Professional Cards O. C. SANFORD „ Attorney at Law Probate, Beal Estate and Offlee Practtoe. Notary Publie Boom 1» First National Bank Building —.---------------------------------- x DR. De La RHUE Eyesight Specialist Laird Bldg.—ReeepUe Jointly with Dr. J. B. DR. RALPH F. MILNE Teeth Straightened HARRY A. SLACK Attoeswy-st-Law First National Bask Building Coquille grades will go to the Shrtaers* grove near Coquille. As yet, the high school is not decided where theirs will be held. Commencement exercises for the Arago high school will be held Wed­ nesday evening, May 18, in the gym­ nasium. Leland P. Linn, principal of the Myrtle Point Union high school, will give the main address of the eve­ ning. Several members of the sen­ ior class will also give talks. Stephen Aasen had the highest grade average for the four years, closely followed by Ellis Rackleff. Baccalaureate services will be held at the Arago Community Church Sun­ day evening, May 15. John Root will preach the sermon. Special music will be furnished by the Arago choir. Miss Bernice Gilespie visited at the home of her parents over the week-end. » The regular monthly meeting oi the Arago missionary society was held at the home of Mrs. Alma Halter Tuesday afternoon with the following attendance: the Mesdames H. E. Wat­ kins, J. D. Carl, Jess Damron, Sam Damron, J. D. Root, O. H. Aasen, Nile Miller, C. A. Keltner, and Alma Hal­ ter. The meeting was on “The United Brethren Missionaries; One from China and One from Africa,*’ and was a very interesting meeting. The next meeting is to be held a^ FAIBVIEW The Fairview Ladies Aid met at the church last Thursday afternoon for thqjr monthly meeting. Devotions were led by Mrs. Cortland Ellis. The business meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. DeVere Yeoman. It was decided by the group to receive a silver offering at each meeting in­ tend of the regular dues. Viola John­ son and Betty Yeoman were appoint­ ed to make corsages which were pre­ sented to the mothers at Sunday school last Sunday. Hostesses were Mrs. Ernest Hatcher and Mrs. Robert Hulverstott, who served delicious cookies and tea to the following la­ dies: Mesdames DeVere Yeoman, Verlin Moore, Joe Berkheimer, Cort­ land Ellis, T. H. Benham and Misses Bette Yeoman, Helen «nd Viola John­ son. Miss Iris Fitch visited friends at MarsMtaM last Sunday. Viola Johnson and Donald Phillips were in nuiHi North £»CT1U Bend on anuKiua/ Monday to weir ui w see1 mony. of sandwiches «nd coffee were served by Mrs. H. A. Hatfield and Mrs. Lawrence Knight at the dose of the meeting. Hilburn Gumm returned home last week from a Portland hospital where I m underwent an operation on his knee a few weeks ago. The following Mother’s Day pro­ gram was presented by the Bible School Sunday morning: song, “Stand Up for Mother,” by the congregation; recitation, Charlotte Watson; recita­ tion, Norma Jean Farmer; song, “Lila Mae Ison; recitation, Dallas Farmer; recitation, Lena Bell Herker; vocal duet, Evelyn and Myrtle Beckett; musical reading, Lou Hooton. See Cream O’ Cooe for Kelvlnator refrigeratori. mat MAY 6**"* MAY 21 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOB THE COUNTY OF COOS FLORENCE P. BERG, Plaintiff, PAUL 8. JOHNSON, THE UN­ KNOWN HEIRS OF EVAN CUN­ NINGHAM, DECEASED, THE UN- NOWN HEIRS OF JESSIE A. JOHNSON, SOMETIMES KNOWN AS JESSIE ALICE JOHNSON, DE­ CEASED, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF E. HAZEL JOHNSON, SOME­ TIMES KNOWN AS EMILY HAZEL JOHNSON. DECEASED, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SHIR­ LEY V. JOHNSON, SOMETIMES KNOWN AS SHIRLEY JOHNSON, DECEASED, ALSO 7-: ■ ALL OTHER mm t h0*P,t,L ANY HIGHT, IHT, TITLE TITLE, INTEREST, and every one is regheetpl 1 to bring Mr and Mrg ^jy parkj h,ve her ESTATE, LIEN LIEN OR OR C CLAIM IN OR any wooden spools they may have, nay mother_ Mrs. M„ Nelson, Neu«, of Manhfield, Marshfield. TO __ THE ______ REAL REAL E ESTATE DE­ mother, SCRIBED IN THE COMPAINT as the society is to start making toys visiting them. HEREIN,_____________ Defendants, for the Children’s Farm Home. The young people of the Fairview Saft la Eyity to Quiet Title Arthur Edmunds, of Portland, has Sunday school are planning for a been visiting at the home of Mr. and clan picnic to be held Sunday, May . To Paul S. Johnson; the J unknown Johnson, i — - — “ • I - rQcc&as&u, Mrs. Nile Miller the past week. Mr. n .. j. «.¿Ms SttSSigS'S»! __ - ------ — r — ■ -- - — — ’ A. John ­ 1 -And» Mr»* 'Milter ""took IMfr 'BdftUtnClS Sunday school. A basket lunch will son, sometimes known as Jessie Alice to Gardiner Monday to visit at the be served at noon. Johnson, deceased; the unknown heirs PHYSICIAN and 8UBGB0N home of Mr. and Mrs. Pauli.. Mrs. Virginia Radford and Elden of E. Hazel Johnson, sometimes Riehnsond-'Barker Building Emily Hazel Johnson, de­ The regular weekly Bible study was returned to Eugene last week. I known ___ __ as ___________ ceased; the unknown heirs of Shirley Coquille, Ore. held at the church Wednesday eve­ Mr. and Mn. Cortland Ellis and v. Johnson, sometimes known as Phones: Office UM, Bea. MB ning with J. D. Root leading the dis­ Coralie, Ellen and Keith visited at the Shirlev Johnson, deceased; also all cussion which was on the first chap­ un- in- ter of Titus. Those present were: Mr. in Manhfield last Sunday afternoon. teresti estate, lien or claim in or to and .Mrs. J.D, Root and. Jahn. Paul, Mr. and Mn. Cal Ray were visited the real estate described in the com- Mr. and Mn. H. E. Watkins, Mn. O. by their son, Austin, last week. I plaint herein, Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That THE NAME OF THE STATE under and by virtue of an Execution H. Aasen, Mn. L. A. Myen and Lilla- Several men of the valley have ’ , OF IN OREGON: You an hereby no-1 and Order of Sale issued out of the verle, Mrs. Ward Evans, and Mrs. S. been working on the church this 1 tified that you are required to ap­ Circuit Court of the State of Oregon C. McAllister. They will meet again for the County of Coos on the 27th this Wednesday at the church at 8 p. week, hoping to have it completed be- pear and answer the complaint*filed for the dedication on Sunday, May 20. against you in the above entitled court day of April, 1938, in a certain cause and cause, on or before the 10th day in said Court pending wherein Port­ m. Cal Ray has been ill this week. of June, 1038, the same being the last The music week program which* land Mortgage Co., a corporation, is date for answering or appearing per­ Plaintiff, ana Mair A. Dano and Mary was given by the music class of Arago sonally, prescribed in the order of BRIDGE M. Dkno, husband and wife; Marion publication, and if you fail so to Bowman Zener, Administratrix of Thursday evening at the church was The Bridge school, with the Remote appear or answer on or before said the Estate of John N. Bowman, de­ very well attended and enjoyed by all ceased; Ann Bitzer; Mark Skinner present. A number of violin soloj 1 school co-operating, presented a love­ date, the plaintiff wiU Superintendent of Banks in charge at played by Leonard Ensele, accom­ ly program on the lawn Friday after­ Court for the relief p her complaint, a sued liquidation of Bank of Southwestern noon, to a large and appreciative au­ of which is as follows: Oregon, are Defendants, Case No. panied by Miss Geraldine Ensele, 1 The program opened with . That all defendants In this 1 11372, of said Court and commanding were enjoyed by the audience as was dience. me to sell the hereinafter described also the social duets given by Mrs. the crowning of Marian Finch as May Ordered to produce any claim they 821 Front St Coquille, Ore. real property to satisfy the sum of Maud Woodyard and Rev. Geo. R. queen. vThe princesses were -Evelyn may have or claim to have upon the premises or any part of the following 815,912.73, an Attorney fee of 8900.00 Shields and Myrtle Sargent; admiral, premises and costs and disbursements 884.90, Turney. Lots 1, 11 and 12 of Block 1» together with accruing costa, I WILL The home demonstration meeting John Koch; crown-bearer, Ronald wand Color Guide ■ of Elliott’s Addition to the City of ON SATURDAY, THE 28th DAY OF was held at the home of Mrs. Ward Huff; flower girls, Virginia Gumm ideas. Get yours today! Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, MAY, 1938, at the hour of 10 o’clock and Vada Walton. The music was according to the map and plat in the forenoon of said day at the Evans with Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward I thereof on file and of record in front door of the County Court House and Mrs. S. C. McAllister as the pro­ furnished by William Remaly, violin­ the office of th< __________ the ______ County Clerk of in the City of Coquille, Coos County, ject leaders for the day. The meeting ist. The heralds were Teddy Nixon Cooe County, Oregon. Peace and Constable District Num­ Oregon; offer for sale and sei) at was on Meat Cookery. Those present and Donald Morse. Following the of­ That said claims be "declared dec__ _ : invalid ___ _ ber Three of the County of Coos, public action, to the highest and best ficial opening the program proceeded and quieted. were: Mesdames H. E. Watkins, O. State of Oregon, and docketed in bidder for cash in hand, all the right, Sailors’ DriU, upper That Defendants be enjoined from Judgment Docket Number 0 on the title and interest of the said Defend­ H. Aasen, Marvin Shaw, J. D. Root, as follows: thereafter making any claim in or 25th day of .January, 1038, on tran­ ants in and to the following described Lawrence Rackleff, Glenn Griffith, grade boys; sailors’ drill, primary to said property adverse to said script of judgment from said Jus­ real property, to-wit: room; Sailors ’ Follies, upper grade Tyrrell Woodward, Sam Root, S. C. plaintiff. That plaintiff be adjudged tice’s Court Lots numbered 9 and 10, in Block McAllister and Misses Lucy Case. boys; Dances of the Nations: Hun­ the owner in fee simple of said prem- prem­ Wm. F. Howell, numbered 10, Town of Marsh­ — and rightfully in , possession __ Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. field, Coos County, Oregon, as Jean Watkins and Mary Jean McAl­ garian Dance, girls; French Minuet, f ises By Eva Schroeder, Deputy. per plat prepared by William primary; Feature Dance, Zetta Gib­ thereof. That she have such other 16t5 lister. Hall for E. B. Dean A Co. son, Coquille; Norwegian Mountain and further relief as to the Court Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Haberly and sons may seem meet and equitable. Said sale being made subject to re­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Service of this Summons is made ____ demption in the manner provided by were Sunday dinner guests at the Climb Bleking, girls; Children’s On the 14th day of May, 1038, at law. home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Aasen. Polka, Remote; Danish Dance of by publication pursuant to an order the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. at the of the Honorable J. T. Brand, Judge Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 28th Rev. G. A. Gray conducted the reg­ Greeting, Remote; Shoemaker Dance, of the Circuit Court of Coos County, front door of the Court House in Co­ day of April, 1038. voo. Wilda Beckett and Vivienne Like;.' Oregon, which order was signed May quille, Coos County, Oregon, I will ular Sunday morning church service Wm. F. Howell, Dance, girts; Feature Dance,' llthT 1038, directing publication to be seU at auction to the highest bidder, •»My«« I 15t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. after which a Mother's Day program Square I made in the Coquille Valley Sentinel, for cash, the following described real was given as follows: piano prelude Coquille; May Pole Dance, girls. property located in Coos County, _____ recitations by I | A track meet. Remote vs. Bridge, once a week for four consecutive Oregon, to-wit: - by Mrs. O. H. Aasen, N<33rttDrBYACOO8,rO0uinXC' ®“w"prtty Shaw"wd^'jack “ «»Joyed during the morning weeks. Date of first publication May Lots 11 and 12 in Block 4 of Arlan Shaw, Patty Shaw and Jack 12th, 19.38 Date of last publication Nosier's Addition to Coquille June »th, 1038. ! Farrier; acrostic, "Mother, ” by Alan hourr At noon there WM • Potluck OREGON FOR DELIN­ City (now City of Coquille) ac­ J. ARTHUR BERG Halter, Dacey Hamack, Darwin Gul- ilunch- *Pon«>rod by the Civic dub. QUENT TAXES cording to the plat of said Addi­ Attorney for Plaintiff tion on file and of record in the strom, Robin Griffith, Verle Ham- Man* ¡»trons of the school visited the Residence and P. O. Address Co­ the interesting lntar»«tin^ quille. Oregon. office of the County Clerk in and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That mack Maureen Evans and Alan Laf- ■ rnnmi rooms and and looked looked at at the 17t5 for said County of Cooe in the under and by virtue >tv of Court'S*the an order of ferty; - . ... ... ... song by lntermediate group;'exhiNtl *hool work on display State of Oregon. sale made by the Count ~ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE the County of recitations by Lillaverle Myers, Don- durin < Open House, 3:00 to 0:00 p. m. Said sale is made under execution State of Oregon, for ' ____ 8TATE OF OREGON IN AND issued out of the Circuit Court of the Coos, on the 25th day of ‘ j April, _ aid Short, Mark Garoutte and Glenda Mr and Dwight Culver and FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS A.. D , 1038, commanding me to sell ■■ coRPOHAriON »is:» i° and ton^ by the choir, recitation by chlldr*n, Mary Lou and Evert, were In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah State of Oregon for the County of Coos, to me directed in the case of the following described lands, and _ . _ - . - , A. Watson, Deceased. fixing minimum prices thereon, to-1 Pamela Evans and a piano solo by among the guests entertained at din­ Frank Dungey vs. Thomas Dungey Notice nt Final Account ner Sunday at the Chas. Knight home wft ■ | — — - Siam — — — Endeavor -- and Elizabeth Dungey. Mrs. Root. Christian NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Wm. F. Howell, dwell, swy« NEV«,-less S. 6 acres, in hour was led by Wayne Woodward at Gaylord. That the undersigned has filed in Section 20, Township 28 S. R. 12 The Christian Endeavor meeting the County Court of Coos County, 13t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. and Mrs. Elwyn Nosier preached the Plumbing - Heating *» W. W. M., at a minimum price of evening message. Services next Sun­ next Sunday evening will be in Oregon, his final Report and Account 8501.42; and v charge of Mrs. Orlln Lett The topic as Administrator of the Estate of IN THE COUNTY COURT t)F THE Front St Coquille Land described in Volume fill, Page day as usual. 181, Deed Records of Coos Coun­ Choir Sarah A. Watson, Deceased, and that STATE OF OREGON IN AND --------------- Z______ Mrs. Earl Edgmon and Kenneth, is “Christian Friendship." the said Court has set Friday, the ty, Oregon, lying and being in FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Mrs. Arthur Farrier and Jack and practice will'be held after the meet­ 10th day of June, 1938, at the hour filed In the office of the City Re­ Section 8, Township 28 S. R. 12 In the Matter of the Estate of P. S. corder on the 4th day of April, 1038, ing. of ten o ’ clock A. M. at the County Mrs. Daisy Doyle visited friends and W. W. M., at a minimum price of Robinson, Deceased. and pursuant to the provisions of Or­ Mr. and Mn. Chas. Butler moved Court Room in Coquille, Oregon, as r 111.23. relatives at Camas Valley Tuesday. Notice «f Filing of Final Aeeeimt dinance No. 396, adopted by the Com­ SHALL, in compliance with said Saturday to Coquille, to be near Mr. the time and place for hearing objec­ Notice is hereby given that the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doyle and son tions to such final account and the mon Council on the 2nd day of May, order, on SATURDAY, the 28th day undersigned has filed his Final Ac­ 1038, and the statutes of the State of Butler’s place of employment Jerry settlement of said estate. of May, A. D., 1038, commencing returned from Virginia last Friday. count in the matter of the adnuns- Oregon therein referred to, all of and Louise are staying with friends Irvin Watson, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zinzerllng, of here until the close of school. Mr. Administrator of the Estate of tration of the Estate of P. S. Robison which are hereby referred to and day at the front door of the Court deceased, and the County Court for made a part of this notice. Said House in the City of Coquille, and Coquille, were Arago visitors Mon­ and Mn. Walter Weaver and baby, Sarah A. Watson, Deceased. C. A. Barton, Attorney for Adminis- Coos County, Oregon, has set Satur- sewer construction is to be made at County of Coos, State of Oregon, day. ?* y ’ 4? , 2I,t da 7 01 M *F ’ 1838 - at the of Myrtle Creek, will occupy the house trator, Coquille, Oregon. 17 to a?,d exPen»e of the property offer for sale and sell at public auc­ £our 1? A’ " - «« the day, and the Mrs. George Golden left for Ohio vacated by the Butlen. tion the above described real proper­ County Court Room in the County ’Vb.T,ltt5d for Ule whole work. Forms NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ty to the highest and best bidder, on Tuesday. Court House at Coquille, Coos Coun­ Dinner guests at the A. O. Hooton bids for contract and bond may be the following terms and conditions, On the 4th day of June, 1938, at ty, Oregon, as the place for hearing of The 4-H girls club went to Lake­ home Sunday were Mn. Zellie B. had upon application to the City Re­ to-wit: the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the front objections to said Final Account and corder. Tne Common Council re- 2. For either cash in hand at the side for a camping trip over the week­ Parker, Forrest L. Moon, Zella May, door of the Court House in Coquille, the settlement of said estate. right **!«* any and all time of sale, or if the purchaser end. It was necessary for them to Eugene and Edgar Moon, of Myrtle Coos County, Oregon, I will sell at Dated this 21st day of April, 1938. kMVes with without cause. A cer­ electa, lor not less than twenty per have one night out-of-door sleeping Point. public auction to the highest bidder Administrator of the^ateof P. 8. tified check in the sum of 5 per cent cent (20%) of the purchase price in to complete their course. Those fin­ for cash the following described prop­ The Bridge Grange held the 200th erty located in the County of Coos, Robison, Deceased. withe«uih°hP} b.‘dln2Uft ’Emitted cash, the remainder to be paid under ishing the course and who enjoyed with such bid, to be forfeited to the written agreement with the purchas­ regular meeting of their organization State of Oregon, to-wit: Harry A. Slack, , ** Coquille, in the event the er in four (4) equal annual instal­ this lovely outing were: Misses on Friday evening with about the Ix>ts 1 A 2 and South half of Attorney for Administrator ex‘^uL.relU^Lt2 ,lgn ““ t'ontr«ct «nd ments, all deferred payments to bear Yvonne Holycross, Laura Bernice NEy« of Section 4 in Township 28 First National Bank Building bond £* provided for in interest from the date of sale at the Lillie. Ethel Chapel, Anne Watkins, usual attendance. One member, Mn. South, Range 13 West of the Wil­ Coquille, Oregon ut5 the s /Xu .m nfnC/ Sail bond to be in Dwight Culver, the present chaplain, rate of six per cent (8%) per an­ lamette Meridian also a parcel of tne sum of of the 50 per cent of Thework the total, num, payable annually, on any and Dorothy Crawford, Betty Cline, Vir­ has never missed a roll call. The next ground being 5 acres off the East amount *contract. NOTICE TO BIDDERS all parcels the purchase price of ginia King, Peggy Biondell, Leona meeting will be held on Thursday, end of Lot 8 in Section 33 in he completed within 60 days which equals One Hundred (8100.00) Mass. Township 27 South, Range 13 Notice is hereby given that the Miss Esther Davidson and May 10, as the 20th is Election day Dollars, or more. West of the Willamette Meridian. Common Council of the City of Co­ Miss Jean Watkins accompanied and Mn. Culver is on the election No sale shall be made of any of Said sale Is made under execution quille, Cooe County, Oregon, will re- M ^be^ihe^our^^ the above parcels of real property for them. board. The Lecturer’s hour consisted out of thq Circuit Court of the State ceive sealed bids for the "construction a lesser amount than the minimum Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Menegat of songs and readings in honor of of Oregon for the County of Coos to' of a sewer on Eleventh Street T-»«* of 1038 ms’ Ck * All'bid? AH^bid? the the «ie l«th Ä toy day at of May, price shown thereon. me directed in the case of John Hart- Holly Street for a nistanee of 393 1VSB. All bids must he m.A. Mother’s Day and especially in honor ley, plaintiff, Coos County, Dated at t Coquille, “ " feet, in the City of CJoquille, Cooe this 27th day of April, Oregon, tt _______ of Mn. O. W. Heath, who was offi­ by unit County, Oregon. * durtag A. D., 1938. Lydia M. Churchill, defendant, in estimating AU bids must be in accordance with ■dditlon^’or^deductioM made cially Installed as the “Grange Wm. „ F. Howell, an action at law instituted in the the maps, data, plans, estimates and he course of the work. “ Mother,** with an appropriate cere- IStS Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. Justice’s Court for Justice of the (specifications of the City Engineer, »«2 F. G. Leslie, Qty Recorder w Sw®#? i \ -J Gregg Hardware »WARNING" ! GENERAL PAINT P. L. Johnson MSI ä , or -