The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 14, 1938, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAG« 4A
The following is the order of ser­
vice on Easter Day at seven a. m.
at the St. James’ Episcopal Church,
Rev. Geo. R. Turney, Vicar:
Organ Prelude
morning! Hymn 168.
The Communion Office, Prayer
Book p. 87
Three-fold Kyrie (Chant 678) Mer-
The Collect and Epistle, Prayer
Book pp. 163-4.
Gloria Tibi (Chant 685) Plainsong.
The Holy Gospel, Prayer Book, p.
Laus Tibi (Chant 685) Plainsong
Nicene Creed, Prayer Book p. 71.
Hymn before Address, “Come, ye
faithful.” Hymn 176.
Address by the Vicar.
Offertory, “All things come at Thee
(Chant 688), Beethoven.
The Communion Office, Prayer
Book, p. 74.
Sursum Corda (Chant 688). Cantus
Proper Preface for Easter Day,
Prayer Book p. 78.
The Sanctus (Chant 690).
Agnus Dei (said)
The Communion Office, Prayer
Book p. 83.
Gloria in excelsis (Chant 699) Old
By Mrs. F. G. Wilson
Knew Your CnHua
W. C. T. U. Meeting Held
Friday Afternoon
Fifty adults and fifteen children at­
tended the meeting of the local W. C.
T. U. and missionary societies in the
Pioneer church parlors Friday after­
noon. These meetings are being held
all over the world. The meeting was
opened by singing, followed by scrip­
ture readings led by Mrs. G. A. Gray.
Mrs. C. C. Farr extended the address
of welcome. A quartette composed of
Mrs. Helen Woodcock, Mrs. Dora
Oerding, Mrs. June Walker and Mrs.
Birdie Skeels, accompanied by Mrs.
r. G. Leslie, sang, “The King's Busi­
ness.” Roll call ot the nine local so-
cities followed.
Mrs. J. R. Bunch read a paper on
the “Light Line,’ which told ot the
missionary W. C. T. U. work around
the world. Mrs. Alice Holverstott
read a paper in regard to the World
W. C. T. U. Protocol, which was
signed by 53 nations when it was pre­
sented by Frances Willard many
years ago. The quartette sang anoth­
er lovely number, “The King’s High­
way.” Mrs. J. E. Norton gave a talk
on the educational work accomplish­
ed by the W. C. T. U. This was fol­
lowed by the W. C. T. U. constitution
of Frances Willard in 1872, given by
Mrs. Chas. Stauff.
Following the
Library Notes
A new assortment of books have
just arrived at the City Library, some
of which are listed below.
The lo­
cal Rotary Club has been contribut­
ing books every month since last
July. Their latest gifts are two ju­
“Jungle Babies.” This is a de­
stories, full of little known facts about
both familiar and strange animals.
One acquires a feeling of intimate
acquaintance with these 6aby ani­
mals of the African jungle.
“Janny,” by Jane Abbott. A real
adventure of a girl who lived all
her life in a Candian mining camp
until she was suddenly whisked away
to New York.
Five books are for our growing Art
“Antique Furniture,” by Arthur
DeBles. A practical guide to the
study of Antiques and the History of
Styles in Furniture, with 200 photo­
graphs and drawings..
“The Romance of Chinese Art.”
The great masters of fine art in Greece
and of the Renaissance, had their
equal in a
The first thing to do to start a cac­
tus collection is to get yourself one
cactus, learn its true name, just as
you w ould the name of any new and
interesting acquaintance.
The« a« certain questions which,
if answered, will help to give the
plant individuality; first, its name;
second, what is the meaning of its
name; third, who first described the
species and what other contributions
did he make to the knowledge of
cacti?; fourth, where is the native
home of the species? fifth, what are
the climatic and soil conditions in
which it best thrives?
When you have answered these
questions you are on sufficiently in­
timate terms with the plant to refer
to it by its common name. You are
now ready to investigate the relatives
of your plant,
There are certain questions which
naturally suggest themselves:
1. How many other members are
there of the genus?
2. What characteristics do they
have in common with your species?
3. In what way do they differ?
4. To what tribe does it belong?
5. What is its family name?
You may object that you do not
know where to find all of this infor­
mation. That is why all this is so
I *
Bailey, W. A. Ireland, Berlyn Billings, of the various branches of Chinese rob you of the joy and pride in ac­
Recessional, “Jesus Christ is risen D. D. Dale and Alice Holverstott
artistry written in each instance by complishment and the delight of ov­
today.” Hymn 172.
the greatest living authorities on the ercoming obstacles. It would detract
Organ Poetlude.
subject and magnificently illustrated. from the pleasure and excitement of
Junior Women’s Clubs to
The following is the order of ser­
‘‘The Practical Book of American research. Yet the difficuMM fare not
Give Card Party April 30 Antiques.” Here is a splendidly cpm-
vice at eleven o’clock:
n-1 pogreat ; as they first appear. Your
Organ Prelude.
prehensP. e' and accurate account < of nurseryman
should be able to identify
The Junior Women’s Club met at
at 7 a. m.
Processional— m
, Colonial craftsmanship in pewter, your plant as to scientific name,
Office of Morning Prayer, Prayer
glass, copper and gold,
Once the scientific name is obtained,
day evening. At the business meet­
Book p 7.
“The Homes of Our Ancestors.” further information may be obtained
The Venite, Prayer Book, p. 3.
[ Here is< recreation of early America through reliable books and maga­
Schroeder, the card party to be held
Psalm 111, Prayer Book p. 488.
! —the arts and crafts developed by zines. A list of helpful publications
There is a large group of the old has a supply of flies, baits, spinners
Lesson for Easter Day, St. Luke April 30 in the Odd Fellows hall ( the Colonists, their houses, furniture, is usually given in public libraries.
men cacti. For example, we will and crawfish, as well as a complete
silver, china, pottery, pictures, tex-
Here is a list I have used and take “The Old Man Pilocereus senilis. line of Pflueger and Horocks Ibbot-
served after the businses meet­
Jubilate Doo, Prayer Book p. IS.
, tiles, wallpaper—all the intimate de­ found very satisfactory: First the Pilocereus is the family name, like son tackle.
Office of Morning Prayer, Prayer
tails of their daily lives.
book, “Cacutus Culture,” by Ellen D. Wilson; senilis represents the first
Mr. Jensen, of Greene and Jensen,
Mrs. Henry McCue, Mrs. R. E. Har­
Book p. 18-17.
“The Tapestry Bdok.” This book Schultz. This well illustrated book name like, Frank. They are given pasSbs on this interesting bit of in­
The Pro-Anaphora, Prayer Book
traces the complete history of tapes­ of 157 pages, was brought to me sev- in Latin
__ ________________
because a foreigner writ- formation about the shiners that
tract bridge was played with Mrs.
p. 67-70.
try from the modest beginnings in eral years ago by Mrs. Ruth Beyers, ing about this plant will use only abound in the river at this season.
Collect, Epistle and Gospel Prayer
classic times through the glorious of Coquille, at the time I was ill in this Latin name.
Man ______
would Fingerlings from the natural spawn
Guests present were: Miss Margaret
Book p. .163-164.
’ period of the Renaissance down to the hospital. The book proved so mean nothing to them, but Pilocereus or released by the hatcheries go out
Hymn before Sermon—same at 7
our own time.
interesting, it helped the long, pain-' means the seme tokny tongue.- They to-sea for a period of rfoni three to
Henrietta Stewart and members:
a. m.
Seven best sellers of new fiction: ful days to pass more pleasantly and have a real meaning, too, for Pilo­ six months. They then return to
1- “The.Lady. and..The Panda,” by
Sermon by the Vicar.
quickly. "The Cactus Book,” by Dr. cereus means a hairy cerieus and fresh water in the form of shiners.
«r« »nrttosn,YtaUfernecfcor, Lyle
Ruth Harkness. This is the story of A. D. Houghton, an interesting book
senilis means old, referring to the These are actually young Chinooks
Recessional—same at 7 a. m.
how a lone woman, without backing with chapters on window sill garden­ long white hair. Most of the flower and silverside salmon and the species
Elbert Schroeder,
Alton Clausen,
Organ Poetlude.
or previous experience in exploration, ing, cactus rockeries, propagating, lovers know the word mesembryan- can be easily distinguished in the
John Dopp, Misses Blanche Sandon,
journeyed against all advice into the grafting, etc.
themum’ is a combination of two shiner stage. After spending from
Easter at Church of Christ
high mountains along the unknown
“Cactus,” by A. J. Van Laren, has Greek words meaning midday flow­ one to three months in the fresh
Vesta Miley and Marjorie Baird.
Tibetan border and came back, toj 133 colored plates of succulents, a
The Church of Christ will present 1
er. With thousands of plants being water, the time depending on the
The following committee was ap-
a splendid musical program at the 1 pointed for the card party: general the surprise of her friends and her-’ most gorgeous illustrated book. Then grown and imported you can rdadily condition of the rivers, the fish re­
self as well, with little Su Lin, whq. there is the “Desert Magazine” and
evening service Sunday at eight ■ chairman,
see the usefulness of the two-name turn to the ocean, to return again as
Miss Blanche Sandon;
Twenty-five voices under prizes, Mrs. R. E. Harbison; refresh­ captivated all who saw her.
the “Bulletin of Cactus Research,” all Latin system. The first name always full grown salmon when they feel
“This Proud Heart,” by Pearl S. full of desert lore.
the leadership of Mrs. Maud Wood­ ments, Miss Vesta Miley; tallies, etc.,
begins with a capital letter and is the the spawning urge.
uck in her latest novel.
yard will sing six Easter anthems. Mrt. Geo. McClellan; tables, Mrs.
After you have learned the an­ name of the genus, when the generic
Gregg’s Hardware store has re­
“Bow Down to Wood and Stone,” swers to the questions given and have
They will be accompanied by Mrs. Harold Gould.
name Is repeated a number of times ceived a new supply of tackle and
y Josephine Lawrence.
This is watched the unfolding of the gorgeous
Ralph Harry. Doryld Farr will sing
it may be Indicated by using the first bait Peet’s, Wiegardt’s, and Star
mainly the story of three sisters; each bloom of your plant, you automatical­
a solo and Mrs. Roy Barton will be
letter of the name as an abbreviation Brand eggs are in stock and a com­
Eagles Observe Army Day
devoted her life utterly to doing the ly become a permanent and enthusias­
a guest soloist.
At the morning
as this Opuntia becomes O.
The plete line of Pflueger and other well
Coquille Fraternal Order of Eagles thing she most wanted to do; and tic member of the large and happy
service, an Easter anthem will be
second word of the name is the name known equipment is on hand. You
met in regular business session each saw her life as one of sacrifice. group of people referred to as “Cac­
sung by the choir.
of the variety follows the name of may need a new landing net, at $1.00,
Special com­
“Transgressor in the Tropics,” by ti Addicts.”
Easter Sunday the Church of Christ Thursday evening.
a tackle box at 75c up or a fly book
the species.
is expecting an attendance of 350 at mittees were appointed and all Negley Farson. This is an amazing
You are now qualified to select in­
“The Cactus Book,” by A. D. at 31.15.
Bible School which, if reached, will standing committees reported prog­ account of the history, customs, poli­ telligently and care for an increase Houghton, chapter V, on Vocabulary,
A few nice trout have been caught
tics, and problems of South Ameri-
set a new record over the previous
at the mouth of Beaver Slough both
in your cactus collections. Your col­ is helpful to the beginner.
record set on Easter Sunday of 1936. gathering.
with worms and salmon eggs. Don
lection will not be just a jumble of
“The Wind from the Mountains,”
Invitations in the form of Easter eggs
Gillespie reported a good catch on
have been circulating about town for tainment was furnished by members Trygne Gulbranssen. The author’s
Garrison Lake, using a Bucktail
of the aerie. It being Army Day the first book, “Beyond Sing the Woods," would probably soon tire. Instead you
the past two weeks..
The special Easter program will day previous to the meeting, a pro­ brought him instant recognition as
The stock of fishing tackle and
If you see a lady wearing black on equipment is arriving in Lamb’s
include a play under the direction of I gram was presented which dealt one of the great writers of the day
Easter, you may be sure that she’s hardware store this week. As usual,
Mrs. C. C. Farr and special music | with patriotism. Songs were sung,
a rich field of delightful experiences,
during both Bible school and church t Frank Ball leading in the singing. Roberts This is a story in the days because you have acquired the prop­ a fisherman’s wife, for after the fish­ they will be headquarters for baits,
Dr. Rankin, Carl Mack and Lans Len- when Maine was a frontier.
ing season opens tomorrow half the spinners, flies, tackle, boating equip­
er attitude of mind with an under­
ex-service man, addressed the
“Pepita,” J. Sackville West’s new
Everyone who is not attending
women in town will be in widow’s ment, convenient apparel for the
standing of nature’s creative art. It is
Just enough good catches sportsman, and information on any­
Bible school elsewhere is invited to gathering ot matters pertaining to novel.
just possession, when we do possess
the Church of Christ at 8:45 a. m. war, peace, the proper respect shown
Thirty-two new books of fiction,
have been made the past few weeks thing you need to know for your out­
that which we are after, the interest
our flag, etc.
to help set the new record.
including mystery, adventure, ro­
to stir every native with the urge to ing.
Thursday evening, April 14, is so­ mance and westerns, are now at the vanishes and what have we? If it is bait a hook, and the stores dealing in
Reports have come in on good
cial night. There are big doings in library.
sporting goods have tempting dis­ catches in Floras Lake trolling with
Assembly of God
store—eats and everything.
plays in their showcases that no man a Doc Shelton spinner. Another nice
scientific name of your plant. A per­
The special Easter program which out and enjoy IL
should resist.
catch has been reported from Smith
son may learn the common name of
will take the place of both Sunday
Friday will see the fisherman cast­ river.
The petroleum industry and its cus­ a species and then find a friend across
school and morning worship at the
The kids will be glad to know
tomers pay approximately twelve the way is calling quite a different ing their flies above the forks, and
Assembly of God Sunday morning
in the SixeFand Elk rivers. If the Stevens’ Hardware had them in mind
per cent of all texes received by the species by the same name. z
has been carefully planned to cover
water clears up there will be a possi­
federal government and over 132,000
«11 aspects of Christian worship. The
A foreign correspondent would not bility of catching trout in the river when they stocked tackle at- low
prices. In this group you can find
state and local taxing authorities. know what species were being dis­
service will begin at 9:45, the usual
here by trolling with Doc Shelton or 50 ft of line at 10c, fly line at 25c
Sunday school hour, but classes will
Three new star route mail carriers ‘‘The enormous burden of taxation cussed if only the common name were Bear Valley spinners.
and linen lines at 15c. You can
be shortened and the usual morning out of the Coquille postoffice will borne by the industry and its cus­ used, but the scientific names are
Greene and Jensen have prepared get a reel at 25c, baskets at 60c, steel
song service will begin at 10:43. The enter on their duties July 1, they tomers,” said S. Selither, president known and are the same for each
for the opening of the seuson by rods at 49c and salmon eggs at 10c
Sunday school program will begin having been the successful bidders of Shell Oil Company, “ is reflected species in every nation and language
laying in a complete stock of tackle.
__ __________________________
Stevens also carries a stock
at eleven and upon its conclusion, for the jobs which were announced
in the world. Scientific names are You will be able to find just about a
of higher priced tackle, such "as the
through and paid by the Shell Union composed of words or combinations
Rev. R. D. E. Smith, pastor, will the first of the month.
everything you need in this stock, well-known Shakespeare brand of
bring a special Easter sermon.
Aaron Wilson succeeds R. H. group of companies inT937. The up­ of root words, which have a very sig­
of the new lines is a supply of rods and reels, spinners, lines, leaders
The program will include some Southstone as carrier on the Coquille- ward trend of texes is clearly shown nificant meaning. They are of Greek
Penn reels, both the star drag and and flies. Baskets run from 98c to
group singing along with a few reci­ Lee - McKinley - Fairview - Coquille by an increase of approximately »10,- or Latin origin and usually the vari­
000,000 in 1937 over the preceding ous root words are derived from one free spool types. Neptune outboard ' 33.50. You will find guides for re-
tations and readings.
motors have also been stocked. One 1 pairing your rods, plugs for bass fish-
There will be a few additional
Eugene E. Morgan will succeed A.
of three sources. Sometimes part of is a I l/10th horse power trolling
Ing, and many other conveniences to
“The petroleum industry can point the scientific name is the Latinized
numbers in the nature of an Easter H. Gilbert on the Coquille-Bullards-
motor, while the other is 2 horse make your sport more enjoyable.
with justifiable pride to its record of name of the parson who discovered
Watch the blackboard in front of
steady employment with high wages. the plant in the wild or has been an power. Terms are available on these.
J. L. Stevens reported a nice catch Greene and Jensen for reports of the
There has been a continuous im­ outstanding contributor to the know­
Sportsmanlike Dririnf—Ability to Stop
of trout at Lakeside last week. He good catches. From all indications,
provement of the quality of its prod­ ledge of the group of plants.
caught fourteen or fifteen over ten this is going to be a bigger fishing
uct which has made available to the
The name of some species indicate inches, one measuring eighteen.
year than ever before. Here’s wish­
consumer at a level of prices appre­
the locality in which the species are Striped sea-bass are still being caught ing you luck!
ciably below that'prevailing during
found. Most of the scientific names, in the sloughs, although plug fishing
the so-called normal period of 1926.
however, are based upon some out­ is proving a little more successful
It is significant, however, to note that
standing characteristic of the genus right at présent than bait-fishing. An
taxes now greatly exceed total pay­
and species.
Any good dictionary added attraction of this type of sport
Dr. De La Rhue
rolls. In 1937, the Shell companies
will tell you that “echino” comes is the possibility of hooking a stur­
collected and paid 834,000,0000 more
I from the Greek word, “echinos,” geon—perhaps not as big as the 200
in taxes than the entire amount of
meaning hedgehog. The generic name, pounder “Blackie” Wasson landed
wages and salaries received by the
■yea Examined - Glasses Fitted
"Echinocactus,” means simply hedge­ last month, but very good eating none
companies' 28,771 employees and exe­
hog cactus. With a good dictionary the less.
Reception room jointly with
and a litt'e patience, you are soon
Hudson’s Drug Store is weighing
- De, J. R. Bunch —
launched on a most interesting and in the striped bass for the Hunting
intriguing educational pastime that and Fishing Magazine’s
will add untold pleasure to the cacti Two entries over forty
registered there already.
Hook, Line, 'n' Sinker
New Star Route Car­
riers After July 1
4 points about OS --»i
' as the palm
your hand