Return Engagement "Trail of Lo nesome Pine" on Double Bill It Pays Haley's line of Canned Meats and Soups An Oregon product and one of the best New Potatoes Green Peas Easter Tables New Cabbage New Carrots Turnips I MHa si Fresh Spinach Fresh Asparagus ALWAYS THE BEST OBTAINABLE IN THE MARKET osteria THE MAKE-IT-RIGHT STORE Telephones 69 Free Delivery Want Ads Births at Coquille Hospital What could be more acceptable than flowers? See our fine «election of potted plants and cut flowers when shopping for your East­ er rifts, or lust call 602R for MYRTLE GARDENS A 7y< pound son, who has been named Dale Denton, Jr, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Denton Ellingson last Thursday. A baby daughter, weighing nine pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Raiser, of Seattle, last Sat­ urday. She has been named Bar­ bara Mae. Her mother was formerly Lena Williams, of Coquille. An eight-pound boy, Frank Ray, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morse, of Coquille, yesterday. Mrs. J. E. Wannamaugher, of Myrtle Point, entered the hospital yesterday for treatment.