Professional Cards PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT H jSdeie,!*i“’Satory’ Co*nt>'t loaoo p jy Deputy 100.00 P.O. C. G. Caughell, 1st Deputy, Tax Dept................ — Margarita Brodie,tad »eputy. Tax Dept. ______________ Delores Belloni, Salary, Clerk Tax Dejft, _______________ Myrtle Minter, Salary, Clerk Tax Dept. ______________ W. H. Kennedy, Salary, Per­ sonal Tax Collector ____ L. W. Oddy, Salary, County Clerk ___________________ J. W. Leneve, Salary, Deputy Clerk ....................................... Georgianna Vaughan, Salary, Deputy Clerk ___________ Julia Myrl Leatherman, Sal­ ary, Deputy Clerk _______ J. County ML RALPH F. MILNE Coqsill. Orason 96.00 100.00 110.00 100.00 95.00 140.00 166.66 160.00 110.00 100.00 Allens A Morgans___ Mercy Hospital, care of G vieve Davis ...... Keizer Bras. Hospital, care of Julius Schmitt_______ ___ _ Keizer Bros. Hospital, care of C. L Wilson TT___________ Mast Hospital, care of Ann ^ A babies ____ I.... ..... Hospital, L? ‘ care Glasgon Patterson Henry A. Schroeder, ambu­ lance for Brown A Tipton .. Schroeder Bros. Mortuary, burial Chas. O. Morris __ Peoples Water & Gas Co., wa­ ter for house in Bunker HUI JaU Coos County Farm, groceries A veg. for JaU..................... Economy Cash Market, meats Ideal Bakery, bread....... ......... Ideal Bakery, bread .......... J. A. Lamb Co., coffee pot A ketUe __________ ____ _...» Carter, Rice A Co., victor tow- 19M 39.00 3.1 25.70 30.00 DWtLLINC UNITS Air-Caaditiaaing H»>Hag System* (furnaces, stokers, oil burners, boilers, esc. > 56.74 1731 23.32 16.08 IKYOUR HOME through The First National Bank of Portland Pub­ 166.66 Coquille Valley Sen 46.50 lishing Crt. proceed., etc. Anna Rooney, Salary, Deputy Assessor __ ____ __ .-T11 110.00 Western World, pub. warrant 19.70 Chas. Stauff, Salary, County Courthouse A Jail Treasurer .......... . .................. 150.00 0.55 City of Coquille, water -------- J. N. Gearhart, County Sur­ veyor ___ ;....... ......... ............ 4540 Mountain States Power Co., 135.30 lights A power------------ l ------ Martha E. Mulkey, Salary, Coast Telephone Co., School Supt. __ ________ _ 100.60 West phone service ..... .................. 76.53 Marian Endicott. Salary, Sten­ P. L. Johnson Plumbing Shop, og., Supt Office ...........____ 83.33 repair work ._................. ...... Mmv M. *»*. Waggoner, vt , uai* Mee Salary, H. M. Ross, repair windows .... Stenog., County Court ... .. 110.00 Earl Alton Schroeder, Janitor 9 Carl C. Vilaon, Salary, Janitor 75.00 service ------------------------------- Bert Mead, Salary, Janitor- 13.50 Overland Coal Co., coal------- Jailer ___________ ________ 75.00 Stevens Cash Hardware, Jan. Lottie Miller, Salary, Matron 039 A Cook ■ - r ■ ,............. ......... John AljMartin. trimming Court RepSrter^^.^^!?* 175.00 Ätc Bükor twí-' pointed by the above entitled Court as Administrator of the Estate of G. O. Werth, Deceased, and has duly qualified as such. - All persons having claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present the same, together with prop­ er vouchers therefore to C. A. Bar­ ton, CofBiUe, Or ig en, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 3rd day of March, 1938. C. A. Barton, Administrator of the Estate of O. O. Werth, Deceased. 7t5 02.00 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, ¡tons J 40.50 Overland Coal Co., coal ____ CiiqaWs Co., laundry 20.85 F. C. McNelly, Salary, Super­ Coos County Publishing Co., intendent Co. Farm._____ 120.00 election supplies ......... Edith McNelly, Matron, Coun- Fnmnws ARk. Coquilla, Oregon 80.00 Bay r-Public —Public J Assistance for Feb. >. 1938 _______________ ------------- ....--------- 1454.34 L. Pitta A Joe Thomas, Inves­ tigation for Dist. Atty. ___ .. 217.73 G. W? Gross, Work at MUI “A” property ________________ 18.00 O. C. Sanford, Aid to Depen­ dent Children .......... _........... 532.07 First National Bank—Coos Bay, For Public Assistance for Mar. 1938 ........ 320235 Sheriff's Off. Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, MUe- age expense ....... . .......... ...... 61.63 Wm F. Howell, Sheriff, con­ veying prisoners to pen ---- 11.52 Wm. F. HoweU, cash adv. for 108.40 extra help ........................ Edwin Peterson, Salary A Mileage, Dep. Shf......... ......... 77.80 Alice Perrott, extra work ...... 9.00 Chat Stauff, Co. Taaaa. rash adv. Sheriff Off___________ 2143 Koke Chapman Co., supplies 43.98 Southwestern Motor Co., Chevrolet sedan ---------------- 350.00 Clerk’s Office Franklin Printing Co., supplies 4.70 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treat., cash adv........--------------- 10.40 Tvn«vrit»r fnr Fisher Co., ÁUMinr’l * UNDM PROVISIONS Of TWO NSW Á/at io nal 4/ou.AÍny /Jet Now is th® time to remodel, repair, renovate— to make that old dwelling look new and modem. th* rew M m S ao M 0M8E 9H9O UP ■ • jKtK "ffg •* Housing Arrange from‘50 fo ’10,000 fpr mod­ First NcHonol Inrsns, ernization of homes and business plants, and up 47.55 to ‘2,500 for construction of new, non-residential 96.18 buildings. Plan your improvements, get an esti­ mate from a reliable-builder—then arrange a Cash Buyer FHA loan through any branch of The 27.86 V w I mw U. S. Dept, of Labor, Contri­ bution ...... Coquille Hotel, meals by Mr. Lawhorn ------ --------------------- L. w. Oddy, County Clerk, postage, etc............................. Western Union, telegraph ser- H A W Specialty Co., supplies for various off-------------------- H. S. Norton, supplies for vari­ ous off. ....------------------ — Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ plies for various off. pfite^ sp,tionery First National Bank of Portland. Now is the time! 35.00 You need not be a depoiifor to borrow from this bonk! «•paint 630 97.65 - « Chas. Evland, Services Court Bailiff __________________ 2100 irger. labor at MUI Mill A .. 50.00 A. J. Barger, F^ wfJd£J19S7 R Salary r of Fire Wardens 1937 ’ 1234.13 Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries, funeral—Milas M. Goodman Myrtle Point M—'■* — , Sheriff’s Off.----- -------------- - Standard OU Co. of Calif., gas A oil, County Farm........ ..... Coquille Service Station, sup­ plies County Car _________ Southwestern Motors Co. change siren County Car .. BUlie Browne, work in Sher­ iff's Off. ----------------- ------- - National Hospital Assn., dues for members -------------------- Katherine McMillan, Nurs­ ing Conrad Huckens --------- Margaret Rutledge, nursing Conrad Huckens -------------- Mabel Herbage, nursing Con­ rad Huckens -------------- —— Coquille Valley Sentinel, In­ terim Dog License Receipts ROADS J. N. Gearhart, labor, New Surveys ----------------------------- W. Clark Gearhart, labor, New * COQUILLE BRANCH * THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 10.90 "Pint National Bank W»tt of ths Rockies** ■ 8 i M » |Ji riot insurance COREO 8 A t I o ft - 3940 V —______ 128.60 128.68 Clafa A. Staidf, services ------ 38.00 —-------------- . —ibor ...... 106.00 74.00 John C. Merchant, services __ 4032 Arlyn Barklow, Labor ...... _.. 103.80 3.30 Gregg Hardware, file ........ — Everett Richards, Labor ____ 101.20 Aasaesirt Off. Lawrence Barkdoll. Labor..... 110.80 H. C. Getz, labor............ ......— 118.00 Wm. Josephson, Labor 91.50 Jessie Lawhorn, labor ........... 10.50 47.00 540 C. T. HoweU, Labor Capital City Bindery, 8 Tax Ed Bamikoff, Labor 8.80 WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Rolls ---------------- --------------- 347.40 80.00 73.00 James Kroc, Labor .. Notice is hereby given that all Martha E. Mulkeyi Miteage — Sam 94.60 « warrants drawn against the General 47.40 72.00 40.09 B. H. Fund of the City of Coquille, Oregon, Eileen Percy, Extra work . 3.16 C. J. 101.40 and endorsed prior to October 1, Coos County Publishing Co., Bob Zeigler, Labor 95.35 24.00 ' 1937, are hereby called for payment L70 paper-------------------------------- Art Olson, Labor ... .28.00 upon presentation at my office. In­ The J. K. GUI Co., suppUes .. 21.79 Carl Olson, Labor . 28.00 18.00 terest on such warrants will cease a* W. E. Finzer A Co. Inc., sup­ DeU Roads, Labor — l ______ 68.00 34.80 of March 17, 1933.____ plies ........................................ 8830 24.00 E. D. Dickey, Labor ...I____ _ W. S. SICKELS, Treasurer Natl. Assn, of Audubon Soci­ Allen Leneve, Labor .1______ 39.80 eties, supplies ...---------------- City of Coquille, Oregon 15.40 9t3 10.25 W. L. Truman, Labor.............. Oregon W. C. T. U, Supplies _ Albert Christensen, Labor .... 23.50 Dist. Atty. T. E. Abbott, Labor ............ 6.50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 9.50 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ben C. Flaxel, Dist. Atty., 32.00 Grant Weathers, Labor__ __ 70.86 mileage A Stenog. ..... ..... — Henry Weathers, Labor ......... 3.50 Letters of Administration on the es­ tate of Benjamin H. Bums, deceased, Ben C. rlaxel, Dist. Atty., tel­ 2032 4.20 John B. Sullivan, Labor . ....... 88.00 ephone expense ---------------- Ed Abernathy, Labor _____ 19.00 have been issued to me out of and Coroner’s Off. under the seal of the County Court of 430 A. M. Krug, Labor................... 12.00 430 W. O. Campbell, ambulance .. C. ___ T. Wilkinson, Labor............. 32.00 213.00 Coos County, Oregon. >, Salary Roadmaster 15.00 Chas. Carlton, Labor ........ C..«. ........... 4.00 All persons having claims against Ben C. Flaxel, Bond------------ M h M i D m I» 2200 123.00 L. L. Miller, Labor . .......... said estate are required to present Wm. Hansen, Labor . ...... 4.00 them with proper vouchers to Mary Leia Elrod, Salary County General Roads Bert Dow, Labor —____ Nurse --------------------------- — 02.50 7.00 A. Burns at Coquille, Oregon, within 50.72 Harold Zeigler, Labor .... ------113.00 T. R. MUler, Labor______ 3.00 Six Months from the date of this no­ Leia Elrod, mileage A trip The Everett Pharmacy, sup­ 22 00 Sye Davis, Labor —-------- — 92.60 Elwin Alford, Labor ____ tice. .50 24.00 plies .............. ...... A. Z. Stokes, Labor .......... ...... 74.00 Ralph Clement, Labor Mary A. Burna, 99 20 Stanley Steinhoff, Labor ... 28.00 Executrix of Estate of Benjamin H. Rackleff Pharmacy, supplies _ 13.85 Chas Thomas, Labor ----- Coquille Laundry Co., laundry .. 68.00 Coll McLean, Labor_____ .— 110.50 Raymond Barklow, Labor Burna, deceased. 82.00 'A. J. Leeton, Labor ___ 40 4.00 service ---- ------------------------ Jack Milggy, Labor-------- First Publication Feb. 24, 1988. J. H. Bennett, D. V. M., testing 74.00; D. H. Benson, Labor........ 12.00 O. P. Smith, Labor---------- 223.08 50.00 Harold Benson, Labor 20.75 Mike Boone, Labor---------- cattle ..._. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Dr. J. W. Harrison, testing 90.00 WiUard Johnson, Labor 21.75 Elmer Cluck, Labor.......... 97.80 _ 54.00 Erwin Main, Labor .—..... STATE OF OREGON VO* THE 13.75 John Cotton, Labor cattle 1--------------------- — COUNTY OF COOS 38.00 Geo. L. Coburn, Bond for Con­ M. G. Buel, Labor---------- ... 52.50 W. J. Leeton, Labor ....... 10.00 Thos. Lawhorn, Labor — _ 113 00 Clyde Archer, Labor----- 1135 stable No. 8 ----------- -— 27 50 In the Matter of the Liquidation ol G. W Gessler, repairs to Pow­ Labor ___ „ 94.80 Harry Warren, Labor...... 5.00 ... 110 80 Walter Stull, Labor ____ the FARMERS AND MERCHANTS 28.00 bor------ ers Jail No. 11 ------- - 8180 Frank Bremer, Labor...... 27.00 BANK, Coquille, Oregon. Probation OOr. Labor ______ Chas. Ran 11300 Chas. Morris, Labor ___ 21.00 J W. Dye, Labor 17.50 R. H. Mast, Mileage ....------- - 12.00 Notice ef Sale of ^Remaining Jtesete Jcoephine Culver, salary A J. L. Lea, Labor ------------------- 11300 H. P. Morris, Labor ...... 24.00 Acting Probation Officer .. 67.50 M. C. Miller, Labor —....... ...... 113.00 O. H. Robison, Labor...... 1A Uquidatton 3.00 Circuit Court J. K. Baker, Labor---------------- 113.00 Glenn Clymer, Labor___ 60.00 2.00 C. F. Bessee, Labor ........ Joe Kohler, Janitor service .... 32.00 J. A. Deadmond, Labor_____ 800 12.00 Jack Hogan, Labor .......... Pursuant to an order made by the City of Marshfield, Rent of Arthur Hagar, Labor ------------- 6.00 20.00 Fred Hickok, Labor above entitled Court, notice Is hereby — l ^.,. 129 00 R. S. Waterman, Labor ... Court room......... .................. 4.00 given that the Superintendent of County V^Mnn Gus McCulloch, Labor ..._.._... 83.05 Frank Waterman, Labor 2.00 Banks of the State of Oregon will Jessie Collier, Salary Cook .... 58.00 Geo Simpson, Labor----- ------- 32.00 Spencer Lang, Labor...... 4.40 J. H. Lamg, Labor _____ 2.00 sell the assets remaining In the li­ C. L. Collier, Salary Farmhand 40.00 Ralph Wilson, labor ...------------ 2.00 quidation of the Farmers and Mer­ H. H. Bradley, Salary Orderly 28.00 Harry Epperson, Labor--------- 97.00 : James Peterson, Labor ... 6.0Q chants Bank, Coquille, Oregon, to Paul Bailey, Salary Night- Geo. Wagner, Labor-------------- 101.95 . Wm. Garrong, Labor___ 4.00 __________ Davenport, Labor the highest bidder for cash. Separ­ watch ..... ................... ........... 25.00 Herbert Lane, Labor ............... 9930 , Gerald 11.50 r*. R. Soase, Labor .......... 301 | A. ate bids will be received for the Elizabeth Lambert, Salary Ed White, Labor —................ 89 o*) nn 1 r* r 10.50 assets of the Commercial Department Waiter----------------- ----------- 28.00 Pat Gorwell, Labor -------------- 82.00, Fred C. Lee, Labor.......... 8.80 as a whole or for separate items Reta Horton. Salary Nurse .. 72.00 Walt Radford, Labor------------ 60.40 Geo. Flanders, Labor 8.00 thereof. A Schedule of the assets to Jimmy Gage, use of truck for Ernest Dalton, Labor........ ....... 88.20, Lyle Paul, Labor .... 8.00 Ike — Miller, ------- Labor ................... 69.50 A. O. Trendell, Labor - ------- — 92.50 r. be sold Ison file and open to inspec­ 16.00 79 40 La Lawrence Knight, Labor ..... tion in the above entitled Court and Coos County Farm, produce Lyto Smith, Labor .......... ....... 3.00 matter and in the office of the Su­ used on farm........ ........ —— 43.80 Lawrence Mullen, Labor ------ 145.00 Frank Martin, Labor----------- perintendent of Banks at Salem, Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries 172.01 Berlyn Billings, Labor-------- - 92.00 Lawrence Dorland, oper. Bui lards Fy.............. »......... 148.00 Oregon. Swift A Co., butter —......... — 128.53 I. c. Clark, Labor----------------- 108.10 The Superintendent of Banks re­ Busy Comer Grocery, grocer- Floyd Dalton, Labor------------- 88.20 A. C. Red iter, oper. Daniels Crk jy..................................... 148.00 10.07 W. M Williamson, Labor ...a... 19.00 serves the right to reject any and! ............ 24.98 John Abbott, Labor »11 bids. Any and all blds accepted Ideal Bakery, bread ....... ...... ——*. •79.60 Theron Loshbaugh, oper. Riv­ erton Fy............. ......... . ...... 58.06 by the Superintendent of Banks are Coos Feed A Seed Stores, feed 14.90 K F. Ireland, Labor ——.— 93.70 subject to confirmation by the Court Drs. Richmond A Hamilton D. V. Ireland, Labor-------------- 106 80 Geo. Landrith, oper. Landrith 40.00 AU persons who desire to submit professional services — 30.00 Frank McAdams, Labor-------- 97.00 5.70 D. J. Conlogue, Labor----------- 120.50 Harry C. Barclay, Hauling blds for the purchase of all or anv Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, drugs „ Gravel----------- ----------------- 522.50 9.35 L. H. Howe, Labor ..a------------ 118.00 part of the assets remaining in such Hudson’s Drug Store, drugs __ Insurance liquidation are hereby notified to Hand’s Shoe Store, shoe repair 10.20 Kenneth Lane, Labor----------- 11300 E. M. Shriver, 75.60 County Sbop, No. Bend present sealed bids to the Superin­ Slater’s Variety Store, kitchen Arthur Derbyshire, Labor .... 92.05 1 11.00 James 1.. Child. Labor----------- 119.20 National Hospital Assn., Hoe tendent of Banks at his office in utensils, etc------ ---------- -— 124.00 .45 Ralph Hurlbutt, Labor —----- 83.00 _ pita! dues .......------------ Salem, Oregon, on or before the thir­ Coos Bay Times, notice--------- ty-first day of March, 1938. Each W. T. Alpine, coal —r--------- 10.50 James Miller, Labor------------ 92.00 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Insur- 18 00 C. B. Young, Labor---------------- 103.80 ance w.___________________ 588.44 bid must be accompanied by cash or Overland Coal Co., cool--------- a certified check for not less than J. A. Lamb Co, hardware .... 47.27 Jack McCarthy, Labor----------- 104.80 Western World, Publishing Wannnt CaU________ x----- 130 7.00 Jack Bailey, Labor-------- - — 11840 Bureau of Labor, Boilers, etc. 109.30 Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees., Cash W. A. Shutt, cedar posts ...■_- 25.05 Walt Newton. Labor------- — adv. for freight —...... ....... . 11.49 Superintendent of Banks of the Southwestern Motor Co., auto Ernest Franson, Labor ........... 108.10 ’s Pharmacy, Sup- 4.50 Mike McCarthy, Labor........... 117.25 State of Oregon, in charge of the repairs ----------- ~-~~z——“ dmaster’s Off.......... Farmers and Merchants Bank in li­ Schroeder Bros. Mortuary, Wayne Goodman, Labor------ 52.00 uille, Water..... — quidation, Coquille, Oregon. 8t3 Burial of R. Winningham _ 30.00 Tom Evans, Labor------- ------ 140.00 . Bessee, Mileage securing Powell Yarbrough, Labor------ 99 20 W. P. A. data------------------- 3.48 Andy Wilkins, Labor------------ 90.40 Hollis L. Carey, M. D., care of Treasurer’s Off....... O »IT ¡Ltsseos "** WSSI& UK R O' t fl S A material ....... 95.16 33.75 '"Clye Equipment Co., air tube | Rotator A mat. ..._................ 310.30 14.30 Southwestern Motor Co., used 7.70 Ford Pickup A mat______ 102.77 Isler Sheet Metal Wks., labor 3.10 A material _____ _ ________ 3.05 Geo. F. Burr Motor Co., auto 17.50 supplies ________________ 80.09 Fred Schaer A Son, repair to 19138 spring ...... . ....... ................. . 130 Capps Motor Company, auto 4.20 supplies ..... —.......... .■ 4.10 Coquille Service Station, auto supplies .............................. .... 168.05 12.00 44.76 Thornton Service Station, au­ to supplies .............. . ....... 99.20 freight.... —.......................... 1931 Golders Auto Parts Co., auto Folsom Grocery, toilet tissue 4.75 supplies ____ :____________ 40.01 Huling Lundy A Sons, Material 22.95 L. H. Pearce, auto supplies__ 22.00 Leggett’s Service Station, gas Archard Auto Parte Co., auto 7.02 supplies _________ ._a„..... . 80.59 McNair Hardware Co., staples Stevens Cash Hardware, ma- A padlock........... ................... terial ......................................... 8.73 Oregon Timber Operators, la­ Earl Littrell Supply Co., auto bor .............. ....... ..... ....... ....... 30.0V supplies_ ___ _____ ___ ___ 170.47 C. T. Wilkinson, hauling rock 23.15 Isaac H. Tower, auto supplies 27.82 Consolidated Freight Lines, Bosworth Motor Co., auto sup­ freight on Jackhammer __ .50 plies ...... ........ ____________ 24.72 C. T. Howell, use of team___ 20.00 Koontz Machine Shop, labor A B. K. Werner, repair typewrit- mat tor crusher ...... ....... .... 12.60 14.50 Coos Bay Stationery Co., of­ Ford Worsham, auto repair_ 1.60 fice supplies ____________ 235 Howard Cooper Corporation, Mountain States Power Co., payment on Compressor and lights A power ........... ...... 33.29 Material ___ _________ ___ 629.76 Mountain States Power Co Standard Stations, Inc., Tire lights North Bend garage J. W^Donaidson, one U 40pow­ 335 Peoples Water A Gas Co. water ......... . ............... . er unit .................................... 140.42 Standard Oil CoT of Calif., gas Harold MurreU, auto supplies 4.40 A oil..... ...... „137131 L. A. LaFlamme, smithing .... 15.50 Pioneer Hardware Co., ma­ Eads Service Station, auto sup- terial __ __________ ___ __ 143.50 plies ...... . .................. ............. 9.45 Donald McLeod, driving piling Old Town Retail Lumber at Bullards - -------- --- --------- 80.00 Yard, lumber ___ _________ 171.47 Western Union, telegraph ser- Ballou A Wright, material .... 79.00 1.60 Godard A Co., doors for sheds 7.00 Southern Pacific Co., freight Coquille Shingle Mill Co., Bridge Fund _____ _____ __ 20.99 shingles for sheds ................. 1735 T. A. Robb, expense trip to Sa­ Coos Coco Bay Electric Co., electric 9.75 lem 33?76 supplies for sheds General Route Marshfield Electric & Hdwe Marsl A. B. Daly, material ........ ...... 403 50 Co., fixtures for Ferry...... . 6.45 Smith Wood-Products, Inc., Lou Blanc, Inc., recharge Bat­ lumber ............ ........... ............ 303.00 tery .................. ..____ 2.50 STATE OF OREGON Pacific Iron A Marine Works, County of Coos: ss. material „__________ _ 50.72 I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of Geo. H. Escott, driving piling, Coos County, Oregon, ana ex-officio Bridge Fd_____ __________ 0.00 clerk of the County Court of said Coos Bay Lumber Co., lumber 50.44 County and state do hereby certify Coos Bay Dredging Co., work that the foregoing is a statement in Isthmus Siu Bridge ....... 40.00 of the amount of bills allowed by the General Roads County Court at the regular March, Coos Bay Dredging Co., use of 1938, term thereof, as the boat, etc........ ........ ......____ 24.00 same appears on the claims in my West Coast Telephone Co., office and custody. phone service .... .... ...... ...... 23.75 WITNESS my hand and seal of Coquille Vallley Sentinel, the County Court affixed thia 7.00 Warrant Calls ......... ........ . 12th day of March, 1938. Chas. Enegren, royalty on L. W. Oddy, County Clerk gravel ___________ —____ 57.20 (Seal) By J. W. Leneve, Deputy 3.60 Fred O’Conner, labor ________ 2.70 Tom Flood, labor __________ 2.70 WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Charley Flood, labor __ _____ Warrants up to and including No. 2.70 Oliver Flood, labor ________ 14.40 1475, drawn against School District Ed Peet, labor _____________ M. B Thomas, labor —-------- - 6.00 No. 4, Riverton, Oregon, will be paid 5.40 upon presentation to the clerk. Sanford Thomas, labor --------- Interest on said warrants ceases 2.70 John Flood, labor----------------- 5.40 Thursday, March 10. 193R Wm. Chandler, labor ——.___ Mrs Lillian Hanly, Roy Ward, labor--------------- — 2530 Clerk of School District No. 4 Willis Chandler, labor--------- 20.70 Bullards Route, Coquille, Oregon. D. S. Thomas, labor-------------- 21.00 Wm. Chandler, labor------------ 24.00 8t3 Gregg Hardware, hardware 8.70 Fuller Brushes Eaton’s Feed Store, empty I will be calling at every home in sacks ...................................... Farr A Elwood, fire clay, etc. Coquille and vicinity. John M. Pure Iron Culvert A Mfg. Co., Randall, 301 North Fifth, Marshfield, 21237 culvert pipe —— Ore. 8t3* Coquille Machine Shop, labor /• F. D. Fish, Royalty on Gravel Chas. Enegren, Royalty on Gravel ____ .....___ Tom Hayes, Royalty c on Gravel Albert Powers, • Ro; jyalty on Gravel ....... ............ Chas. Morris, use of truck hauling gravel__ __ ______ J. W. A J. R. HUlstrom, crushed rock ...... ............... . Axel Errickson, Royalty on A. Barrows, royalty on gravel C. C. Randall, royalty on gravel Harold Benson, use of tractor J. A. Lamb Co., material___ Consolidated Freight Lines,