TOTO HOME CAN OHLY LOOK AS WELL AS ITS PAINT! FIRST NATIONAL BANK Semi Lustre Gregg Hardware Coquille, Ore. (Fifty-eight To Graduate From Coquille High Thia Month (Continued from Page One) * ducted the regular Sunday morning 1 church service. Sunday school fol­ lowed with an attendance of 58. 1 Marvin Shaw was leader of the Chris- ' tian Endeavor hour and Bev. Geo. R. : Turney had charge of the evening - service. Services next Sunday as 1 usual and the program committee has ' prepared a Mother's Day program as follows: piano prelude by Mrs. O. ' H. Aaaen; a drill by the pupils of the 1 Sunday school which includes the fol­ lowing numbers, recitations by Arlan ' Shaw, Patty Shaw and Jack Farrier, an Acrostic “Mother,” by Alan Hal­ ter, Darwin Gulstrom, Maureen 1 Evans, Verle Hammack, Alan Laffer- 1 ty, and Dacey Hammack; song, “We ■ Wear Carnations,” by Llllaverle My­ ers, Glepda Lillie, Helen Mass, Leslie and Norman Mass. Gerald Lillie and John Paul Root; recitation, "Being a Mother,” by LiUaverle Myers piano solo by Junior Gulstrom; recitation, "She Had No Occupation," by Donald Short; recitation, "Modem Knights," by Mark Garoutte; distribution of flowers to the mothers present; song by the choir; recitation, “A Lady Come to Call," by Pamela Evans; duet by Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Mrs. Frank Burbank; recitation by Glenda Jean Lillie. Everyone is cor­ dially Invited to attend. Non High Board to Meet Monday | Home economics meeting will be The meeting of Non-Hlgh school held all day Friday at the home of board for receiving bids will be held Mrs. Ward Evans, at which Mrs. Tyr- in the circuit court room on Monday, 1 rell Woodward and Mrs. S. C. Mc­ May 0, at 8 o’clock p. m. Bids will Allister, the project leaders for this be received on the following routes at 8:80 p. m. Bancroft-Remote, Catching Creek, McKinley, for Myr­ tle Point; Fat Elk-Roy for Coquille; Two-Mlle for Bandon; Delmar for Marshfield; Allegany for Coos River; Charleston, Hauser - North Bend, Cooston, for North Bend. Huddle Transfer Funeral Home Phone 178-L Ambulance Service Insured Carrier M e