11 J.'—'. 1 ------ ...... i .j w ABAGO MYRTLE POINT ITEMS ■■.■■■ ■ met at the hall Thursday and put Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbeck and chil­ Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKarrow Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocs and a new floor in the building. The la­ dies prepared a nice dinner for them dren, Don, Jack and Donna Mae, of moved to Marshfield on Tuesday. daughter, Lodema, left Sunday on a . . North Bend, were Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Greene and trip that will include Loa Angeles. at noon. Pauline Fanner has been suffer­ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesae Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mullen were They expect to be gone about ten ing with a cold and has been absent Robison. dinner guests Thursday night of Mr. days. Guy Neil? of Allegany, visited at from school the past two days. and Mrs. O. S. Adams, the occasion Mr. and Mrs. Peter Biasca and the Jesse Robison home last week. being Mr. Adams’ birthday. children left Saturday to make their Mrs. Jesse Robison visited her sis­ BULLARDS The Presbyterian Aid met in the home in California. ter, Mrs. Alvin Billings, in Myrtle church parlors January 18. with Mrs. The Roy Mothers' Club met at the The Community Club met at the Point Saturday. Ada Lemon and Mrs. Myrtle Button school house Tuesday evening. Mrs. home of Tena Barrows Thursday, Mrs. H. E. Watkins and Jean spent as hostesses. Arthur Ellingson and Mrs. Ray January 13, for their regular monthly Tuesday visiting at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Harry Christy received word Detjefsen were hostesses. Mrs. Bess meeting. The morning was spent in Everett Lafferty., that her father, Mr. Brown, who Willard and Mrs. Aurora Willard quilting and cutting and sewing rug Mrs. M. E. Lillie, of Bandon, visited lived in Union, Ore., had passed were “stunt” hostesses. Mrs. Trios. rags for the hostess. A potluck feed at the home of her son, Albert Lillie, away. His death was not unexpected Anderson won the traveling prixe. was enjoyed at noon, the table fairly last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Wall­ as lie had been ill for a long time. Mrs. Edna Rakestraw and Mrs. Mar­ groaning with loads of eats. In the en called on her Friday.. Mrs. Mary Campbell will leave tha Young joined the club. The next afternoon a business meeting was Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. I soon for Ontario. Canada tn meeting wdl be held with Mt». Thesr hetd w uffluen elected for this Albert Lillie Wednesday afternoon her home with t> sister. Mrs. Camp­ Anderson in the playshed on Tues­ year as follows: Christine Evans, at two o’clock. They will meet bell has been a resident ot Myrtle day afternoon, January 25. At this 1 president; Edith Van Leuven, vice again this Wednesday afternoon at Point for many years and will be meeting the constitution and by­ president; Ara Russell, secretary, the home of Mrs. Lillie. greatly missed by her friends here. laws of the club will be read for the i Several new members joined the Miss Anne Watkins was a week­ Taylor Dement is the proud pos­ benefit of both old and new mem­ club. After the business session, en­ end guest of Miis Agnes Barklow, sessor of a cane made from a yew­ bers. tertainment was furnished by Ruth of Myrtle Point, wood post placed on the Dement' The Roy School closed its first I Lennon and Pearl Bundy. Gertrude The regular monthly pot luck sup­ ranch when he was a small boy. The semester with the regular visiting ! Russell will entertain the dub in per was held Wednesday evening in cane was made by Truman Hartley, day. A large crowd of parents and February at the home of Mary Rus­ the church basement, with a short of Broadbent, proprietor of a myrtle­ friends was present. The children sell. Club members and visitors business meeting following. It was wood factory at that place. presented their regular class work present were: Alta Corrie, Ara Rus­ voted to purchase material to parti­ Mrs. Charlotte Benson is spending and closed with a health play, sell, Florentine Staten, Mary Russell, tion the basement for clqss rooms far this week with her daughter, Mrs. “Around the Clock.” Mrs. Peter Marjorie Williams, Olara Lennon, use of the Sunday school classes and Roy Perkins, in Bandon. | Biasca sang a native Swiss song and Grace Merchant, Jessie Bullard, Ruth a room for the Ladies Aid. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkins have described the schools of Switzerland, Lennon, Pearl Bundy, Rosa Philpott, Mrs. Martha McNair, of Bandon, moved to Port Orford this week. | Mrs. Ada Shull, club president, pre­ Tena Barrows, Leafy Bullard, Freda to visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hawkins were sented Mrs. Biasca with a beautiful Ward, Christine Evans, Ann Warm, Mrs. B. B. Watkins. business visitors in Coquille on Tues­ lamp in behalf of the club. Refresh­ •Edith Van Leuven, Mary Ward, Molly The regular weekly Bible study day. ments of sandwiches, pickles, cookies Fahy, Edith Homing, Gertrude Rus­ was, held Thursday evening at the Mrs. Jennie Schmitt and brother, and cocoa were served by the Moth­ sell, Carol Clymer, Florence Houdy- church with J. D. Root leading the Allison Roberts, of Canby; have been ers’ Club. shell, Esther Lancaster, Wilda Clau- Roy Notes The Pioneer Methodist Church Howard L. Qraybeal, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Ernest Purvance, superintendent. Morning Church Service at 11 a. m. Sermon, “My Words Shall not Pass Away." Evening Service at 7:30 p. tn. Ser­ mon, "Lazybones.” Please femember the School of Re­ ligious Education will meet Tues­ day evening at 7:30 o’clock in Pioneer Church for its intial sessions. This School to being sponsored by the Co­ quille Ministerial Association and we are expecting a large enrollment from all the churches of Coquille. Next Monday evening a county­ wide Law Enforcement meeting will be held in Pioner Church, at which time several prominent speakers will be heard. Plan to be present. ------ ,------------------- Emanuel Baptist Church ’ Episcopal Church St. J Oar. Srd and EllioU Street» Revd. George R. Tumey, Vicar Jan. 33—Srd Sunday after Epiphany 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 8:45 a. m. Church School classes. Service at 10:20. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon. Wednesdays, 2 p. m., Guild meet­ ing in Parish House. Church of Christ East Fourth 8t at Coulter ■ Bible School, 8'45 Ui aa< Morning service 11.-00 a. m. Ser­ mon topic, "The Faith of A Man.’ Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. Ser­ mon topic, “Human Lights that Fail.” Midweek Service, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Supply Minister Glen R. Ballard Fourth and Elliott Sts. Bible School, 8:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Young People’s service 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. I am starting a series of sermons , on “The Righteousness of God.” You The Holy Name Catholic Church Coquille: 1st Sunday, 10:30 a. m.; will want to hear these messages. 2nd and 3rd Sunday, 8:30 a. m. W A. Stephens, Pastor Myrtle Point: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a. - Banden: 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; 3 Pauline Dorland, Mrs. P. E. Lundy, Sunday, 10:30 a. m. D. Root, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Root, Emmett Schrieffer, at Marshfield, Flo Fahy, Maryette Morse, Fanny The following members of the Powers, .4th Sunday, 10:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Watkins, Mrs. O. and Jay Schrieffer, of Longview, Eddy, Fem Lundy, Mesdames Ed Bridge Grunge attended C oqs Po- Rev. J. M. Sheridan, Pastor H, ¡»nd Mrj. .a, C, McAllister. Wasfc., arrived here on ; 8corby, Ida Hansen, J. A. Gibsori, Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev­ Bible study will meet on Wednesday called by the serious illness of their mona, held at McKinley on Tuesday T. W. Dunwoodie, John Devereux, of last week: Henry Brownson, Mr. eryone welcome. First Church of Christ, Scientist evenings hereafter instead of Thurs­ mother, Mrs. A. A. Schrieffer. .. Walter Panter, C. Devereux, A T. and Mrs. Frank Culver, Mr. and G. A. Gray, Pastor day evening and Rev. W. A. Stephens, Word has been received that Mrs. Morrison, Myrtle Jenkins, W. E. Coquille, Oregon of Coquille, will be in charge of the Christina of Bellwam, Mrs.. Vern Magill and Mrs. Elmer Frasier, Lynda White and G. M. Tedsen, Sunday School at 8:30 a. m. Magill. Coquille Tabernacle meetings from now ou.. Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, had Frazier. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Helen Hillabold was U1 for several Mrs. O. H. Aasen and Shelby Mc­ passed away. Mrs. Tedsen was the Second and Heath Streets Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Dunwoodie and Subject for next Sunday, “Truth.” days last week With tonsiltis. Allister, of Marshfield, were Sun­ mother of Mrs. E. L. Clausen, of Rev. R. D. E. Smith, minister Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Peterson went to Wednesday evening meeting at 8 The Christian Endeavor gave an day guests at the 8. C. McAllister Broadbent, Mrs. Herman Detelfsen, Sunday School at 8:45 a. m. Coquille Thursday afternoon. o’clock. enjoyable “ Press Party ” at the home. - “ of Myrtle Point, and Herman Tedsen, Morning I Worship at 11 11:00 a. m. Mrs. Rosa Philpott died suddenly Free public Reading Room open in church Friday evening, under the The Arago boys’ basket ball team of Norway. Christ's 4. Ambassadors _____________ at 6:30 p. m. Church Building every Tuesday and with a heart attack at her home near leadership of the social chairman, met the Bandon team on the River­ Robert Lundy, who had been vis­ Evangelistic Service at 7:30 p. m. Friday afternoons except holidays the Randolph school Friday night. Maude Hooton ton gym floor Friday evening, with iting in Kansas for the past several Virginia Beckett. Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night at from two to five o’clock. She had been in poor health for some Arago winning the game. months, returned on Wednesday. He and Clyde Bartlett, Jr, as rival edi­ time b|gk had attended the Commun­ 7:30 p. m. The public is cordially invited to Bible Study Friday night at 7:30. Rev. W. A. Stephens, of the Bap­ was met in Roseburg by his par-, tors, each led a group in the various ity Club meeting at Mrs. A. Barrows attend our services and to visit the tist Church of Coquille, conducted ents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lundy, and contests of the evening, which final­ the day before and seemed to be Reading Room. Calling cards. 50 tor 81.00 ly ended in a tie. The party closed the Sunday morning preaching ser­ his sister, Dorothy. ¡ feeling well and in good spirits. Her with refreshments and a ^rief de-1 vice. Sunday school followed with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wicks, of ««Tii*,.. Ttiose present were and to KermgKy ffiends 'She leaves -»urt*d «pelat imi» again •tl l!l W W «r.-4lian Fa r'Mr. and Mrs. Tom Benhatti' an.attendance, of 6L C**”1*^" Cirttags 'Oswu, and Mr. and ! Mr. and Mrs. William McKinley last Sunday. . Misses Virginia and Wilda Beckett, deavor hour was led by Mrs. Ward Thomas Wicks, of Fairview, are vto- a husband and large family of chil­ and chiildren, of Marshfield, visited Maude Hooton, Ruby and Florence Evana. Mrs. Sam Root and Mrs. O. • iting at the Francis Wicks home, dren, all grown, to mourn her pass­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. H. Aasen favored the congregation i Mrs. Dulcie Donaldson left Sun- Johnson, Nadine Ellis, Virginia and ing. Benham. Little Sandra McKinley with a piano duet, Mrs. Elwyn Noe- ■ day for Portland, where she- will pre- Vivienne Lake and Viola Dunckley, Frank Fahy went to Portland Fri­ ler delivered the evening address. ■ sume her studies at the Portland Messrs. Clyde Barnett, Jr., Robert day on a combined business and is visiting, with Mrs. Benham again. Buy local bread and support nome Mrs. Carrie Benham and son, Ray Dunckley and Elvin Oestreich. Elwyn Nosier presented the Arago ' business college. pleasure trip.. tf Benham, of Bridge, visited at the industry. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lund and church with a beautiful hand-painted I Mrs. T. P. Haberly entertained Mrs. Lawrence Dorland was a Co­ picture, which was a gift from his .Wednesday night in honor of her baby daughter, Lois, of Marshfield, quille visitor Saturday, She visited situation so sad, but Truth can res­ mother, Mrs. 'Nina Nosier, of Co­ husband’s birthday. Guests of the were Sunday guests at the Dwight Mrs. Lester Clausen at the BeHe cue us and lift us to higher heights. Culver home, Mrs. Culver entertain ­ quille. The Arago church wishes to > evening were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mary Baker Eddy writes (Scienceand Knife Hospital and found her im­ ing with a dinner in honor of Mrs. HE story Is told by ap aviator Health, with Key to the Scriptures, thank Mrs. Nosier for this lovely gift. Church and daughters. proving very rapidly. that oaoe, during his course of p. 393): "Rise in the strength of Services next Sunday as usual.^ Mrs. Charles Adams received word Lund’s birthday anniversary. Bandon Grange held its first regu­ training, be was compelled to Spirit to resist all. that to unlike Mrs. Ira Smith is suffering with lar monthly meeting of the new Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hampton, who ' from her daughter, Mrs. P. W. Laird, effect a forced landing. His piano was good. God has made man capable of thia, and aothing can vitiate the abil­ enjoyed a trip to California and New ’ who lx in München, Germany, that a severe case of poison oak. Mrs year last Wednesday at the Grange wrecked and an Investigation was ity and power divinely bestowed on Mexico for the past three weeks, re­ they are experiencing cold weather. John F. Dunckley has charge of the Hall, over Bullards store. Worthy held. Throughout the trying experi­ man." turned to their home in Arago last '• They are leaving soon for Italy, hot lunches for the school children Master Clara Jeffery was in the ence, there seemed to bo much con­ Serving God should be an Inviting Thursday. They reported the weath­ where they hope it will be warmer. while Mrs." Smith is unable to be on chair and most of the other newly fusion and condemnation, but finally task -attended by willing Industry, duty. er was rather warm and Mrs. Hamp- Mrs. ’ Cora Steele spent Tuesday elected, officers At their stations. . ho was exonsjaHtjJ^jmd .0RS joLUlg .haPDlRoas. nod u s efu l ne ss. It quires constant alertness and prayer­ ------ ton cam e h u mo -wttb-a-sunburn to Following the business meeting in the superior officers said to hlia, It to ful watching of our thinking, but this not the forced landinge that count; prove her statement. quille, it being Mrs. Burns’ 80th dren, Patricia, Barbara and Delbert, morning a pot luck lunch was en­ it to how we rise and take off again.” should bo neither Irksome nor dis­ Fred Lafferty took his father, S. L. birthday. who had been living for several joyed at noon. All of the members Afterward, as part of the discipline, tasteful. Doing good, loving God and Lafferty, as far as Eureka, Calif., Mrs. Rose Garrett was a business months in one of A. O. Hooten’s who can go will visit the Sixes ho was compelled to repeat the full man, to not a thsnuless. cheerless On the contrary, and last Tuesday, where they met Mrs. visitor in Myrtle Point for a few houses, moved Friday to Coquille, Grange on Saturday night, January course. At first this was resented, experience. sometimes to our astonishment, we Geo. King, of Alarheda, California. days. She returned to McMinnville where Mr. Morey has secured em­ 22. The next meeting will be the but later he recognised that it was find a capacity for joy, talent, free­ to his complete advantage, for in Mr. Lafferty journeyed to Alameda on Saturday. ployment. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Har­ regular monthly evening meeting addition to the usual training, the dom, and self-respect that never wae with her and Fred returned home. extra months of practice and study known while we were following the Mrs. Agnes Kenyon was a week­ rison, who are at present living in January 26. selfish, fearful, material round of Mr. Lafferty went to California to end guest at the Adam Paris home in the Ed Pemberton house, will move Mr. and Mrs. A. Barrows, Mr. and gave him greater poise, knowledge, thinking. Serving Ood Includes find­ experience. receive medical treatment and will Port Orford. into the vacated house within a few Mrs. W. J. Lennon, Mr. and Mrs.' How many of us, in contact with ing and serving a truer, higher sense probably remain for some time. Mrs. Alice Lafferty and Mrs. days. Hugh Lennon and Miss Dorothy follow workers, with relatives and of selfhood; of seeing man as the son of God. Ao one serves God ho There are two basketball games Thomas Guerin visited Sunday at Mrs. John F. Dunckley has been Fouts were Sunday dinner guests at friends, and in dally endeavol' to ao- at Arago this week. Tuesday eve­ the Fred Christensen home on the appointed to lead Christian Endeavor the home of Mrs. Maryette Morse eompltoh acceptable work la the seee disease, discord, hate, and all world, often feel that we have failed, temptation to sin. as falsehoods— ning the Arago team played Powers Coquille roa^. next Sunday evening. The topic to: near Bandon beach. that we have fallen short of the high lies which argue for themselves alone. first and second teams and Saturday ______ Those subtle claims are fabrications Mr. and • Mrs. Albert Carver, of “We Need the Church.” Plans are Visitors at the Warren Bullard Ideal whleh we have ... set _________ for ourselves doubt, ________ dlaconregw- « mortal mind, without power or I__ ,______ evening they will meet the Gardner Brewster valley, called Sunday on under way for the observance of home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs as a goal! Feas, meat, and injustice oftA seem to reality. They never touch God’s son team. Grandma Arnold, who has been quite Christian Endeavor Week, Jan. 30- Howard Bullard, of Marshfield. — the real man. haunt our footsteps. Frustration and Gus Schroeder and Ellis Rackleff ill but is some better at present. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crane, of delay would baffle ue. . . . Comparing Mrs. Eddy writes (Miscellaneous Feb. 6. A program committee con­ are doing the work on the J. D. Carl Mrs. Frank Spencer, who has'been sisting of Maude Hooton, Eleanor Bandon, visited Sunday at the Elmer our own progress with that of an­ Writings, p. 124): "Who hath not other, we may listen to the argument learned that when alone ho has his ranch while Mr. and Mrs. Carl and visiting at the home of her mother, Menegat and Nadine Ellis, to ar­ Goodwin home. of defeat. And yet wherever we find own thoughts to guard, and when Herbert are in California. Mrs. Catherine, Arnold, returned to ranging for a playlet to be given on Miss Laurel Bullard, of Prosper, ourselves, anywhere, in any place. struggling with mankind his temper, Patty Shaw has been ill for several her home at Reedsport the latter part Sunday evening, Feb. 6th. A Birth­ spent the week-end with her grand- Love can restore health, order, peace, and in society hla tongueT We also days and unable to attend school.. and righteousness. Ood to Love al­ have gained higher heights; have of the week.* day Party to planned for Feb. 2, the mother, Mrs. M. A. Bullard. ways. He baa never forsaken us. .. . learned that trials lift us to that dig­ An executive meeting of the Mis­ Miss Josephine Deyoe entertained 57th anniversary of the founding of The understanding of spiritual law nity of Soul whleh sustains us, and sionary society was held at the home a few friends Saturday night at Christian Endeavor. This will be in FAIRVIEW discloses the nothingness of so-called finally conquers them; and that the of Mrs. Ward Evans Thursday after­ cards. Later in the evening dainty charge of the social committee of material law and Ita claims. Failure ordeal refines while it chastens.’’ w. F. Byerly was moved to the and From the human standpoint alone noon to plan, for meetings for the refreshments were served to those which Virginia Beckett to chairman. disaster some from Ignorance ot Coquille Hospital last Saturday night God's law; while health, prosperity, does the struggle to bo Chrlstllko following year. Those present were present. Lou Hooton, Virginia Lake, Cherie suffering with a severe case of bron­ and progress are manifested as one teem to meet with ridicule, frustra­ Mrs. H. E Watkins, president; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Zeller and sons Mae Hartwell were appointed on the chitis but he is now improving. Mr. gains the knowledge of the universal, tion, or defeat. Yet all such experi­ Ward Evans, vice president; Mrs. O. were Powers visitors on Sunday. impartial law of good. God knows ences teach us to guard our thoughts, publicity committee. Further plans our tempera, our tongues. They teach H. Aasen, secretary, and Mrs. Tyr­ Mrs. W. Taylor Dement has gone will be made at the business meeting Byerly will soon be eighty yean of only good for His children. . . . age. A little girl used to walk and play ue to live with people amiably; and rell Woodward, treasurer, and Mrs. to Los Angeles, where she will spend next Sunday evening. The dance held at the Fairview no heedlessly that she was constantly through these leesone we may grow C. S. Webb. the reit of the winter with her Mrs. Robert Farmer submitted to community building last Saturday falling and hurting herself, with tears fc> grace. Every seeming fall is of Ardyce Mast, of Allengany, visited daughter, Alice. She was accompan­ value, if, beeause of it, wo seek and an emergency appendix operation at evening was attended by a large and fretfulness as the Inevitable re­ find God, and thereby our true self­ sult. She was taught this verso from at the home of her aunt and uncle, ied part way by her son, Wallace. the Mast Hospital in Myrtle Point crowd. The dances held here are the Psalms (111:1 >; "For thou hast hood, and learn to express more love Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans, over the Mrs. Ella Miller is spending a few Monday. delivered my soul from death, mine to our neighbor. It Is aatisfylngly always enjoyed. week-end.. days visiting at the home of her eyes from tears, and my feet from sweet to “rise again, stronger than Theodore Jones passed away Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Crump, of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Farrier drove brother, Bert King, on Catching creek. falling.’’ Her child-thought accepted before the stumble.” and to attain in Thursday afternoon at the Bandon, called at the J. A. Deadmond Belle to Sixes River Saturday and spent j this so simply and nractleally that oho some measure to thqt "dlxnltv of Knife Hospital in Coquille, following home last Friday. was healed, and thereafter her days Soul which sustains ue, and finally the week-end With relatives. If you want to subscribe for a Port­ filled with unfettered activity. conquers.” — The CltrUlian Aria Jenkins left last Friday eve­ rare Verne Garoutte and son. Bud, of land daily the clubbing combination the amputation of his leg that morn­ N« ontlooV esn he so dreary, no Monitor. ing. Mr. Jones had suffered with ning after spending the previous Cottage Grove, spent the week-end we offer with the Sentinel will save bone Infection since a mill accident week visiting with her sister, Mrs. you money. in Arago. about twelve years ago, in which his Alice Hubbell Art Farrier spent Friday in River­ leg was broken and crushed, and Get the world’s good news daily through The Fairview grange will hold a ton on business.. recently the condition became worse meeting at the grange hall Saturday the hristian cience onitor Everett Doyle, Kenton Myers and and about ten days before his death evening. Gerald Woodward spent a very he was taken to the hospital where Seventy persons attended Sunday pleasant time Monday evening vis­ FMlhJ bl everything possible was done for him school last Sunday morning. Mrs. iting Miss Esther Davidson, the eve­ THE CHRISTIAN SOINCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY but to no avail. Mr. Jones was 58 NO PAIN I NO BURN I years of age and made his home here T. H. Benham was appointed to send ning being spent poping corn and a plant to Mr. Byerly, honorary su­ Toor earn eomes oat In 10 MIN­ playing monopoly. M Ti Cm wham with his sister, Mrs. A. B. Hillabold, UTES—without one bit of and family, who have the sincere perintendent. Alden Duff and Floyd Walker have r S on S t sympathy of the community in their is sorrow. Funeral services were held been conducting evangeltlstic ser­ the MODERN cot_______ remedy _ — __ no G. T. COOK messy pads er days ef painful wait- • Saturday in Coquille, conducted by vices at the Fairview church since ing! Get rid of year corn TODAY! Brick Mason George R. Turney, Vicar of St. James' Monday evening of last week. Gaining Higher Heights T i ! WORLD'S QUICKEST C CORN CURE Fireplaces and Chimneys P. O. Box 62, Coquille fSTiVJ CORN-OFF FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY Episcopal Church, and interment was The local logging camps, including In the Masonic cemetery. Coos Bay Logging Co., Kline Logging Several local Grange Co. and Ray Brothers Logging Co. S M .