I 1 K 1& 1 M rìmb L w 1 ri ’ AB w Volume With Small Profité9 Is Our Motto COQUILLE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 166 Again we call your attention *> that $25.00 we are giving away March 1st on our Coffee Contest MATCHES 6 Box Carton . 16«= Oregon WALNUTS Soft Shell Franco American OYSTERS Small Cocktail 2 ■■S27« Cans KEROSENE • ~ ' TO Gallon ASTORIA BRAND TISSUE St Valentine's Day CORN FLAKES KELL0<5GS BERGEN'S, Florists SUNSHINE DAIR Fruits a New Pasteurization Plant Arizona ONION Sweet and Juicy GRAPEFRUIT No. 1 Quality W. A. Stephens, Prop -s