1 8 ■ * F allons 2 1937—Chevrolet Logging Trucks Equipped with Dual reduction rear ends, Brown-lipe Transmis­ sion and Heavy Duty Tires. Also 2 Trailers. See them. Come in and make an offer 30 DAYS IN STOCK • fW WICK SPÉCIAL Trunk Model. Radio and Heater - - $945 1937 BUICK "SPECIAL," streamlined back. Only •.................................. $865 1937 MASTER DELUXE CHEVROLET COUPE gunmetal, low mileage $675 Í 1936 MASTER DELUXE CHEVROLET COUPE frosty green, new rubber $565 4936 CHEVROLET COU PE, original black finish, Radio-- - - - $495 1936 DELUXE DODGE SEDAN, the beauty winner, completely overhauled $595 1936 CHEVROLET PICKUP, completely recortditioned - - - $445 1936 CHEVROLET PICKUP, low mileage, dark green .... $445 1935 PONTIAC SEDAN, original blue. Radio, Heater and Defroster - $545 1935 DELUXE PLYMOUTH, new paint, good rubber, light grey $4951 1935 CHEVROLET SEDAN, original black finish, Radio and Heater - $435 1935 DELUXE CHEVROLET COUPE, new paint and tires - $445 1935 FORD DELUXE TOURING SEDAN, light gray, reconditioned $445 1935“ FORD TUDOR, original block, whitesidewortt tires—r z T~~' $385 1934 1934 1932 1931 DELUXE CHEVROLET COACH, new paint. Special FORD VICTORIA, new paint, a real buy for - - FORD COUPS, body not the best but a good motor HUPMOBILE SlX WHEEL SEDAN, a real buy - - 1930 1930 1929 1929 1930 CHEVROLET COUPE, new rings, valves ground, new paint & rubber $165 CHEVROLET SEDAN, light brown finish K A real buy - $165 BUICK "VICTORIA MODEL" Valves ground and new paint $165 CHEVROLET COACH, a real value, a special price - - - - $ 87 FORD COUPE, just transportation. Special......................................... $ 57 - - - - - - - . | - - - - $375 $215 $145 $165 I THAN 30 DAYS DI S 25% Discount is the Answer 1930 1929 1929 1929 1930 1931 CHEVROLET SEDAN, new paint CHEVROLET SEDAN, a real buy FORD COUPE, in good condition FORD COUPE, for only - - DESOTO SEDAN. Special HUDSON SEDAN Only $133 ATTENTION TIME BUYER I--1 Check your unpaid balance. We offer payments to suit your purse through G.M.A.C. Coquille BUICK Myrtle Point Bandon EVERY CAR STEAM CLEANED G. T. COOK Brick Mu«