South Range 12 West Cattle ...... .................... Peace and Constable District Num­ 04.» Fiddler ___ ______________ Section 8, Township 28 S. R. 12 3.» Coast Lumber Yard, lumber .... 1.40 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash W. W. M., at a minimum price of Lawrence Dorland, operating Hullng Lundjr A Sons, material 17.87 Willamette Meridian, in Coos Coun­ ber Three of the County of Coos, adv. County Court 66 60 State of Oregon, and docketed in Bullards Ferry _________ _ 140.» J. A. Iamb Co material____ r»1143 30.67 ty, State of Oregon, and that the same be determined and Judgment Docket Number 9 on the Hospital, dressing SH.'.LL, in compliance with said Wesley A. C. Redifer, oper. Daniels Cr. Smith Wood Products, Inc., wounds ...... . ... ............. ........ Fy. ______ __ _____ . , 148.00 1.00 order, on SATURDAY, the 28th day 8.55 declared invalid, by decree of this 25th day of January, 1938, on tran­ lumber ........ ____ ........ ........ court; and that you all be perpetually script of judgment from said Jus­ of May, A. D., 1938, commencing The Title Company, Bond of C. Theron Loshbaugh, oper. Riv­ T. S. Slover Co., electric ex­ restrained and enjoined from mak­ tice’s Court. Barton, No!..................... erton Fy. ........ ....... . .............. 08.00 20.00 at ti e'hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said ploders ---- ------------------------- ing any claim to or upon said prem­ Wm. F. Howell. day at the front door of the Court R. H. Mast, mileage, Probation Geo. Lanarith, oper. Landrith John L. Aasen, bulldozer work ises or any part thereof, and that all Offr............. . ......... .................. IO.» Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. House in the City of Coquille, and such claims be quieted; and that 18tS_____ By Eva Schroeder, Deputy. County of Coos, State of Oregon, Josephine Culver, Salary & F A. Robb, Salary Roadmaster I mileage — Acting ...... ......... 50.» Ralph Harry, Salary. Clerk .... offer for sale and sell at public auc­ »38 plaintiffs William Henry Hervey and I Mary Hervey, his wife, Ovid Hervey IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE I GENERAL ROADS tion the above desc, ¡bed real proper­ Chas. Evland, Court Bailiff, Circuit Ct.................... ........... 9» A. J. Wilkins, labor____ .... ...u uu _ .. 1 *nd Anita Hervey, his wife, and By- STATE OF OREGON IN AND ty to the highest and best bidder, on County Farm - * —1'jhiir"r ohon^- 1'»"' ««« ron Hervey, be I Levi Wilson, labor _________ FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS the following terms and conditions, W^C^stT^o adjudged to an be unmarried the owners man, in fee Jessie Collier, Salary Cook .... 58» Roy Wheeler, labor ........ ..... In the Matter of the Estate of P. S. to-u it: X. ’ 9 60 «»«1 rightfully In possession of all and Salary Farmhand 40» Ed Patterson, labor .............. . 3. Fot either cash in hand at the C. v. L. ^. Collier. o..«, ; r.muxm Robinson, Deceased. every part gf Mid premise, against I Mike McCarthy, labor......... *. time ol sslc, or If the purchaser Elizabeth Lambert, Salary Nettoe of Flltog of Ftaal Account any claims of any of said defendants elects, for not less than twenty per1 Walter . ........ ---y-- 30 00 I Wayne Goodman, tabor.... ...... Notice is hereby given thst the or any other persons, and that all undersigned hss filed his Final Ac­ cent (20%) of the purchase price in H. H. Gradley, Salary Orderly 30» I Tom Evans, tabor___ _______ Salary Night * ­ title of any of you to said property be count in the matter of the admins- Powell Yarbrough, tabor cash, th; remainder to be paid under 'Scott ** Carter, “* “ “ watch ___________________ 30.00 I Jack Baltay, tabor ........ ..... . written agreement with the purchas­ tration of the Estate of P. S. Robison, IM» transferred to plaintiffs. The date of the first publication of deceased, and the County Court for er in four (4) equal annual instal­ Reta Horton, Salary Nurse .... 73» I Walt Newton, tabor___ ______ ; Ralph Hurlbutt, tabor________ ments. all deferred payments to bear Jean McNelly, Salary Nursing Coos County, Oregon, has set Satur­ 0.07 this Summons is May 19, 1938. children ...... . ........... .............. 24.00 I James L. Child, tabor ....... . S. D. Pulford, interest from the date of sale at the day, the 2 tot day of May, 18» at the James Miller, labor_________ Attorney for Plaintiffs rate of six per cent (6%) per an­ Jimmie Gage, use of truck for ■swa wir day, »im MIC hour v* of 10 A. a**«, M., as the and the 740 relief ....... . ........ . ..... . .......... 60 50 I C. B. Young tabor....... ........ ... Residence, Coquille, Oregon County Court Room in the County num, payable annually, on any and F. O. AddrraRlkem 15 | L. H. Howe, labor _ _______ __ Coos County Farm, produce all parcels the pu-chase price ot Court House at Coquille, Coos Coun- 1045 used on farm ........... 93.20 I Kenneth Lane, labor_______ ; First National Bank Bldg. which equals One Hundred (8100») 71» Te the place for hearing Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries 181.45 i Arthur Derbyshire, tabor ___ Coquille, Oregon. Dollars, or more. 85.70 18t5 said Final Account and J. E. Ford A Co., mests ........ 13.05 John Abbott, tabor .......... ........ No sale shall be made of any of __ t of said estate. Ideal Bakery, bread _____ 18.13 K. F. Ireland, tabor ........... 1 the above parcels of real property for Bated 31st day of April, 1988. a lesser amount than the minimum Busy Corner Grocery, groceries 33.82 D. V. Yoeman, labor _______ ; Roy Robison. Coos Feed A Seed Store, Seeds 17.36 Clerk of , Frank McAdams, tabor _____ M» price shown flMMon. , Administrator of the Estate of P. S. 4.15 . Berlyn Billings, tabor ______ | 101 40 ex-officio Dated at CitxuEta, Coos County, Farr A Elwood, plants, etc. .. Robison, Deceased. I 11. C. Clark, tabor__ _______ 1 111» Oregon, this 27th day of April, Hsrry A Stack. 24» Floyd Dalton, tabor ____ __ _ 1 109.10 A. D., 1938. Attorney for Administrator I Ernest Dalton, labor________ 9940 Wm. F. Howell, First Nstionsl Bank Building 8.48' A. G. Trendell, tabor_______ 71» 15t5 Sheriff of Coos County. Oregon Coquille, Oregon X