The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 28, 1938, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
a taso
hhi m a woo tows
H. A. YOUNG. Editor
' SntoertoM— M»' J
One Year-----
1 0<
Six Months ....
No subscription taken unless pal<
for in advance This rule is impers
Advertising Ratea
Display advertising 30 cents pe>
inch. No advertisement inserted for
less than 50 cents Reading notices
10 cents per line. No reading notice,
or advertisement of any kind, inaert-
..•d for less than 25 cents.
•" I,
Entered at the Coquille Postoffice ar
Second* Class Mail Matter.
arg -Mu-aiu nua îrh—twi »
Î i.n i i irnin
.Office Corner W- First and Willard 8t
The following clipped from last
Saturday's Oregon Voter, presents so
clearly the need for straight republi­
can thinking prior to'the primaries
and right-voting on that May 20 date
that the Sentinel reprints it as a
warning of what might Ijappen to cre­
ate chaos in Oregon if the radical
racketeer - sympathizing
should be successful in nominating
their candidates:
citizens who wiU vote for Governor
Martin, but also shrewd partisan
groups who are espousing his re­
election and working for it vigorous­
ly. These are inoculating republicans
with the idea that if they are for Mar­
tin they are privileged to write his
name in the blank space on the re-
publican ballot. Hundreds of
publicans have been misled by this,
and in their loyalty to Governor Mar­
tin as an cxp°nent of good govern­
ment they indicate their present in­
tent to write in his name instead of
marking their “x" in front of the
printed name of any republican can­
didate. By so doing they are depriv­
ing the one conservative republican
of votes which might nominate him.
Another shrewd policy being pur­
sued by leading democrats who are
supporting Martin is to encourage
susceptible republicans to vote for
Sam Brown on the theory that the
sure way to re-elect Martin is to nom­
inate a weak republican to run
against him in November.
friendliest kind of a sympathetic feel­
ing for Brown is found in the Martin
camp. It is clever politics, and un-
less met by republican thinking it will
have a considerable effect on ths
outcome of the republican primaries.
The danger is that if Martin is
beaten in his own party, these
clever tactics of his "managing parti­
sans will result in Brown being the
republican nominee against Hess in­
stead of against Martin. In which
event, the confused public would be
compelled to vote for one of these
t Run
* *•
agriculture, refused to comment upon
the court’s opinion but indicated that
he has no present intention of at­
tempting to enforce the get which
constitutes him a virtual dictator over
the agricultural industry with power
to regulate prîtes, production and
distribution of agricultural products.
Governor Martin's special commit­
tee on probation, parole and sentenc­
ing of prisoners, meeting here this
week, recommended that work camps
be established for the employment
of trusties and parolees in forestry,
conservation and other public works
Men employed in these
camps would be paid a small compen­
sation “to enable them to make a start
when released into society.”
Only one-third of the checks being
written by the Unemployment Com­
pensation Commission are for the
maximum amount of $15 a week.
Forty per cent of the compensation
checks going out to unemployed
workers are for sums under $12 a
J Cl I
o n o ni y
HÌ s
mance of
model l1A-ton Chevrokl truck travel«
Residents of Linn county who go if'
to the polls at the primary election
will also have an opportunity to vote,
on the question of organizing a peo- ...a
, .While Lbe main Ude of the times is
trie commission has called a utility
Ml«* RMT.URBf.'teP
swirl of conflicting political currents, who would be manipulated into the district election for May 20. At a
previous election in November, 1936,
may involve the governorship of our field to insure Haas’ election.
Charles A. Sprague is the one man the proposal was rejected.
state in a reverse from tlfe general
trend. If the democratic party failk for whom all of Governor Martin's
Ninety-seven law school graduates
to nominate Governor Martin and the i republican admirers ought to vote if
republican party falls to nominate i they wish to make their votes effec­ have signed up for the bar examina­
/ a R R I F R
Charles A. Sprague, either Sam tive for firm government. Sprague, tion to be held In Salem Juljr 12, ac- ..... J
Brown or Henry L- H ms will b a too successful-publisher ttid able" editor, cording to Arthur Tf.' Benson, cleric
next governor of Oregon. Such a formerly of Corvallis Gazette-Times of the supreme court.
prospect does not tend to inspire pub­ and now the principal owner of Salem
Apparently reversing a previous
lic confidence in ability of the suc­ Statesman, has an established record
ceeding state administration to main­ of financial prudence, sound republi­ oral opinion Attorney General Van
tain law and order with respect such canism and firm devotion to consti­ Winkle this week advised the Capi­
as the firmness and decision of Gov­ tutional government. He is the one tol Reconstruction Commission that it
A Letter to The Sentinel
ernor Martin have commanded.
republican candidate who is entitled is clothed with ample authority to ff- that tourists will spend more than Health Department Ready
Four years ago the tide, still run­ to enthusiastic support of republi­ nance construction of a new heating $40,000,000 in Oregon this year.
Coquille, April 25, 1938
To Make Venereal Tests
ning strong with the New Deal, swept cans who have upheld Governor Mar­ plant on any site owned by the state. More than 18,000 Inquiries have al­
Editor Sentinel:
Much publicity
Governor Martin into office in spite tin’s patriotism and budget policy, The attorney general had previously ready been received by the depart­ • The Coos County Health Depart­ has been given to an order from the
of his conservatism. In office he did and is the one republican candidate indicated that expenditure of funds ment from prospective visitors in ment is starting a clinic for the treat­ county court reflecting on the hours
his utmost to remain loyal to his party who should have the support of far- under control of tills commission must every state in the union and 30 for­ ment of men and women having ven­ put in by county employees Had the
and its leader but was forced by his seeing republicans who believe that be confined to the enlarged capital eign countries, Say declared.
ereal diseases who are unable to pay commissioners taken steps to verify
convictions into variance with its la­ the future of the state will be safer site.
for treatment by a private-physician. the*rumors, no such orders would
In the same opinion the attorney
bor policies, its spoils policies, its re­ in conservative republican hands than
The State Land Board has gone on Anyone is welcome to come to the have been necessary.
lief policies and its budget policies^ It it will be even with a governor like general advised the Board of Control I record as opposed to further sales of clinic foe diagnosis, but treatment wiR-
The county employes arrive aF ”;
would be strange indeed that with Governor Martin around whose neck that an_a0.pMged by the 1935 leg­ ■ tidelands along Oregon streams or
be limited to those who are really un­ the county bam at 7 a. m. for work.
the turn of the tide toward the con- the minstone of the New Deal «angs islature authoriged the purchase of I ocean beaches. The board adopted
able to pay. A nominal charge will By 7:15 nearly all'are away in charge
servative policies which Governor constantly as a moral impediment if a"site on which to build a heating I this policy after rejecting two bids
be made to cover the cost of the med­ of county equipment, to various
Martin has Cupported, the gallant old not as an actual commitment to poli­ plant and tfiat the present situation ,<6r the purchase of 44 acres of tide-
One half hour for lunch,
icines used. The clinic for men will points.
. hero should be rejected to nominate cies which conservative republicans constituted an emergency under ’ lands on Quinn’s island in the Colum­
be on Tuesday evenings, at seven p. reaching the county barn again at
a New dealer. ,
are opposing with all the energy they which the state emergency board bia river, said to be valuable for fish­
m., and women will be treated on Sat­ five to six p. m.
might provide the money necessary ing purposes. The board will lease
The currents which run against can summon.
This is written in fairness to the
urday mornings. The county health
to finance the purchase.
Governor Martin’s renomination are
the land instead, charging poundage
Misstatements, for whatever
department presents the following ar­ men.
those within his own party. Spoils­
Negotiations are already under way ’fees which will go to enrich the com­
purpose issued, only tend to under­
ticle on venereal diseases:
with the Public Works Administra­ mon school fund-
men are disappointed in him; they
Syphilis is an insidious disease. mine co-operation.
sense in Hess a partisan to their lik­
tion tn an effort to transfer a portion,
Yours very truly, W. J. Moore
Many people have this diseasae and
ing. The leadership of Union Labor
of the federal grant from the new
Chas. ¡Sprague Campaigning
are unaware that anything is wrong
library buUding to the proposed heat­
is determined on revenge for his vigor
Charles A. Sprague, republican with them. It may be latent for a
Pro America Is Growing
ing plant. If the necessary permis­
in law enforcement. Though it Will
candidate for governor, is spending number of years, and a person rriay be
Pro America, National Ofganlzi-
not be able to carry all the rank and
sion is forthcoming the commission is
the current week in eastern Oregon. in good health. Sooner or later, how-
. tion of Republican Women. Inc. is an
expected to rush plans for construc­
file with it. that leadership in all
His tour is to cover all corners of the ever, it wUl cause trouble. It may
periotic ^ety Although of
three ’“regular” union camps—A.F.
tion of the new plant which will serve
territory east of the Cascades.
cause heart disease, locomotor ataxia, comparatively „cent origin it has
ot JL.f CJ.O. and Railroad—is deter­
not only the new capital and library
Sixty-seven of the 76 members of
♦ Sprague opened his week’s cam- general paralysis or insanity. It may
by the re.
building but the supreme court build­
mined to bring about his defeat. ■ If
the last legislature whose terms are
i paign by appearing before the Mult­ effect any organ of the body. 1 Be- pubUcan
as a valuable ally.
In spite of their opposition. Governor
ing, office building and agricultural
expiring are candidates in the pri­
nomah chapter of the Oregon Re­ cause of its protean manifestations,
Martin is nominated May 20, they
— r-------------------Pro America in Orego
mary campaign now being waged.
publican club at Portland, where he syphilis is called the Great Imitator.
will swing to his republican oppo­
Units have recently been
Forty-two of the 60 members of the
again outlined his program for put­ It is routine in some hospitals to make
nent no matter who he may be, and
Installation of a central switch-'
organized at Rainier, Klamath Falls,
House of Representatives are seek­
will do their utmost. Among the rank
board through which all telephone ting new life and vigor into republi­ a blood test on every patient, regard­ Newport, Dallas, Hood River, Toledo
ing re-election. Of these 16 are re­
can ranks and his demand that the less of what disease they are suffer­
and file of the unions and their fami­
calls to and from state departments
and Gresham.
publicans and 26 democrats.
lies are many who do not believe in
housed in the capitol group will be party otter a vigorous, determined ing from. In this way a surprisingly
Nationally also, the organization is
house members—two republicans and
large number of cases of syphilis are
lawlessness and violence and also are
under the efficient guid­
three democrats—seek promotion to
Sprague headquarters in Portland, discovered in patients who did not
opposed to the monopolistic closed
the state senate. Two former repren- installation is being made by the tel­ under the management of Robert O. even suspect they had the disease. ance of Mrs. A. C. Mattei, national
shop which compels a worker to join
tatives—Walter Norblad, of Astoria, ephone company without cost to the Boyd, announced an increasing list of For example, in a large hospital in organization chairman, and Mrs. Har­
a union in order to get a job or hold
and Jack Wagner, Portland democrat state. The board will have a capaci­ volunteers in every section of the Massachusetts two-thirds of the pa­ ry Carpenter, state president of the
a job. The majority of union mem­
Montana chapter. A new chapter
—are candidates for congress. Two ty of 300 telephones and will be con­ State.
tients who had positive blood testa
bers are registered democratic; the
house democrats—Clarence F. Hyde, nected with the telephone exchange ’ Active committees are being cre­ had never had any symptoms that has just been reported, the Nebreska
secret ballot will protect thousands
ot Eugene, and Paul E. Roth, of Port­ by 29 trunk lines. No considerable ated in every county, Boyd says, and would lead them to believe they were chapter, and other states report chap­
of them in voting for Governor Mar­
ters in process of organization.
land,—would like to be state labor saving in telephone costs is antici­ will take charge of distributing liter­ afflicted with syphilis.
Many of
tin thought they would not dare at
Mrs. C. W. Kline is president of
commissioner. One house member— pated by reason of the centralized ex­ ature and arranging for local meet­ them were in good health. Syphilis
this time to raise their voices openly
O. Henry Oleen, of St. Helens,—is out change which is designed primarily to ings in behalf of the Sprague candi­ can be cured, and the time to cure it the Coquille Pro America chapter.
in his behalf.
after the democratic nomination for expedite handling of telephone calls dacy.
is when a person is still in good
to and from state departments.
Among farmers, a similar situation governor.
Just received a fine assortment of
health, and no extensive damage has
prevails. Ray Gill, state master of
Mother’s Day and Graduation Cards.
Eight republican and five democ­
been done to any organ. It is advis­
Pays Over 78 Million Taxes
the Grange, is in double harness with ratic members of the state senate are
Come in while the stock is complete.
Every qualified elector in Oregon
able that anyone who has never had
Ben Osborne of the State Federation candidates for re-election. One sen­ over the age of 50 years would be en­
National and western progress is
H. S. Norton, Music & Stationery.
a blood test should have one for
of Labor insofar as Grange laws and ator—Dellmore Lessard,
Portland titled to a weekly pension of from $10 substantially reflected in a brochure syphilis.
practices will permit; Gill now is democrat—is a candidate for the Mul- to $25 under the terms of a proposed just issued by Shell Oil company over
having a fight for his official survival nomah county district attorneyship. initiative measure sponsored by Eu­ the signature of its president, Sidney will make a blood test upon anyone
as head of the Grange; he and his Senator U. S. Balentine whose term gene Burr, of Portland, and Ellis Belither, and in commemoration of who desires that service.
People usually know when they
faction, which may win two to three does not expire until 1941, is a can­ Bennett, of Salem.
The only re­ the company’s twenty-first anniver­
have gonorrhea.
This disease can
or two to one, are being pushed by a didate for congress from the second quirement to participation in bene­ sary.
also be cured
Not infrequently a
determined opposition to the pro­ district
fits under the Burr-Bennett proposal
Shell's contributions to public wel­ patient is apparently cured of this
union policies to which he has helped
would be the cessation of all remun­ fare, both nationally and in the west,
I will daring my term of office
disease, but carries the gonococci !■
commit the Grange and its legislative
Oregon’s own Agricultural Adjust­ erative employment by the pensioner. are shown in teree facts and figure, ¡his system a long time afteTh^ Ü
conscientiously perform the duties
committee. Whatever their strength, ment Act is back on the statute books Benefit payments would be limited to listing wages and salaries paid, em- -------
he “
of the Justice of the Peace, sup­
and that strength appears to be a ma­ but it is hardly probable that it will $10 a week for the first six months ployment given, operating expendi­ apparently well. Sometimes an alco­
ported by 25 years experience In
jority in the Grange balloting, will ever be put into effect. The state su­ after the measure becomes operative, tures, increased investment and tax holic debauch will bring a return of
the symptoms. A man who has once
the practice of Law.
be organized to the utmost against preme court reversed the decree of ranging up to a maximum of $25 a payments.
had gonorrhea may have no symp­
(P«M Adi«rtl.e«fnt I
Governor Martin, subject to the the circuit court holding the act to be week beginning with the second year
In reviewing Shell nationally, the toms whatever, because he has acJ
Grange rule against participation in unconstitutional but in doing so the of operation. The pensions would not
brochure shows growth in investment quired a certain amount of tolerance
higher tribunal refused to accept re­ be paid in cash but in “retirement from $215,732,51 in 1922, when the
or immunity to his own infection
Some time ago the movement was sponsibility for passing upon the sta- compensation warrants” or scrip to
Shell Union Oil corporation was in­ However, if he still has the gonococ­
started by republican admirers of tus of the law. In sidestepping this be issued by the state and retired
corporated, to $380,202,888 in 1937. cus in his system, he may infect his
Governor Martion to induce their fol- I question the court took refuge behind through a series of “warrant redemp­
In this fifteen-year period net earn­ wife.
Anyone who has once had
lowers to change their registration the argument tha^ inasmuch as there tion stamps,” one to be affixed to the
New Scientific Instrument
ings have increased from $9,59,351 to gonorrhea is urged to be examined
from republican to democratic. Re­ was no .bona fide controversy between warrants each week by the firm or
>T Sel f-Treating Natal
$20,666,880 in 1937; production from •tain, to make certain that he has
publicans with a sense of responsi­ the parties to the suit no relief could individual holding the warrant on
1 Head Conqeitioni
16,644,000 net barrels to 48,653,026;
the chief
bility to oath and party found it dif­ be had under the declaratory judg­ Wednesday. With an estimated 183,-
and operating expenditures from difficulties in the treatment of either
ficult to do this, although some did ment act
Deciding hypothetical 000 men and women in Oregon who $26.410,493 to $200,476,063.
gonorrhea or syphilis la to know
it. By so doing they set an example questions, the court held, is not a have passed their 50th birthday it
At the close of 1937, 28,771 men and whether a patient has been really
to other republicans who were not judicial function Two members of would require the issuance ot $1,830,-
so responsible or so scrupulous. Large the court, however, took issue with 000 of the proposed “wararnts” each women were on Shell payrolls na­ cured or not. Gonorrhea is one of
numbers of these changed their regis­ the majority members on this point. week at the outset of the proposed tionally, and were receiving a total of the principal causes of blindness. It
$54,687,045 in wages and salaries. •Iso often causes sterility.
tration to democratic so as to vote Justice Rossman, in a dissenting program.
Contributions to federal, state, coun­
For Sale at
against Governor Martin, not for him. opinion, declared that the “very pur­
ty and municipal governments in 1937
Among the rank and file of demo­ pose of the declaratory judgments
A. L. Mooion, electncai contractor
Harold B. Say, head of the highway taxes, collected and paid by the Shell
crats are not only large numbers of act is to enable the courts to step in department’s travel bureau
and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille
• ■
group of companies, totaled $78,333,- Complete stock of wiring supplies.
Southwestern Motors
10,102.4 mil«« carrying 4590-lb. load.
k .¡-i
■ ’.
♦¿I ,. .